Thursday, August 05, 2004

I've just dumped what code I have into my CVS repository. So, go ahead and poke fun at it: * Or, fetch it from CVS: $ cvs -d:pserver:anoncvs@www.decafbad.com:/cvsroot login (Logging in to anoncvs@www.decafbad.com) CVS password: anoncvs $ cvs -d:pserver:anoncvs@www.decafbad.com:/cvsroot co dbagg3 Continue reading "dbagg3 code in CVS"

Older Entries

It's a new feed aggregator, my third attempt at such. Everything is clunky and command-line driven at present--but I've got further plans, like a REST API for feed queries and manipulation of various things such as feed subscriptions and the read/unread state of items. Pair this with an XSLT-driven browser UI, and the possibility of other clients (not the least of include other Atom-consuming aggregators). The goal is to make a Client/Server Aggregator. (483 words) 7
Something that has annoyed me for awhile is that Cmd-Click is what my X11 on OS X has been using by default to simulate a right-click. (61 words) 1
Mostly I think I'm just in a funk. (728 words) 11
This is the exciting conclusion of the Wish-of-the-Month Club. Before continuing on, you may want to catch up with parts one and two. (2398 words) 0


When I grow up, I want to be a computer scientist
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