Comments: Whaaaa?

I see one glaring hole in this CIA report (okay, okay, it is a huge ole gaping hole itself, but indulge me): we know exactly what Saddam's capabilities were just before the invasion, ie zilch; we know what his capabilities were before Kuwait, ie X amount of stuff that Reagan sold him and Cheney evidently kept the receipts for. So if he had X ten years ago, and zilch now, the logical conclusion is he would have less than zilch 4 years from now - more precisely -.3077X [-(X/(2004-1991))*(2008-2004)].

Posted by Phalamir at August 21, 2004 09:55 AM

Send in Princella!

Posted by Matt Stoller at August 21, 2004 10:46 AM

Look at it as an improvement: this makes Foxnews more honest.

After all, if the CIA makes up the news, then Fox won't have to.

Posted by emcee fleshy at August 21, 2004 10:47 AM

1.21 gigawatts!!?? how could they be so careless!?

Posted by leif at August 21, 2004 10:50 AM

Great Scott! I hope we're all pronouncing it "jigawatts"

Posted by Ben at August 21, 2004 11:00 AM

Let's not forget the mysterious importation of DeLoreans...

Posted by southerner at August 21, 2004 11:01 AM

So glad to see my tax dollars at work. I just never thought our National Treasury would be used to author works of science fiction. I would have thought that funds appropriated to such projects would be dismissed as "waste, FRAUD, and abuse." But I don't work at any think-tank, so what do I know?

Posted by stinky feet at August 21, 2004 11:08 AM

As pronounced in the movie, it's jigawatts (gigawatts is a modern pronunciation, albeit the proper one). Moreover, in the absence of a flux capacitor, the report will have no relevance.

Posted by Neil at August 21, 2004 11:23 AM

The CIA is also preparing a picture of lower Manhattan, showing what it would have looked like on September 12, 2001, if Bushco hadn't too busy planning the war with Iraq, dreaming about antimissile defense systems, and going on vacation, to actually listen when the CIA said Bin Laden was determined to strike inside the US.

Posted by Dr. BDH at August 21, 2004 11:59 AM

Can we focus our intelligence apparatus on the kicking of Biff's ass?!

Posted by Gozer at August 21, 2004 12:23 PM

They could spend this money more wisely if they would research what the world would look like if the press really was rife with liberal drool.

Posted by Fr33d0m at August 21, 2004 01:43 PM

I bet they hire Adam Yoshida to write it, and in the end the report states that, by 2008, Saddam would have developed nuclear weapons, sold them to the Muslim Caliphs of France, Canada and Mexico, and the only thing that can stop nuclear annihlation is one virile Canadian blogger with a pair of nunchucks and intact virginity.

Posted by Matt_C at August 21, 2004 01:45 PM


Kind of reminds me of how in B2F 2 the DeLeorean ran on ... garbage.

Posted by praktike at August 21, 2004 01:56 PM

Uh, shouldn't the CIA be working on intelligence matters, rather than trying to retroactively explain themselves and BushCo?

I'm only asking...

Posted by Paul Taylor at August 21, 2004 02:14 PM

The choice of projection year 2008 tells you everything you need to know about the true intention of this "report". End of a future presidental term.
This is the same CIA, right, that suppposedly delivered all of that great intelligence on Iraq before the war? The same CIA that provided the snappy powerpoint presentation for Powell to show to the UN? The same CIA that is taking the heat from the 9/11 Comm?
Really now, I would think that the spooks had had enough of being shat on by now. How long before someone over there starts handing the shite back to the White House?

Posted by sprocket at August 21, 2004 02:51 PM

God, I know what's happened now! I don't know why this didn't occur to me before! Old Biff stole the DeLorean in the future, took it back to 2000, and somehow managed to give the election to W. So what we need to do is go to the future and stop Biff from stealing the car, right? No, we have to go back to 2000 where our timeline diverged from the true timeline.

Posted by Ben at August 21, 2004 03:04 PM

President George W....... McFly????!

Posted by Dana at August 21, 2004 03:56 PM

To borrow a popular expression from the wingnuttery...

"Woulda, shoulda, coulda..."

Forgive me while I disgorge.

Posted by PeskyFly at August 21, 2004 03:58 PM

How 'bout a report on actual, current state of weapons in Iran, N. Korea, and, um, Pakistan? You know, the axis of evil and our ally?

Posted by MattB at August 21, 2004 06:21 PM

Iraq's suspicious construction on numerous generators capable of 1.21 gigawatts of energy

Not to mention the surfeit of "Mr Fission" PSUs in everything from cars to computers.

Incidentally, although the hard "g" is a recognized secondary variant, preferred pronunciation is still a soft "g" (as in gigantic) for gigawatt, and-- show up the technogeeks at parties!-- gigabyte. All three words come from the same root-- the greek gigas (giant).

Posted by Chris Vosburg at August 21, 2004 08:32 PM

You know what's even crazier? What if Gore was elected President in '00?! Oh right, never mind....

I think it was in BTTF 3 where Doc says the 2003 World Series would be between the Red Sox and a team from Florida. Weirder than the fact that almost happened, was that Florida didnt have a team when the movie was made.

Posted by Tim at August 21, 2004 09:50 PM
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