August 20, 2004

Fret, You Monkeys!

Unnamed people within the Democratic Party are "fretting", apparently, over Kerry's "exaggeration problem".

But what worries some pro-Kerry Democrats is the fear that Kerry has, as one put it, "an Al Gore problem" — that he's a serial exaggerator. (Remember how Gore claimed to have invented the Internet and inspired the novel "Love Story"?)

Why any Democrat who's not Zell Miller or Rodney Alexander would actually think Al Gore was a serial exaggerator after even the most cursory inspection of the allegations against him is a mystery, unless the party is decidedly more incompetent than even my worst nightmares of a 2004 election beset by Joementum.

The otherwise useless Orin does tie in something that was in the Daily Howler a few weeks ago. The plan for Republicans to win the 2004 election will come down to the same thing it came down to in 2000 - making it all about what a bad guy Kerry is. And not a bad president, a bad soldier, a bad senator - he's just a bad guy.

The media has so far shown themselves slightly less willing to engage in the execution and slightly more willing to engage in the disassembling of the hits, but it's an attitude that we still could have used four years ago. The challenges from conservatives to "investigate the truth" of the claims that liars make are also going answered more often by the invalidation of the claims rather than the normal ridiculous "he said, she said" of election coverage. You think that the Times piece today didn't investigate the claims of the Swifties - it did. What it didn't do, however, was treat them as valid after it found information that stripped them of validation.

Ah, well. I've got to go find some anonymous "pro-Bush Republicans" who fear that the President's addiction to Japanese schoolgirl porn will ruin him. Because if "pro-Bush Republicans" are worried about something, it must be an issue.

Posted by Jesse Taylor at August 20, 2004 10:36 PM | TrackBack

(Remember how Gore claimed to have invented the Internet and inspired the novel "Love Story"?)


Remember how it was TRUE!?

GOD-FUCKING-DAMMIT, this pisses me off. The Ryan O'Neil character on Love Story was based on both Al Gore and his then-roommate Tommy Lee Jones.

This is a fact.

THE AUTHOR OF THE FUCKING BOOK SAID SO. This isn't just us lefties making shit up or something, it's Al Gore saying something that's 100% indisputably true, and people just rolling their eyes and laughing knowingly because they're 'oh-so-clever' that they just know magically when stuff is true and when it's not.

Those. Slimy. Bastards.


Posted by: Myca at August 20, 2004 11:08 PM

The other side of the coin, is that Gore did champion a few causes that helped the internet move out of military/research and into the main-stream. For that matter, so did Gingrich (who for all his faults is really tech-aware).

That's the funny thing about these statements. Is that they're not just mistakements..they're actually true.

Posted by: Karmakin at August 20, 2004 11:46 PM

All of my fellow Republicans are really worried that word is getting around about Bush's chronic narcolepsy.

Posted by: praktike at August 21, 2004 12:22 AM

it's an attitude that we still could have used four years ago.

No doubt that the press fucked things up royally in 2000, but let's remember that the nature of Bush's campaign contributed to it. Namely, he knew that he couldn't run against 8 years of peace and prosperity, so they tried to make it all about "character," with their differences on the issues being minimized (hence "compassionative conservatism": I'll govern pretty much like these guys, only with lower tax rates and without any head from interns). The problem, of course, was that the mainstream press obliged all too willingly with that framing of the two candidates.

But this time, with a very bad and very extreme record behind them, the Bush camp is doing their best to emphasize the substantive difference on the issues between themselves and Kerry. With the economy quite a bit worse (certainly in a lot of people's everyday lives) than it was four years ago, and with the colossal disaster in Iraq, there's ultimately no running away from the issues and replacing them with "character" this time.

Posted by: Haggai at August 21, 2004 01:42 AM

That is the aspect of the War on Gore that I find most disturbing. These fucking morons (excuse my language) get to snark about Al Gore's supposed penchant for exaggeration when the facts consistently show that Gore did not, in fact exaggerate.
These hacks and lazy media whores have as the basis for the storyline that Gore was a liar... their own lies. It is Orwellian, or Kafkaesque or something to be punished for being an unprincipled liar because of the testimony of unprincipled liars. What's more, these liars get to define Gore for the public record.

Is it any surprise that the right-wing slime machine tried to fake photos of John Kerry with Jane Fonda? What's next, are they going to disappear people and refuse them basic legal rights?

Posted by: poop ruiz at August 21, 2004 01:44 AM

I think we should start asking about GWB's drug addiction problem. We should start asking Scotty whether the rumors are true, and how the president responds to the reports that his bad decision to invade Iraq came at the end of a two week coke binge.

Can't hurt to ask, can it? after all, if it isn't true, he can deny it every day for months.

Posted by: Repack Rider at August 21, 2004 01:59 AM

Wow, my last comment gave me an idea. How about we round up a bunch of pathetic, strung out drug users, and offer each of them fifty dollars to say they snorted half the Peruvian GNP with Dubya?

It might actually be true!

Posted by: Repack Rider at August 21, 2004 02:05 AM

I'll change my registration to Republican (temporarily) in order to be your source on the Japanese schoolgirl porn thing. Least I can do.

Posted by: Incertus at August 21, 2004 02:16 AM

Did GWB addiction to Japanese schoolgirl porn start before or after he arranged the abortion for his girlfriend in Mexico.

a worried born-again-pro-bush-white-middleclass-male-southern-nasda-Rebuplican needs to know NOW

Posted by: PeWi at August 21, 2004 06:24 AM

Kerry has a problem with exaggerating?

I've got two words for you, people:

"Mission Accomplished".

Posted by: Matt at August 21, 2004 07:10 AM

As an anonymous Republican, I am quite worried about W's blinding incompetence and Smirk's utter corruption. But, only off the record, I'm so very happy that Kerry will sit back and ignore these things, instead sticking with "he-said / THE PRESIDENT said."

Posted by: MattB at August 21, 2004 09:20 AM

On NPR, they talked to vets at the VFW convention, and one said, "I just can't get past the picture of Kerry with Fonda." Did NPR say anything about the picture being fake? No, they just let it sit there, as "reported fact."

Posted by: MattB at August 21, 2004 09:41 AM

Where was Kennedy assassinated, again? Wasn't it Texas? Can GWB account for his whereabouts on November 23rd, 1963?

Posted by: lazyman at August 21, 2004 09:59 AM


One of the Fonda pictures was faked; another wasn't. The one that's faked shows Kerry with Fonda, another shows Kerry 'with' Fonda in roughly the same was Thurlow was 'with' Kerry, i.e., he's about 4 rows behind her in a crowd. The latter picture was taken prior to Fonda's trip to Hanoi and Kerry's disassociation with the Vietnam Veterans against the War. No links, sorry. I don't want to say NPR (Nationalized Public Radio?) was operating in good faith -- that's highly doubtful these days -- but it could have been.

Posted by: Karl, the Idiot at August 21, 2004 10:40 AM

Where was Kennedy assassinated, again? Wasn't it Texas? Can GWB account for his whereabouts on November 23rd, 1963?

This would explain why he won't talk about anything that happened before 1974.

But about the schoolgirl porn thing. It wouldn't work. They would just find somebody to say that Kerry is into Japanese alien-monster-rape porn.
He did look very frustrated after walking out halfway through Alien v. Predator.

Posted by: emcee fleshy at August 21, 2004 10:51 AM

that he's a serial exaggerator. (Remember how Gore claimed to have invented the Internet and inspired the novel "Love Story"?)

So comparisons are suggested between Gore and the criminally insane. Examples include something he never said and something that is actually true.

Why don't they just write: "During the 2000 campaign, Gore exaggerated a trillion times a day."

Posted by: ironyswake at August 21, 2004 11:33 AM

Some pro-Bush Republicans are worrying that Bush has a "George HW Bush problem" -- that he'll be a one term president.

Some pro-Bush Republicans are worrying that Bush has a "Richard Nixon problem" -- that the Plame affair will result in indictments of top White House officials.

Some pro-Bush Republicans are worrying that Bush has a "Herbert Hoover problem" -- that his four years will end with a million fewer jobs than it began with.

Some pro-Bush Republicans are worrying that Bush has a "Lyndon Johnson problem" -- that the news from the ill-fated invasion of Iraq will drive him from office.

Some pro-Bush Republicans are worrying that Bush has a "Jefferson Davis problem" -- that his attempt to divide the country in two will result in the collapse of the radical right's political power.

Some pro-Bush Republicans are worrying that Bush has a "Ronald Reagan problem" -- that the massive deficits his tax cuts caused will make voters look elsewhere for a return to fiscal responsibility.

Some pro-Bush Republicans are worrying that Bush has a "Gerald Ford problem" -- that he's too uncoordinated to sit ona couch and eat a pretzel at the same time.

Take your pick.

Posted by: Dr. BDH at August 21, 2004 12:15 PM

Thanks to "Outfoxed" we have the secret to making shit up. The "some people say" ploy. When Orin begins with "some pro-Kerry Democrats", she can go to say anything. Some pro-Bush Republicans realize he's an idiot. Dispute that one.

Poor Bob Somerby. After all his virtuous and hard work, a "Washington Bureau Chief" can still say, without any shame or embarrassment, that Gore "claimed to have invented the Internet"

Posted by: dls at August 21, 2004 12:18 PM

Where was Kennedy assassinated, again? Wasn't it Texas? Can GWB account for his whereabouts on November 23rd, 1963?

But interestingly, at one point GHWB couldn't remember where he was on that date (and you mean 22nd, not 23rd, of course). Note detailed conspiracizing, for instance, here.

Posted by: DonBoy at August 21, 2004 12:36 PM

Republicans do a great job of inventing a character flaw and then "funneling" the Democratic candidate's actions to fit the purported flaw.

We don't have to do any inventing. Bush has real flaws.

Three talking points:

1) He has run every one of his businesses into the ground. Now he's doing the same thing with our country.

2) Daddy and his friends have always bailed him out. He's nothing without a Daddy-figure to protect him.

3) He lies.

Even worse, he skirts as close to the edge as he can before he reaches the lie. This shows that the lies aren't "accidental" -- the more carefully planned the statement, the greater the intent to mislead.

Just my thoughts. I'm just surprised that I don't see #1 used more often. #2 should be pretty easy, given that Cheney is always whispering in his ear. At this point, I guess people either see #3 or they don't.

Posted by: CT at August 22, 2004 03:34 AM

The Japanese Porn thing just shows what a perfect leader he's being in the War on Terror. The key to fighting this war is to confront our fears and face down the horrors; and, speaking as someone who has seen enough to know for sure, I can guarantee you that there is nothing on this planet more terrifying than Japanese Porn.

Japanese Horror? Literate, thoughtful, moody, and engaging. Japanese Porn? The scariest fucking nightmare imaginable.

Posted by: Ray Radlein at August 22, 2004 04:10 AM
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