a NERD: Looking for a Boston based software manger? Consider Jeff Del
Papa's resume
in a team-building event? The
Rubbish Deconstruction League has
corporate and school programs available.
dp (Jeff)The organizer and actual leader of the team (also webmaster, mailer of T shirts, speaker to travel agents, etc.), recumbent bicycle obsessed (I design and build my own, see Frankenbike and Trondholm, our tandem), and the most heavily bearded. (I am told that made me the prime candidate for captain, but I managed to avoid it.) Besides the bicycles, and this team web page, I build musical instruments, ring churchbells, take pictures with a plate camera, and read entirely too much. As a side effect of the Junkyard alumni reunion, I have joined Team Tormentum, building siege weapons, primarily for tossing pumpkins. More details here.
artist, designer, computer scientist, futurist, extreme engineer.
Has former lives in electrical engineering, robotics, and robotic
art. Currently he makes music
with fire, and is a graduate student at MIT,
studying computer science and theoretical biology. The first audition was
filmed in the Chinatown loft he calls home. Our diver, he got the
job of piloting The
Nautilus, our submarine. Be sure to check out
home page, the machines he has worked on are
simply amazing.
Note: Links above that mention embedded pictures are very large, with dozens of pictures, often totaling a megabyte or more. The same information is available with the pictures in link form, for those on dialup lines. The Nautilus page was updated Dec 5.
Look at Submarine Design Notes for more details than the TV show has time for. Peer inside the skin of the Nautilus.
flew, we built, we conquered. A delightful, but exhausting time was
had by all.
Wired.com's Michelle Dellio interviewed Jeff, and Steve Garfith one of the British experts, and wrote Who Wants To Be a Gearhead? This was picked up by Slashdot which resulted in the usual blizzard of hits, and over 100 comments. The whole team was interviewed by Michael Park, and Fox News published U.S. Gadgeteer's Appear on British 'Junk' Show. Chris Szechenyi, of the Boston Globe's online edition wrote Turning junk into science. The paper edition of the Globe ran its own article. We also had our first live interview, on Baltimore radio station WQSR's morning show. Chris Wright of the Boston Phoenix interviewed Jeff and Crash, resulting in Techno Trash: Junk Bonds. Shortly before our show broadcast in the US, we appeared on The Computer Report show on WCAP radio in Lowell. While not mentioning us by name, a review of the show in Maxim online used a photo of Crash and I with the Nautilus.
Challenge forum (sponsored by Channel4)
Junkyard Wars discussion group
Wars discussion group (sponsored by RDF)
Wars club on Yahoo
Challenge discussion group (sponsored by RDF)
Suggest a Junkyard Wars challenge discussion
Scrapheap Alumni
- There is a participants only mailing list. Contact
dp for more information.
Flatmo - Team Art Attack Builders
of Kinetic Sculpture Racers
Cudahy - Team Art Attack
Kal Spelletich - Team Damage Industrial Performance Artist
Mark, Ken, Sean - Team Scrap Daddies Sculptors
Hooker Band -- Team In a Spin (does not mention their participation in Scrapheap)
Steve Garfith -- expert to Chaos Crew Designer of excavation equipment.
Jim Barr - Expert to Manic Mechanics Wind powered pumps.
Team The Beach boys -and H.O.T. Creations the design studio they have in common.
Three Rev's a minute Team page
Proven Energy Company page of Gordon Proven, judge for the windmill competition.
The Metal Medics - From New Mexico, participants in the American series.
Ron Toms Trebuchet - expert to one of the US teams.
This planet needs a lot more kids that think taking a lawnmower's engine apart is more fun than playing video games.
This entire site copyright 2000 by Jeff Del Papa, and The New England Rubbish Deconstruction Society. We each did our personal pages. Crash gets credit for 90% of the Survivor Comparison and 10% of the Iron Chef comparison. DP gets credit for 90% of the Iron Chef comparison and 10% of the Survivor Comparison. Jamie drew our logo on a background by Mark Fisher. Geo did the fancy edit of the audition video. Crash took some of the pictures used, dp, Susan, Dominic McCarthy, and Jared took the rest. Tony Finn contributed the drawing of the injector, and Mark Burgess provided the pictures taken at the Donnington exhibition. DP is to blame for the rest of the text, backgrounds, and graphic design. Thanks extended to Susan for copy editing Jeff's sometimes tortured prose. Links to the site (or any page within) welcome, let me know if you want a link back. Any excerpting or off-web publication of material from this site must be cleared with dp prior to publication. (Use of material for educational or news purposes permitted without advance permission if the top-level link (http:www.the-nerds.org) is included.)