You've reached the web site of Travis J.I. Corcoran.
I often go by my initials "TJIC", pronounced "Te-jik".
I have a few small business ventures:
- Technical Video Rental - where I rent instructional videos (like a NetFlix for geeks). The site can best be summed up as 'learn how to compete on JunkYard wars from the comfort of your own couch': information on welding, using a lathe, knifemaking, building a heat treating oven, gunsmithing, etc.";
- myBasket - an application I built around ideas codified in my (pending) patent "A Client-side eCommerce System". The application is being alpha tested right now, and will be released more widely in the near future.
- Applied Security - the semi-randomly named S-Corp I do software consulting through. I am a very solid software engineer and I enjoy working on the hardest problems with the smartest people. I enjoy environments where I can contribute technically, as a leader, and as an organizer. I live on stress, caffeine, and a fanatical dedication to shipping quality product.
Some free resources I've written:
My personal pages.