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User:ck123 (284583) ck123
Name:not much else
Location:San Francisco, California, United States
AOL IM:AIM status punkrocktears (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status curtispk (Add User, Send Message)
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Bio:It's a journey, this life, isn't it? I can't sum it up in this space, or in the pages and pages that follow it. I can follow it though. I can follow life and leave a small trail of laughs and tears. That is all I really do. I try not to take myself so seriously, and then I try to take myself more seriously. You should know that I'm a rambler, and I tend to go on and on and sometimes never make a point. If you read it you might like it and some days it may make you smile, and some days it may make you sigh, but a lot of days we could just be friends and play old records and go out for burritos.
Interests:62: $2 deposits, acting, angst, anne lammott, art, bay area, blonde hair, bottlerocket, breakfast at tiffany's, buddhism, cat power, cigarettes, clarity, coffee, confusion, country western swing, crush, donnie darko, films, free wine, fugazi, grandiosity, harold and maude, immortality, incredible girlfriend, inner infinity, john steinbeck, jurassic 5, kurt cobain, kurt vonnegut, literature, love we make, marxism, meditation, megan-free, milan kundera, music, nasty things, nick hornby, not sorry, oakland, old 97's, peace, philosophy, photography, puerto allegra, punk, san francisco, self-loathing, sushi zone, t-shirts, tahiti, the mission, two gallants, tyranny of image, velvet underground, vista community college, watching you wash dishes, will oldham, wine, writing, zachary's pizza. [Modify yours]
People50:_yourotherleft, antigravitylove, atthestarz, bluescreenlife, bobleaux, brookygal, caraes, ck123, crackfish, dahvi, damyx, darkcapricorn, delorianhayze, elena1129, evilveronica, eyeneversleep, fairy_pretty, fairygoddess111, far_sighted, findingerica, flying_blind, glembe, green_eyed_soul, h0shi, hokulani, intheflatfield, ithinkilovedyou, komos, lahesty, lesser_me, lettucethink, lpython, marilynmissexy, meloraborealis, misdiagnosed, miss_geek, missmousey, moonchyld1, msmeliss, robjames, simba20, soulshaker, starcrossdpixie, sunshinejelly, twinggle, u4eahhh, venicedrowning, villavillakula, wholovesthesun, yummiestgirl
Communities2:sanfrancisco, scorpio_forum
Account type:Free Account

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