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blue canary in the outlet by the lightswitch

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wedding [10 Sep 2004|09:03pm]
i sort of swore to myself that i wouldn't ever be one of those brides-to-be that has nothing to talk about besides wedding stuff, yammering on to anyone, as if they too were occupied night and day with the trevails of planning a wedding.

suffice it say that it (wedding planning) is not very picturesque. and especially pleasant if one has a broken home and fucked-up parents that use the event as a battleground to stage even yet more warfare on each other. nothing like getting married to bring out the happiness and goodwill of others, folks.

next stop: The Graceland 24-hour Weddings-While-You-Wait Chapel on the Strip.
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tipsy and expansive and lovely [07 Sep 2004|11:57pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | grandaddy :: a.m. 180 ]

armed with tile rummy case, a bottle of Charles Shaw, a Phil Andros book, and a shirt bought in Japan for K____, I head over to the Chard House for some mellow Sunday night wind-down from the weekend, gearing up for the new week.

highlight: a long and fabulous talk with [info]snake_oiler.

it begs repeating: i *love* the Chard House.

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casiotone [04 Dec 2003|01:36am]
just got back from driving to LA, for a quick perusal of a friend's fledgling business, wherein he offered a veryvery tempting job position handling his marketing and advertising. which apparently involves being a point-person for the PR guy who "really" handles his marketing and advertising. i think.
of course, he plied me with indian food (poppadoms! naan! yum in my tum!) so i may be a bit woozy with spice and curry goodness.

it needs to be said that i really just hate the woman that owns the store i manage. yes, she's the owner and therefore the Boss, but jesus, No One should actively try to cultivate an environment of fear and insult, especially in their 'retail' establishment. what a joyless bitch. its honestly like dealing with an alcoholic, tiptoe-ing around, wondering how the hell I'm supposed to react to her rants and whims and complaints.

sigh. i will myself not to let her ruin my day. :(
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BABY! [06 Nov 2003|08:05pm]
i can't believe no one has posted this yet.

Jen's baby, David Antonio, was born at 5:55 this morning. 8 lbs and something ounces.

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sun spots [04 Nov 2003|04:47pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | royksopp :: i don't know what i can save you from ]

[info]monkmunk, and therefore, I, are growing more and more convinced there is something amiss. The more posts i read from loved ones, the more i notice a trend of general anxiety; that there seems some sort of collective malaise that manifests itself in a weird, ambivalent, breathless pause while the world makes up its mind to either Fuck With You or Leave You Alone.

which makes me goddamned agoraphobic.

my mom would say that some planet or another is in retrograde.

of course, it *could* be the weather, which has been commented upon at length lately. i am positively freezing, in the worst way, the kind that sneaks in through socks and downcomforters and vintage jackets to tickle your delicate thighs and warm pink fingertips, and leaves you with a sore throat in the morning from just breathing in the cold air.

this really does bode ill for my pending time in scotland.
well, damn. anyone up for a "fuck the weather" pajama party?

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post mortem, picture entry [03 Nov 2003|10:08pm]
authorities! there's a highwayman in this kitchen
'ello lads, what's all this then?
everyone loves hedwig!
hedwig and tommy gnosis
more costumes
why have one schoolgirl when you can have a bevy?
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"hungover" , apparently, is not an emoticon option [01 Nov 2003|07:31pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | nancy boy :: johnny chrome and silver ]

brother. last night was outstanding. i drank too much, but today was spent in a nice sort of haze, the kind where irritations and annoyances don't really pierce the buffer. i lost my balance a couple of times today too, but nothing permanent ;)

pictures will be up later, as soon as i can figure out how the heck to thumbnail them, but they also are outstanding. wooo digital! (quick, mail me if you'd rather not see your costumed self in this space!) i haven't had that much fun in *months*.

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[23 Oct 2003|12:11am]
reading a back-log of LJ posts makes me miss people. or maybe it means i need to check/post more often. ?

sitting here in a fuzzy red robe on my only day off this week. did nothing but play CIV3 all day. if that isn't the ultimate in slack i don't know what is. not quite as picturesque as [info]dgenerator's towel-post, but comfy nonetheless.

parts of the halloween costume should be arriving by mail any day now. oh how i relish the pictures that will result. relish, i say.

and, in case people didn't know, i just love living next door to [info]gosta and his lass.
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i am a paper nerd [20 Oct 2003|07:41pm]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | gogogo airheart :: the things we need ]

my job is unbelievably bizarre.

occasionally i have to step back and tell myself forcibly that not everyone cares about engraving dies and whether or not it is truly appropriate to put certain things on invitations. (although i am heartened by the fact that the envelopes that i hand-lined for M____'s and my moving card were actually noticed by one of the recipients. Namely, he called immediately after opening it, and told us how awesome they were. "Look at that awesome lining" were his exact words.)

BUT the owner of the store i manage is WAY too much like my mother for my liking, which is a large mid-life-crisis fly in the ointment. if only she would just stay away with her meely-mouthed spoiled therapy-bound children. rrrrrrrrrrrrr. she infuriates me to no end. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. i almost wish she would just have another heart attack. (i don't mean that.

yes i do)

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move over, frasier crane [05 Oct 2003|07:51pm]
[ mood | pleased ]
[ music | felix da housecat :: madame hollywood ]

mateo and i be on the air.

Yay, we just got a timeslot on the AM training station for KCSB (KJUC)!! it broadcasts only to the dorms, but still. weee!

M__ is currently peering intently at our cd inventory. apparently non-commercial radio doesn't like it at all if you download music and not actually own the cds. no burning our show at home, neither. we have to actually do jockeying of discs, and show source albums, or commit immediate sepukku. reverse. slight detour.

so if anyone wants to hijack a freshman and bum-rush their dorm, we're on this tuesday morning 8:30-10. ( oh hey, and we can have in-studio guests!!)

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i feel old [03 Oct 2003|12:22am]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | postal service :: recycled air ]

just returned from a concert at the coachhouse, ears still ringing slightly making the silence seem awfully loud. showing tonight were bands called Palo Alto, the Sounds ( from Sweden!) and Rooney. run, do not walk to the closest virgin records and BUY THE SOUNDS. synth-punk at its very best, and every band member gave it up like ziggy stardust. amazing show.

rooney, however, was disappointing. a friend purchased the ticket for me in order to introduce me to the band, but i can't tell her i thought they sounded like every other bad weezer wannabe band out there. the audience was full of black X's on hands, and sweaty high school girls bopping around the stage yelling "WOOOOOO" at every break, guitar solo, percussion solo, and everything else the lead singer said. someone was chewing orange tic tacs. the sweet-faced young keyboardist looked misplaced in his 70s bowl cut and retro gear. (he should be playing rachmaninov).

who was this old person standing in the middle of the rabid crowd? it couldn't be me.

a bit of new news though. m __ and i have put together a program proposal for to work up to a radio show on KCSB. not really impressive but we're really looking forward to it. then i'll have reasons for going to concerts not knowing anything about the band. i can say "i'm a programmer at KCSB' and they'll maybe be more than bland-faced about answering questions about their music. i will ask them, "what is best in life?" and they will know i'm quoting conan the barbarian.

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quick post [25 Aug 2003|07:43pm]
okay yeah, i haven't had a regular internet linky for a while, but i gotta post that in additon to darling [info]skick's eve o' garlic (right before), we are having a shower for jen costa and her baby boy to be. i have tiny, unbearably cute little invites, too, but some of you aren't in town and i have no addresses for you. LJ is just as good. right?

please come and show her that the group's first bambino will have amazing aunties and uncles, okay? call me or skick and we'll steer you in the right direction, with regards to details. thanks
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[31 Jul 2003|06:24pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | the B52's :: planet claire ]

the light in our new place is fabulous, the kitchen still smells of herbs, and the backyard is a blank canvas that makes my green thumb itch.

i'm restless today. needing something other than this limbo of waiting in between two places.

i can't really put my finger on it, this weird sort of twitchiness-- not energy necessarily, because then i could solve it by putting some hardcore jungle on the headphones and my feet on the pavement. it's a feeling of treading, stationary, in a body of water with no current.

something happen already.

[info]cyberpsycho, i wonder if it's just this town??

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anyone got a tape measure? [31 Jul 2003|09:28am]
[ mood | working ]
[ music | blur :: mis-shapes ]

it's early.

for some reason i woke up three hours early for my meeting with our new landlady, to sign papers and have the Handing Over of Keys to our new place. i'm filled with crafty ideas for making the most of our space, and i have a feeling that a cottage-warming party may not be too far behind (that's if we can fit more than two people, right?)

Called my dad to ask, wheedlingly, "dad? feel like a project?" since i have to figure out if we can make a bed platform that will accomodate a chest of drawers underneath. I haven't seen enough of my dad lately. I hope this lack will change when he retires at the end of this year. he's one of those guys that can build anything with his bare hands... a dying breed, I think. all of a sudden i miss him very much.
but yeah, that bed platform. waHEY!

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okay, so i'm a bit late on the bandwagon [29 Jul 2003|11:09pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | bravo commercials ]

inner scalliwag

is a Giant Man-Eating Plant that is Extremely Hydrophobic, controls the Weather, has a mean Left Hook, rides around in a Metal Tripod, and eats Rocks.

Strength: 4 Agility: 2 Intelligence: 4

To see if your Giant Battle Monster can
defeat inner scalliwag, enter your name and choose an attack:

fights inner scalliwag using

God those stats suck, but man, it's worth it to control the weather, no?

I haven't posted in a while I guess. Lots of stuff what needs doing, like packing, moving, figuring out where the hell I'm going to come up the necessary $3220 it will take to put down a deposit, pay my first month's rent, and simultaneously pay the rent at my current place. sigh. i think i'll be happy when this is all over.

ugh. today sucks. the sole bright spot of today has to be the altered 'party boy' commercial from Orbitz on Bravo during Queer Eye. anyone seen it? Nice.
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welly welly i'm sparky [19 Jul 2003|07:53pm]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | heat sink fan thingy ]

"Your pirate name is:

Captain Prudentilla Flint

Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr"

find your inner scalliwag!

thank you, urbane dearest ;)
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widowed again [17 Jul 2003|08:48pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | annoying infomercials ]

i am home. alone.

still, graham norton is on, so i guess it's not all bad.

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mercy [13 Jul 2003|12:36am]
[ mood | pleased ]
[ music | thunderball :: hijack ]

i:m going straight to hell for laughing at mtv's jackass, but :damn: that shit's funny.

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[12 Jul 2003|06:17pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | the eels :: novocaine for the soul ]

i realized today that i've settled into what will be the routine for my summer, and i find that i'm moderately happy with it. not the routine bit, i mean, but the wagon-wheel grooves i will follow for the next two months or so until we move into a new un-discovered-as-of-yet new house/condo/apartment. the wagon-wheel grooves are good: my weekend is on tuesday and wednesday, the most boring days at the stationer's where i work.

*BUT* add to the mixture nights like last night every so often, and i become one happylittlepug. the blue agave: chill, calm, comfortable. us: fabulous people having fabulous interaction. just great conversation was had all'round. of course *recalling* minute details may be a bit tricky COUGHdrunkenCOUGH (smirk) but suffice to say that seeing everyone last night made for one of the best nights in a long time.

we missed you, [info]dgenerator:::

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scots [10 Jul 2003|02:21am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | clikkit on the keyboard ]


in my sleeplessness, i just took advantage of the time difference and called the international office at the University of Glasgow to make sure that it was okay to defer my enrollment. and they answered, in scots. they were scottish! with scottish accents!

thrilling. just thrilling. i even woke Matthew up to tell him.

and, yes, its okay to defer. the girl was so nice. i kept asking, 'are you sure that's okay'
and she kept saying, 'yeh, its fi-ne' in this lovely scottish lilt.

all i need to do for the next year to keep my excitement from waning is call them and chat for three minutes. I am AMPED.

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