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FAQ Question #135

» What are the options when I log in?

When you log in to LiveJournal, your browser writes a cookie to your computer that keeps track of certain information, so that you don't have to keep logging in on every page. There are two options that can be stored in this cookie.

The first is the expiration of the cookie. If this option is set to "When browser closes", you will remain logged in until you end your browser session, and your browser will then delete the cookie. If this option is set to "Never", you will remain logged in indefinitely, and when you close and restart your browser, you will not have to log in to LiveJournal each time. In order to log out, you will need to visit http://www.livejournal.com/logout.bml (also accessible by clicking "Log out" at the top or bottom of each system page, depending on the selected site scheme).

The "Bind to IP address" option stores your IP address in the session information for your cookie, so that your cookie only works with that specified address. If you have a dial-up ISP, your IP address probably changes too frequently for this option to be useful. Also, please note that this option does not stop you from logging in to LiveJournal from another computer, but is merely a deterrent to account "hijacking". You can, however, choose to end all currently logged in sessions by using the "Expire all my sessions" option on logout (http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=159).

The default values for these options are for the login to expire when your browser closes and not be bound to your IP address. You can change these options at any time after logging in by visiting http://www.livejournal.com/login.bml, selecting your desired options, and clicking "Change Options."

You can also change these options by adding special characters to the end of your username when you log in. Adding the character "!" will set "Expiration" to "Never". Adding the character "<" will set "Bind to IP address" to "Yes". These options can be used alone or in combination.

For example, if the user exampleusername wants to log in, all of the following entries in the "Username" field are possible:
exampleusername (Log in exampleusername, leaving both options set to their default values).
exampleusername! (Log in exampleusername, setting "Expiration" to "Never").
exampleusername< (Log in exampleusername, setting "Bind to IP address" to "Yes").
exampleusername!< or exampleusername<! (Log in exampleusername, setting "Expiration" to "Never" and "Bind to IP address" to "Yes").

If you have tried several option combinations, including the default options, and are having trouble remaining logged in, see http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=162 for information on other ways to solve this problem.

Last Updated:
teshiron, 2004-05-08

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