Puns, Guns, and Writing

August 27, 2004

Too Important To Miss « Social Issues »

What happens if the Democrats lose?

It seems all too likely to me. It could be an uncomfortable four years for everyone.

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Posted by Nathan at 03:24 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Why Is This Girl Smiling? « Humor »

No, seriously: why?!?!


LONDON -- Actress Alicia Witt models what is claimed to be the most colossal waste of effort in creating stupidest hat ever made, the $2,700,000 Champrau d'Amour, by celebrity couture hat designer Louis Mariette, at Christies in London. The hat is covered entirely in dazzling diamonds and inspired by entwined ivy and bluebells. (06/14/04 AP photo)

Oops, that wasn't exactly what they actually said, was it?

LONDON -- Actress Alicia Witt models what is claimed to be the most expensive hat ever made, the $2,700,000 Champrau d'Amour, by celebrity couture hat designer Louis Mariette, at Christies in London. The hat is covered entirely in dazzling diamonds and inspired by entwined ivy and bluebells. (06/14/04 AP photo)

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Posted by Nathan at 01:33 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Some Things That Frustrate Me About Democrats/Liberals « Politics As Usual »


That's the simplest and most fair way I can put it.

I have several Democrat/liberal friends, and I'm sure that they will each think this is about them*, and they will all be partially correct.

Rather than 'blindspots', I could also call it childish petulance, because sometimes that's the way it comes across. But all of them are charming, witty, intelligent, thoughtful, caring people in everything besides politics, so I have to assume something else is at work, and 'blindspots' is the only way I can explain it.

When I'm driving, the thing I hate most is someone sitting in my blindspot. I will always adjust my speed to spend as little time in someone's blindspot as I can. Because when you glance to your left, you see your immediate left, and you also see mostly behind you through your sideview mirror...but there is a 'blindspot' big enough to hide a complete vehicle. If one is there, you can't see it, and so it is as if it doesn't exist at all for you. You can't make decisions based on a vehicle that doesn't exist in your experience...and that's how some horribly tragic accidents develop.

Here are two significant blindspots left unchecked by Democrats I often encounter:

They are upset at how Bush is handling the economy. Most of the time, they cite the economic statistics for their own state lagging behind the national recovery. What they ignore is that the states below the average (including Michigan, California, Washington, Oregon) are among the more liberal of states, with larger-than-average entitlements and tax rates. The states hurt least by the economic downturn and who recovered the most quickly are the conservative, low-tax, low-entitlement states whose state government used the same principles as President Bush. So blaming President Bush for your own liberal state's bad economy is like blaming the aspirin for the hangover. Refusing to vote for Bush because you live in a liberal state with a sagging economy is like trying to stay permanently drunk to avoid said hangover.

The unemployment rate is 5.5%. Experts say this level is pretty much full employment. Bickering about the specific number of jobs lost "during the administration" is silly, since it is based on a number that even the office that produces it says is underestimating the number of people working. Factor in the gainfully employed people not covered by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Payroll Survey, and we are already seeing a net gain in jobs. And, in fact, by most major indicators, the economy is doing quite well.

Most experts also say the recent recession was much more shallow than expected, and recovery was quicker than expected. We had the best economic growth in 20 years in 2003! Manufacturing growth is at a 30 year high! The only possible way to criticize President Bush for his handling of the economy is to say that he is merely benefiting from natural economic cycles...but then you can't blame him for an economic downturn that began before he even took office, can you?

But the news media still reports the economic situation as bad, and my Democrat/Liberal friends are negative and critical along with it. Without a single fact to support that view, I might add, except that they are convinced things would be even better with Kerry as President. To which, I repeat: without a single fact to support that view. None of these people are dumb or essentially dishonest, so the only way I can explain it is they simply do not see the situation because their ideological views block out good economic news resulting from President Bush's actions as if they don't exist...

Another "blindspot" is concerning their anger that President Bush did not fulfill his promise to "Be a uniter, not a divider." They ignore that President Bush reached out to Democrat leaders from the very beginning, that he met with one of his most vocal critics in Ted Kennedy and worked civilly with him to produce the Education Bill of their dreams.
Things did get worse after that, yes. As President Bush said himself, "The most disappointing thing about his four years in office has been his inability to change the "harsh environment" in Washington."

But Democrats have used his expressed wish to be a uniter against him, demanding that he bow to their every wish or else be labeled "a divider". The Democrats were dividers in how they criticized every step President Bush took in the wake of 9/11. They demanded he come before Congress to get permission to invade Iraq, so he did. They demanded he go to the UN, so he did. They criticized him for appearing to delay until after the 2002 election for political reasons, and then criticized him even more sharply when he accomodated their wishes and made Iraq an issue earlier, in time for it to be an issue for the election. They used a loophole in the Senate to filibuster the majority of his nominees from a minority status, in flagrant disregard for the lesser obstructions of the Republican party under Clinton.
In every single case, President Bush has extended the hand of cooperation, and the Democrats have not only bitten it, they've blamed him for not preventing the biting.

It is extremely biased, negative, and dishonest to blame President Bush for current atmosphere when Democrats have pioneered harsh, partisan tactics at every stage. Unless it is just a blindspot for their own party's activities. I prefer to think of it so.

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Posted by Nathan at 10:31 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

August 26, 2004

More Caption Fun « Humor »

Yeah, I get 'em all from Drudge. So what?


I'd do one myself, but like I said, ya'll are far better than me at this.

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Posted by Nathan at 04:19 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
The Crumbling Begins? « Politics As Usual »

You might want to go to Rasumussen Reports (linked in my sidebar). Today they are showing Bush ahead by a percentage point, and Kerry at his lowest percentage since 4 August. This is only the 2nd time this month he has been this low. I'm thinking he'll slide further as the bandwagon effect kicks in.

Of course, it may not. We are a long way from the election and this is all still in the margin of error.

But I'm thinking that the "Deny Them 1st Amendment Rights" response from the Kerry team to the SBVFT hurt Kerry and it is starting to show now.

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Posted by Nathan at 11:39 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Individual Liberties « Quotes You Can Steal »

The push for individual liberties has done much to ensure that people can do whatever they want...

...unfortunately, it seems like what most people really want to do is be the biggest jerk they can be.

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Posted by Nathan at 11:29 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
"Game. Set. --" But not 'Match' yet... « Politics As Usual »
KERRY CHALLENGES BUSH TO WEEKLY DEBATES: In Anoka, MN, John Kerry challenged President Bush to weekly debates on the issues.

BUSH CAMP REAX: "There will be a time for debates after the convention, and during the next few weeks, John Kerry should take the time to finish the debates with himself. This election presents a clear choice to the American people between a President who is moving America forward and a Senator who has taken every side of almost every issue and has the most out of the mainstream record in the U.S. Senate," said BC'04 spokesman Steve Schmidt.

From The Note, via Drudge.
The link above does not seem to be permanent, and likely will point to new stories starting on 27 August 2004.

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Posted by Nathan at 09:44 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

August 25, 2004

Caption Contest « Humor »

I've been racking my brains to think of a good pun for Kevin McGehee, who won the last caption contest...but I guess you can't force genius. And you can't force puns, either.

So I'm abandoning all pretext of having a contest, and just running the pics for the fun of it. I am still eliciting humorous captions, because you are all better at it than me.

Many thanks to those who came up with some good ones on the last picture.

Here is today's:

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Posted by Nathan at 01:12 PM | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
Telephone Solicitors of Gore* « Politics As Usual »

I'm at home eating dinner, and the phone rings at 5:50pm. My wife ignores the phone because we get too many solicitors. For the most part, if it rings, it's someone trying to sell something. They usually leave us alone at dinner, though.

There is the requisite pause of an auto-dialer routine switching to the recording once it found a live line.

Suddenly the warm, dulcet tones of the leading Democrat candidate for Washington state Governer come over the line. She identifies herself, and I hang up.

If it were a person calling me to explain her positions and stances, I might listen. But there is no way I'm going to waste my dinner time listening to a non-interactive robot blather inanities and campaign promises.

Are Democrats really growing that tone deaf? Why would they deliberately use techniques identical to one of the greatest irritants of the 21st century?

She lost any chance to earn my vote.

Read More "Telephone Solicitors of Gore*" »

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Posted by Nathan at 09:48 AM | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
"Help Is On The Way" « Politics As Usual »

For those of you who are tired of Swift Boat veteran allegations and Kerry's administration attempting to smear President Bush as being more tied to the SBVFT than Kerry is to MoveOn.org, have patience.

The issues will return to prominence in September, as soon as we have the first debate. Of course, there's always the chance that Kerry won't discuss the issues even then... But at least it will be more clear who* doesn't want to discuss the issues, and maybe even why**...

Personally, I'm really enjoying the discussions of Swift Boat veterans' allegations.

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Posted by Nathan at 09:34 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Wow. Kerry Still Doesn't Get It « Politics As Usual »

Captain's Quarters has the rundown on a recent example of Kerry's foreign policy attitudes.

Kerry should not be President. Heck, John F. Kerry should not be a Senator. Although he votes so rarely, it is arguable whether he actually is a true representative of his constituents.

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Posted by Nathan at 09:14 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (1)
» marcland links with: Good one
"Use Any Weapon" « Media Distortions »

So NPR uses military attempts to maintain Operations Security as a pretext to criticize the war in Iraq.

Here's Greyhawk's take on the issue.

My reaction? Well, I don't know. I don't trust NPR much to begin with, and when they say things like, "Critics say it's an attempt to suppress unflattering truths about the U.S. occupation" when Mil-Blogs are actually one of the ways you can bypass negative media accounts to actually hear good news about the continuing liberation* in Iraq.

I can understand the need for Operational Security. Our enemies say they can get 80% of what they need from open sources. We are accustomed to openness, and I can see the need to remind people to be careful what information they give out...even if it comes in the form of a warning that some people feel is somewhat threatening.

I also suspect that 'bandwidth' might be an issue. You don't want to miss an important message because someone is uploading an image to their website.

I can see a reason why some higher ranking officers might want to discourage blogging without actually saying "no". The less people doing it, the less chance there is of problems, but the people who really find it useful and soul-satisfying aren't barred.

To tell the truth, I am far more disturbed that the USAF (and maybe the rest of the military, dunno), totally blocks access to the portal mail servers (Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL). Even worse, they don't warn you before you deploy. It can be a significant morale hit to not be able to receive email or even be able to tell someone you won't be able to read their email until you return...

Read More ""Use Any Weapon"" »

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Posted by Nathan at 08:11 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (1)
» Mudville Gazette links with: With Friends Like That...
Who Makes the Team? Roster Guesses « Kansas City Chiefs »

It is still early in the preseason, and I'm guessing at how many players Vermeil will keep at each position as much as I am guessing who will make the team. Based on my impressions of their performances thus far, and potential for improvement within the season, I think the final roster will look close to this:

Read More "Who Makes the Team? Roster Guesses" »

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Posted by Nathan at 06:01 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

August 24, 2004

I Can't Wait To See The Quotes From This: « Fun With Drudge Report Headlines »
Kerry's campaign now says is possible first Purple Heart was awarded for unintentional self-inflicted wound...

If true (and Drudge doesn't have a link to anything there), that means that the range of responses to any and all of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are:
1) Stonewalling
2) Threats of lawsuits
3) Undermining the credibility of the SBVFT, rather than addressing the allegations
4) Admitting that perhaps an allegation might, in fact, be true.

This is getting ridiculous. I am feeling some sympathy for the minority of Democrats who were denied their chance to vote for Howard Dean in the election by other Democrats, but I honestly will lose all respect for anyone, anyone, who votes for John Kerry in this election.

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Posted by Nathan at 07:46 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

August 23, 2004

Amateur Eyewitness Report on the KC-STL Game « Kansas City Chiefs »

That idiot 'Brain Fertilizer' has another stupid, overly-optimistic post up again. Blah, blah, blah, KC will win the Superbowl 245-0 over the Denver Broncos, blah, blah, blah. Doesn't this guy ever shut up??!?!?!

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Posted by Nathan at 10:02 PM | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)
"Old Man" Clemens Speaks to His Wife and a Washed-Up Metal Band Simultaneously « Meme Stolen from Jeff G. »
Judas Priest, Barbara, it's one of those flaming bags again.

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Posted by Nathan at 02:02 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Nilou Motamed is Very Beautiful « Blogging »

She is the Travel and Leisure editor for CNN. But I can't find an image of her on the web. But then, one of the things I find so attractive about her is the way she smiles while talking, and the sparkle in her eyes...those might not show well in a still photograph.

....just saying, yanno?

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Posted by Nathan at 11:49 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

August 22, 2004

Musings on "The Big Tent" « Politics As Usual »

Both parties like to think they are inclusive. Talk about political parties, and you'll discuss how each party has a moderate wing and an extreme wing. Both parties don't do enough to disavow and marginalize the whackos, perhaps, and Democrats get blamed for PETA and ELF and NARAL as much as Republicans get blamed for Jerry Falwell and white supremacists.

This gets characterized as a "Big Tent"...

Read More "Musings on "The Big Tent"" »

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Posted by Nathan at 10:55 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Musings on the Campaign for the Presidency « Politics As Usual »

I'm really not sure Karl Rove is earning his paycheck. Then again, I'm just about absolutely certain John Kerry's campaign manager isn't. You can at least make the argument that Karl Rove is waiting until after the Olympics are over and everyone can truly focus on the campaign before he gets things in gear. But Kerry's campaign took the wrong tack from the beginning, and the Democrat Party went right along with it. It will be their undoing.

Here's why I think that way:

Read More "Musings on the Campaign for the Presidency" »

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Posted by Nathan at 10:08 PM | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)

August 20, 2004

Political Drama Unfolds « Media Distortions »

This is an attempt to leave an impression in the minds of voters, regardless of whether or not the accusation goes anywhere.

And you can bet the New York Times will do all it can to try the case in the court of public opinion with a biased jury.

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Posted by Nathan at 03:37 PM | Comments (8) | TrackBack (0)

August 19, 2004

An Explanation « Blogging »

...regarding this post:

It's all no big deal. I'm feeling a little disappointed in blogging lately, like I've been spending too much time doing it...and not pleased with my results. I haven't had a post I'm proud of in a while. I haven't had a post with truly original thoughts or development in longer than that, probably. I've been linking stuff I've enjoyed reading, mostly just to get another post up so people will still keep dropping by. And while that's a perfectly valid way to blog, it's not me.

I want to do more posts about China. I want to try some Op-Ed. I want to concentrate on writing some new puns. Goodness knows I'm years overdue for the Pun-Fest that is the Just-Us League.

Bottom line, though, is that I've been doing oodles of politcal and social blogging, particularly over the last year. I'm more than that. The blogosphere is more than that. Sure, the most pressing issue is the Global War on Terror mixed in with the economy and pressing social issues of abortion and homosexual rights, and they all intersect in the 2004 election. The mainstream news media has dropped all pretense of objectivity in trying to get Kerry elected, and the blogosphere plays a very important (if not vital) role in defending the nation from the onslaught against democracy by Democrats.*

But I'm tired of it, and I'm not the only one. I think the blogosphere is going to contract quite a bit, if not actually implode, after the elections in November. We will have a landslide, or at least a clear mandate, and there will be little to fight for once the politicians stop stirring us up and the mainstream news media stops being complete hypocrites and partisans (either because they won and don't have to anymore, or because they lost and ended up selling their integrity and ethics for nothing).

So I want to work on sharing my whole mind, my whole thoughts, and preparing for Blogging Life After November. Sure, not everyone is so wrapped up in it, but I am, and many of the blogs I read are. Some will be so burnt out they will take a break, if not flirt with quitting. I don't want to be burnt out, I don't want to be exhausted. I want to put better quality of posts out, I want to research topics instead of just putting stuff out first draft. I never even 'sanity-check' 'em for grammar/spelling clarity! I think this method has limited my effectiveness as a writer and persuader. I do want to become a professional writer, and one of the choices is as an Op-Ed writer, but you can't just spout of your gut reactions, you have to back it up. I need to develop as a writer.

Don't get me wrong, blogging has gotten me to this step, and I'm betting blogging can take me to the next level, too. But I'm going to have to consciously make a change to do it.

And so look at my posts today. It's a rare thing, indeed, when I only have 3 posts. And I wouldn't have even had this one if it weren't for Casey's comment on the aforementioned post.

Don't worry about me, people. Don't cry for me, Blogentina! I ain't going nowhere! But it is time for me to make a qualitative change. I can feel it. I hope you'll be able to see it.

Read More "An Explanation" »

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Posted by Nathan at 09:59 PM | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)
China Expands Strategic Bomber Fleet « China »

I'm not sure I believe it, but Global Security's website is reporting that China has formalized plans to acquire Russian Tu-22M Backfire bombers.

The acquisition would significantly increase stand-off ranges against the US Navy in the event of a conflict over/invasion of Taiwan.

Please understand (if you don't already), China has no plans to attack or get involved in an extended war with the United States. The United States' policy toward China and Taiwan is somewhat schizophrenic, agreeing that Taiwan is part of China on hand but promising to defend Taiwan from an invasion by China on the other. China apparently plans on exploiting that ambiguity by presenting a strong enough defense to make defending Taiwan costly in terms of US military lives. China seems to hope that they can capture and consolidate Taiwan before the United States could summon up enough political will to get involved, and present the world with a fait accompli.

They could do that without these aircraft, and the addition of the aircraft themselves doesn't make this scenario appreciably more likely...but if true, it is simply one more indication of the plans China has for the future.

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Posted by Nathan at 11:02 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
...guess I Don't Have Much To Say (UPDATED) « Blogging »

I think this blog is going to go through a metamorphasis.

In trying for volume of blogging, I have done everything 'first draft' and done lots of 'link + reaction" blogging. I'm growing displeased with the results.

Okay, I'll admit it: one of the reasons I'm displeased is that the kerfuffle I unfortunately dumped on Michelle Malkin gave me more than 1000 hits one day and over 600 the next, the first two steps of a long, slow decline back to equilibrium. ...and now I often don't crack 200. While I understand that is the normal course of events, and while I recognize that my hit total equilibrium is still significantly higher now, I still feel a touch of chagrin that I'm still currently incapable of sustaining that level of traffic.

Sure, I have some nice puns, but I can't produce them consistently. I have some original opinions, and some original and unique viewpoints, but the brutally honest self-introspection says that I don't offer the same quality as Stephen Green at Vodkapundit, or Zombyboy at Resurrectionsong, Juliette at Baldilocks, or Ace at Ace of Spades HQ...just to name a few of the better bloggers out there. Yeah, each one of them has a schtick that helps them stand out...but having stood out, they attract and retain traffic through top-notch writing and content.

Don't get me wrong, I think I can do the exact same thing. I think I am capable of being a top-notch writer and producing top-notch content. But I don't think I've actually demonstrated it, at least, not consistently.

And so, I think it is time for a change, of sorts. I'm going to spend some more time researching things I want to discuss, instead of depending on my native intelligence and vague understandings. I'm going to try to focus on some areas in which I have fairly unique knowledge. Like: China, for instance. I love history, and study it, and have some very controversial viewpoints on certain aspects...but I've depended on other people to bring up the topic before I responded and reacted, so how many people really know that I'm a history buff? Probably few. I did some good stuff for Zombyboy's Africablog, but what have I done lately? Zilch. It's time to change that.

But the time's gotta come from somewhere. So it is possible that my volume of output might be reduced somewhat. Or I might end up falling into the same routines and things will be the same as always. Dunno.

It should be interesting to watch, though.

Some related thoughts.

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Posted by Nathan at 10:48 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)

August 18, 2004

Anyone Still Trust Michael Moore? « Politics As Usual »

Or, for that matter, the Democrat Party who champions him?

Well, here's yet another reason why you shouldn't.

Honestly, there is enough information out there about liberal/Democrat distortions, enough proof about their fundamental dishonesty, that I begin to wonder just how powerful willful ignorance can be.


Is he going to sue Moore? No he's got a better idea:

"If anything, I'd like to see (Moore) throw some money toward a veterans charity,'' Damon said. "He claims to be a champion of soldiers, but I haven't seen him do anything for us.''

Unfortunately, its unlikely that Moore will share his windfall from his propaganda film with the unwilling stars of his film.

Damon, showing a wisdom far beyond his years has the final say:

"Just the whole thought of being in this piece of propaganda. It's like a documentary Hitler would have made. You know when you join the military that there's an inherent risk,'' Damon said. "I was doing my job the same as any guy in a foxhole was doing his. I don't blame this on anybody. It was an unfortunate accident.''

How about it, Mr. Moore? You have profited greatly from tragedies like Columbine and 9/11. You have made a fortune on the pain of others. Why can't you let some of the sufferers share in the windfall?

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Posted by Nathan at 01:14 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Woman escapes meteorite... « Fun With Drudge Report Headlines »

When reporters reached the woman, she said, "This stupid meteorite was following me around for years! ...making phone calls, bugging my employers... I finally got a restraining order, and even that didn't help. I finally had to move to Suffolk and change my name to Rose Smythe to get away from that jerk. Um, that last part was off the record, right?"

Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment.

Kerry spokesman David Wade said it was an unintentional error by a campaign volunteer and then criticized President Bush's economic policies.

Read Only Half Of It.

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Posted by Nathan at 12:33 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)