October 08, 2004


I've never stuck my hand into a blender, but I would imagine that if I had my hand would look much like it does now after trying to hold down our cat for his annual check-up.

The check-up never happened. Freakin' psycho cat.

Posted by Curt Brown at 10:25 PM | Comments (0)

October 02, 2004

many hats

When I go hiking I wear a hiking hat. When its cold I wear a furry hat with ear-flaps. When I'm doing messy stuff I wear old baseball caps.

So when I'm decorating for Halloween, why not wear a witches hat?


For some reason, Sally was embarrassed by my heady attire.
I'm sure the neighborfolk thought I looked just keen.

Posted by Curt Brown at 08:08 PM | Comments (1)

September 30, 2004


Ever wanted to talk about something but you can't since you don't know if that something will work out the way you want the something to but its something you really want to talk about but you can't?

Man, that sucks.

Posted by Curt Brown at 03:03 PM | Comments (0)

September 28, 2004


Spent the entire weekend moving my parents stuff from our old home to their rental house. They had moved most of the smaller stuff, so we were left with all the heavy things - washer, dryer, deep freeze, beds, chairs, a heavy wood swingset, etc.

I thought it would be kind of emotional to move out of a home that was so familiar to us, but by the time we were done I was just happy to be finished.

I've always adored my parents, but my mom said something midway through the move that nearly made me bear hug her. "The next time we move, we'll just hire a service to do it all."
I nearly wept with joy.

Posted by Curt Brown at 02:16 PM | Comments (2)

September 23, 2004


Our outside trashcan is back behind the gargage, which is next to an alley.
Since tomorrow is trash pick-up day, I was taking the garbage out.
Revel in the excitement of my life for a moment.

That didn't take long.

While I was dumping the gerbege, I spooked (by seeing) 2 girls who had just got off the school bus and decided to have a smoke right next to ye old garage. They couldn't have been more than 13-14 years old. Sigh.

I could have gone and lectured them on how addictive tobacco products can be, how it really messes with your health, yada yada yada.

Instead, I just nodded at their still somewhat innocent and scared by being seen by a 'grown up' faces and said "Hey".


Posted by Curt Brown at 03:39 PM | Comments (2)

September 22, 2004


Yesterday I made 2 mistakes.

1. Sealing the areas around an exterior door that were wasp nest spots. That might not seem like a mistake until #

2. Leaving an open glass of Mt. Dew nearby while I was working on #1.
Wasps really really like the Dew. They crave the Dew. Now they hang out in the spot that used to give them access to the Dew, and if the Dew isn't there, they are pissed.

I usually just ignore the little bastards, but while I was mowing the lawn today, one kept coming after me, buzzing around my face the whole time.
So here I am, nudging the mower along with one hand, while frantically waving my other arm at a bug. That no one else could see.

Its no wonder the neighbors rarely talk to me.

Posted by Curt Brown at 03:46 PM | Comments (0)

WWJD? sinner

Evangelist Swaggart Apologizes for Remark

Jimmy Swaggart Ministries has received complaints from gay groups over the remarks made on the Sept. 12 telecast.

In the broadcast, Swaggart was discussing his opposition to gay marriage when he said "I've never seen a man in my life I wanted to marry."

"And I'm going to be blunt and plain: If one ever looks at me like that, I'm going to kill him and tell God he died," Swaggart said to laughter and applause from the congregation.

Now, I'm not at all surprised by the things these fake-evangelists say. Pahraise Gawd! jibberish jibberish jibberish.

But the fact that the audience responded with "laughter and applause"? makes me think, not 'what would jesus do?'. But WTF?!

Posted by Curt Brown at 03:04 PM | Comments (0)

September 17, 2004

whether or not

So I'm watching the weather dude on the news at noon and he's all "it ain't gonna rain here today" and I'm like "dude, you're looking at some messed up radar, cuz there's junk coming in", and 14 minutes later he's still sayin "yo, that stuff is gonna stay to the north of us", and now I'm just thinking "Is this dude certified proper?", since I'm seeing high and low fronts smooshing up on eachother, but I'm all like "whatever dude", and then at the end of the show, he's getting all up in my face saying "It AIN'T gonna rain, bitch", so then I just went all crazy and watched Mr. Food and then went outside to tend to the plants I'm propagating before it rains.


Posted by Curt Brown at 02:10 PM | Comments (2)

September 14, 2004


Went to make a sandwhich a few minutes ago, and while preparing the the bread slices, I saw a few ants crawling all over them.

I don't think I can type the sound that I made when that happend. Maybe something like


Posted by Curt Brown at 11:08 PM | Comments (0)

September 11, 2004


Our cat has been called many names since he's lived with us -

Captain Fuzzy Pants, G, Fuzzy Butt, Nut Head, Spanky, Sparky, Dude, Psycho, Shadow, Freak, Supero Freako, Mad Cat, Furball, Mister Spazmo, and most predominately ... NO!

He likes to chew on peoples ankles, crawl into places that shouldn't be crawled into, break my lego collection, and do that usual cat freak out and run around the house destroying things several times a day thing.
And then there's that thing he does when he sees a critter outside. Butt in the air, tail twitching, "mreow"ing like a madcat. No, the mreow is not a typo. Thats his call.

Then there's the morning thing. When he wants us to wake up, he jumps up on our bed and stomps on us until at least one of us wakes up.
When we do get up (that would be Sally) there is a ritual. Get out of bed, walk down the stairs, feed the cat, and give him water. But he won't eat unless you pet him. I have no idea how the dude survives when we're gone for a weekend.

He's the weirdest cat I've ever owned, and I wouldn't trade him for another.

Since we got him from the Animal Rescue League of Iowa, and have no idea how old he really is (maybe about 1.6 years?), I'd like to announce this Happy "Adopted by People Who Spoil You" Cat Day for Giorgio.

Posted by Curt Brown at 07:41 PM | Comments (0)

thats me

Blogthings - You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When...
You have physically threatened anyone who referred to "Hans Solo" or "Dark Vader", confused Star Wars with Star Trek..."

Posted by Curt Brown at 04:05 PM | Comments (0)