August 28, 2004
Call me to celebrate dude's new phone.
Also, you will save me the trouble of reprogramming your name and number into the new cell piece as it's not SIM card compatible and I can't just transfer 'em over.
If I have never had your phone number, and would like to join such illustrious company as People I Am In A Comedy Group With, Trevor, Like Three Girls, and Whoever The Hell Upside-Down Question Mark Is.
We will talk about life and songs we like and I will describe my surroundings punctuated by "likes" and "uhms." I know you have the hella anytime minutes, Dear Reader.
646 226 2930.
Do it.
August 26, 2004
The next few days are gonna be like one long day in which I am very sleepy and there are a lot of cameras.
I am leaving the house in like an hour because I have to be in midtown before 6 AM to get in a van to go upstate for a couple of days to shoot the Paid Acting Work thing, which will never be seen on TV or in theaters so don't worry about it, although if I'm lucky the experience will make a servicable short story, staying overnight there and filming all day Friday as well, come home Friday, late, I've been told to expect, then collapse 'till I have to intern at UCB on Saturday night which usually goes 'till like one in the morning, somehow magically appear in Jersey as early as possible Sunday morning to shoot/reshoot film sketches for the Hammerkatz NYU orientation show (which the legendary Jaclyn will be attending with all her new college friends if she, like, knows what's good for her) then hustle the rest of said show into a state of readiness Monday and Tuesday for its two and only performances on Wednesday night.
And last night I got three hours of sleep 'cause I had to get up for a meeting about the Acting and I don't get to sleep 'till like four every night for no legitimate reason. Walked around all afternoon figuring I'd have plenty of time for a nap which turned out to be a twenty-minute eye-close before it was out the door for the UCB show tonight, and afterwards going out and drinking it u