August 21, 2004
Another Naked Sushi Platter
August 20, 2004
The Price Of Anal Sex
I don't exactly know what to make of this, but it's certainly apropos to the threads about diamonds. In fact, I'm just pulling it out of the comments to the Buying Sex With Diamonds thread so people can see it.
I blew more than $30k on my wife's new 3.2 ct. ring for our 15th anniversary in June. I had long since given up on ever getting any booty action, but she is the perfect wife otherwise, so I wanted to really show her my love and regard.
Well, she was just stunned, I mean speechless. That very night she rolled over for me and invited me into the cavern of my dreams. YES!
The best part is, it turns out she actually found that she liked it. She is becoming a little anal freak and I love it. At first she would just move so things "slipped" a little during lovemaking, but now she is absolutely shameless... rolling over, spreading her cheeks, and demanding sodomic satisfaction in the filthiest terms.
I would gladly have paid three times more to achieve these results. I am a happy, happy, happy, but much poorer man.
Posted by Bacchus
at 10:26 am.
August 19, 2004
Can't Spell Nude Teen
This next link is, I suppose, worthy on its own merits, especially if you like to see semi-naked young ladies slathering each other in salad oil. Thusly:
A half-bottle of vinegar and we'd have, what, undressed salad?
But seriously, folks, I was more entertained by the domain name. what's that supposed to be? Nude team? Nude teen, more likely.
It reminds me of Tom Lehrer's immortal advice: "Don't write naughty words on walls if you can't spell."
Posted by Bacchus
at 09:26 am.
August 17, 2004
The Nymph In My Net: Six Wonderful Months
Although it has turned out that I mostly prefer to focus this blog on the activities of other people, it is worth noting that it's been six very happy months at Casa ErosBlog since The Nymph moved in with me. We remain deeply in love, and life together is very very good.
An aside for the gentlemen: It is true that no sensible woman expects you to remember or celebrate six month "anniversaries". However, from this truth, it most emphatically does not follow that you should disregard such dates, in the unlikely (but lucky for you) event that your ponderous bear-like brain should happen to alert you to one. Rather, procure and deliver some small trinket. Trust me on this one.
Posted by Bacchus
at 07:55 am.
August 17, 2004
The Mistress Sez
From Mistress Matisse:
"No" always means "no". But four out of five bratty submissives agree that "you can't make me" always means "make me". Especially in bed.
Of course, Matisse errs on the side of political correctness when she says "No always means no". Not for nothing do I tease The Nymph by calling her "Little Miss No Means Yes".
Posted by Bacchus
at 07:46 am.
August 15, 2004
A Better Way To Eat Ribs
From Diary of A Porn Publisher, this made me laugh:
In the past, I have always eaten barbecued spareribs from the smooth belly of a naked slavegirl, using her thighs and breasts to wipe my messy hands. Tonight, for the first time, I ordered spareribs in a restaurant. I normally avoid eating any kind of finger foods in public because, well, I guess I’m too civilized. The ribs were delicious, though, and I gave them my full attention. When I finally did glance up from my plate, people were staring at me. I noted then that my hands were completely covered in barbecue sauce and gobbets of fat, encroaching up my wrists. I had to make do with napkins.
Posted by Bacchus
at 07:47 am.
August 13, 2004
The Political Uses Of Corn
I pretty much think these pictures speak for themselves, when viewed in the proper sequence:
Thanks to Ropeguy at Bondage Blog for the pictures.
Posted by Bacchus
at 06:52 am.
August 11, 2004
Sex Education With Monkeys
Not -- so not -- making this up. From the Village Voice (popup warning):
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Everything Is Funnier With Monkeys. If J. Fred Muggs, Lancelot Link, or zoo-house fecal tossing have taught us anything, it is that every human endeavor is enriched by the addition of a screaming, leg-humping, ass-biting primate. Even, say, sex education. I beg your pardon? you might ask. Clearly you're not acquainted with the strangest children's book of the 19th century— Sammy Tubbs, the Boy Doctor, and Sponsie, the Troublesome Monkey (1874).
It's a Victorian sex-ed manual. For children. Starring a monkey.
Posted by Bacchus
at 10:11 pm.
August 10, 2004
Guy Harvesting In Nine Words
Running this sex blog, I've been privileged to read millions of the words people write about the schemes and strategies they use to attract and keep sexual partners. Few writers on the topic manage to be as succinct as Ice Ice Baby, writing at Wax A Chump Like A Candle in the blog section at
I will have him. Oh yes, I will.
Capture the mind. Feed the belly. Drain the cock.
He's mine.
Yeah, that about covers the essentials.
Posted by Bacchus
at 07:25 am.
August 09, 2004
NOT Buying Sex With Diamonds
From a random thread about the domain name speculation business, this post fragment made me chortle:
I dropped over $300k in the past 6 months building my [domain name] portfolio. and my girlfriend's not too happy....
Her: "Do you know how big a diamond you could've bought instead?"
Me: "Yeah, but the domain name is an investment in my future."
Posted by Bacchus
at 08:52 am.
August 06, 2004
Hillary Looking Sexy
About ten months ago I asked:
Does anybody have, or have a link to, a really good high-quality scan of that Spy Magazine cover from 1992 or thereabouts that featured Hillary [Clinton] Photoshopped into an impressive dominatrix outfit?
There was a resounding silence.
Fortunately, The Boss at The Collar Purple had better luck (look for the 8.5.04 entry):
I'd still like a really hi-res scan, if anybody's got one.
Posted by Bacchus
at 09:29 pm.
August 06, 2004
19th Century Japanese Sex Art
Here's an explicit example of the famous "Shunga" style of 19th Century Japanese art:
Found at this large shunga gallery, link courtesy of Fleshbot.
Posted by Bacchus
at 07:53 am.
August 05, 2004
Fun With Jelly Beans
From The Red Sneaker Diaries:
I wasn't paying attention to him, till I felt him slip what I identified as a spotted banana bean (yellow with brown spots) between my pinkie toe and its neighbour. I smiled slightly as he slipped a cherry red cinnamon bean in the next spot, the selective toe spreading feeling almost intrusive, but in a good way.
There's more, as you may have guessed.
Posted by Bacchus
at 07:35 am.
August 04, 2004
Lamest E-mail Ever
I get a lot of odd mail. But this has to be about the lamest message I ever got:
From: "neeeeeeeeeeeed" {}
To: {}
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 4:35 AM
Subject: i am need
i am need picuters sex plezzzzzzzz
Somewhere out there there's someone who wouldn't recognize a clue if it ate him.
Posted by Bacchus
at 07:21 pm.
August 03, 2004
Hopping Up And Down, Hopping Up And Down
You know, I'm not at all sure those big chiming Chinese musical balls are designed to be used like this.
All's well that ends well....
Posted by Bacchus
at 07:08 pm.
August 02, 2004
A Sex Question
Danor inquires:
Dear Miss Manners: My boyfriend and I very much enjoy giving each other head, and we are both very good at it. However, shortly after an explosive orgasm on his part, whereas my tendency is to keep sucking on his penis with the same enthusiasm and painstakingly perfected technique which I have been employing throughout the blowjob, he quickly begins making high-pitched whimpering noises, groaning "No more!" and pushing my head away from his crotch. I gather from his reaction that the intensity of pleasure has reached a pitch which he no longer finds bearable, and I have always considered that the courteous response is to withdraw and let him catch his breath. However, when I have had multiple orgasms from cunnilingus and try to wriggle away to indicate my fear that I may lapse into unconsciousness if he continues his activity, he simply grasps my hips more firmly and continues with more vigor than ever! Should I take this as an indication that he wishes me to override his requests for "no more" as well?
Discuss among yourselves.
Posted by Bacchus
at 08:44 am.
August 02, 2004
Buying Sex With Diamonds
A recent Adrants article reproduces two spoof diamond ads which recycle this old joke with a sharper edge. Ouch!
Thanks to Daze for spotting the link. As for the place where Adrants found the spoof ads: I'd love to link it, but not while it's got a craven popup that makes you click "OK" before you can see the page. Memo to Luke Ford: Which side are you on?
Posted by Bacchus
at 08:13 am.
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