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Motivational Speakers for Every Event!
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September 02, 2004Give 'em hell, Zell: "His truth is marching on!"
Our 21st Century Jeremiah Sen. Zell Miller "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!" Zell, you ROCKED the hall and the republic! Jeremiah & the Veep
Mine, too, Peter. Mine, too. Tell the choir and the orchestra to prepare to play the "Battle Hymn of the Republic again. I know I cheered with gorgeous abandon! I cheered, I screamed, I woo-hooed and I yee-hawed at home in my living room! What a night! What a week! In fact, I'm still coming down from the high of hearing Zell speak truth to power hours later...honesty is energizing and living history is too exciting! It's the first time we Conservatives have had the chance to tell the Dimocrats and the country what we really think about their anti-war, anti-Bush, anti-America "crusade" since this damn war started! God Bless you, Sen. Miller and your children, your grandchildren and your great-grandchildren. You've probably not only played a major role in making this country and her future safe and secure for them but you may have been the Lord's instrument in helping save the Republic. Postscript: As if giving an American History text-book-making historic speech wasn't enough, Sen. Miller then went on to give "Spitball's" Chris Matthews his comeuppance, first telling him to get out of his face, to shut up and then by challenging him to an actual Aaron Burr duel. Michelle Malkin was avenged in the bargain.--What a night to be an American!!!
September 01, 2004Chechen terrorist situation grows more grave--
Russia calls for emergency UN Security Council meeting UN poised to condemn Russia attacks The U.N. Security Council has called an emergency meeting, at the request of Russian Ambassador Andrei Denisov, to discuss a wave of deadly terrorist attacks in Russia. Putin is about to experience the limits of the UNSC in confronting Islamist terrorism, just like we did. Even if they vote to "condemn" the attack(s), that won't stop the killers or rescue those children. The latest reports say that 8 civilians have been killed. And Russia's so concerned, they've moved to protect their nuclear sites: Russia Sends Troops to Guard Nuclear Sites This sounds pretty serious... The thing that bothers me (other than the obvious) is the realization that the nuke sites have been unguarded all this time! Good Lord, save us! Did you ever think you'd see the day when Russia would ask the rest of the world for help?
Stars come out again for 2nd night of RNC
Only a man who's had to deal with the business end of Hillary Clinton can really appreciate First Lady Laura Bush; Dick Morris tells you all you need to know about Mrs. Bush's speech last night: He [Schwartzenhegger] also said that despite the Kerry-Edwards campaign theme of "two Americas," when it comes to the nation's defense, "I can tell you this: Our young men and women in uniform do not believe there are two Americas." Vielen Danke, Arnold! (That "2 Americas" thing the Dims are so fond of makes me retch!) And he worked in the "girly-men" deal again, which I hoped he would!:
And then he invoked his "I'll be back" in a touching and powerful way by proclaiming that "America is back prefaced by a soldier's story:" "Let me tell you about the sacrifice and commitment I've seen firsthand. In one of the military hospitals I visited, I met a young guy who was in bad shape. He'd lost a leg — had a hole in his stomach ... his shoulder had been shot through. What a wonderful man! Thank God Arnold came here and became an American--he's an inspiration to immigrants and to those of us born in American, too! He's doing great things in California as Governor of "Colli-fornia" as I knew he would and I know that Presidents Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon(!), whom the Terminator also mentioned favorably, were both smiling in Heaven.
Al Queda-linked Chechen terrorists are busy, too
Hundreds Held Hostage in Russia School
This, of course, is killer "technology" that the Chechen jihadis have picked up from their Paleostinian "brothers" in arms.
Read it and weep...literally
Palestinians celebrate Beersheba attacks While hundreds of Palestinians took to the streets in major cities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to celebrate the double suicide bombings in Beersheba, Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat reiterated his call for sacrificing millions of martyrs to "liberate Jerusalem." Then, in English, for the benefit of the Western, Leftist media who enable and support his group of murderers, Arafat turns around and does this:
It's become more than clear over the last 4 years of the Intifada that the "Palestinians" will never pursue anything but the slaughter of Jews and the eradication of the state of Israel as long as Arafat is in charge. Whether they can change after he's gone remains to be seen. Apparently, the suicide bombers were able to hit the buses in Beersheba because it's a place in Israel where the security fence isn't in place yet. What a tragedy--16 dead and over 100 wounded. Aren't you glad that President Bush has recognized Arafat for the thug that he is and doesn't receive him at the White House, like Clintoon? Arafat and his death squads from Hamas, Hizbollah or wherever are IslamoFacist killers to be pitilessly defeated and not appeased or accomodated and thank God both Ariel Sharon and our President know this and act accordingly. God rest the victims of the bombings. Israel, fight on and build the rest of the fence!
August 31, 2004Opening night of the RNC was glorious!
Peter Robinson on Republican Convention on National Review Online Well, I’ll be: Whereas the Democratic delegates seem to have been permitted only professionally printed signs and placards, the Republicans waved a profusion of crudely hand painted signs; whereas the Democratic delegates behaved with an obedient passivity, applauding and cheering only and precisely as they were expected to applaud and cheer, the Republican delegates hooted and hollered and booed — what richness, what sonority, what a sense of release, in the booing directed at Michael Moore! — even when the speakers would clearly have preferred them to stop; and whereas the Democratic delegates found themselves participating in a convention that ran precisely on time, the Republican delegates found themselves in the middle of an event that had careened off schedule, with the final major speaker, Rudy Hizzelf, failing to wrap it up until almost half an hour after primetime had come to an end. In a word: glorious. It was indeed a glorious evening and 6 hours later, I'm still basking in the warmth and wonder of it all! McCain's speech was rousing (as was Ron Silver's with his challenge to Hollywood's phony facade of caring about human rights!)--it was truly Sen. McCain's finest hour. I thought he was going to cry at the end, he seemed to feel what he was saying about supporting President Bush and winning this war so intensely. His speech even moved the Dims, if WaPo articles like this one by the poisonous Richard Cohen are any example: Needed: Straight Talk From Kerry Where's our McCain, the Libs wanna know? Well, you're looking in the wrong party, my friends! And McCain's dig at Michael Moore's fraudulent movie was just too delicious, made all the sweeter by the fact that Moore was there "covering" the convention for USAToday. The lady family members of 9/11 victims--Debra Burlingame (whose brother was the pilot of the plane that hit the Pentagon), Deanna Burnett (whose husband was one of the Flight 93 heroes) and Tara Stackpole (whose husband was one of the 343 firefighters who died in the Towers)-- moved me to tears again with their stories and their call to support Bush as a way to honor the sacrifice of their loved ones. I was also touched by the words of Zainab Al-Suwaij, the Iraqi woman living in this country now who got quite upset when she stated that "Saddam was a murderer." and who seemed to speak from the heart when she thanked President Bush and all of us for liberating the country of her birth. Rudy's speech was very powerful...funny, emphatic, persuasive, cogent; you could see how he would have been a formidable prosecutor and for the first time, I saw he could be an awesome president (2008, perhaps?). Rudy's best point, IMHO, was that he stressed that President Bush has stayed the course with his plan to take the fight to the terrorists, even though it has cost him popularity and brought so much criticism on his head. Rudy knows that Bush will do the right thing for this country and our security, not the popular thing or the thing the polls say to do, like a Clinton or a Kerry. All in all, it was an unforgettable night of stirring speeches and I can only hope you saw it, too, even though the major networks didn't carry it (as powerful as it was, you can easily see why! They're just plain afraid of the power of the GOP message.). If you didn't or if you'd like to hear the speeches again, here's a link to the video: Video: Major Convention Speeches
August 26, 2004Gitmo detainee admits "I am an Al Queda member"
Yemeni Poet Admits He's Al Qaeda Member
I'm sure the Left had ACLU lawyers at Camp X-Ray trying to get him off...and they probably had a poetry festival planned at Berzerkly with al Bahlul as the star, but that's not going to happen! I sleep better at night knowing my government's got some real bad guys locked up on the island of Cuba and that our troops knew what they were doing when they rounded up jihadis like Bahlul!
Latest Arrow Missile Defense test unsuccessful
Arrow-2 missile fails latest test Israel and the US failed in latest attempts to launch an Arrow 2 missile against a Scud D like missile with a warhead that separates in flight in order to confuse the defending interceptor that took place at Point Mugu off the US West coast on Thursday. ...or our troops in Iraq! Let's keep our fingers crossed and send our prayers up that this brilliant Arrow team can work the problem and make the system completely functional. Not only do we have the safety and security of Israel and Iraq to worry about, but we need our SDI up and running in case Kim Jung-il of North Korea decides to use his nukes on us! A vote for Bush on Nov. 2 is also a vote for Missile Defense, which Kerry's already said he would defund. In one of the few busy moments of his 20-year long Senate career, Sen. Kerry actually sponsored an amendment in 1985 to end President Reagan's SDI program, which, mercifully, was defeated! Kerry's defense(less) posture
BTW, the Liberals (and this includes the Left both in America and in the EU) have 2 stock arguments they've used perpetually to argue against SDI: one is that it won't work and the other is that it will spur a "missile (or proliferation) race" by the Other Side, neither of which have proven to be valid. Saddam was working feverishly to get the Arab Bomb when the IAF took out his Osirak site in 1981 and the mullahs, Kim and Bashir Assad could care less whether we have a president who backs SDI or not. In fact, they'd prefer not! 10 out of 10 of our enemies would vote for sKeery!
Clinton-appointed fed. judge stops partial-birth abortion ban
Judge Stops Partial-Birth Abortion Ban A federal judge declared the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act unconstitutional Thursday in the second such ruling in three months - even though he called the procedure "gruesome, brutal, barbaric and uncivilized." Lord, have mercy! I can't argue with His Holiness the Pope when he says that America has a "culture of death" when we allow, and some such as these ACLU and Planned Parenthood representatives even promote and advocate, practices like this! Remember that our vote on Nov. 2 is about the appointment of judges who are strict constructions and who don't legislate their Liberal agenda from the bench like Casey and it's also about values, those who value human life--that would be the GOP--and those who breezily choose to end it--that would be the Dimocrats, who have made "belief" in abortion-on-demand an article of faith. John Kerry, a Catholic, has come very close to being either banned from communion or even excommunicated due to his unrepentant advocacy of abortion in the U.S. Senate. Vote Republican to speak for the babies, who can't speak yet and save their own lives, if for no other reason!
We could've done without the Cleland stunt!
But it may already be over because the Swifties are speaking truth to power about who John Kerry really is and has been for 30 years with their ads and their book "Unfit for Command," which is the Number #1 bestseller on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and the New York Times! Instead of dispatching bathetic, maimed Max Cleland out in the Texas heat to bug President Bush (who's a busy wartime President!), Kerry needs to sign Form 180 and disclose his military and medical records, so we can all see how he earned those medals in Vietnam and whether or not he was in Cambodia for Christmas '68.
Read the other book John Kerry doesn't want you to read!
Click here to go to the links which access Kerry's Communist Manifesto "The New Soldier" which he used his wives' considerable fortunes to keep out of the hands of the American public: Ricky also has links to details about Kerry's anti-war "Winter Soldier" fraud and the the transcript of his sworn Senate testimony about Vietnam war crimes. Too bad that Kerry didn't forsee that his pal Algore would invent the Internet and make the suppression of this book's being available moot and irrelevant! Hat tips to Lucianne and Ricky--Patriots all!
SecDef Rummy completely vindicated by independent panel
WSJ.com - A Rumsfeld Vindication
Hope these fine men and women at the Pentagon don't hold their breath waiting for an apology from virtually all the 4th estate/5th column. Swine! And the American people shouldn't either. The Lying Liberal Left Mainstream Media owe a lot of us a huge apology--and not just for this story--but we won't get it. The "journos" who gave us this "story," and "Bush lied" and the "Joe Wilson/Valerie Plame scandal," and the Swift Boat "smear" on Kerry and...and....and...etc, etc., etc. have so much to answer for it's staggering, but the only satisfaction we may get is when their "news" is replaced with cartoons and travelogues. But there's an even bigger issue than the fact that the American people have been short-shrifted on the truth about the war here at home:
And the good old International Red Cross meddled in the mess, too:
"At the end of the day,"(I hate that clichéd phrase!) the conclusions of both the report and this op ed are damning--not to Rumsfeld and our top brass--but to the Dimocrats and their media enablers: [...]... Which is what "far right wing" cheerleaders like myself and Rush Limbaugh have been saying all along! Now if only we could do the same for our Vietnam experience and get John Kerry to explain what he meant in his sworn testimony before Congress in 1971 about war crimes being committed by all our soldiers including himself and being sanctioned up and down the chain of command! What did you do in country, Sen. Kerry? Who else did you see commit abuses and war crimes? Why didn't you report it, as an officer of the U.S. Navy? I want an answer to these questions before November 2 but there are tens of thousands of our Vietnam viets who've been waiting for 30 years to be cleared of these smears! (A weirder question that needs an answer are these: Why didn't Congress press Kerry for details at that time and launch a similar investigation? Why did they just take Kerry's word for it? And why wasn't he prosecuted for his war crimes back then?)