Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Those who would happily cede chunks of the Land of Israel to the Arabs often use the trump card of demographics. As one of our more persistent readers put it in a comment today, "Remind me again how these people plan to retain the Gaza Strip in perpetuity without losing Israel's Jewish majority?"
And so, for the 974th time, here is the answer.
The assumption that the Arabs in Yesha become Israeli citizens if the lands are incorporated in Israel is a false assumption.
Continue reading " Demographics "Action call: US Presbyterian Church
A one-time letter-blitz is not enough to get action. Rather, if we wish to see results, we have to engage in sustained pressure - just like "the other side" has been doing for decades.
In this vein, JAT Action has called for renewed pressure on the US Presbyterian Church. See details at the JAT Action site.
For background info and more details, scroll down the rt-hand column of IsraPundit to our search engine and enter "presbyt".
IRAN NUKE WATCH: "Out of Control"
via the Daily Alert:
"Iran is removing its mask -- and its gloves. It no longer maintains the pretense of acting as a decent neighbor to Iraq, or tries to make us believe that it is adhering to the rules of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; it is no longer knocking gently on the White House door or making passes at the European Union. Even the warnings of what will happen to Israel if it attacks Iran’s nuclear facilities have become apocalyptically vio-lent. And the message from Teheran reaching the perpetrators of Palestinian terror is that given the disintegration of the Fatah faction, the agenda for attacks will from now on be set by the emissaries of the Iranian elite "Revolutionary Guards."" READ MORE>
From my "of interest" file
Another Christian Zionist site, replete with maps, timeline, and similar information: Shuva.
Salim Mansur on the implications of the 9-11 report; article posted at the Toronto Sun.
Continue reading " From my "of interest" file "AFSI Announcement
AMERICANS FOR A SAFE ISRAEL/AFSI is pleased to announce that we are now distributing copies of a superb DVD entitled, GUSH KATIF FOREVER. In vivid colors, with excellent commentary, we are introduced to the real life that goes on in the 21 Jewish communities that make up Gush Katif/Gaza. We see the children at play, the hothouses, farms, synagogues, homes, schools, playgrounds, and beaches that are part of everyday living. We also see the results of the reign of Arab terror that has been a part of daily life in Gush Katif. Recent updates of the DVD show pictures of the hugely successful Human Chain, made up of 200,000 supporters of Gush Katif, stretching from Gush Katif to Jerusalem, where a young child places a note of hope in the Wall.
The DVD is suitable for home viewing, as well as for any community gathering you might plan. You may order these DVD's at $5 per copy, to cover the cost of handling, shipping, and a donation to Gush Katif. Orders of 20 will be $3 per copy, while orders over 20 will be $2 per copy. Checks should be made out to Americans For a Safe Israel/AFSI and mailed to: 1623 Third Ave., Suite 205, New York, N.Y. 10128. Tel: 212-828-2424
afsi@rcn.com; www.afsi.org
Pre-Empting Pre-Emption by David Bedein
On August 15th, The Revolutionary Brigades of the Iranian Army held a military parade in which they displayed the Shaab 3 missile that Israeli intelligence experts estimate has a range of 1300 kilometers, that even with a potential nuclear payload can reach any target in Israel. Not only can the Shaab missile hit Israel, but it could also hit U.S. bases in the Persian Gulf and other American bases throughout Turkey.
Meanwhile, Israel's chief of military intelligence, Major General Aharon Ze'evi-Farkash, told the Israeli government last July that Iran had supplied hundreds of Iranian-made missiles to Hezbollah that can hit all of northern Israel and territory as far south as Tel Aviv. In addition, another several dozen missiles can reach the southern city of Beersheba in southern Israel’s Negev desert.
For the rest of this article, click here...
Boot U.S. apologist for Iran's bigotry
There should be no double standards, especially given Olympic history
By Alan Dershowitz
Imagine the following Olympic scenario: A white American Olympic wrestler draws as his first opponent a black wrestler from an African country. Rather than touch a black man, the American wrestler forfeits the match. When the head of the American wrestling team is asked for his reaction, he says, "That's his choice, and I have to say that, frankly, I respect it."
The outcry would be instantaneous. The American wrestler would be permanently banned from Olympic competition and the U.S. would be condemned for having selected so bigoted a representative. The head of the team, who commended the wrestler, would be immediately replaced.
Continue reading "Boot U.S. apologist for Iran's bigotry"On French Antisemitism
The "New" French Anti-Semitism
Jewish leaders condemn laxity of French courts
France Allows Hizbullah Broadcasts To Continue
Several European Union (EU) officials have expressed renewed hope that a multifaceted agreement with Syria would come to fruition despite insistence by certain countries that it relinquish its weapons of mass destruction.
However, nothing has changed on the Syrian side; it is the EU that appears to have softened its stance.
Continue reading "WHY IS THE EU COURTING SYRIA?"Who's more moral
A dialogue with a secularist
Dennis Prager (archive)
In his just published book, "The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason," Sam Harris, who received a degree in philosophy from Stanford University and is now completing his doctorate in neuroscience, argues that religion is the cause of the world's evils, while reason is the solution.
I conducted a dialogue/debate with him on my radio show. What follows is one part of that dialogue. The audio of the entire dialogue is available at my Web site, and the entire transcript can also be read there.
Dennis Prager: You believe that in secularism and in reason lie the answers to the moral problems of humanity. Is that a fair summary of your views?
Sam Harris: Yes, up to a point. I'm actually not discounting the range of human experience we might want to call "spiritual" or "mystical."
Continue reading "Who's more moral"Monday, August 23, 2004
Gary Bauer's Daily Commentary
Scientists Silenced
Today's Washington Times reports on a chilling reality in Iraq that may well explain why coalition forces have had so much difficulty accounting for Saddam's weapons of mass destruction. To date, as many as nine top Iraqi scientists have been murdered for cooperating with coalition intelligence. The Times story also suggests that Hussein loyalists are either entrenched in the new government or have well-placed spies leaking information on the whereabouts of the scientists.
Continue reading " Gary Bauer's Daily Commentary "GAZA – AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE LAND OF ISRAEL, by Yoram Ettinger
1. THE CURRENT JEWISH COMMUNITY OF KFAR DAROM was established on the site of the 3rd-4th century AD Talmudic Jewish town of Kfar Darom (The Talmud's Massekhet Sota' referred to the sage Eliezer the son of Yitzhhak of Kfar Darom). At the end of the 19th century, the land of Kfar Darom (The Village of the South) was acquired by Tuvia Miller from Rekhovot, who transformed swamps into a blossoming orchard. The Arabs destroyed the orchard and its well during the anti-Jewish Intifadah of 1936-39, which plagued Jews throughout Israel. Jewish presence in Kfar Darom was renewed in October 1946 – along with 10 other communities – as a response to the British Mandate attempt to disengage the future Jewish State from the Negev. The village was evacuated following the Egyptian siege of 1948/9, but became the first Jewish community in Gaza following the 1967 Six
Continue reading " GAZA – AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE LAND OF ISRAEL, by Yoram Ettinger "Some movement, maybe
Bush and Sharon Play to Their Galleries on Settlement Growth
This analysis is well worth reading. Aside from playing for time, by sending yet another team to review all the settlements (whose report won't be out until after the Presedential elections in Novemeber) Debka suggests a desire on the part of Bush and Sharon to determine appropriate future borders which they agree upon.
Assuming such agreement includes all major settlement blocks to be within such borders, then as the quid pro quo I would be in favour of disengagement from Gaza. I would be best to have the Roadmap amended to reflect the disengagement and the new borders but Israel may have to rely on a US guarantee.
Will the US go that far to get Israel out of Gaza? I hope so.
Word about the Israel Referendum Campaign is spreading - Bulletin #4
Links to previous posts: Bulletin 1, Bulletin 2, Bulletin 3.
Information about the Israel Referendum Campaign is spreading both offline and online.
Offline: Among other things, radio and TV programs referring to the initiative are in the pipeline, and congregations of potential supporters are being contacted. Additionally, word about the Referendum is being passed to networks of family and friends by supporters.
Online: The major online info site is, of course, that of the Global Israel Alliance, GIA. This site provides the ballot, downloadable material, background information, etc.
In addition, a four-prong plan is being implemented to raise the online profile of the Referendum.
First, friendly e-mailers were requested to include information about the referendum, providing links to the ballot, to GIA information and to IsraPundit posts. Among the e-mailer who helped out is the Freedman Center; you can see a copy of the relevant e-mail at this site.
Continue reading " Word about the Israel Referendum Campaign is spreading - Bulletin #4 "Who should Jews vote for? II
Stephen Asbel has posted a response to a recent Israpundit entry of mine "Who should Jews vote for?". Asbel, who will not be silent for Zion, (a reference to his blog which is a reference to an upcoming Haftarah), writes:All the points you make are good ones and I think Kerry has a lot of problems in his approach to security issues and in the political company he keeps that are worrisome for Israel. Having said that, Bush is not a good friend either. Let us remember that he shoved the Road Map down Sharon's throat after his much heralded June 24, 2002 speech should have frozen any further diplomatic activity unless and until the Arab Palestinians cleaned their house and stopped the terror.Continue reading "Who should Jews vote for? II"
Sunday, August 22, 2004
David Frankenthal's letter to the IHT
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 11:16:20 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: "Is Israel Planning To Attack Iran?" - The International Herald Tribune Asks The Wrong Question
To: webhelp@iht.com
To the International Herald Tribune and Martin van Creveld:
Your editorial asks Is Israel Planning To Attack Iran?
But the clear animosity and aggression is coming from Teheran including their direct threat this week to attack Israeli facilities. Yet your Editorial makes Israel out to be the aggressor.
You should have asked is Iran Planning To Attack Israel?
Clearly Israel would be justified in a pre-emptive strike if such was the case. Even though it upsets you, Israel is entitled to, and no doubt will defend itself.
This Editorial is appallingly biased against Israel. I'm happy I'm not a subscriber and I'll be sure to point out your bias to those who are.
David Frankenthal
Los Angeles, CA
Dwelling in Denial, by Prof. Paul Eidelberg
While Ariel Sharon and his colleagues dither about "disengagement," and thus dwell in denial, the enemy from which the prime minister wants to distance Israel is accumulating long-range missiles. What is the nature of this denial? To answer this question I turn first to the recently deceased Edward Said, an Arab professor at Columbia University. Said admitted that "The Arab world is a sink of corruption and mediocrity and the most appalling and murderous tyrannies." Said did not dwell in denial. Contrast Israel's ruling elites.
Continue reading " Dwelling in Denial, by Prof. Paul Eidelberg"