Leon Wieseltier has been the literary editor of The New Republic since 1983.
He was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1952. After three years as a graduate student in Jewish history at Harvard University, he was a member of the Society of Fellows at Harvard from 1979 to 1982. He also attended Columbia University and Oxford University.
He is the author of Nuclear War Nuclear Peace, Against Identity, and Kaddish.
Post date 08.12.04
Remembering Sidney Morgenbesser.
Post date 06.21.04
Disillusion and its limits.
Post date 06.11.04
From the April 4, 1981 issue of TNR: Reagan's contempt for small business.
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Post date 06.02.04
What is compassion, if not an exercise in moral equivalence?
Post date 04.05.04
What religion, and conservatism, and America can learn from the atheists among us. A report of a stirring morning at the Supreme Court.
Post date 02.26.04
The many outrages of The Passion of the Christ.