en-us2004-03-17T07:00:00-08:00Forwarding Address
FORWARDING ADDRESS....As promised — assuming you take a generous view of "a day or two" — starting today I will be blogging for the Washington Monthly magazine's new blog, Political Animal. Here's the new address:www.washingtonmonthly.comI will probably still post a...Kevin Drum2004-03-17T07:00:00-08:00Times Backs Off]]>
THE TIMES BACKS OFF....I'm a little late on this, but I blogged on Saturday about Robert Cox's New York Times parody and the heavyhanded response from the Times, which ordered him to take it down and threatened to have his...Kevin Drum2004-03-16T20:07:08-08:00Why the Socialists Won
WHY THE SOCIALISTS WON....I haven't been following the news or reading blogs much for the past couple of days, and I now realize that my Spain post on Sunday night attracted so much attention because I was wading into one...Kevin Drum2004-03-15T18:53:14-08:00Miscellaneous Notes
MISCELLANEOUS NOTES....My internet access is still inconvenient enough that I don't feel like blogging very much, but here are a few quick comments: That post last night about Spain sure attracted a lot of attention, didn't it? Who knew? Without...Kevin Drum2004-03-15T13:55:49-08:00The Spanish Elections
THE SPANISH ELECTIONS....Just time for a quick note on the Spanish elections. Although Jose Maria Aznar's PP party was ahead until recently, it looks like the Socialists have come from behind to win. Why? If it was simply a show...Kevin Drum2004-03-14T20:23:13-08:00Madrid Bombing Update
MADRID BOMBING UPDATE....Is the Spanish government deliberately covering up Islamic involvement in Thursday's bombings because they think it would hurt them at the polls? Apparently suspicion is growing. Maria Farrell has the story. UPDATE: More from CNN....Kevin Drum2004-03-14T10:28:59-08:00Out of Town
OUT OF TOWN....I'm going out of town today to visit friends in Northern California, so I'll be posting infrequently for the next few days — or possibly not at all, depending on the state of their broadband connection. If the...Kevin Drum2004-03-13T09:10:54-08:00The Social Security Non-Crisis
THE SOCIAL SECURITY NON-CRISIS....At my soon-to-be new home, Phillip Longman argues this month that Social Security is in big trouble due to the aging of America. It's a familiar argument, and one that provokes a lot of peculiar thinking among...Kevin Drum2004-03-13T09:09:46-08:00Times]]>
THE THIN-SKINNED TIMES....In case you haven't been following this, a guy named Robert Cox produced a parody version of a New York Times correction page a few days ago and was promptly served with legal notice from the Times to...Kevin Drum2004-03-13T08:31:24-08:00Corleone Family Update
CORLEONE FAMILY UPDATE....Remember the Medicare actuary who was ordered to shut up about his cost estimate for the administration's Medicare bill? Knight Ridder finally managed to talk to him directly today and he confirmed the whole story:Richard Foster, the chief...Kevin Drum2004-03-12T20:24:23-08:00ETA or Al-Qaeda?
ETA OR AL-QAEDA?....The Spanish Interior Minister thinks the evidence is mounting that ETA was reponsible for Thursday's bombing, not al-Qaeda:[Angel] Acebes said the bombs consisted of satchels filled with 20 to 30 pounds of dynamite, set off by a cell...Kevin Drum2004-03-12T20:16:02-08:00October Surprise?
OCTOBER SURPRISE?....This is pretty remarkable. Channel 4 in Pittsburgh is running an AP dispatch suggesting that Tom Ridge "didn't answer the question directly" when asked if Osama bin Laden was already hemmed in and ready to be captured, and next...Kevin Drum2004-03-12T18:19:00-08:00Quorn
QUORN....The latest target of the food police is apparently something called Quorn: "good enough to eat, won't taste of anything, very bland." Yum! I don't actually have any comment about this, but I found today's LA Times article about the...Kevin Drum2004-03-12T17:51:39-08:00New Pentagon Papers?
NEW PENTAGON PAPERS?....I guess I might as well get this out of the way. I've gotten a deluge of email pointing me to this piece in Salon and asking why I haven't commented on it. In a nutshell, the article...Kevin Drum2004-03-12T15:58:52-08:00Bushworld
BUSHWORLD....Dick Meyer is the editorial director of He's not too impressed with "Bushworld":All presidents, all administrations, all politicians, all columnists and, indeed, all people selectively pick and chose facts and figures to win arguments. What's different is that the...Kevin Drum2004-03-12T11:48:35-08:00