The musings, rantings, and general blitherings of a stressed-out housewife and working mother in
September 04, 2004
I decided to do something today that I have never done in my entire 47 years: I got a pedicure. Sat in the vibrating chair, feet in the steaming hot whirlpool bath, head leaned back enjoying the sensations...
Oh. My. Goodness. I feel like a new woman. I can see how a woman can get addicted to this sort of thing. It was darned near a religious experience. The idea that I can walk into a place and an attractive young man will bathe, trim, pamper, lotion, and massage my feet while I sit like a queen is amazing.
He just put a white polish on this time. Next time, I'll get a pretty color. Pink, perhaps. Maybe red. I'll have to give it some thought.
It just seems such an extravagance, such a waste of money. But I decided that I have gone without buying myself any new clothes for over 2 years, I never go out "with the girls" and spend money in bars, I do all the errand running, hold down a stressful job... One little pamper?
I could justify it. I'm glad I did. They don't even look like my own feet, all pink and smooth and almost pretty.
I almost feel pretty and not just like an old drudge, a filly instead of an old plow horse.
Heartbreaking events in Russia, that could as easily have been here at home.
Remember Richard Reid ? The MSM didn't cover this well enough, especially the sentencing. We need to ferret out the scum in this nation too, while I'd prefer the Russian method of retribution, we have to rely on those jelly types whose political correctness lets these animals roam about freely. What this nation needs is more judges like Judge William Young, the only thing I disagree with is his sentence of life instead of death. In the meantime we as a nation can vote some of these pacifist judges out of their positions.
You can find and read the transcript below in the extended post, or take the link above to the transcript as presented by CNN. --Mamamontezz
Mr. Richard C. Reid, hearken now to the sentence the Court imposes upon you.
" we all know that the way we treat you, Mr. Reid, is the measure of our own liberties".
-- Judge William Young
On counts 1, 5 and 6 the Court sentences you to life in prison in the custody of the United States Attorney General. On counts 2, 3, 4 and 7, the Court sentences you to 20 years in prison on each count, the sentence on each count to run consecutive one with the other. That's 80 years.
On Count 8 the Court sentences you to the mandatory 30 years consecutive to the 80 years just imposed. The Court imposes upon you on each of the eight counts a fine of $250,000 for the aggregate fine of $2 million.
The Court accepts the government's recommendation with respect to restitution and orders restitution in the amount of $298.17 to Andre Bousquet and $5,784 to American Airlines.
The Court imposes upon you the $800 special assessment.
The Court imposes upon you five years supervised release simply because the law requires it. But the life sentences are real life sentences so I need not go any further.
This is the sentence that is provided for by our statutes. It is a fair and a just sentence. It is a righteous sentence. Let me explain this to you.
We are not afraid of any of your terrorist co-conspirators, Mr. Reid. We are Americans. We have been through the fire before. There is all too much war talk here. And I say that to everyone with the utmost respect.
Here in this court where we deal with individuals as individuals, and care for individuals as individuals, as human beings we reach out for justice.
You are not an enemy combatant. You are a terrorist. You are not a soldier in any war. You are a terrorist. To give you that reference, to call you a soldier gives you far too much stature. Whether it is the officers of government who do it or your attorney who does it, or that happens to be your view, you are a terrorist.
And we do not negotiate with terrorists. We do not treat with terrorists. We do not sign documents with terrorists.
We hunt them down one by one and bring them to justice.
So war talk is way out of line in this court. You're a big fellow. But you're not that big. You're no warrior. I know warriors. You are a terrorist. A species of criminal guilty of multiple attempted murders.
In a very real sense Trooper Santiago had it right when first you were taken off that plane and into custody and you wondered where the press and where the TV crews were and you said you're no big deal. You're no big deal.
What your counsel, what your able counsel and what the equally able United States attorneys have grappled with and what I have as honestly as I know how tried to grapple with, is why you did something so horrific. What was it that led you here to this courtroom today? I have listened respectfully to what you have to say. And I ask you to search your heart and ask yourself what sort of unfathomable hate led you to do what you are guilty and admit you are guilty of doing.
And I have an answer for you. It may not satisfy you. But as I search this entire record it comes as close to understanding as I know.
It seems to me you hate the one thing that to us is most precious. You hate our freedom. Our individual freedom. Our individual freedom to live as we choose, to come and go as we choose, to believe or not believe as we individually choose.
Here, in this society, the very winds carry freedom. They carry it everywhere from sea to shining sea. It is because we prize individual freedom so much that you are here in this beautiful courtroom. So that everyone can see, truly see that justice is administered fairly, individually, and discretely.
It is for freedom's seek that your lawyers are striving so vigorously on your behalf and have filed appeals, will go on in their, their representation of you before other judges. We care about it. Because we all know that the way we treat you, Mr. Reid, is the measure of our own liberties.
Make no mistake though. It is yet true that we will bear any burden; pay any price, to preserve our freedoms.
Look around this courtroom. Mark it well. The world is not going to long remember what you or I say here. Day after tomorrow it will be forgotten. But this, however, will long endure. Here, in this courtroom, and courtrooms all across America, the American people will gather to see that justice, individual justice, justice, not war, individual justice is in fact being done.
The very President of the United States through his officers will have to come into courtrooms and lay out evidence on which specific matters can be judged, and juries of citizens will gather to sit and judge that evidence democratically, to mold and shape and refine our sense of justice.
See that flag, Mr. Reid? That's the flag of the United States of America. That flag will fly there long after this is all forgotten. That flag still stands for freedom. You know it always will. Custody, Mr. Officer. Stand him down.
When the ambulance pulled into the schoolyard to retrieve the bodies of the dead, some children saw the opportunity and seized it.
They broke windows, crawled out through the broken glass and ran.
They ran for lives. They ran from the insanity and hate that had taken over their school. They ran for safety and freedom and their parents. They ran even as bullets rained down on them from snipers positioned above. They ran as Russian commandos began their attack on the building.
They ran.
Then the attack was over.
Over 150 bodies were found piled in the gymnasium after the attack. Children's bodies. Small bodies. Explosions brought the gymnasium roof down on them, covering them with debris.
Children's bodies littered the area surrounding the school. Bullet holes pocked their backs.
Mothers and fathers now file by the bodies covered with sheets, looking for the fragile, broken children whom they must now return to the earth even as their souls have been returned to heaven. Other parents search the hospitals, hoping against hope that the injuries are minor, short-lived.. Others wonder how long the scars on hearts and minds will last.
150 bodies. Many hundred more scattered, fearful, terrified, changed.
10 terrorists dead, their bodies betraying their motives and their origin. 10 Arab bodies. Not 10 Chechens. Not 10 local citizens.
10 Arab insurgents in a country not their own, there to commit acts of terror
and murder against a people with whom they have no other quarrel than ethnicity and religion. 10 outsiders insinuating themselves into a conflict as a means of exploiting it for their own agenda.
Local citizens went to their homes, retreived their weapons, and hunted down the insurgents. Hunted them down and killed them like mad dogs. Hanged one. Beat one to death.
Three "Brave Freedom Fighters" cowered in the basement like cornered rats until the commandos retreived them.
May they all rot, naked and unburied with no prayers for the obscene darkness of their souls. May they wander for eternity in a hell of their own making, forever haunted by the screams of the innocents murdered at their hands. May the vultures grow fat on their putrid carcasses.
And the U.S. sent troops to Bosnia to protect these animals from the very thing they do. How much of this is funded by Saudi Arabia's "princes"? The common denominator in every instance is Arab. They spawned Bin Laden, financed Palistinian terrorists when do we as a nation stop dealing with this scum and let them eat their sand and oil. Destroy their means of revenue and blockade their country, turn the sand to glass if need be. Enough of their lying about their being our friends.
Elequent and terse. All those futures destroyed in the vain hope of getting 72 virgins.
I have linked to Emigre's post that allows you to send a letter to the Russian leaders. Please - everyone who see this - go to and send them your hopes and prayers.
May they all rot, naked and unburied with no prayers for the obscene darkness of their souls. May they wander for eternity in a hell of their own making, forever haunted by the screams of the innocents murdered at their hands. May the vultures grow fat on their putrid carcasses.
There is a special place in hell for these people.
They have no humanity.
Where are the shrieks of condemnation from the Ummama?
The sound of the wind through the trees...
There death cult hurts the soul of all decent people .
I dont care who your diety of choice is .
But I know evil when I see it.
We are seeing the true face of the reilgon of beheading .
I have seen enough ..
We need to scatter there ideas to the winds.
We would be doing there women a favor if we forced a change on ISLAM.....
Cheers from Hurricane Ally
Sometimes a blogger hits it so completely, so righteously, that there is nothing more to add. This is one of those times.
Obnoxious Droppings nails this one, as he usually does. I, for one, will be watching as this one either develops or is ignored by Great Big Annointed Media.
Not only has Kerry insulted and slandered service personnel and veterans, he has tarnished the nation and embarrassed the Navy. He is a traitor that has gotten away for much too long.
I also found a story on Fox this morning where Kerry had some pretty nasty things to say when a Flag Officer committed suicide rather than admit he wore awards he hadn't earned.
I can barely imagine the panic and terror and heartbreaking grief of the Russian parents, trapped outside of their children's school, powerless to save them, unable to hold and comfort them, victims all of a group of Islamofascist Murderers.
This is not the act of "Freedom Fighters" driving a group of invaders from a disputed occupied land. These foul vermin crossed the border from their state, entered into Russia, selected a school full of children on the first day of the school year, and shot their way in, killing eight people as they did. Differing reports state between 150 and 200 little children now languish in fear within the school, dangled from windows in a blatent attempt to terrorize the mothers and fathers, already near hysteria with their own impotence to stop this insanity.
There is no bravery here. There is no threat, real or imagined, from Kindergartners and little first graders. A group of 7yr olds isn't going to rise up and cause them harm. The fragile little children are no match for guns and bombs. This is the most extreme sort of cowardice, the most satanic sort of cruelty, a psychotic act against innocence in the name of God.
Gone are the days of Baal and the blood sacrifices required to sate him. Gone are the days of Pele and her need for burnt offerings. Civilization moved on, left the superstitions and evil which demaned life for life, left it in all of the major religious cultures existing today except for one.
I cannot honestly say what I would do in the place of one of the mothers standing outside of that school, perhaps her only child pressed against the window in a sadistic display, thinking that perhaps this will be the only, the last time you will see this child alive. I cannot say what I would do at that time.
I do know that my child's death would also cause the death of something within me, something extremely important. It would cause the death of my humanity and a great deal of my morality, and that would be very bad news for anyone I believed was like those who killed my child.
This is an act of barbarism and cowardice beyond words and serves as yet another example (as if right-thinking people needed another one) of why there is no dealing with swine such as this. Kissing the asses of the French, Germans or bowing to the United Nations won't do it, despite what that fool Kerry says. These rabid animals have to be hunted down and killed, wherever they may be.
It's time for the Russians to use the HAMA solution on CHechynya--kill every living thing inside it to send a message to the savages that the free world won't tolerate their madness
Does anyone out there really expect any other kinds of actions from the Islamists these days? I have seen where a couple of Islamist groups have pleaded for the release of the children - but only the children. BFD.
Over the last couple of weeks both the French and the Russians have started to learn that opposing the United States means nothing to those animals.
The only halfway good thing that I can think of in relation to this is that the Russian police don't have any "police brutality" laws or Miranda to worry about. When they get their hands on these scum-suckers there may not be enough left to arrest.
We all know there is only one way to deal with these scum.
I hate to say it Mamma but I feel my humanity and morality slipping away when I see this shit.
You hit it on the head when you asked, what if I was one of our children? I think in a way they are our children.
I cant help but like kids. When I see the Palis train there kids to hate jews it makes my soul whince.
I know that those kids have no other role model, then there debased murderous theolgy, which is crammed into every orifice from birth to adult hood.
They train them with guns and explosives and we have to remember a kid an shoot you just as easily as an adult .
The bastards are going to force us to bring an unholy whirlwind upon them.
There kids have not seen suffering yet.
If the Russians really joined forces against the Islamic menace with us.It would not be a good day for the Muslim world .
Good muslims and bad would all suffer.
There acts of barborous evil will provoke a reaction they can not imagine.
I dont want to shoot a kid but if that kid is pointing an AK -47 at me or wearing a bomb belt.
I will shoot in an instant.Just like a water Moccasin.
We are in dangerous times.
I can not imagine if my son William was in that school.
I would be out of my mind with rage.
My prayers are with the family in this mess
Where's the outrage from the muslim world? Their silence only condones this behaviour, It's time to drop a big stick on them, any and all, they have no respect for life, their own or others. Wake up America, remember that those ragheads living next door think and believe just like those terrorists do. If they didn't believe that way they'd step up and condemn these acts of terror. One of them is being court marshalled at Ft. Lewis Wa. right now, the enemy is within and closer than you think.
Let us all hope that by "Show Trial" the Commissar means one with half-nekkid dancing men, leaping into the swimming pool which occupies the jury box, synconized swimming with wild abandon in a crazy parody of an Esther Williams movie.
According to a top secret Canadian government report, the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York, had a sequel two months later. On November 13, 2001, American Airlines flight 587 crashed over Queens, New York, shortly after takeoff from JFK killing all 265 people aboard. A captured al-Qaeda operative, Mohammed Mansour Jabarah, told Canadian intelligence investigators that a Montreal man who trained in Afghanistan alongside the 9/11 hijackers was responsible, using a small shoe bomb similar to the one used by convicted shoe bomber Richard Reid for his “suicide mission.” He named Abderraouf Jdey, a Canadian citizen known also as “Farouk the Tunisian.”
This is reported in Canada’s National Post
Asked for a comment, US National Transportation Safety Board spokesman, Ted Lopatkiewicz, still insisted there was no evidence of anything other than an accident (in the plane crash over Queens.) It appears, at least the evidence we have, is that a vertical fin came off, not that there was any kind of event in the cabin.”
The same kinds of claims were made officially three years ago too. Yet on November 15, 2001 DEBKAfile’s counter-terror sources maintained that the downing of Flight 587 was the work of terrorists:
The Information accumulating opens up the possibilities of a bomb having been planted near the tail of the Airbus, or a suicide bomber blowing himself up in the rear of the aircraft. The plane came down shortly after taking off for the Dominican Republic from John F. Kennedy International airport. Another scenario under investigation is that a surface-to-air missile was fired from a boat in Jamaica Bay near the airport.
According to DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources, a number of people linked to Al Qaeda in New York behaved suspiciously several hours before the crash; some, who were under surveillance following the September 11 attacks, managed to disappear, with the FBI unable to determine how they slipped away or trace their current whereabouts.
Those sources also noted that the US F-15 warplanes, on 24-hour patrol in the skies of New York and other major US cities, were ordered immediately after the crash to search for any boats or unusual activity in the Jamaica nature reserve.
The morning after, Wednesday, November 14, divers were seen scouring the marsh area for signs that missiles had been fired at the plane, such as a launcher or a scuttled boat, on the assumption that the terrorist who fired the missile escaped in a scuba suit.
Despite adamant denials by the US Federal Aviation Authority, it is now becoming clear that prior to the crash, US intelligence did indeed receive numerous warnings from intelligence sources outside the United States that a terrorist strike was likely on Tuesday, Veterans Day, to mark the two-month anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. (End of quote)
According to the US 9/11 commission, Jdey, 39, came to Canada from Tunisia in 1991 and become a citizen in 1995. With his new passport, he left for Afghanistan and trained with some of the September 11 hijackers. He was dropped from the 9/11 mission after recording a “martyrdom” video. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, planner of the World Trade Center attack, claims Jdey was recruited for a “second wave” of suicide attacks. In 2002, he was one of seven al Qaeda members sought in connection with possible terrorist threat in the United States.
Early this morning, while lying in bed all warm and snuggly with the Spousal Unit, I heard something on the radio that I haven't been able to verify. Or at least I think I heard it. It may have been one of those restless, half-lit dreams a person has when they're not quite awake yet not quite still asleep.
I heard/dreamed about a Donatos Pizza commercial. The commercial stated that Donatos Pizza was collecting items for the purpose of putting together care packages for our troops overseas. Interested persons could drop off these items at any Donatos in the Indianapolis area, or give them to the driver who delivers their pizza.
Okay, it sounded pretty real to me, but there's nothing on the Donatos Pizza national corporate website about it, and the radio station that's on at work hasn't run any of their ads today. And I'd really like to verify this.
If this is true, I'll be certain to order Donatos this week. I make it a point to support businesses that support our troops, and I always have liked their pizza. Nothing fancy, nothing pretentious, but it at least gets delivered while it's still hot and it's never all slid to one end of the box in a sodden mess.
Anyone else hear about this program in any other region? If this was infact a real commercial and not some dream, please let me know.
Now, what will I order? Mmmmm... Sausage, 'shrooms, and extra cheese... Oh, and Anchovies on the side for the rest of the family. NO fish on pizza for me, thank you.
My company did one of those "Care Package" drives about a year before they fired me. I spent $100 on chap-stick, sun screen, baby-wipes, chewing gum and other such stuff that I thought the troops could use in the desert.
Yes, the Democrats had a few bloggers sitting in the nose-bleed seats, a narrow shelf on which to place their laptops. They invited some, dis-invited others, and then sat back and watched the dog-and-pony show that emerged so that they could later, in retrospect, point at their gallant effort to include "The Little Guy" as a dismal failure.
Oh, they didn't point and say that? Well, perhaps they didn't have to, since the media did it for them.
And now it's time for the GOP to fire up the party faithful, and they, too, have invited a group of bloggers to blog in real time about what they're seeing. But will the media again cry out "Dismal Failure" as they point to the area where these men will be sitting, lit by the glow of their displays? Probably not, since they seem to have joined them in this experiment in Bloggery.
Well, speaking as one who has spoken at length over the last year or so with one of the chosen, and as one who appreciates the effort that goes into being a blogger with the kind of audience he has on a daily basis at both his personal site and at his campaign site, I can only imagine how exciting this has to be.
Matt, knock'em dead for us. I only wish I could be there to watch. I have no grand delusions about the level or quality of my blogging, but I'll have to admit that being there as a mere observer would be a great few days.
And you know what? You wanted questions you could ask of conventioneers? Well I just thought of one. Ask each of the "journalists" who comes up there to gape at you guys what their URL is. I'd be interested to know just how many of them has decided to set up temporary blogs just to prove that any monkey with a laptop can do this. To do a comparison between these well trained and impartial Journalists and you and your fellow bloggers would be interesting to say the very least.
Thanks Mama, here's as complete a list of RNC bloggers that I could find. I know Matt will keep the press's feet to the fire. It's doubtful that the medias love fest that was displayed at the DNC will be extended to the RNC so it will be up to these folks to inform us truthfully.
David Adesnik (OxBlog)
Bill Ardolino (INDC Journal)
Kevin Aylward (WizBang)
Tom Bevan (Real Clear Politics)
Ben Domenech (
Hugh Hewitt (
John Hinderaker (PowerLine)
Matt Margolis (
Edward Morrissey (
Alan Nelson (The Command Post)
Brian Reich (Campaign Web Review)
Scott Sala (Slant Point)
Karol Sheinin (Spot On)
Roger L. Simon (Roger L. Simon)
Josh Trevino (Tacitus)
Kerry is a threat to our sovereignty and our freedoms, but a more insidious threat exists: legislating from the bench. I'm all in favor of holding judges accountable for breaching the law and even worse the U.S. Constitution.
This is something voters need to consider this election, more strongly than the presidential candidates. Judges enjoy more anonymity than Mafia Dons and inflict infinitely more damage.
As voters we can stop them from destroying what this country was founded on. If Kerry gets elected he will appoint anarchists to the supreme court and the Democrats will rubber stamp those appointments.
Do you ever wonder why the internet is so polluted with pornography? The Supreme Court just reminded us why: it blocks every attempt by Congress to regulate the pornographers.
From its ivory tower, the Court props open the floodgates for smut and graphic sex. Over the past five years, it has repeatedly found new constitutional rights for vulgarity, most recently invalidating the Child Online Protection Act (COPA).
This latest judicial outrage happened on the final day of the Supreme Court term, after which the justices headed out for a long summer break. Lacking teenaged children of their own, the justices closed their eyes to electronic obscenity polluting our children's minds.
For decades, pornographers have enjoyed better treatment by our courts than any other industry. The justices have constitutionally protected obscenity in libraries, filth over cable television, and now unlimited internet pornography.
The flood of pornography started with the Warren Court when it handed down 34 decisions between 1966 and 1970 in favor of the smut peddlers. In mostly one-sentence decisions that were issued anonymously (the justices were too cowardly to sign them), the Court overturned every attempt by communities to maintain standards of decency.
The judges' obsession with smut is astounding. Even though five Supreme Court justices were appointed by Presidents Reagan and the first Bush, graphic sex wins judicial protection in essentially every case.
Woe to those who transgress an obscure environmental law, or say a prayer before a football game, or run a political ad within two months of an election. They find no judicial sympathy, as courts now routinely restrict private property rights and censor political speech.
But the pornographers can do no wrong in the eyes of our top justices. The most explicit sex can be piped into our home computers and the Supreme Court prevents our democratically elected officials from doing anything about it.
COPA was enacted by Congress in response to the Court's invalidation of the predecessor law, the Communications Decency Act of 1996. But decency lost again when six justices knocked out COPA in Ashcroft vs.. ACLU.
COPA was badly needed, as filth plagues the internet, incites sex crimes, and entraps children. COPA banned the posting for "commercial purposes" on the World Wide Web of material that is "patently offensive" in a sexual manner unless the poster takes reasonable steps to restrict access by minors.
You don't need to look very far to find a tragic crime traceable to the internet. In New Jersey in 1997, 15-year-old Sam Manzie, who had fallen prey to homosexual conduct prompted by the internet, sexually assaulted and murdered 11-year-old Eddie Werner, who was selling candy door-to-door.
COPA did not censor a single word or picture. Instead, it merely required the purveyors of sex-for-profit to screen their websites from minors, which can be done by credit card or other verification.
But minors are an intended audience for the highly profitable sex industry. Impressionable teenagers are most easily persuaded to have abortions, and homosexual clubs in high school are designed for the young.
Justice Kennedy declared it unconstitutional for Congress to stop porn flowing to teens, shifting the burden to families to screen out the graphic sex rather than imposing the cost on the companies profiting from the filth. His reasoning is as absurd as telling a family just to pull down its window shades if it doesn't want to see people exposing themselves outside.
In a prior pro-porn decision, Kennedy cited Hollywood morals as a guide for America, but this time he relied on the prevalence of foreign pornography. "40% of harmful-to-minors content comes from overseas," he declared in holding that the other 60% of obscenity is wrapped in the First Amendment.
The Supreme Court insisted that individual internet users should buy filters to try to block the vulgarity. Should those who do not like air pollution be told to buy air masks?
The Supreme Court protects pornography in books, movies, cable television, and the internet, real or simulated, against all citizens' clean-up efforts. The Court is no longer the blindfolded lady weighing a controversy, but is dominated by media-driven supremacists forcing us down into a moral sewer.
This latest pro-porn decision was too much even for Clinton-appointed Justice Breyer. He said, "Congress passed the current statute in response to the Court's decision" invalidating the prior law; "what else was Congress supposed to do?"
The solution to these ills foisted on us by judicial supremacists is for Congress to exercise its constitutional powers to remove jurisdiction from the federal courts over pornography. The Court has abused its power, and it's Congress's duty to end the judicial abuse.
Learn more here and here