August 26, 2004


Bad news: When I got home, my computer would not start. Some kind of issue with either the power supply or the mother board, I have no idea what. My old system is dead.

Good news: My main hard drive and network card are fine, so I have my important data, Mozilla, e-mail, bookmarks, and (after WAY too much messing around) internet access.

Bad news: I've got my hard drive & network card in a tiny little case that's running at 300Mhz, has no room for a CD-rom, my video card, or my secondary hard drive (only one power supply plug). Also, I lost 5 productive hours trying to make this thing work, so I'm that far behind on blogging and e-mails. Oh, and surfing in 16 colors with a screen resolution of 480x600 just blows.

Good news: I'm marginally functional in the interim and should be able to catch up eventually. We'll see how tomorrow night goes.

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to drink heavily now.

UPDATE: New system has been ordered. Probably take a week or so :-(

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Blogdaughter Boudicca of Boudicca's Voice has presented me with a bouncing baby bloggranddaughter, VW of One Happy Dog Speaks.

Who will probably get nicknamed "Bug" in short order, I imagine.

Let's peek into the crib, shall we?

In her first post she explains the fine art of hurting oneself while trying to take movies

A substantive first post? Trying to scandalize the neighbors already, I see.

Next she frets a little about electromagnetic radiation, citing the interesting phenomenon of getting a flourescent light bulb to glow under a high voltage power line. I wouldn't worry about it, too much, Bug, you get more radiation from sunshine.

A little bit about the joys of having a young Neil Peart giving a 6:30am concert in your living room. That one I can't imagine. I have enough trouble with all my dogs & cats playing the "hairball concerto" at all hours, complete with the mad dash to pull them off the living room rug before the crescendo.

Finally, we have another battle in the "wipe vs. shake" dribbling-weenie-wars. Not an issue at my house, but I can definitely relate to the "large dog, small bathroom" situation. If anyone can explain the fascination my animals have with watching me whiz, please do so.

So, Bug, welcome to the Bad Example Family. Feel free to grab a logo from this post for display in your sidebar, if you're so inclined.

And please don't spit up on Grandpa's nice suit anymore.

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August 25, 2004


Unedited, in his own words.

Via Charles of The Discerning Texan, I found out that there's a brand new site that lets you read John Kerry's book "The New Soldier" on line for free.

Yes, that controversial, out of print, slap in the face to every patriotic Viet Nam veteran book that Kerry really regrets having written is now available in pdf format.

You might want to download these before the Kerry campaign releases the hounds lawyers.

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» pamibe links with: Read it for yourself!
by Harvey | Permalink | 3 Comments | Trackback


A couple weeks ago, after buying Doom 3 for Blogless Brother Tom for his 40th birthday, I decided it was time for a computer upgrade.

Nothing really wrong with the system I have, except that it can't play Doom 3.

And, for once, I decided to save up for it and buy it after I had the money instead of just charging it and waiting for the bill like I usually do.

Unfortunately, my computer has recently taken to restarting for no particular reason, and it's becoming more frequent.

I'm ordering the new computer today.

Meanwhile, if the old system goes down hard between now & the time the new one gets set up, I may go involuntarily incommunicado, and I didn't want anyone to worry.

And in case you're wondering, this is NOT a distracting cover story that I'm using as an alibi to disguise my secret CIA mission inside near Cambodia.

Unless I come back with a lucky hat, in which case it was.

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It used to be that, in my more generous moments, I could almost give creedence to the "I support the troops, but I don't support the war" claim.

I can't even get that far anymore.

J of Quibbles & Bits puts it all in perspective by imagining a similar stance by a sports fan:

"Let me get this straight -- You say you support the Cowboys."


"And you want them to have the best equipment and facilities, all the stuff they need to get ready for the upcoming games."

"Yep. All the best."

"But you don't want them to play?"

"Damn straight," he said, grinning.

"And if they do play, you'd rather see them come home in defeat?"

"It will keep them from getting arrogant." He seemed to think I understood his thinking.

"You are one [f*****] up individual."

Or in Kerry's case, one f'd up presidential candidate.

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Or maybe it's just beginning.

At any rate, Frank's back at IMAO, and I posted my final bit. One of my better efforts from somewhere in the April Bad Money archives. Even if you've read it before, read it again. It's that good.

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August 24, 2004


In the comments to this post wherein I picked some "L" words that made me think of Beloved Wife, Linus of Pepper of the Earth mentioned a certain song about the letter "L" from Sesame Street.

Blogdaughter Boudicca of Boudicca's Voice mentioned that I could do my very own special rendition of it.

She should REALLY learn when to shut up.

Anyway, I copied the lyrics from here, and made some... adjustments...

The result is just plain horrifying, and certainly not for anyone with any sense of propriety, decency or taste. For the sake of The ChildrenTM and people surfing from work, I'm putting this atrocity in the extended entry.

Finally, my sincerest apologies to Jim Henson, Frank Oz, and the Children's Television Workshop.

I will burn in hell for this.

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Now that word about John Kerry's misadventures in Viet Nam have started leaking - ever so slowly - into the mainstream press, eventually they'll have to explain why they gave Kerry a two-week pass instead of gnawing his legs off in a hyena-like frenzy as the do with every tiny faux pas of W's.

Here are my predictions on what they might pull out for ass-coverage:

They were distracted by the important-lookingness of Kerry's hair.

All the office computers were running Windows so some data loss was inevitable.

They had to wait for Chris Matthews to steal Michelle Malkin's copy of "Unfit For Command" before they could read it.

Their shipment of journalistic integrity got lost in the mail.

Which is understandable, since it's hard to keep track of thimble-sized packages.

They didn't run the story because they get their marching orders from Karl Marx, not Karl Rove.

All the office computers were tied up with burning DVD's of "Fahrenheit 9/11".

Which took forever, since Windows kept crashing.

They weren't IGNORING the story, they just wanted to be "fashionably late".

They were busy dodging bullets in Cambodia.

Or maybe NEAR Cambodia

They couldn't write the story unless they were wearing their lucky CIA hats, which were apparently stolen out of their briefcases by the Bush administration.

Who killed innocent Iraqis with them.

While lying about it.

Hey, remember Abu Ghraib?

AbuGhraibAbuGhraibAbuGhraibBushLiedYearrrrgggh! *froth*

They were busy staring at the asses of the Brazilian Women's Olympic Volleyball Team.

They were stuck on level 7 of Doom 3

Everyone was at the "Unbiased, Objective Journalists Without An Agenda For Kerry" fundraiser.

There was an entire sentence in the last paragraph on page 28 of the New York Times. What the hell ELSE do you want?

Just as the story was going to press, they ran out of soy-based ink, so they had to hold off.

The check from the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy just now cleared the bank.

And if you think THAT was some doubletalking backpedalling, wait till you see the spin on Kerry's Winter Soldier testimony.



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How blessed I am that I can walk beside you, lean upon you, and live within the warmth of your love.

(CAUTION: Romantics beware - comments may contain naughtiness)

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Shortly after Matty O'Blackfive was hired by the Treasury to print the serial numbers on $1 bills, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing instituted a "no Irish need apply" hiring policy.

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Blogson-in-law Alex of Alex in Wonderland has chapter 3, part 1 of "The Witch Hunter" up.

I've never been sucked in so hard by something outside of a Bangkok whorehouse.

And for your in-sucking convenience, Alex has posted Chapter 1 in a single post. If you've been putting this off, then take the 10 minute challenge. Read the first chapter. If you find that you don't care what happens to the characters, please tell me I'm a weenie in the comments.

And after you get hooked, follow this link to chapter 2, and after that, you can navigate off the calendar, starting with August 21st.

If the white-on-blue type hurts your eyes, just copy & paste into your favorite text editor & read it from there.

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I dredged my Bad Money archives & came up with a couple more items for IMAO.

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August 23, 2004


That I wrote specifically for IMAO guest posting purposes.

You won't see it here.

So go there.

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Love is when thoughts of but one woman fill your heart, when she means more than life to you, when you know you would do anything for her and shall die if she is taken from you. Desire is when you ache to see her and touch her, when she causes your body to burn and tremble.

(CAUTION: Romantics beware - comments may contain naughtiness)

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Blogson-in-law Alex of Alex in Wonderland has posted sort of an odd little interlude, and not described with chapter & part number, yet obviously relevant to the story line.

What I'm really enjoying about this series is that every day there's new little hints and shadows of things to come which are woven elegantly into the narrative.

If you haven't started yet, the easiest way is to go here, click on calendar date August 14th and navigate off the calendar page, day by day.

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Your Precision Guided Humor Assignment: "What excuses will the "unbiased" major media outlets give for not covering Kerry's lies about Viet Nam?" is due by 8pm Wednesday. Late entries must be accompanied by a lame excuse.

Monday Linky Stuff

A Filthy Lie

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August 22, 2004


Blogson-in-law Alex of Alex in Wonderland has a post up wherein he cherishes his darling wife Sally by listing some other appropriate S words.

Since Beloved Wife's name begins with L, my list would include the following:

Lady, likeable, lickable, luscious, lacivious, lay, lusty, and loving.

And lets not forget landcuffs, lindfolds, and londage.

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I've been hearing now and again about how Alan Keyes came out in favor of reparations in a recent speech (name drgwandsp password calzephyr - courtesy of BugMeNot):

Keyes proposed that for a generation or two, African-Americans of slave heritage should be exempted from federal taxes-federal because slavery "was an egregious failure on the part of the federal establishment."

Steve of Disaster and Love, Vengeance and Dust has his take on it, but I look at it from a different angle.

I view taxes as a necessary evil - more evil than necessary, for the most part - so whenever someone doesn't have to pay them, I look at it as a GOOD thing. I don't care if it's a sleazy loophole designed to buy votes, I STILL cheer. This country needs MORE and LARGER sleazy loopholes. The more things that are exempt from taxation, the happier I am.

Sure, I'd LIKE to be the guy on the receiving end of the free pass, but at the same time, I'm not petty enough to begrudge someone else their good time.

So I say go ahead and exempt blacks from taxation. Then bring in the browns, yellows & reds. Do the whole freaking rainbow!

Well, not the greens. Hippy bastards.

Anyway, creating exemptions helps establish the point that taxation is a BAD thing that HURTS people. If that idea takes hold, then eventually my snow-colored, melanin-impaired brethren will be have to be exempted, too.

Meanwhile, I don't mind waiting in the back of the bus for my turn.

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While perusing the Showcase, I came across this excellent piece by Varifrank wherein he most brilliantly and thoroughly discusses the parallels between the Manhattan project and the Iraq war WMD issue.

You see, the whole reason America went to all the trouble of building the atomic bomb is that we thought Germany was building one, and we wanted to beat them to the punch.

Turns out we were wrong.

Does that mean WWII was wrong?

Go check Varifranks's take on it.

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Blogdaughter Boudicca of Boudicca's Voice has penned some ponderings on a subject near and dear to her heart - Feminine Hygiene Products.

Actually, it's nearer & dearer to other body parts, but I'm not going there.

Anyway, if you've ever used FHP or been forced to buy FHP for an owner of a near & dear body part, go have a look.

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This picture from the Truth Laid Bear illustrating the relative influence of 527's on both the Republicans & Democrats.

To be fair, there may be larger Republican 527's not shown on the chart, but it's still interesting.

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Blogson Johnny-Oh of Closet Extremist has a couple excellent pieces on working in retail and dealing with pissy cusomers.

From the first one:

As I came in from the greenhouse patio, I stopped at the register's to inform the cashier's that I was taking my break. As I turned away from them, I noticed a little woman (whom I hadn't even noticed was standing there) standing about eight feet away from the register "Island". As soon as she saw me register her existence, she blurted out the phrase (and rather "pissilly" too) "aren't you supposed to be helping me?". My response was, (Just as pissilly) "No. I'm supposed to be on break!...But...How can I help you?".

From the second one:

As I was talking about this subject with my roommate, he reminded me of the concept of firing customers. Mr. Brodsky really does a good job of saying what I wanted to drive home. There are times when your customer actually hurts your business, and you've got to do something about them.

If you work retail, I highly recommend these.

If you're a pissy customer, then go away. I'm on break :-P

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Don't believe a damn word you read about me in those disreputable British tabloids.

There were several thousand pornographic magazines.

Nothing but LIES, I say!

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... I'm going to mention that I did a couple throw-away posts at IMAO.

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Chapter 2 Part 3 now up.

If you need to catch up, go here and navigate by calendar (start at August 14th).

Oh, and Alex? May I suggest that you put a category link (and instructions to start at August 14th) at the top of each chapter so that someone who stumbles across it can find part 1?

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Blogson GEBIV of There's One, Only! has a quick visual for you. 10 seconds, tops.

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I never threw away my ribbons.

(click to enlarge)

I never betrayed my Band of Brothers.

(click to enlarge)

For the curious, this picture was taken in Olongapo, Philippines, on November 12, 1989 at the Shark's Cove Bar on Magsaysay Drive. I'm pretty sure it was on the left as you headed into town, and within a couple blocks of the bridge over Shit River.

That guy on the left in the Dodgers shirt? He was getting out of the Navy the next day. This was his farewell party. We paid one of the locals some paltry sum to take this picture and make copies for everybody.

That guy third from the left in the Hard Rock T-shirt? That's me, age 23.

Except for the beard, and a few gray hairs, I haven't changed much.

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... in the left sidebar, courtesy of blogson-in-law Alex of Alex In Wonderland.

Can you guys read his T-shirt?

And speaking of Alex, it seems that he's trying to cause trouble with some sort of "Brit Eye For The Candidate Guy" post.

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In the comments to this post, the Bartender asks an interesting question:

I have noticed that your comment count has increased dramatically since you moved off of Radio... would attribute that to just a better pop-up comment system, or would attribute the increase to the show/hide comment script enabling your readers to more easily review the discussion thread... I have my thoughts, you have your thoughts, I wonder what your actual readers/commentors will have to say

I have no freakin' clue.

Personally, I thought it had more to do with raising up a crop of loquacious blogkids, who have the VERY delightful habit of commenting daily.

Also, since moving over here, I've become a little more conversational in my posting style, and I'm asking more questions in my posts.

Finally, with the election season upon us, my posts have become a little more inflammatory and controversial, so I'm more likely to inspire people to sound off.

So get over yourself Bartender, it's all about ME! MUAHAHAHAHA!

Anyway, to answer your question... from personal experience, I know I'm much more likely to review drop-down comment threads. I wish EVERYONE had them. And when I review comment threads, sometimes I'll be inspired to leave a comment, even if the post itself doesn't make anything pop into my head.

What do YOU think, dear readers?

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With each glance into your beautiful eyes, I fall in love over and over again.

(CAUTION: Romantics beware - comments may contain naughtiness)

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