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Dan Wright

I saw a van the other day, carrying a load of tropical plants that you can apparently rent to enhance the decor of your home or office, and had to laugh at the name painted on the side of the van. Rentokil is apparently the parent company of the distributor. Rent to that's a plant service I can get behind 100%. I kill most of the ones I buy, anyway.

Thursday 17 June 2004 at 22:42
« Last Blogger Standing Daddy's Girl »

LOL. We have Rentokil over here too and one day I saw one of their trucks followed by one for "Fuchs Lubricants". I kid you not! [salty*dog]
They service the plants in the courtyard outside my office building... they must use some extra-farty manure, because everytime I walk through there (and sometimes before I reach that area) it smells... well... bad. [Tara]
Yeah, I'm glad I'm not the only that thinks Rentokil isn't exactly a great name. They service all of our "exotic tropical" (that's what their invoice says) plants at my office. How did they come up with that? Is it the name of some endangered fern that grows in Madagascar? I keep meaning to ask the people who water my plants but I always forget after they give me an "accidental " shower. [Michael]