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[14 Dec 2003|08:51pm]
[ mood | optimistic ]
[ music | Led Zeppelin - Dazed And Confused ]

well, im moved over to [info]evisceration. ill be using that journal instead. im doing this for purging reasons. purging lots really. if you wish to remain on my friends list, just add me to your's. i will add you back. i understand this is a bitch for some people, get over it. its just mouse clicking. all my journal posting here will be made there. i think ive said enough. kthxbye <3

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[14 Dec 2003|01:55am]

add it. more tomarrow.
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[13 Dec 2003|10:08pm]
livejournals are free now. better get them while their hot!
you can control this guy's christmas lights via his website + webcam
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[11 Dec 2003|11:57pm]
christian, if you read this, im sorry i didnt get to come see you. i made plans to go shopping with a friend of mine and she ended up running really late. we got to the mall at 7. gah! ill make it up to you if you want. i feel like a dick. sorry.
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[11 Dec 2003|04:28pm]
[ music | A Perfect Circle - Vanishing ]

i think ill show off my desktop. donno why, just will. )

i stop.
i pray in the time so priceless minus paranoia.
sleep walk on water and hell's fire too,
the ocean sings a sirens song, but not with another truth,
and not with another care in the world.
it sings a scream, the devil's tune,
while stuck in your honey, the sea just slips on down
sting the bees, with the insects sung, loud, and paralyzing,
the monster i feed just to lure you.
to lure you into my arms.

this took me 5 minutes to write.
anywho. mike isnt going shopping. he grandpa is dying and he feels like ass. well, he DID feel like ass, but he smoked "a joint laced with KJ."
oh! did anyone watch south park last? stan was a fucking goth, rofl. it was hi-larious.

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with your halo falling to the ground.. [11 Dec 2003|01:48pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | Cher - Dark Lady ]

ive been trying to post publicly lately. i donno why. i think i might want more people's journals to read and im advertising my journal.

im going to pick up mike and hes going to go shopping with me. while im there im going to see christian at her work, but she told me she didnt really feel like going today, and theres like two one hour windows with an hour between when shes actually there. then later im going to hang out with kat and go shopping again, heh. lots to do.

oh yeah, it was fucking hailing over here. how bout any one else in bakersfield? it hailed HARD for like 10 seconds and came to a dead stop. while its sunny out too. thats prolly usual for peopel who dont live here, but a few years back it snowed and the town was flipping out and panicing like it was the end of the world or some shit. it hadnt snowed in over 30 years. but still.

so yes. kat, let me whats up with later.

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[10 Dec 2003|01:31pm]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Marilyn Manson - Rock Is Dead ]

wendy: send me those motherfucking pictures for my motherfucking website
raven: i have a motherfucking letter but i havent sent it yet because im motherfucking lazy. oh wait, you dont check LJ. shoot.
corie: i will try to work on my motherfucking website and get the motherfucking new design worked on
everyone: my motherfucking forum motherfucking sucks, but i had a good day at school today and i dont motherfucking care :D

stealing this from wendy. copy/paste in a reply ~
[01] give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
[02] am i lovable?
[03] how long have you known me?
[04] when and how did we first meet?
[05] what was your first impression?
[06] do you still think that way about me now?
[07] what do you think my weakness is?
[08] do you think that i'll get married?
[09] what makes me happy?
[10] what makes me sad?
[11] what reminds you of me?
[12] if you could give me anything, what would it be?
[13] how well do you know me?
[14] when's the last time you saw me?
[15] ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
[16] do you think i could kill someone?
[17] describe me in one word.
[18] do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
[19] do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?

love you all.

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too funny to pass up. for you wrestling fans anyway.. [09 Dec 2003|09:30pm]
[ music | Mudvayne - The End of All Things to Come ]

21.29 nick:;=2771163960&category;=2845
21.43 nick:;=2845&item;=2771161374
22.11 nick: thats sad he has to sell his belt and shit
22.44 Naviohki: thats depressing
22.56 nick: HOOOOOOOO
23.21 Naviohki: still funny how hes EBAYing his shit though
24.19 nick: i like his ebay name
24.45 Naviohki: hahaha
24.50 Naviohki: i didnt even notice that

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[07 Dec 2003|12:04am]
i know no one reads my journal, but does anyone play MMORPGs? my friends and i are starting a guild for worlds of warcraft we need some members slots filled. let me know if you are interested.
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vulgarity makes me giggle [06 Dec 2003|09:43am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Mudvayne - Severed ]

man. saturday morning. 9:30am. wtf. i wish i had a chance to sleep in. but no. aside from a rude old man, a mother who insists on cooking and bitching about dogs at the same time, and well, the dogs that wake me the fuck up, so it aint gonna happen. i want to go see the last samurai today, it looks awesome. wish i had someone to go see it with *whistles and kicks a rock*

im getting 100 bucks out of that large sum of money my mom got to buy christmas shit for people. i wish it was more, but ya, the whole poverty thing.

looks like my forum will be a failure. bleh.

im going to go have me some eggs and hash browns. mmm... hash browns... my one true friend. omg no wait, absolut vodka. yeah alright, bye.

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[04 Dec 2003|11:34am]
[ music | Led Zeppelin - D'yer Mak'er ]

well, im trying to put up, but since my host isnt online until like 11pm in the middle of the fucking night i guess i have to wait. theres some problems with the database. my server access is pretty limited so i have no idea if i even have one or whatever, ive never fucked with cgi or database crap so im pretty clueless. waiting game some more.

yeah, stayed home from school today. i have a fever. i think im winning though. i consider it a kind of war. heh. been taking fever reducers, drinking hot assy ass tea and i took a pack of 24 ricolas since yesterday. maybe i should just start drinking hot water.

my skin condition is slowly going away, but if its not gone by sunday im calling a physician. when i get moderately warm it feels like my back is being stuck with pins and needles. its just taking longer because i have sensitive skin.

i realized that i really need something else to do while online. some sites to read or something. anything anyone can recommend?

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[30 Nov 2003|12:03am]

i am looking for a font like this (the top). if you have it, please let me know. thx.
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[27 Nov 2003|12:22am]
limited edition wallpaper. get it while its hot )
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[26 Nov 2003|09:37pm]
[ music | A Perfect Circle - Blue ]

what i want for my birthday:

a six pack of triple black and absolute vodka lime or raspberry.
i wonder if pepsi vanilla and vodka vanilla..hmm. might taste good.

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[26 Nov 2003|07:36pm]
[ music | Mudvayne - Dig ]

does anyone have experience with adobe premiere?

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[19 Nov 2003|10:14pm]
[ music | A Perfect Circle - Pet ]

does anyone know where i can find a good sized picture of giger's 'Pentagram' piece?

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[12 Nov 2003|11:39pm]

\Tu"mult\, n. [L. tumultus; probably akin to Skr. tumula noise, noisy, and perhaps to L. tumere to swell, E. tumid: cf. F. tumulte.] 1. The commotion or agitation of a multitude, usually accompanied with great noise, uproar, and confusion of voices; hurly-burly; noisy confusion.

What meaneth the noise of this tumult ? --1 Sam. iv. 14.

Till in loud tumult all the Greeks arose. --Pope.

2. Violent commotion or agitation, with confusion of sounds; as, the tumult of the elements. --Addison.

3. Irregular or confused motion; agitation; high excitement; as, the tumult of the spirits or passions.

Syn: Uproar; ferment; disturbance; turbulence; disorder; confusion; noise; bluster; hubbub; bustle; stir; brawl; riot.
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[11 Nov 2003|09:17pm]
[ music | Evanescence - My Immortal ]

hard to imagine a person like that became a person like me.

i need to be more intoxicated.

masterbating with a cold hand doesnt work.

evanescence aint too shitty.

not quite numb enough.

christmas is going to suck this year. suck bad.

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[10 Nov 2003|02:21pm]
getting paris hilton porn tonight
dont expect to hear from me for a week or two.
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i r god [10 Nov 2003|01:08pm]
uhhhhhhhh... like these couldnt get any more accurate. i think they were made for me. trip-sause.

Are you a God? by Demonac
God/Goddess type:God of Mayhem
Worshippers:Just one, but he's Bill Gates!
They show devotion by:Listening to Heavy Metal music
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Are you a God? by Demonac
God/Goddess type:Burning Bush
Worshippers:Mental Patients
They show devotion by:Converting followers of other faiths.
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Are you a God? by Demonac
God/Goddess type:God of Destruction
They show devotion by:Protesting against local by-laws
Created with quill18's MemeGen!
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