So this quiz has been done before. Still, you can never have too many "goth" quizzes. Especially when most of the pre-existing ones are crap! (like this one is any different...). Nonetheless, take the quiz, or that thing over there *points* might eat you.


1.Go to goth clubs much?


2. When you do, what's your dancing style?:

I don't "dance". I'm too busy discussing intelligent things with friends at the bar.
I weave beautiful spiderwebs with my hands, letting the music flow through me and empower me to express the incredible energy it fills me with.
Oh, y'know. I just kinda move to the beat.
I don't dance, I'm too young to get into any clubs.
I mosh or headbang or stomp. Rawr.
Eh, I have my own unique style. Kinda robotlike, almost!
Sorry, dancing would interrupt this rockin' D&D; game.


3. Saturday afternoon, what are you doing?

Shopping online for cool clothes!
Shopping at the mall for cool clothes!
Still hung over from that concert last night (damn you, beer and liquor!).
Still hung over from that art show last night (damn you wine/heroin!)
Eh, something or another. No reason to tell you.
Watching anime.
Reading something enlightening.
Eh, something relaxing, since I *did* work all week.


4. If you punched someone, it would likely be because:

Sorry, I'm a pacifist, I'd never punch anyone.
They wouldn't shut up about how that s.o.b. hack Rimbaud was the greatest writer of the 19th century.
They killed my character.
They told me my work was crap.
They told me NIN is crap.
They told me Front 242 is crap.
They looked funny.
They told me Throbbing Gristle is crap.
someone from my daily life recognised me while dressed up and got offended X.X


5. If people call you a goth, it's likely because:

I have "apathy" tattoed across my chest.
Cause I wear all black and look all tough and evil.
I think dragons and vampires are cool. Or because I'm obsessed with Eternal Darkness.
Doesn't matter why, I'd punch'em for it>.<
They don't.
They accidentally ran into me at night.
I'm so friggin liberal. Either that or all the lace.
Of my deep dark emotional paintings or writings.


6. Care for a drink?

Yeah dude, gimme a beer or something.
Absinthe, please.
I'm an alcoholic, of *course* I want a drink.
Sure, maybe jasmine tea if you have it.
Dude, Jolt! Or anything to keep me awake for this all-nighter of anime.
Umm, I'm too young to drink any of the dark evil drinks I long for.
A drink as strong as these thrashing guitars in my head.


7. Something to eat, perhaps?

Oh, I'll take a gardenburger!
Flat foods. So people can slide them under my door when I'm deeply entranced in an all-night coding session.
Junk food. Pocky.
Ramen, that's all I can afford.
No thanks, I still have this raging hangover from the absinthe.
Sure, that'll help cure the hangover from all that Jack Daniels.
Sure! Um, mall food, whatever's near the Hot Topic. Taco bell is way sp00ky.


8. So, what's your favorite color?

Oh I like any color you'd find in your average motherboard.
Clear blue, like the eyes of that elf I fantasized about last night.
Black! Err, I mean um green. Yeah,... green.
Anything dark and passionate, dark as the color of my soul, dark as the color of my clove-ridden lungs *hack hack*.
Like pink or yellow maybe.
*shrugs* I like alot of colors.
The color of beauty, the color of stars, shining with the irrridescance of the connection of life running through us all.
Uhhh. Gunmetal and black. Ooo, or the color of brains!
Blood red, and like, really evil blacks and stuff.
Beautiful dark tortured colors, that strangely seem to flow from my hands sometimes...


9. Cemetaries?

Sure, the sculptures and atmosphere puts me in a creative mood.
I feel very at one with nature in them, they calm me and put me at peace.
Eh. I'm too jaded to enjoy cemetaries. People that hang out in them are trying too hard.
Yeah. but I enjoy them secretly, and only go by myself (shhh don't tell anyone!).
Cemetaries are lame, I like my dead people in the form of zombies and stuff.
They're ok. My day job usually keeps me from enjoying them too much though.
Um, thet's where you put dead people. Whoop-de-do.
Gargoyles are cool.
Ooo, yes! My friends and I dress up and take pictures of each other on the coffins, it's really cool.
maybe. I'm more of an indoor person, though.



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