August 24, 2004
Cheney reaffirms 2000 position on marriage
Category: Gay - MarriageI was pleased to hear Dick Cheney say today that he thought government should have no business in the relationships between two individuals, and if it is a matter of recognizing them for governmental purposes, it should be left to the States. I wholly agree with the first part of his statement, and applaud him for sticking to his beliefs. Log Cabin agrees:
"Today the Vice President restated what he so eloquently said in 2000, and what the Vice President said then rings just as true today. The Vice President's comments should be a clear signal to the drafters of our Party's Platform to not include a plank that would call for a Constitutional Amendment," said Patrick Guerriero, Executive Director of Log Cabin Republicans."Additionally, we have called on the Platform Committee to adopt language that makes it clear that voices, like those of Vice President Cheney, who may disagree with the Gary Bauers of the world are welcome in this party," continued Guerriero.
Log Cabin Republicans Applaud Vice President Cheney for Opposing Anti-family Marriage Amendment [LCR]
Coalition of Mainstream Republican Groups Calls for Party Unity Plank in GOP Platform [LCR]
Trail Mix linked with Fathering by Trial Balloon
Trail Mix linked with Fathering by Trial Balloon
Christian Grantham linked with Cheney breaks with Bush on 'gay marriage'
Final Week of Session; Same Old Stuff in Legislature
Category: Politics - CaliforniaWhen Gray Davis was Governor, Democrats in the Legislature would wait until the final days of session, then resusscitate their failed, unpopular bills by a process known as "gut-and-amend"...they would take an unrelated piece of legislation that had made it through the process and onto the floor of the second house, strike all the language in that bill, and insert language from a bill they were unable to get out of committee earlier in the session. Magically, the new bill would pass and be digned by the Grayvernator.
With Schwarzenegger in town this year, he warned early on that he would look unfavorably upon "gut-and-amend" bills, sending the message that things were different. There's a new sheriff in town. Things are different... Now, the democratic legislature is amending Schwarzenegger-backed bills to require that, in order for them to take effect, he must sign another bill which he opposes. If Schwarzenegger wants to prove his muscle, he will cut through this same old shit from the legislature and veto and bill with such legislative chicanery.
Utility's Energy Bill may kill Solar Incentive Programs [CalEnergyBlog]
Proposal to resume busway work stalled in Senate [Daily News]
Dan Walters: End of session brings usual complaints about sneaky bills [SacBee]
August 23, 2004
USC Trojans Fan Club in Iraq
Category: Sports - USC TrojansLet's just hope Al Jazeera doesn't figure out the title to the song they're playing. You know, "Conquest"...
Trojan fan club in Iraq [WeAreSC]
Socal Spellout, Conquest [Trojan Marching Band]
Downtown L.A. Bloggers
Category: Blogging MattersThe Los Angeles Downtown News profiles web logs in this week's paper.
In case you were wondering, my connection is that I work in Downtown LA.
Also, apparently the style guide is evolving, yet I am inclined, for offline print media, to go with the New York Times' "Boi from Troy" to describe me as a person, and BoiFromTroy to describe the web log.
To Live and Blog in Downtown [LA Downtown News]
Will GOP's next Convention be in The O.C.?
Category: Politics - CaliforniaNext Wednesday, Anaheim, CA, Mayor Curt Pringle will kick off that City's bid to host the 2008 Republican National Convention. The afternoon reception promises "Special Caleeforneeya Cameos" which we are sure will be fantastic!
We're a bit worried, however, about having a confab so close to the happiest place on earth. While participants in Gay Days at Disneyland traditionally wear the color red, Republicans might start to worry about the use of the appelation, "Red State".
After the excitement of receiving an invitation to a party at New York's Ritz Carlton wore off, we did our research and found that Anaheim is also pitching to host the other party's convention in 2008, with the pitch, "Orange County is the home of (former Republican Rep.) Bob Dornan, (late President) Richard M. Nixon and a whole lot of other Republicans, but it's not all Republican." Somehow, that argument seems more likely to persuade the pachyderms.
Anaheim, Calif., makes bid to host party conventions in 2008 [SacBee]
Log Cabin Urges Governator's Action! Action! Action! on Non-Discrimination Bill
Category: Gay - PoliticsThe first "gay rights" bill of the Schwarzenegger administration is on the Governator's desk. This morning, Log Cabin California sent out a press release urging Govneror Arnold Schwarzenegger to sign AB 2900:
AB 2900 standardizes dozens of sections of the labor code to a universal definition, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, marital status, sex, age, or sexual orientation.“Standardizing more than thirty labor and employment-related provisions that prohibit discrimination in the Fair Employment and Housing Act is needed to eliminate confusion in our state laws,” said Bissiri. “Governor Schwarzenegger is a both champion of good government and a supporter of fair and equal treatment of gays and lesbians. AB 2900 is one more step in the right direction.”
Schwarzenegger portrays himself as a moderate Republican, which would lead one to believe that signing such legislation would be a no-brainer. But as is unfortunately the case, there is no such thing as a no-brainer when it comes to Republicans and gay rights, so it is a good thing that LCR is out there pushing this and other issues vocally.
Council Candidate Calls Opponent 'Kettle'
Category: Politics - L.A. and WeHoThe race to replace Los Angeles' Westside City Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski had one of what will be the first of many interesting moments this week, as one Candidate got caught in the classic case of being the pot calling the kettle black:
The campaign of Flora Gil Krisiloff, a member of the West Los Angeles Planning Commission, began it by urging Bill Rosendahl to return a contribution he'd received from the public relations firm of Fleishman Hillard.The firm has been in in the news lately, with accusations it overbilled the city in its contracting with the Department of Water and Power.
"I strongly urge you to return this money and avoid tainting city government with continued perceptions of malfeasance," Krisiloff wrote to Rosendahl.
Rosendahl, a former executive with Adelphia Cable, said through his campaign spokesman that he had no plans to return the money and encouraged Krisiloff to look at her own contributions.
"She is taking money from all sorts of people where there are questions," consultant Rick Taylor said. "She received $500 from (former Airport Commission President) Ted Stein. If she's sincere, she should return that money."
Stein stepped down from the commission post as part of the inquiry into accusations of a "pay-to-play" operation in city contracting procedures. He has denied any wrongdoing.
Politician...sincere?!? Ha! We don't know anything about Kristoff, but we know Rosendahl. He's a good guy who is straightforward with his politics, which are a good fit with that district (even though, we must admit, that those politics seldom jive with those of most Republicans). Having worked in government affairs for the incumbent cable television utility for decades, Rosendahl knows what works and what doesn't work at City Hall--and how businesses pay dearly whenever they must deal with Spring Street.
Council members start giving proclamations to each other [Rick Orlov, LADN]
Republican Convention Blogs
Category: Blogging MattersNot all of the bloggers who will be at the Republican National Convention in New York next week are officially "Convention Bloggers" that are credentialed as such. Some web logs, like BoiFromTroy, will be in New York, will be credentialed for the convention, but will be there on their own. As I said in June, "If I don't get a blog credential, I will walk down to a laundromat in Chelsea," where they have public computers.
Here is the list of bloggers who will be in New York outside of the regular, New York blogger crowd:
- Blogs for Bush
- BoiFromTroy
- Campaign Web Review
- Captain's Quarters
- Command Post
- Dean's World
- Hugh Hewitt
- INDC Journal
- Irish Lass
- OxBlog
- Power Line
- Real Clear Politics
- Red State
- Roger L. Simon
- Slant Point
- Spot On
- Tacitus
- WizBang! Blog
- Wonkette
If anyone else is going to be in NYC blogging Convention and wants to be added to this list, drop a comment below! The rest of you might bookmark this entry or something to check in with them next week.
August 22, 2004
Good News, Bad News
Category: Gay - Bars and EntertainmentBad News: Like Tim, I have been sick; I finalloy went to a doctor this morning and it ends up I have strep throat. Sweet.
Good News: The antibiotic prescriptions these days are stronger and faster, meaning my medication cycle will be done on Thursday and I will be ready to celebrate with this:
That's right, Happy Hour Friday at Therapy in New York. If you can make it, send me an email or post this invitation on your site, and send a trackback link to this post...Also, say thanks to Groeg for the art design!
August 20, 2004
HRC Director opines on McGreevey outing
Category: Gay - PoliticsDespite saying that New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey should not have resigned simply on account of his being gay, Human Rights Campaign Director Cheryl Jacques hints that the environment of elective office is hostile to homosexuals:
Jacques emphasized that despite growing up in the New Jersey and New York area and moving in progressive circles at Harvard University, McGreevey still did not feel comfortable acknowledging his sexual orientation.“It is a hostile environment [for closeted gays],” Jacques said. “We have a president promoting intolerance and a young McGreevey growing up didn’t have gay role models. No gay-straight alliance in his schools. The workplace didn’t protect him. I take him at his word when he says he did not have environments that made him feel safe.”
So she is saying that, in New York and New Jersey, having to be elected to office constitutes a "hostile environment"...reminds me of my first take on the McGreevey speech last Thursday.
N.J. governor praised by gay groups [Washington Blade]
McGreevey: Gays Unfit for Office [BfT]
August 19, 2004
Gladiators of the Coliseum
Category: Sports - USC TrojansVisitors Chez Boi will recognize this poster, which I found someone using in their signature on a USC Football Message Board. Front and center is FB Brandon Hancock, shirtless, and on the ends of the second row are Heisman Candidate Matt Leinart, shirtless on the left, in front of his predecessor, Carson Palmer, and Matt Cassel on the far right. Who needs Hot Olympians?
North-South Battle Begins over Bay Bridge
Category: Politics - CaliforniaWith the looming retirement of Senate President Pro Tempore John Burton (D - San Francisco), political leaders in the Bay Area are getting jittery that the rest of California may spurn them for not being in sync with the rest of the state, politically:
Perata, however, in the churning political mix of issues such as the casino and Bay Bridge, could lose the pro tem post to a Southern California candidate.That would leave the Bay Area without a top leadership post in the Legislature for the first time in three decades. It would come at a time when issues such as the Bay Bridge cost overruns threaten to further pit the north against the south on transportation and other issues, much as they have been at odds over water supplies for decades.
"I hope that everybody calms down and doesn't treat it (the Bay Bridge) as a north-south issue, but a California issue," said Assemblyman John Dutra, a Fremont Democrat who once held the transportation committee chairmanship now held by a south-state lawmaker.
Despite allegations that Schwarzenegger is punishing the Bay Area for largely favoring Democratic Gov. Gray Davis in last year's gubernatorial recall election, the new Republican governor has long sought to quash such fears.
"We won't write anybody off," Schwarzenegger said in a recent interview. "Quite the opposite."
"Remember that I campaigned on being the governor of the people, so to me, every town, every village, every county, everyone counts."
Personally, I do not see how the Bay Bridge is not a "north-south issue, but a California issue." But maybe the reason is that I think that the people who benefit from the services of the Bay Bridge should pay for it. I travel it once a year and pay whenever I cross it. If someone crosses twice a day, should we pay the same amount? I think not. Calling the Bay bridge renovation a "California Issue" means that I would be paying for their cost-overruns. No thank you...I'll take the 101.
Observers: Arnold settling old scores [Oakland Tribune]
A Long Ride Off a Short Bridge [Chris Nolan]
Booty out, Hance back on top of Cassel, behind Leinart
Category: Sports - USC TrojansWith sophomore QB John David Booty already expected to redshirt this season, his injury during Wednesday's practice has put alot of focus on the question of who will back up Heisman Trophy Candidate Matt Leinart should he be unable to play. Word is that Brandon Hance has the leg up:
By elevating Hance, Carroll acknowledged that he's ahead of senior Matt Cassel."There's some things we do with Hance that we don't do otherwise," Carroll said. "I feel he'll make things happen. I have a good feeling about him."
With Hance, who attended Taft High of Woodland Hills, USC often goes into a shotgun offense, which Hance ran when he played at Purdue before transferring two years ago.
Injury to Booty boosts Hance [Daily News]
USC Trojan Football Sex SCandal Day Three
Category: Sports - USC TrojansDay three of the USC Trojan Football Sex SCandal is upon us and we are slowly beginning to know more about the siutation. Herschel Dennis, the starting running back who was taken out of practice Tuesday when the allegations broke, has been suspended indefinitely from the team, although this is beginning to feel like a case of trial-by-media:
USC starting running back Hershel Dennis remained the focus of an alleged sexual assault investigation Wednesday, although he had not yet been questioned by police, sources said. The alleged victim, a female friend of Dennis', told police Dennis was at the party but has not formally accused him of sexually assaulting her.She also named two other players present at the apartment where the incident occurred but did not accuse them of wrongdoing, according to sources close to the investigation.
Meanwhile, the team continues its preparations for next Saturday's opener against Virginia Tech in Landover, MD. From across town, it looks like Coach Pete Carroll's first prioritis are to minimize the imact this media frenzy is having on the team, while being as forthright with the media as possible.
Sources: Dennis not yet queried [Daily News]
USC's Dennis Is Focus of Sexual Assault Case [LA Times]
With Great Talent... Comes Responsibility [LAist]
The Irish Trojan's Blog linked with Trojan football update
The Irish Trojan's Blog linked with Trojan football update
August 18, 2004
President Bush: Gay Unions "Great"
Category: Gay - MarriageWhile reiterating his opposition to gay marriages, George Bush endorsed the idea of civil unions as a way to provide equitable rights to gay and lesbian couples:
"If they want to provide legal protections for gays, that's great. That's fine. But I do not want to change the definition of marriage. I don't think our country should."
He also said what I have all along, that gays should consider supporting the elimination of the Estate Tax, as he proposes, because the gays will be among the beneficiaries.
Since Bush says civil unions are "great" and Kerry claims to support legal rights for same-sex couples including civil unions, I have an idea... let's pass a Federal Civil Union which confers all the rights of marriage upon gays and lesbians! Then the only thing we'll be fighting over is semantics.
Bush Says States Can Recognize Gay Couples []
We Didn't Really Mean It [Beaverhausen]
Republican Delegates denied Protestor Benefits
Category: Politics - The USAProtestors were thrown a bone by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg yesterday. They like delegates will get hotel, restaurant and museum benefits, as long as they promise to play nice and wear a "Peaceful Protestor" button. Of course, you have to sign up for one, and if you use the hotel discount, the NYPD will know where to find you, but otherwise, it sounds like a good idea. But what irks me is that the protestors get discounted entry into the Museum of Sex and Naked Boys Singing, while the delegate discounts don't include them. It alomost wants be to apply for a button to go with my regular credentials.
Hot New Accessory: "Peaceful Political Activist" Buttons [Gawker]
Just Keep It Peaceful, Protesters; New York Is Offering Discounts [NY Times]
US Troop Realignment Proposal
Category: Politics - The WorldThe Los Angeles Times' Ron Brownstein begins to make a good point with his analysis over the debate on President Bush's shift in Grand Strategy:
At home, the initiative has caused the two major political parties to switch positions. Democrats who long championed reducing U.S. troop commitments abroad now question the idea, while Bush is defending reductions with arguments like those Bill Clinton used against the president's father in the 1992 campaign.In the U.S. and elsewhere, the plan has triggered responses that are a reverse of concerns about troop reductions expressed during the waning years of the Cold War and its aftermath in the 1990s.
Unfortunately, he goes astray from the conclusion this contrast brings to fore: Democrats are living in the past. They are still fighting the Cold War, and they are running a campaign based on the premise that only those who served in combat in Vietnam are qualified to be President, you know, because, otherwise, the might mention their candidate's executive experience as Lt. Governor to Mike Dukakis or the legislation he has authored as a U.S. Senator for 19 years.
Let's face it: Who is the United States defending Germany against? Why do we need more than, perhaps logistical bases and hospitals, in that specific forward deployment? Is Poland going to attack? Are they afraid France will tuen the EU Combined forces upon them? Or maybe they fear a brigade of Helvetes bearing Swiss Army knives.
Turnabout on Troops Abroad [LA Times]
Matrimony 9-11: Bushes to fete gay nuptuals
Category: Gay - MarriageOn the third aniversary of September 11, Presidential daughters, Jenna and Brabara Bush will attend the gay "wedding" of their eyebrow waxer, Erwin Gomez. If you thought the situation couldn't include any more gay stereotyping, this will be Gomez' second gay wedding in six months.
But it's activist judges overturning local politicians, not gay promiscuity that is to blame. The beautician's March vows in San Francisco were recently voided by the California Supreme Court. Yet for all of the media attention this will be getting, it is important to note that, since this gay wedding is happening in Laytonsville, Maryland, it will not officially result in one of those "gay marriages" the Bush twins' father, and his Democratic opponent, John Kerry, find so icky and want to ban everywhere.
Bush gals to see gay vows [Lloyd Grove]
LA Times' Double Standard on Sex Charges
Category: MediaWatchComparing local media today, there was a glaring omission in the Sports pages of the Los Angeles Times. In the Daily Breeze, readers are given all the facts that have been publicly acknowledged, but are forced to draw their own conclusions. While the Daily News, reporting on the Trojan Football Sex SCandal led their Sports pages with the allegations and broke the news that, "the alleged victim did not formally accuse Dennis but remembers that he was at the party while she was being sexually assaulted," all readers of the LA Times would know was that, "USC running back Hershel Dennis was removed from Tuesday's morning practice for what Coach Pete Carroll called 'disciplinary reasons,'" yet gives mention of the LAPD investigation which was the lead story on several radio and television newscasts the night before in another article.
While we can debate the ethics and implications of naming names at this point, I thought that the Los Angeles Times already had a policy in place from the October 2003 Recall election for reporting allegations of sexual misconduct--if an allegation is made, report it as fact. Apparently, however, that standard is only applied if the accused is a Republican running for public office.
Dennis Misses Practice for Disciplinary Reasons [LA Times]
Police Investigation Clouds USC Practice [LA Times]
LAPD sexual assault investigation may involve USC [Daily Breeze]
Sexual assault alleged [Daily News]
The Irish Trojan's Blog linked with Uh-oh