August 17th, 2004

Moving In

Hurricane Charley really put a damper in my moving plans.

Yes, I realize that it is a bit insensitive to be concerned with something like that, especially since until about 2 hours before Charley made landfall, it was headed right for me, but regardless, I wasn’t able to move back up to Gainesville on Saturday as I had planned.

I moved up on Sunday, but wasn’t in my apartment until Monday. Apparently someone in the office lost the keys to my apartment, so they had to drill out the locks. My mail, which I had forwarded is in Jacksonville… I’ve never understood why mail has to travel hundreds of miles to arrive in the same town as it originated. But this doesn’t matter, because they lost my keys, remember? So now I have to wait several days for the USPS to change the lock on the mailbox. Cable/internet is scheduled to be turned on Thursday. The good news is that my water, electricity, and gas was already turned on.

I’ve yet to move all my stuff in. Mostly because I’ve been busy assembling furniture for myself and for “the Sarahs” (my girlfriend, Sarah, and her friend Sarah, who actually live two doors down by a freak accident.)

My apartment is quite nice. I got upgraded to wood floors free of charge, and they are in relatively decent shape. It is a corner apartment, and is much roomier than some of the others. I have a ton of closet space, which means I can hang a lot of stuff up (also good because I’m noticibly lacking a dresser at the moment). Gavin (cat) seems to be adjusting. New places worry him, so he’s stil not completely comfortable. But at least now he’s not running every time the air conditioning turns on (he’s a bit of a wiener.)

In case you were wondering how I am writing this, without internet, and without phone service, and with my SideKick’s battery being dead, several of my neighbors have unsecured wireless access points. So this blog entry is brought to you in part by “Angel,” or the person who labeled their WAP “Angel.” Nods also go out to “Linksys” and “Partners” who contribute signals in some corners of my apartment.

There are a few things with which I am not too happy. For one, my shower takes literally 24 hours to drain from just one shower. I’m going to need a weapon of Draino destruction here. My bathroom faucet is also rather… sketchy. But these are easily fixable.

The Sarahs are making dinner. Something with chicken and Italian salad dressing. The meat, milk, cheese, bread, butter, mayonaise, ground beef, and other assorted “man foods” that I bought are safe for tonight.

Posted by Mark | August 17th, 2004 @ 8:32 PM | Category: "Personal"
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my shower did the same thing, bro… it was because the previous tenants cleaned out a fish tank.. apparently the gravel can really fuck up yer drains.

#1 Comment by jaye | August 19th, 2004 10:54 am | Permalink
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