"Cruising with Catullus" is a sailing memoir, but it's also the record
of a literary career and several unusual friendships. It was written as
prosimetrum, with a related poem heading each chapter of narrative.
Some of the poems have appeared in literary periodicals, which are acknowledged
where appropriate. All pages interlink through the table of contents at
right. Photos are interspersed with the text.
Like any lost love, Catullus has left the pleasure of memory.
I wrote this account in the void of a prairie winter, when nothing moved
but snowdrifts that crawled like slow-motion waves over the landscape.
To escape so cheaply seemed reward enough; I never expected to publish.
If you wish to share these cruises with my improbable crewmates, proceed
here to the first chapter.
Alan Sullivan
Fargo, North Dakota
July, 2002
Author, crewman, skipper.
View photo albums via links at right.