Conference Schedule, Thursday, August 12

Opening Session (9AM)

Keynote: A Format Design Case Study: PDF, Jim King

Paper Sessions (10:45AM)

Ubiquitous Hypermedia

Session Chair: Gene Golovchinsky

Integrating the Web and the World: Contextual Trails on the Move
Frank Allan Hansen, Niels Olof Bouvin, Bent G. Christensen, Kaj Grønbæk, Torben Bach Pedersen, Jevgenij Gagach

Domestic Hypermedia: Mixed Media in the Home
Marianne Graves Peterson, Kaj Grønbæk

Navigational Hypertext Models For Physical Hypermedia Environment
David E. Millard, David C. De Roure, Danius T. Michaelides, Mark K. Thompson, Mark J. Weal

Interaction Alternatives for Linking Everyday Presentations
Alessandra Alaniz Macedo, José Antonio Camacho-Guerrero, Renan G. Gattelan, Valter R. Inácio--Jr., Maria da Graça Campos Pimentel


Session Chair: m. c. schraefel

An Anatomy of Anchors
Deena Larsen, Richard E. Higgason

How Much is Too Much in Hypertext Links
Simon Harper, Yeliz Yesilada, Carole Goble, Robert Stevens

What Hypertext Is
Noah Wardrip-Fruin

The End-Point is Not Enough
Duncan Martin, Mark Truran, Helen Ashman

SIGWEB Business Meeting (1PM)

Paper Sessions (2:15PM)

Hypertext through Time

Session Chair: Jamie Blustein

Saving Private Hypertext: Requirements and Pragmatic Dimensions for Preservation
Catherine C. Marshall, Gene Golovchinsky

Manipulating History in Generative Hypermedia
Madhur Khandelwal, Andruid Kerne, J. Michael

Experiences Migrating Microcosm Learning Materials
H.C. Davis, R.A. Bacon


Session Chair: Frank Shipman

Practical Applitudes: Case Studies of Applications of the ZigZag Hypermedia System
Adam Moore, James Goulding, Tim Brailsford, Helen Ashman

A Comparison of Hyperstructures: Zzstructures, mSpaces, and Polyarchies
Michael J. McGuffin, m. c. schraefel

Plenary Panel: Scholarly Hypertext: The HT'04 Experiment and Beyond (3:45PM)

Chairs: Clara Mancini, Simon Buckingham Shum

Panelists: David Kolb, Richard Higgason, Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Doug Engelbart, Les Carr, Jim Whitehead

Poster and Demonstration Session (4:45PM)

The Tamer Tamed: Shakespeare Santa Cruz Performance (7PM)

Evening Social Hour (End of performance - midnight)