There are two candidates in this race:
*One has said John Kerry’s service was honorable, one said he comitted atrocities in Vietnam.*One has said he honors John Kerry’s service, and one has said Kerry engage in war crimes.
*One has said John Kerry should be proud of his medals, the other felt they they merited no more than being throwng away (or was that ribbons? Or was that someone else’s medals?)
*One has been called into question by the mainstream press pertaining to a lack of evidence when claiming WMDs, one has NOT been called into question pertaining to lack of evidence when claiming coordination with the SBVT.
*One has praised Max Cleland’s military service, and one has claimed that the other questioned Max Cleland’s patriotism (without one scintilla of evidence or one question from the mainstream media for the charge).
*One is leading the fight in the war on terror, and one has a band of brothers that follow him around as they talk about the war in Vietnam.
*One has cut taxes on every income group, one promises to raise taxes on selected citizens.
*One pushed for congressional approval to give the authority to go to war, and so did the other one.
*One pushed for congressional approval to pay for the soldiers fighting in the war approved in the item above, and one voted against it (after voting for it).
*One has called for the redeployment of troops located in the Korean peninsula, and so did the other one (for just a short time, now he’s against it).
I’ll vote for the one who isn’t dragging the job market down.
Comment by Just John — 8/25/2004 @ 6:55 pm
As far as I can tell, the one currently in the Senate has the most input. And right now, he’s complaining that this administration has failed to address problems that he himself could at least attempt to address through introduction of bills of law.
Funny, that.
Comment by Slartibartfast — 8/28/2004 @ 11:16 am