Solitary Wiccans

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Wednesday, January 12th, 2005
2:33 am - It's been awhile

It has been awhile since I posted. I have been really busy. A friend passed away and I didn't feel like posting all the much. I don't know if anyone feels the same, but I believe in reincarnation but I think you wait a while before you get sent to your next destination. I still talk to her.

On a happier note I have been writing some blessings. Does anyone know any good blessings for pets? I just want to make sure they are well protected because two of my girls are getting spayed and I want them to come out ok.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Blessed Be.

current mood: artistic
current music: Star Wars Episode 1

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1:35 am - Glad you are all here

Merry Meet again,

And so it is true. I have been a member of this community for a bit and have enjoyed reading and commenting on some of your posts in the past and recent times. It always gives me good energy when I read entries from people who have the same questions and the same wisdom as I have. At the same time, I am joyous to know that there is an open group for people to help me with me more exclusive questions. This is not one of those times, persay, but I have been annoyed recently at the amount of feminist spin that ends up in Wicca. I have been a solitary practitioner for a long time and have honestly never felt more fulfilled. I feel like so many things have a much greater purpose now. Not only that, but those things are more pivitol and obvious to me now.

Anyway, I have become frustrated that so many female wiccans, especially older ones, tend to associate the path with women solely. An explicit tenent is that there is a Goddess and a God. I realize that this is a direct afront to the male centered universe that many people are used to, but it is just like extremist feminists in any other facet but religion (and I do not mean to point fingers, in their own right men are JUST if not more deleterious than women). However, if we all place emphasis on men over women, all we do is top the scales to another's favor. The point is equality. Men and women rule equally. Just as much as I hate men espousin there nonsense for pride and war and whatever, I also despise women who tend to think that feminism means down with men, and not, one with man. I feel like I am far ahead of most guys because I see life as an equal between both sexes. I revere my mother and father because of the unique traits that they have, not because one is greater than the other.

It frustrates me greatly when people tell me that Wicca is a feminist religion and that I cannot understand it because I am a male. I know history will disgree with them, but how could things be so clear for cultures centuries ago and seem so unknown for us presently. Goddess has been understated for centuries and I am proud to help reviver her spirit, but I am not doing so to prove that male Gods mean nothing-- just the opposite. A day is but two equal parts, Sun and Moon. Classicaly, this is male and female. Can we have a day without both? I suppose, only in Alaska, but I think the point is clear. Human life is created through a man and a woman. One life, two genders. Oddly obvious I think. What are all your thoughts?

current mood: calm
current music: Die Arzte - Geld

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Monday, January 10th, 2005
11:53 am - Pantheism

I found this today and thought that some of you might find this helpful or interesting or both.

I personally have not heard of pantheism, but it holds alot of the same basic beliefs that I do, the biggest exception being their view of death. I believe in reincarnation, and they don't.

x-posted in several communities.

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Sunday, January 9th, 2005
2:03 pm

i am a solitary witch. except i wanted to find a coven in my area. (winnipeg). i am having a lot of difficulty with this. i was just wondering, if anyone knew how to go about doing that.
blessed be.

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Saturday, January 8th, 2005
3:32 am

x-posted to [info]solitarywiccans, [info]eclecticpagans and [info]spiritual_pagan.

I'm not a beginner, but I've come to sort of a brick wall in my path. There are a few things I just can't figure out, and was wondering if anyone could give advice, references or personal experiences. Reading about other's beliefs and practices would help a lot, but I'm mostly looking for a way to find these answers for myself.

God - Maybe it's the lingering impression of the Christian God, or maybe it's that I just don't trust men, but I'm having trouble connecting with the God. One of the things that attracted me to paganism was the duality, but...I can't seem to really use it outside of mere words in a ritual. I keep seeing words like hunter, father and protector in reference to him...but, nothing really feels right.

Rituals - Try as I might, I can't write a rituak script, which leads to the non-celebration of sabbats. When I first started into Wicca, I sort of arbitrarily chose a ritual I found online and started using that. When I started to find out what I believed, rather than what I should believe in order to be a "good" Wiccan, I through out the title of Wiccan as well as the ritual. Now, things such as what I should do at each of the quarters is pretty lost on I don't believe in any thing like a watchtower or guardian...and I'm a little wary about the Elementals. As Deborah Lipp pointed out in The Elements of Ritual, there is no reason to greet or invoke the elements I already used them in cleansing and consecrating my space. What I really need here is some examples of unique rituals...either online or your own. Or maybe even a book that's not too occasion-specfic.

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Friday, January 7th, 2005
9:19 pm

I have been a practicing witch for nine years now. I have spent most of that time learning how to focus my own energies through my fingers and mind (admittedly I had my rough spots but learned so very much from them) This last year I finally felt comfortable with the idea of having my own wand and durring the yule season I finally made one. It is not finished as of yet--that will take a year of use and working with it. I made it out of some very beautiful rose wood I had to cut down during my landscaping job during summer. The branches I had to remove had died the previous year, averaged seven feet in length, and were choking the live plants. I was rather surprised when a particularily straight branch had remarkably moist healthy wood on the inside, but had not bloomed once in the two summers that I worked there. The length fit well into my grip and felt like an extension of my arm. It was a beautiful and strange moment. The branch had a voice that is still evident and infact stronger now. I am planning to make a staff with the rest. Unfortunately I do not have a picture,as of yet.

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5:04 pm - Just wondering...

I've been reading "The Outer Temple of Witchcraft," by Christopher Penczak as my first book into researching witchcraft and wicca. I know it's probably not the best one out there to be starting with but I bought it at a used book store (I wasn't exactly sure if wicca would be the path for me so I didn't want to spend a huge amount of money at Borders or something).

I like it so far, but I was just curious if anyone else read it or has heard anything about it?

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10:37 am


just a quick question, may be totally inapropriate, does anyone know why "wiccans unite" has been deleted?? It was only a small community that I belonged to alongside this one, but I know some of you were members as well.

Just curious!

I guess I'll be a bit more active on here from now on then

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Thursday, January 6th, 2005
3:38 pm - interesting site

It's been some time since my last post/entry. Anyway, I wanted to post a link to a website that I find very interesting.

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Wednesday, January 5th, 2005
8:04 am - Need some help/suggestions.

Hey everyone... I'm looking for some suggestions to a puzzling matter.

I work with animals, 50+ of them being cats. Right now in isolation (we have a room set up for new cats who are handled every day, given care but are separated from the general population of felines for a matter of weeks until they are deemed healthy and spade/neutered and then put into the general population rooms) we have 2 cats who are feral.

Read more... )

(Braeden, of the Nevers)
xposted by [info]caelanwolf in [info]cat_magick

current mood: worried

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7:55 am

As I posted on January 4th in the Kheprian forums:

"A couple night's ago my aura had a layer of light followed by a very dark shade of purple with tendrils. Now, it is the light followed by yellow/gold with many smaller tendrils. Between that time my energy was nil and my health has been slipping, but I can feel a lot of energy building in my body (as if preparing to awaken out of a dormant sleep?)...

I'm basically in total isolation right now, but in nearly all of my recent dreams I have been in social environments (bookstores/department stores, places like that). I'm not sure if that connects to what I'm trying to figure out but I feel like it's something I should mention... The dark purple aura did not necessarily have tendrils, but the energy did seem to be reaching out (sort of like how you might witness an amoeba moving...). I know already that I'm vampiric, so that in itself isn't a big revelation. It was the deep shade itself that I found fascinating.

The yellowish/gold aura is the one with fine filiments. A web might be a better way to describe it since the energy was staying within the aura. My energy was particularly strong as well. It's been many hours now and my aura is still goldish.

I have been undergoing some sort of spiritual transformation for some time now and it will likely come to a head in February/March unless something gets thrown off. It's just that... I've never seen a change like this before..."

Do any of you have any insight as to what may be happening?

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Tuesday, January 4th, 2005
4:39 pm - Funny Story

cross posted.....sorry

My boyfriend Jason is really acceptable about me being Wicca. He is really intrigued about the whole thing and is always asking questions so that he can understand better what I believe in. He even kinda celebrated Yule with me (he had a mini- feast, really just a nicer dinner than usual, and exchanged one gift, saving the rest for Christmas). I guess I'm pretty lucky when it comes to that.

So anyway, my point is that his parents were kinda curious about why I gave him a gift 4 days early, so he told them it was becuase we celebrated Yule, and he explained to them why it was important to me. His mother is an atheist (or just doesn't claim any religion that I know of) and his father is a Jehova'a Witness, who only practices when it suits him. Well anyway, this past weekend, Jason tells me that his father approached him and started preaching about how Christianity is the only religion that believes in everlasting life (his words, not mine) and that he is concerned about me.

I think its rather funny that the one who doesn't practice Wicca is the one who got the Christian lecture!!! Apparantly his dad even gave him some articles to read from Watchtower or something and wants to sit down and really discuss the matter. What's funny is I think that Jerry (Jason's dad) is afraid that Jason might convert from not knowing what to follow to being Wiccan or pagan. Hmmm....what is more frightening..not having a spiritual direction or having one that isn't of Christian descent? LoL!!!

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3:15 pm - sad news- but a thank you
_violet_moon_ x-posted to five communities

I posted here about my mother's illness and asked for your help. Unfortunately the hope we held out was a slim one, and she passed away today.

However, in the meantime she was much better than the doctors expected, and therefore had the strength to be with us for Yule/Christmas (she said it was the best ever), her 60th birthday on the 30th December and New Year. She went exactly as she wanted to, in her sleep surrounded by her loved ones.

I believe that the positive thoughts and prayers that so many people offered as a result of my plea here helped to give her the strength to hold on this long. Hence, my thanks.

Blessed Be.

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Monday, January 3rd, 2005
7:23 pm - ~ celebrate your blood ~

Im not sure how may, if any, women here paint with their moontime blood ..?

So - Ive decided Im just going to take the chance & post a pic of my latest with a little blurb about how I hope I dont offend anyone ;-)

Anyway, late last night I did some more work on my second menstrual painting for the moonth. It finally started to take on some real imagery & I was thrilled to watch Women emerging again ~ Spirals, raidiating out Divine Energy ~ a Robe of Universal Love/Protection that covers us all if we only allow it too.

~ The Universal Cape of Love ~

Unbelievably I still have more blood left!
So I need to decide if Im going to paint more, offer it to the garden or dry it out for future spell casting ??

If anyone is interested in seeing more of my art ~ feel free to visit my journal & comment if you want to be added ♥

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Sunday, January 2nd, 2005
6:48 pm - some odd occurrances

This might just be something to do with me with no one else experiencing it, or it could be something else, who knows?

Anyway, I've felt kind a waking dream since friday, like nothing's quite real. It's been gray and bland here in Pa, maybe that has something to do with it.

Also, I know everything has energies and the like, but this is the first time I've been noticing aura-like halos around inanimate object (such as bookcases and chairs).

That's just how I've been feeling/noticing..if anyone else has ever experinced something like this your input would be much appreciated.

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6:53 pm - i made a buliten board

and i would like people to join =3 so if you want feel free to help me get this started.

X-posted in various other places

current mood: accomplished
current music: Pagan Poet Radio

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2:27 pm


I've been looking up scrying (crystal ball and water) online and I'm not finding that much. I was wondering if anyone had any books that they would recommend for someone who was interested in learning those types of scrying.

Also, I know it's recommended to use a quartz crystal ball, but how about a blue one? Or some other color?


Cross posted in eclecticpagans

(I don't know how to show it's another community)

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Saturday, January 1st, 2005
2:42 pm

Every year, thousands of new cosmetic, personal care and household products are introduced into the marketplace. Virtually all of them have been animal-tested at various stages of their development. Long before they appear on the shelves of your local supermarket, these products have gone through a long and complex testing process that leaves millions of animals mutilated, burned, poisoned and gassed in outmoded and unnecessary tests.

more info here

You can help!

let everyone know about this. The more people, the more help these animals can get.

current mood: sad

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2:51 am - I think people will enjoy this group

Open to all paths of magick you dont have to live in southern california to join

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Friday, December 31st, 2004
6:11 pm - Hello Merry Meet

Merry Meet my name is Alicia I am a solitary witch that much of a pagan nature I host various pagan and witch events in santa monica and hollywood ca if anyones intrested I love all the gods and goddesses and I am one with nature If you would like to know more about me add me!!


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