August 25, 2004
Thoughts for the Day
1. "The US has 13,000 career sociologists, a potential for extraordinary intellectual hegemony."
2. "In absolutely negativizing disease, suffering and death, in opposing these to health and life in a mutually exclusive manner, the scientific medical system of knowledge can separate in individuals and in populations what is absolutely bad, the enemy to be eradicated, from what is good, health and life." (Quoted by Ophelia Benson from F.A. Marglin, 'Smallpox in two Systems of Knowledge'.)
August 18, 2004
x meets y from hell on acid
Lord knows, it's been done before, but this little dictionary of literary "reviewese" is pretty funny.
You could compile a similar list for music "reviewese," of course, and there would be many overlapping terms. They even tend to drop some of the same gratuitous names. The main difference: music reviewers will by and large refer to "your ass" more frequently than book reviewers. Otherwise, it's basically mad lib city.
My favorite one from the article: "(the) name of that young German corporal was Adolf Hitler."
Help me out here...
So we've been kicking around the idea of putting out a "best of Mr. T Experience" compilation some time next year.
Ideally, it should be no more than 16 tracks, and be listenable as an album, rather than an archival series of random popular tracks. Making that selection is going to be pretty difficult. I keep trying to make a list, and find I don't really know where to begin.
So I was wondering: what would you do? Leave your list in the comments, if you've got one.
(Oh yeah, and by the way: word on the street is that Lookout stuff is finally available at the iTunes store, so Zaphod, that's probably your best "Love American Style" solution. It's not on Revenge is Sweet, however.)
"So, this is where revolutionary Marxism comes to die..."
Johann Hari met Antonio Negri for a drink in London, and was able to turn their nutty conversation into this amusing column.
August 17, 2004
Rock and Roll Monkey Trivia
So here's some more detail on my Euro-shows next week. The Rotterdam Rumble is the big one, but the others should be fun, too.
On the pop quiz thing, I'm supposed to play a medley of rock and roll/pop songs and people are supposed to identify the songs and artists. Here's Stefan's flier for it, which is great as usual.
See you there, maybe.
Tue. August 24: Perron55 in Venlo, The Netherlands Address: Kaldenkerkerweg 55, 5913 AC Venlo (Free entrance)Wed. August 25:
Club 3voor12 on national radio, The Netherlands
The show will be on air between 10 pm till 1 am and I'll be the guest in the first or second hour. Listen here online.Thu. August 26:
Rollhaus (skate hall) in Solingen, Germany (doors 7 pm) + first solo gig ever of Will DeNiro of the Zatopeks. Also an additional set at 11pm in Solingen at another skate hall called the Cobra.
Fri. August 27:
First day of the Rotterdam Rumble festival + The Apers + Groovie Ghoulies + many more
Sat. August 28:
Dr. Frank & His Shiny Robot Monkeys
Rotterdam Rumble festival at Waterfront in Rotterdam, The Netherlands + The Yum Yums + many moreSun. August 29:
Club Rock ‘N’ Roll Highschool in Rotterdam, The Netherlands (5 pm)Sun. August 29:
Rockaway Beach Popquiz at the Strand Aan De Maas in Rotterdam, The Netherlands (8 pm)
(Free entrance)