Swanky Conservative

23 September, 2004

Deconstructing Kerry

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Jason Van Steenwyk asks the man who would be his CIC some questions. Major Media could learn a few lessons in asking: a) the right questions, and b) the right followup questions.

Question: Have you secured these commitments from foreign leaders already? Are you going behind the president’s back and negotiating separate agreements with foreign leaders, like you tried to during the Paris peace talks?

And I think that a president who fails to admit his mistakes is a president who proves that he doesn’t know how to make the course correct.

Four words: “I don’t fall down.”

(Kerry’s words in bold. Tip o’ the PJ’s to Instapundit)

Bad news for Kerry, great news for everyone else

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Congress Passes Middle-Class Tax Cuts.

The Senate approved the measure 92-3 Thursday night less than an hour after it cleared the House by a similarly lopsided 339-65.

Democrats in both chambers joined in support of the politically popular measure even though they criticized the Republican-led Congress’ refusal to pay for the new tax relief at a time of soaring budget deficits.

I feel absolutely elated. First Kerry blows off the prime minister of Iraq, a man recognized even by the UN security council, and now he’s got to deal with a voting block who just got a bit of great news.

Kerry Punks Allawi

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John Kerry blew it. Jim Geraghty reports on how Kerry missed out on what could have been a prime opportunity to present himself as the man with the ideas that will turn around Iraq, make the world safer, blah blah blah… Instead, Kerry stands outside a Columbus Ohio firehouse and calls interim Iraqi Prime Minister Allawi a liar.

“The prime minister and the president are here obviously to put their best face on the policy, but the fact is that the CIA estimates, the reporting, the ground operations and the troops all tell a different story,” Kerry said.

Allawi told a joint meeting of Congress that democratic elections will take place in Iraq in January as scheduled, but Kerry said that was unrealistic.

“The United States and the Iraqis have retreated from whole areas of Iraq,” Kerry told reporters outside a Columbus firehouse. “There are no-go zones in Iraq today. You can’t hold an election in a no-go zone.”

Bad move numbnuts. Which half of your staff advised you on that?

Bonehead. Mark this day: Kerry has become Howard Dean and he’s lost the election. It’s Bush in 2004.

22 September, 2004

Senator, you’re giving sailors a bad name

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Kerry really needs to take a refresher. All he has to do is click here.

21 September, 2004

McAuliffe’s lost it

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So much for innocent till proven guilty. Terry McAuliffe in a DNC release:

Washington, D.C. - In response to false Republican accusations regarding the CBS documents, Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe issued this statement:

“In today’s New York Post, Roger Stone, who became associated with political ‘dirty tricks’ while working for Nixon, refused to deny that he was the source the CBS documents.

“Will Ed Gillespie or the White House admit today what they know about Mr. Stone’s relationship with these forged documents? Will they unequivocally rule out Mr. Stone’s involvement? Or for that matter, others with a known history of dirty tricks, such as Karl Rove or Ralph Reed?”

Say what? Here’s the piece McAullife is frothing over:

The hot rumor in New York political circles has Roger Stone, the longtime GOP activist, as the source for Dan Rather’s dubious Texas Air National Guard “memos.”

The irony would be delicious, since Rather became famous confronting President Nixon, in whose service a very young Stone became associated with political “dirty tricks.”

Reached at his Florida home, Stone had no comment.

It’s a gossip column! It’s not a news story! Great Google’s Moogley, you have to be kidding me! Kos is a-twitter over it, too, fyi. All we need is Michael Moore panting a sweaty response, too.

Can you see the ridiculousness of this? McAullife’s trying to put the burden of proof on the shoulders of Stone and the RNC, instead of on himself, the DNC and the Post piece’s author, the unfortunately named Frederic U. Dicker. Notice the difference in wording between the two pieces. Also note how McAullife conveniently implies that Karl Rove and Ralph Reed are practitioners of dirty tricks.

Blow it out your posterior orifice, Terry.

20 September, 2004

Captain obvious speaks again

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Kerry gave a speech to New York University today. He blasted Bush and then outlined four steps he thinks the US should do in order to improve Iraq.

In his remarks, Kerry laid out the steps we must now take. First, the president must secure international support. Second, we must commit to a serious effort to train Iraqi security forces. Third, we must carry out a reconstruction plan that brings benefits to the Iraqi people, and fourth, we must take the necessary steps to hold elections next year.

Which of the four ideas is not already being done? We have international support. We are training security forces. We are rebuilding the country. We are working with the interim government to hold elections. Is this a back-handed compliment to the administration?

One of the good guys comes home

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Congratulations to Beth and Nerdstar. One of our own makes it home safely. Now have a safe trip back to Austin!

You can shine a turd all you like, it’s still a turd

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CBS’s statement has some stank lingering in it. CBS News president Andrew Heyward closes with this:

Please know that nothing is more important to us than people’s trust in our ability and our commitment to report fairly and truthfully.

In other words, business as usual. As Greyhawk and Vanderleune reported on their blogs earlier in this brouhaha, CBS has done this exact thing before. Vanderleune listed them in his piece on this repeating of history:

Three blasts from the CBS past are worth recalling at this juncture:
1) “The Selling of the Pentagon,” 1971
2) “The Defense of the United States,” 1981
3) “The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception,” 1982

The fourth “oops” in CBS’s record would be “CBS Reports: The Wall Within” where Rather interviewed six supposed Vietnam vets in 1988. Each of these vets had horrific tales to tell of how Vietnam was this awful experience that scarred them forever. Only problem was that of the six, only one had seen any combat. As Greyhawk puts it:

As angry Vietnam veterans began calling CBS to complain about the factual inaccuracies of The Wall Within, Perry Wolff, the executive producer who wrote the documentary, claimed that “No one has attacked us on the facts.”

Sound familiar?

Yes, yes it does. Dan and the BS network sound like they’re reliving history. Trouble is, this time they’re getting called on it by we, the people.

19 September, 2004

Went to bed with a 10, woke up with a 2

Filed under: — elgato

This op-ed piece by Leon Panetta, Pick a message, any message, seems telling about Democrats’ opinions of their man, John Kerry.

If John Kerry is to win this election, he will have to be much bolder about telling the American people exactly what he will do to make the country better. As a wise colleague in the House of Representatives once told me: voters don’t care so much about what you believe so long as you believe in something.

The Mrs. Swanky had this to say about it:

The Democrats are waking up with a hangover wondering who this guy is they went home with.

17 September, 2004

Karl Rove *must* be pulling the strings

Filed under: — elgato

The Kerry camp keeps striking out. My God, are they trying to take him down by themselves? We know the Clinton team’s in the Kerry camp now. Are they letting him do these things or is he fighting them and asking them, when they offer advice for him to stop making a fool of himself, “Do You Know Who I Am?”

First football:

John Kerry catches like a girl

Then the bunny suit:

Kerry's bunny suit moment

Now this:

Donkey Teeth?

How many times will he try to one-up his former partner in Massachusetts’ politics, Dukakis?

Mike Dukakis in the tank

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