So much for innocent till proven guilty. Terry McAuliffe in a DNC release:
Washington, D.C. - In response to false Republican accusations regarding the CBS documents, Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe issued this statement:
“In today’s New York Post, Roger Stone, who became associated with political ‘dirty tricks’ while working for Nixon, refused to deny that he was the source the CBS documents.
“Will Ed Gillespie or the White House admit today what they know about Mr. Stone’s relationship with these forged documents? Will they unequivocally rule out Mr. Stone’s involvement? Or for that matter, others with a known history of dirty tricks, such as Karl Rove or Ralph Reed?”
Say what? Here’s the piece McAullife is frothing over:
The hot rumor in New York political circles has Roger Stone, the longtime GOP activist, as the source for Dan Rather’s dubious Texas Air National Guard “memos.”
The irony would be delicious, since Rather became famous confronting President Nixon, in whose service a very young Stone became associated with political “dirty tricks.”
Reached at his Florida home, Stone had no comment.
It’s a gossip column! It’s not a news story! Great Google’s Moogley, you have to be kidding me! Kos is a-twitter over it, too, fyi. All we need is Michael Moore panting a sweaty response, too.
Can you see the ridiculousness of this? McAullife’s trying to put the burden of proof on the shoulders of Stone and the RNC, instead of on himself, the DNC and the Post piece’s author, the unfortunately named Frederic U. Dicker. Notice the difference in wording between the two pieces. Also note how McAullife conveniently implies that Karl Rove and Ralph Reed are practitioners of dirty tricks.
Blow it out your posterior orifice, Terry.