On a previous post a frequent commentor, hypocrite, a known liberal, made this amazing statement concerning the Beslan, Russia massacre:
"The people who did this were involved in a terrorist act. The act was an evil one, but I wouldn't presume to make a judgment on whether the people themselves were evil."
I'll give you a moment to let that sink in. Go ahead, read it one more time.
Let's think about this. Hypocrite agrees this was definitely a terrorist act. It also was an evil act. But he or she is unable (or is it unwilling?) to make a judgement on whether or not the people who stabbed children, shot children, stabbed adults, shot adults, blew up children and adults with bombs, are evil? Wow.
That's the fundamental failure of modern-day liberalism: The inability and unwillingness to discern good from evil, wrong from right. You can see it in Sweden right now where the gov't there is sponsoring a pro-palestinian terror conference. Imagine that. Imagine Canada, Mexico, or Costa Rica sponsoring a pro-al qaeda terror conference. Why, the world would have a hissy fit...not to mention the salvos of political missiles launched from Washington, the capital of a nation that endured horrendous terror attacks by the hands of al-qaeda. Why? Because everyone knows al-qaeda is the enemy.
"The people who did this were involved in a terrorist act. The act was an evil one, but I wouldn't presume to make a judgment on whether the people themselves were evil."
But where's the outrage over a pro-palestinian terror conference being near the nation that endures daily attacks from the hands of palestinians? There is none. The silence from the left is deafening. The left, in their demented way of thinking, identifies with a group of people who stand for everything the left abhors.
The left is always whining about elections, free, fair, un-coerced elections. Yet when was there a free, fair, un-coerced election in the palestinian area? Liberals are constantly whining about women's rights. Yet palestinian women are subjected to horrors committed on them by their own families and neighborhood in accordance with Islamic law (sha'ria).
Liberals are constantly whining about acceptance for gays, yet gays in the palestinian area are fleeing to Israel because they fear retribution in their own homes. They flee certain death. This is the society the lefties and pro-palestinian loons support.
"The people who did this were involved in a terrorist act. The act was an evil one, but I wouldn't presume to make a judgment on whether the people themselves were evil."
The massacre in Beslan showed the world exactly who the "freedom-fighter" Islamic Chechens were. 336 people died in the Beslan school at the hands of Koran-crazed Chechen murderers, yet hypocrite can't determine whether the terrorists are evil or not.
I ask you lefties, are murderers evil? Or do murderers have an equal place in society along with engineers, teachers, and garbage collectors? Would you call the murderer of your child, husband, wife, mother, or father evil?
336 murdered. By terrorists. Good/evil status: unknown.
"The people who did this were involved in a terrorist act. The act was an evil one, but I wouldn't presume to make a judgment on whether the people themselves were evil."
The inability of liberals to recognize evil has a long history. Does anyone recall Chamberlain in the 30's? He failed to see evil even when he was sitting beside it! He failed to see the coming slaughter of Europeans at the hand of German Nazis. It happened again during the Vietnam war. Lefties from all over the USA (and Europe) fell in love with the North Vietnamese Communist war against South Vietnam. Eventually the US pulled out of South Vietnam and the North Vietnamese Communists liquidated hundreds of
thousands of suspected "enemies of the Party." Again, liberals failed to see evil.
Lefties opposed the war to eject Saddam's army from Kuwait. No matter Saddam's henchmen were skinny dipping Kuwaiti civilians in baths of acid. No matter Saddam's army was destroying homes and cities across Kuwait. Liberals rejected the idea evil was being perpetrated in Kuwait.
Liberals continue to oppose wars of liberation in Afghanistan and Iraq. No matter 50 million people were under the boot of either Saddam or Mullah Omar fearing midnight raids to take away family members and chop their heads off in the middle of town. Again liberals opposed opposing evil.
Hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, died at the hands of Saddam and the Taliban. "No evil there, Bush is Hitler!" screech the rose-tinted glasses wearing unwashed liberals.
"The people who did this were involved in a terrorist act. The act was an evil one, but I wouldn't presume to make a judgment on whether the people themselves were evil."
So, while liberals continue to support the Hitlers in headscarves in Chechnya, Kashmir, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, palestinian area, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, and Sudan, we of the ability to judge good from evil must pick up the moral slack from weak liberals.
More attacks on innocent people across the world will be done by Hitlers in headscarves in the future. This is a certainty. But are these people evil? Thousands died in the World Trade Centers, hundreds in Bali, hundreds in Madrid, thousands in Israel, thousands in Afghanistan and Iraq, and hundreds in Russia by the hands of Islamo-fascist, Koran-crazed, Hitlers in headscarves. Is that enough to be considered evil?
"The people who did this were involved in a terrorist act. The act was an evil one, but I wouldn't presume to make a judgment on whether the people themselves were evil."
Is it possible to even understand how someone, much less a mass of people, can think that way?