Monday, September 27, 2004

Communists, terrorists at work in American campus...

No surprise it's in Commiefornia! Left-wingers, palestinian-lovers, haters of America, Jew-haters, and terror enablers screech out several speeches.

The video of it is here. No mention of the palestinian terror campaigns against Israel...

What do you believe?

A reader of the Politburo Diktat has taken the time to look at all the attacks occuring in Iraq by marking the attacks with thumbtacks on a map of Iraq. A novel idea which I hope all Coalition commanders have done (I bet they have). CrudeNXS, the reader who did the
mapping, comes to the conclusion we are winning in Iraq...not losing as the media and communists would like us to believe. Bravo, CrudeNXS. Great work.

Uh oh! Kommissar Kerry has some explaining to do!

One of Saddam's nuclear centrifuge scientists speaks out in an op-ed in the Noo Yawk Communist Times. Fascinating.

Speaking of Iraq and nukes, looks like Syria is feeling the heat from the USA. Shortly before the Iraq War began, Saddam sent some of his top scientists to work for the Ba'athist Assad regime in Syria. Interesting, no?

Now we're sending unarmed toops to Iraq?! What the #$%^???

The troops and their Commander in Chief. What an awesome guy! It's nice to have a CIC who actually respects and cares for the US military like this CIC does.

I haven't posted much of anything on Nork Nation as of late. But boy do I have some juicy tidbits for you. Looks like CNN (you know, the Communist News Network) really shows who it loves in the Korean peninsula. Even Michael Jordan extends his admiration for Nork Nation by sending an autographed basketball? Makes you wonder what goes on in the mind of some people.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Meanwhile, atrocities continue under the "watchful" eye of the UN.

In Sudan, one of the United Ninnies buddies, the Sudanese military continues to shoot up children with helicopter gunships. Hooray for useless multilateralism! I'm sure if the US or UK went in unilaterally, they'd be chastised for it. Good lord, what's worse? Going in unilaterally to save 50K people from genocide, or to play the wait-and-see game the UN is so good at.

David Brooks of the Noo Yawk Communist Times has an excellent piece on the Sudan genocide.

In addition to that, the UN does nothing about Iran's nuclear aspirations, does nothing about Nork Nation's annoying sabre-rattling, Nork Nation's 200,000+ political prisoners in slave labor camps, Chinese persecution of Christians (or any religion for that matter), Chinese clampdowns in Hong Kong, Syrian slaughter of Kurds, palestinian slaughter of Israelis, Egyptian involvement in aiding palestinian terrorists, or active Syrian and Iranian involement in the terrorist operations going on in Iraq.

Can someone help me understand why we (the USA) are still in the UN?

Iraq the Model confronts lies of an Iraqi blogger.

Ali, one of the three brothers that posts on Iraq the Model, confronts another Iraqi blogger's lies. Riverbend, the blogger in Ali's truth crosshairs, has long been overly critical of the CPA and now Iraqi government.

This is a very important post from ItM and I strongly suggest you read all of it. In fact, I strongly suggest you read every single post on ItM from the very beginning. This blog gives you an insight into Iraq that no CNN/MSNBC/NBC/CBS/ABC/Fox News reporter can give you.

I think probably the most memorable quote of Ali's latest post is:

"Riverbend is disgusted with Allawi’s 9 “thank you” to America, and I want to say that you and I should thank God and America 9 million times and we would still be in debt. Just think whether you could’ve happened to you had you posted similar thoughts about any Iraq politician before the war. Oh but you weren’t posting before the war, nor did any other Iraqi, and I wonder why!"


Blogs and links, added and removed.

Recently I added two Afghanistan blogs. Please take some time and swing over to read them. Vewy vewy interesting!

In the USA section of my blogs I added Black Man for Bush, The Rational View, and Mostly Cajun!

I also added Vets4Bush and Voices Magazine in my links section. Great sites.

I removed Free North Korea from The Koreas blogs section. The author of that blog went diving into the deepest left end of the pool by trying to compare Bush to Kim Jong Il. What a shame, it was such a good blog.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

What John Fidel Kerry uses to vote!

Yes folks, the picture of what Kommissar Kerry uses to vote in the Senate can be viewed here.

In fact, I used the same instrument to vote for Kommissar Kerry before I voted against him on my mail-in ballot. What a coincidence!

This and that.

For some reason radio station's websites back in the USA aren't allowing me access to their pages. Specifically KOGO, WFLA, KFI, WGST (who I listen to the most), WIOD, and WJNO. WTF, mate?

I found a GREAT essay about Southern Bells and their men. It's too true!! Follow her guide and you can't go wrong, guaranteed!

Chrenkoff, an Aussie who I'd love to share a brew with, explains a disorder (Post-Totalitarian Stress Disorder) that may be plaguing the Iraqis as it did the Eastern Europeans when the Iron Curtain fell. Excellent read. Is this the key to understanding how to change the hearts and minds in this emerging country?

I find it amazing that the imminent internationalist, John Fidel Kerry, and his communist campaigners, think that bashing the Prime Minister of a free foreign nation will get them votes. Good job, commies! Really, folks, think about that. A candidate for the highest office in the USA (and the world if you want to be truthful), brings his foreign relation skills to the table by bashing a foreign Prime Minister. Wow.

I just voted in the 2004 election.

And it felt great! I'll be mailing my absentee ballot tomorrow. Must get it in early so the communists can't throw out my vote!

Here's to four more years. Cheers!

I just voted for John Kerry before I voted against him. I'm a flip-flopper...I admit it.

Friday, September 24, 2004

A fantastic quote!

Speaking about the War on Terror, Kim du Toit (on the sidebar links - USA) forum member William Carrington has this little gem:

"I think having the Russians along is a great thing. They are mean, ruthless, and get the job done. They might kill more people than they absolutely have to, but if we are talking about terrorists, I will not complain."

Found here!

The French finally taking a stand?

Raffarin fears ‘river of Islam’ from early Turkey membership of EU

We all knew this is THE reason why the EU has been giving Turkey the runaround to join the Union. Finally, someone, amazingly enough, the surrender-monkey French, said it!

Is it the end of the world?

By the way, France is 100% right about this. Bravo for being on the right side of the issue for once, France.

Watch some great speeches.

Click here to watch the joint press conference with PM Allawi and President Bush.

Click here to watch Iraqi PM Allawi address the US Congress.

Click here to watch President Bush address The United Ninnies in NYC.

Many thanks to C-SPAN. You may have to right-click the links, choose Copy Shortcut, then paste the shortcut into Real Player. I had to do that to make them work for some reason.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Syria to help U.S., Iraq secure border.

Syria to help U.S., Iraq secure border - The Washington Times: World - September 23, 2004

Sure. This is as believable as the idea that communism is a good political ideology.

Springfield Armory - Products - XD Pistols - 4 in. Service Model

Springfield Armory - Products - XD Pistols - 4 in. Service Model

In November when I go home to Tennessee, you are MINE! - News - Decorated Soldier Reportedly Attacked At Concert - News - Decorated Soldier Reportedly Attacked At Concert

Hooray for tolerant, communist Democrats! Notice the love and care they have for the military. Surely you do, we hear about them wailing the deaths of US military overseas. Funny, because when the soldiers the commies cry for come back to the US, they get beat up.

Good job, commies.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I watched the video.

I don't know why I did. It's horrific. These people are pure evil.

I wish the US had its own decapitiation squad that would behead captured terrorists. Then we could send the videos to al-jihadyia. Screw them, they deserve nothing better. Or maybe a little terrorist portable meat grinder. We could roll it around Iraq and throw in captured terrorists and grind them up then feed their mush to pigs.

These terrorists do not deserve jailtime. They do not deserve the status of captured enemy combatants. They don't deserve a precision-guided bomb in their little terror hut. They don't deserve a well-placed shot by a professional Marine sniper. They deserve nothing less than the most horrible torture and deaths possible. Nothing less will satisfy me or the people who end up watching these videos.

But the US is a good country that would never stoop that low. We follow the Geneva Conventions that these terrorists don't. We place terrorists in cells rather than cutting their heads off. We give them legal representation! Unbelievable. We give these evil people the ability to come into OUR just courts, OUR fair justice system, OUR legal rights. These animals deserve none of that, yet we give it to them because we play by the rules.

It's time to retire some of the rules. The terrorists don't respect courts, justice, or any type of legal system. The only thing they respect is the sharp end of a Ka-Bar or the muzzle of an M-16. We need to stop playing patty-cake and start flattening towns. These people are like roaches. They scurry, hide well, and are quite resilient. It's time to completely liquidate them, their supporters, and their harborers.

Take the PC handcuffs off the Coalition. Let them get to work.

Headlines from the future. Part 2.

July 7, 2009: Retraction: Israeli fence contractors not contacted by secessionist gov't
Subtitle: ABC memo allegedly from TX found to be forged

July 8, 2009: Taiwan falls under control of Chinese military
Subtitle: Pres. Clinton hails reunification as noteworthy, sends regards to China

July 10, 2009: Japan's forces clearing path from northern N Korea to meet Aussie forces in South
Subtitle: Japan revokes Status of Forces Agreement with US military, US told to go home

July 11, 2009: US gov't releases statement protesting war in Korea
Subtitle: Aussie gov't tells US to "Stuff it, wimp."

July 20, 2009: UN calls war in Korea illegal
Subtitle: Demands occupation countries (AU, JPN) remove troops immediately

July 21, 2009: Israel launches precision strike on UN headquarters in Damascus
Subtitle: Thousands of conservative Aussies, Israelis, Iraqis, Japanese, Americans celebrate. S Koreans still confused

August 5, 2009: States of NV, AZ, TX, NM, UT sign treaty to form American Constitutional Union
Subtitle: AK prefers to go it alone, armed with hundreds of nukes, Canadians & USA fret

August 29, 2009: Reports of Texans stealing nukes from California silos
Subtitle: Help provided by US military, defections to American Constitutional Union rampant

September 1, 2009: Pres. Clinton sign executive order outlawing any firearm over .22caliber
Subtitle: Cites need to protect the people, police to ensure disarming of civilians

September 15, 2009: Police all over USA resigning, refuse to disarm civilians, cite 2nd Amendment
Subtitle: Citizens flee to ACU borders, find entry refused by ACU unless carrying firearm

October 6, 2009: USA economy in decline by 15%, unemployment up to 8.3%
Subtitle: Congress raises taxes to pay for unemployment benefits

October 17, 2009: N Korea surrenders, Aussies/Japanese accept surrender
Subtitle: Pres. Clinton accuses AU/JPN of imperialism

November 3, 2009: Thousands of refugees from Taiwan appear in Philippines on rickety boats
Subtitle: Pres. Clinton calls refugees traitors of China, urges repatriation

November 21, 2009: US turmoil, unemployment up to 9.8%
Subtitle: Sporadic riots in Cincinnati, LA, ATL, NYC, Chicago

November 29, 2009: USA recalls troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, cites turmoil at home
Subtitle: Mass desertion of US military in Iraq/Afghanistan

December 7, 2009: Iraq/Afghanistan report US deserters joining national armies
Subtitle: al-Reuters photos Americans with Iraq/Afgan flags on uniform

More another day!

Don't miss the first installment of Headlines From the Future, Part 1.

Islam shows its colors again.

Working nights renders me unable to really know what day it is. My internal clock is so messed up. I think it was yesterday that the news came out that The Religion of Death, Destruction, and Decapitations sawed off another American's head. Sorry, Pres. Bush and other high-profile folks, but Islam is not a religion of peace.

I was deeply disturbed at hearing this latest news. It just goes to show you who the free world is up against: barbarians guided by a twisted religion. I was listening to Michael Savage tonight on the Internet stream provided by KSKY out of Dallas, TX. He opened a segment with the audio of the latest murder peformed by The Religion of DD & D. It was awful. My heart raced, flip-flopped (like John Kerry), and my adrenaline level shot through the roof. My ears heard the most awful sound a human can make. The screams were horrific and they were coupled with the Hitler's in facemasks screaming "allahu ackbar."

My brain registered this and immediately raised my heart rate and my adrenal glands took a massive dump into my blood system. My body knew it was danger it was hearing and it was preparing me to fight or flee. It's amazing the animal instinct is still very much alive in us, yet unlike The Religion of DD & D, I don't let it completely take over my mind.

I have been debating on whether I want to see the video. It's available on Michael Savage's site and I'm half-tempted to download it. Why? I don't know. The first time I saw a decapitation performed on a human by a human was many years ago. It is was a video of what was said to be a Russian soldier getting executed by a chechen terrorist. It was horrible. But I watched it a couple of times back then, my mind could not register what I had seen. I could not and did not want to believe what I saw.

But of course the terror-apologists will trot out the grievances the terrorists supposedly have and will demand we recognize the terrorists have valid arguments. If that's so, then why don't we have a meeting with them? I'd love to bring together a group of terrorists and Force Recon Marines. Sit them down at a table, lock the room, and let them hash out the issues. Or how about some terrorists meet with a group of UK's SAS personnel? I'm sure the SAS would have no problem working out their differences with the terrorists. It would be a beautiful thing to televise these meetings. Beam it up to al-jihadiya's satellites and into the homes of the terror sympathisers. What a day that would be.

Update: Looks like members of The Religion of DD & D have murdered the other American. Allahu ackbar!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

That uneasy feeling.

This morning I was rummaging around in Kim du Toit's discussion forums and the first thread I clicked on grabbed me. It's aptly titled "Feeling uneasy, can't say why." The poster, Toad, opens the thread with:

I've always been something of a gun geek and if it wasn't for a time and money, mostly money, I've probably have a two bedroom apartmet so that I'd have one room for all the guns. Any way do to Kim's constant "buy ammo, buy a gun day" harping I picked up a .45 Gov clone in March 04. I putzed around with it, upgrading, new glasses for me, new sites and a bunch of other stuff for the gun. In June I started getting uneasy for some reason and decided I needed to get the Texas CHL. Finally got my ducks in a row and did it 28 August 04. I could have waited till next year when I turned 60 and the fee drops in half or tried the Florida out of state CHL but I just felt I better not wait. I'm trying to figure out what is making me so uneasy, the WOT, the bizarre behaviour of the left as there dreams of a comeback evapourate, or what. Am I just getting paranoid in my old age or has my subconcious figured something out? Has anybody else felt uneasy these last few months or is it just my own personal paranoia? If you have felt disturbed do you know why?

I couldn't help but to identify with Toad's sentiments. I read all of the replies and decided I should stick some of my thoughts in the discussion, too. This is my blog update for tady; I'll get back to Headlines From the Future tomorrow (got some great ones cooking in my head). Here's my thoughts on the uneasy feeling:

I, too, have been feeling extremely uneasy. Although I am not in the US, I am a US citizen and do plan on voting in this election by mail-in ballot. (I'm in the USAF serving in England)

I've been following both campaigns closely and their un-attached cohorts (like MoveOn, Swifties, other 527s etc.) just as closely. I've also watched news reports, interviews, and video from the "protests" by the communists all over the US. They amount of hate the commies have for America and our President is truly overwhelming. Where is this coming from?

I've watched many videos from and showing how the commies say they "support" free speech, yet every chance they get they'll rip up conservatives' signs, spit on them, and get into scuffles (real physical scuffles) with conservatives. And these instances happen at every "peace" rally. It's disgusting! Americans trouncing other Americans exercising the 1st Amendment, it's unbelievable.

But, this is the left. The communistic left. I can no longer call them liberals or socialists or Democrats or Greens anymore, they are communists. Period. This change in my thinking was prompted by a superb book I am reading. It's America's 30 Years War written by Balint Vazsonyi (escaped Soviet communism in Hungary in the 1950s...fled to the USA). The book is several years old, but the points Balint makes hold true as they always will. I can't recommend this book more highly. It truly is spectacular.

The communists try to pull at the heartstrings of the American populace by feigning concern for the American military in Iraq/Afghanistan/other equally inhospitable places. But haven't commies always tried to pull at heartstrings? "You aren't earning enough at work. Unemployment is rampant. Conservatives want to take away your rights. Bush kills children. Bush is killing your children. Good soldiers are dying in a useless war. The richest people in America don't pay enough tax. Corporations are bleeding this country dry." The solution the commies present? "Elect us, we'll have a plan." Typical commie rhetoric.

I read Mrs. du Toit's essay. It was written very well and logically explains the illogical left. But there's a problem, the left is logical in their quest for power. Just look at Cuba, Venezuela, the UK, France, Germany, Nork Nation, Soviet Russia....the commies had a plan the whole time. No matter how long it took, no matter how many lives were ruined or lost, the communists were *going* to get into power. The American communist left is no different. The problem for them is that we have a very sturdy society with a strong democratic government. The communists must expend much more energy and time to take over the USA. But fear not, this does not worry them in the least.

They have the media. They have many courts. They have the educational system. They have the EPA. They have the ACLU. They have the Brady Campaign (Gun Ban Inc.). They have the State Dept. They have many gov't-funded healthcare systems (Medicare, MidicAid, TennCare). Slowly but surely the communists are gaining control of many organizations both public and private. This is no coincidence.

They also control the Democrat Party. The most far-left US Senators are running for the highest office in the land. This is no coincidence.

I recently purchased some shirts from and I'll be going home to visit in November after the election and I don't know whether I should bring the shirts with me to wear or whether I should leave them safe in my closet. I don't know that I feel physically safe from attack when I wear those shirts. Isn't that sad? Maybe I should just wear the shirts and see what comes my way?

I see this election as communists vs. nationalists. I've tried to look at it many different ways but this is always the conclusion I come to. And yes, this makes me very uneasy.

Faithful readers: what say you?

Monday, September 20, 2004

Headlines from the future!

November 3, 2004: Bush declared victor
Subtitle: Dems declare lawsuits, terrorists cower

January 6, 2006: Iraq's economy surpasses Saudi Arabia/Kuwait combined
Subtitle: Dems silent due to foot-in-mouth syndrome

August 1, 2007: Afghanistan's Army filling up ranks, 170K personnel
Subtitle: NATO credited with key help

April 15, 2008: Hillary declares candidacy under Village Party
Subtitle: Democrat Party blatantly sidelined by Hillary move

November 3, 2008: Hillary's headed back to the White House
Subtitle: Bill told to stay in NYC, rumors abound

January 10, 2009: Pres. Bush pulls US out of UN, S Korea, Germany
Subtitle: Conservatives giddy, yearn for more

January 12, 2009: NYC condemns UN building, eviction in 2 days
Subtitle: 1000s conservatives nationwide arrested for public drunkeness, France aghast

January 15, 2009: NRA urges nation to "stock up now while there's still a chance"
Subtitle: Firearm, ammunition sales up 15,000%, supply stretched,
Feinstein/Schumer/Pelosi have collective breakdown

January 20, 2009: President Hillary Clinton sworn into office
Subtitle: Dramatic population increase in NV, AZ, NM, TX, UT, AK mainly conservatives

January 21, 2009: Pres. Clinton invites UN to move to Wash. DC
Subtitle: Rumors of Paris, Berlin, Khartoum sending love letters to UN

February 17, 2009: UN declares move to Damascus
Subtitle: Iraqi/Afghani Prime Ministers declare national day of mourning

March 27, 2009: North Korea nukes Seoul, Tokyo, Canberra, invades S Korea
Subtitle: Ozzies, Japanese assure NK it was the wrong move, S Koreans confused, US monitoring the situation, urges NK restraint, NK replies "What nukes?"

April 1, 2009: China launches military reunification campaign against Taiwan
Subtitle: Taiwanese plead for help, US monitoring situation, urges Chinese restraint

May 3, 2009: Joint Japan/Aussie invasion of Korean peninsula, airstrikes heavy
Subtitle: US calls for restraint on all sides in East Asia

July 4, 2009: Gov'ts of NV, AZ, NM, UT, AK ratify new constitutions
Subtitle: Secession imminent

July 5, 2009: NV, AZ, TX, NM, UT, AK secede from USA
Subtitle: Israeli fence engineers contacted by secessionist govt's

More tomorrow!

Click this to travel to Headlines from the future Part 2.


What more is there to say?

The truth, brought to you by Human Race Watch.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

British gov't tramples citizens' right to private property.

Day by day, week by week, month by month, and yes, year by year, our good English friends lose rights they previously enjoyed. Now the environmentalist wackos and their cohorts in Parliament have revoked the right to private property in some areas of the UK.

You see, enviro-activists say their "right to roam" (read: walk anywhere they so please) is being infringed by evil private property owners who don't like tresspassers. So, what do the enviro-roamer-activists do? Well they get Parliament to pass the Countryside and Rights of Way Act in 2000.

Now private property, not gov't property, is remapped with right to roam areas clearly shown. Citizens' sovereignty over their own property has been revoked "for the public good." Poor England, inching ever closer to communism as the years go by whether they realize it or not. My heart aches for my English brethren.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

News roundup.

Well, the looney liberals have done it again in Britain. They've again banned certain activities. This time they've banned fox hunting. What could be more culturally British than fox hunting? I'm sad to see the Parliament legislate away Britian's heritage.

The liberal left, in its ever-wacky actions, now have a get-out-the-vote event called the Vaginas Vote. You know, with all the talk from femi-Nazis about how women are only considered as birthing machines by chauvanistic males you'd think they wouldn't say things promoting this chauvanistic view they so hate. But then again, time and time again, libs show they have no shame. Loonies.

Speaking of those evil animals masquerading as men, it looks like they are increasingly waiting to have children until later in life. Thus, only postponing their use of women as birthing machines, eh femi-Nazis?

Oh no, don't look now! There's finally a men's rights radio show. I'm sure feminists around the nation will be popping valium as a result of this bigoted show. Sounds to me like Fathers 4 Justice in the UK should be doing their own radio show, too.

And the left's savior, the UN, has failed again. Whaddaya know, they failed Africans this time, too! Why is the UN even allowed to be in existence in light of their absolute paralysis to stop genocide in Africa? The UN should be moved out of NYC and moved into appeasement-at-all-costs Western Europe. Preferrably Berlin or Paris, you know, the Axis of Weasels. Get the UN out of the US and the US out of the UN!

Finally, someone has called Communist China the enemy. It may
be Japan, but hey, it's a good start! Let's just hope the US smarts up and calls China an enemy and drops it's "most favored nation" trade status with the Christian, Muslim, and Buddhist slaughtering nation. No matter what, the US will be at war with the ChiComs in 15-20 years. It'll start when the ChiComs come to "liberate" the Taiwanese from their capitalist, democratic, oppressive government.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

No creativity here.

I'm not feeling great today, so I won't do any creative writing. Hypocrite, you may rejoice. Hehe. I have come across some very good websites, articles, blogs, and news bits since my last post. I'm just going to post them here and let you peruse at will. Before you start clicking on the links, let me recommend a cold treat for you to enjoy while reading and pontificating: a Pepsi float. Here's what you need: a large glass, spoon, chocolate ice cream, and a can of Pepsi (I use caffeine-free Pepsi). Now, throw some ice cream in your glass, but don't mash it down in there. Leave some air space between your scoops of ice cream. Crack open your can of Pepsi and pour it in. It will foam like crazy, so take it slow. Let some of the foam settle and pour some more Pepsi in. Bring the Pepsi fluid level to at least halfway in the glass. Now take your spoon and push your ice cream down and around in the Pepsi, scoop a bit and eat it! It's really good. Then when you're done eating the colid cream, the liquid mess of Pepsi and chocolate is soooo good!! I hope you enjoy.

Iraqi women speak out on the BBC. And it doesn't look like the BBC rounded up the usual suspects! They actually got some pro-America women.

Harvard Israel Review decribes the UN's role in dividing Israelis and Arabs.

A grandfather writes a VERY good letter to his grandson decribing the role of the US gov't. Ouch!

What? Syria has WMD? And they used it on Sudanese? Why, I'm totally unsuprised!

Very well-done Flash video on 9/11. I cried, I admit it.

Tell me it isn't so! I thought this man was holy. Oh dear. Arafat paid off families of suicide bombers?

Rick Bescorla, a truly wonderful person. Read all of it. Beautiful.

Yours truly writes about his life and reasons for joining the USAF.

A lefty in Israel played a part in the car-bombing of border checkpoint last month?

Are the Mexicans getting angry at increased border security? Awwww, poor widdle babies.

Shift the blame. Don't blame the murderer, blame the tool and manufacturer of the tool the murderer used!

Tom Tancredo, my personal immigration hero, wonders aloud if the US's immigration czar really cares about enforcing immigration laws. Three cheers for Tom Tancredo!

What the crap is up with Blogdrive these days? All of my favorite blogs give me this message when I go to visit them: Upgrading servers. We'll be back up in a few of minutes. We are currently storing submitted entries for later processing.

Interesting, it's been saying that for two days now! I'm guessing it's a commie conspiracy to silence the reactionary Right.

Update: Looks like the commies stopped thier conspiracy. Rejoice!

I also forgot to link to Arthur Chrenkoff's Good News From Iraq. I extend my apologies to Arthur and Iraqis.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Dear TalkSport,

As you know the town of Beslan, Russia was recently brought into the world's spotlight. This was due to a wholesale slaughter of innocent men, women, and children at an elementary school. After seeing the images of burnt, stabbed, and shot victims--totalling 335 murdered--in the school by masked terrorists, the only word that comes to mind is slaughter.

Yet, you, and other media outlets such as al-Jazeera--notorious for it's pro-terror stance--have decided to instead redefine the slaughter to a siege during your news segments. And most recently your moment of silence in solidarity with Beslan families. Seeing al-Jazeera redefine the slaughter to siege is not surprising in the least to anyone. But an organization such as yourself sugar-coating the slaughter? Why would you do this?

Let's take a moment to define siege. Webster's New World Dictionary 2nd Ed. (2002):

siege: 1. the encirclement of a fortified place by an enemy intending to take it 2. any persistent attempt to gain control

As you can see the actions taken by the terrorists fit neither definitions of siege.

1. The terrorists did not encircle, they infiltrated and did gain control of an unfortified place.
2. There was no persistent attempt to gain control. Control of the school was rapid and the terrorists were not expelled, thereby the need of the terrorists to make multiple attempts to gain control is moot.

Now, to be fair, let's define slaughter using the same dictionary:

slaughter: 1. to kill (animals) for food; butcher 2. to kill (people) brutally or in large numbers

As you can see the actions taken by the terrorists perfectly fit definition #2.

This media bias is unacceptable and inhumane to the hundreds of families who had their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters murdered by the Chechen and Arab terrorists. You should be ashamed.



P.S. For those of you not in the UK, TalkSport is one of the nation's largest commercial radio stations. This message in its entirety has been sent to TalkSport. Many times. Heh! I was driving away from the Post Office on base when I heard this on the radio. I was quite angered as you all can imagine.

Monday, September 13, 2004

The 2nd Amendment....stronger!

That's right my fine American freedom-lovers, the "assault" weapons ban has been sent to the ash heap of history. Free at last!

The liberals say there will be a flood of UZIs, AK47s, AR-15s, and TEK-9s on the streets now. So please, if you don't mind, throw out a fishing net for me and catch me some firearms. I would do it myself, but I'm over here in the UK where virtually any gun is illegal and that won't change anytime soon.

I'll be buying my first unbanned firearm when I go home to Tennessee in November. I can hardly contain my excitement!

P.S. I am aware my sidebar has been moved to the very bottom of my blog. I am unsure as to why this has happened. I am working on it.

More commies in the American hemisphere...

"Stop the occupation of Haiti!" wail the illiberal, commie-left in their many pro-terror, hate-America rallies. So the Chinese have decided they'll listen to their protestor friends and send a "special police" unit to Haiti to "maintain peace" in that hopeless nation. I'm sure we'll hear cheers of glee from the commie-loving protestors soon. Their savior, Communist China, has come to the rescue of Haitians! Hey the ChiComs already have major influence in the Panama Canal, why not let them gain more foot-holds in the Western Hemisphere? Makes me wonder when the ChiComs will try to "liberate" the US as they "liberated" Tibet and more recently Hong Kong.

Meanwhile, in the US, amid calls for a more "sensitive war on terror", Kerry's support group, Communists for Kerry has released a picture of a new, never-before-seen sensitive weapon. Copy and paste this address into a new browser. Forsome reason direct linking doesn't work. I can already tell Marines and Soldiers will be thoroughly pleased at this new weapon development.

Ali, over at the ever-insightful Iraq the Model blog, has released his take on Zarqawi and his recent silence in Iraq. If you want to understand the "resistance" in Iraq, this could very well be the whole deal. Fascinating.

In case you hadn't heard already, Nork Nation has *possibly* tested a nuke. I say possibly because no one has confirmed whether it was or was not a nuke. I noted Condi Rice attempted to explain the "peculiar mushroom cloud" away by saying it may be a forest fire. I've seen quite a few forest fires and have yet to see a mushroom cloud erupt from one...but hey, I'm no expert here. I also wonder if trees do burn faster when all their bark is eaten off them? As you know, Nork Nation is in the throes of another famine resulting in North Koreans eating bark off trees to stay alive. Great huh? Maybe trees can burn fast enough to create a mushroom cloud once their bark is removed? Hooray for socialism and communism!

I've seen a lot of blogs, news shows, radio shows, and print media reminding the American people to never forget the attacks we were subjected to on 11SEP01. I think that's a great statement, but I have something to add.

Never forgive. Ever.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

New endeavors.

Jeff over at Human Race Watch has invited me to become a contributor to his blog. I agreed and have posted a few entries at Human Race Watch. I hope you'll join Jeff and I as we chronicle the highs and lows of the human race. A link to Human Race Watch is in the USA section of blog links to the right.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

See no evil.

On a previous post a frequent commentor, hypocrite, a known liberal, made this amazing statement concerning the Beslan, Russia massacre:

"The people who did this were involved in a terrorist act. The act was an evil one, but I wouldn't presume to make a judgment on whether the people themselves were evil."

I'll give you a moment to let that sink in. Go ahead, read it one more time.

Let's think about this. Hypocrite agrees this was definitely a terrorist act. It also was an evil act. But he or she is unable (or is it unwilling?) to make a judgement on whether or not the people who stabbed children, shot children, stabbed adults, shot adults, blew up children and adults with bombs, are evil? Wow.

That's the fundamental failure of modern-day liberalism: The inability and unwillingness to discern good from evil, wrong from right. You can see it in Sweden right now where the gov't there is sponsoring a pro-palestinian terror conference. Imagine that. Imagine Canada, Mexico, or Costa Rica sponsoring a pro-al qaeda terror conference. Why, the world would have a hissy fit...not to mention the salvos of political missiles launched from Washington, the capital of a nation that endured horrendous terror attacks by the hands of al-qaeda. Why? Because everyone knows al-qaeda is the enemy.

"The people who did this were involved in a terrorist act. The act was an evil one, but I wouldn't presume to make a judgment on whether the people themselves were evil."

But where's the outrage over a pro-palestinian terror conference being near the nation that endures daily attacks from the hands of palestinians? There is none. The silence from the left is deafening. The left, in their demented way of thinking, identifies with a group of people who stand for everything the left abhors.

The left is always whining about elections, free, fair, un-coerced elections. Yet when was there a free, fair, un-coerced election in the palestinian area? Liberals are constantly whining about women's rights. Yet palestinian women are subjected to horrors committed on them by their own families and neighborhood in accordance with Islamic law (sha'ria).

Liberals are constantly whining about acceptance for gays, yet gays in the palestinian area are fleeing to Israel because they fear retribution in their own homes. They flee certain death. This is the society the lefties and pro-palestinian loons support.

"The people who did this were involved in a terrorist act. The act was an evil one, but I wouldn't presume to make a judgment on whether the people themselves were evil."

The massacre in Beslan showed the world exactly who the "freedom-fighter" Islamic Chechens were. 336 people died in the Beslan school at the hands of Koran-crazed Chechen murderers, yet hypocrite can't determine whether the terrorists are evil or not.

I ask you lefties, are murderers evil? Or do murderers have an equal place in society along with engineers, teachers, and garbage collectors? Would you call the murderer of your child, husband, wife, mother, or father evil?

336 murdered. By terrorists. Good/evil status: unknown.

"The people who did this were involved in a terrorist act. The act was an evil one, but I wouldn't presume to make a judgment on whether the people themselves were evil."

The inability of liberals to recognize evil has a long history. Does anyone recall Chamberlain in the 30's? He failed to see evil even when he was sitting beside it! He failed to see the coming slaughter of Europeans at the hand of German Nazis. It happened again during the Vietnam war. Lefties from all over the USA (and Europe) fell in love with the North Vietnamese Communist war against South Vietnam. Eventually the US pulled out of South Vietnam and the North Vietnamese Communists liquidated hundreds of
of suspected "enemies of the Party." Again, liberals failed to see evil.

Lefties opposed the war to eject Saddam's army from Kuwait. No matter Saddam's henchmen were skinny dipping Kuwaiti civilians in baths of acid. No matter Saddam's army was destroying homes and cities across Kuwait. Liberals rejected the idea evil was being perpetrated in Kuwait.

Liberals continue to oppose wars of liberation in Afghanistan and Iraq. No matter 50 million people were under the boot of either Saddam or Mullah Omar fearing midnight raids to take away family members and chop their heads off in the middle of town. Again liberals opposed opposing evil.

Hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, died at the hands of Saddam and the Taliban. "No evil there, Bush is Hitler!" screech the rose-tinted glasses wearing unwashed liberals.

"The people who did this were involved in a terrorist act. The act was an evil one, but I wouldn't presume to make a judgment on whether the people themselves were evil."

So, while liberals continue to support the Hitlers in headscarves in Chechnya, Kashmir, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, palestinian area, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, and Sudan, we of the ability to judge good from evil must pick up the moral slack from weak liberals.

More attacks on innocent people across the world will be done by Hitlers in headscarves in the future. This is a certainty. But are these people evil? Thousands died in the World Trade Centers, hundreds in Bali, hundreds in Madrid, thousands in Israel, thousands in Afghanistan and Iraq, and hundreds in Russia by the hands of Islamo-fascist, Koran-crazed, Hitlers in headscarves. Is that enough to be considered evil?

"The people who did this were involved in a terrorist act. The act was an evil one, but I wouldn't presume to make a judgment on whether the people themselves were evil."

Is it possible to even understand how someone, much less a mass of people, can think that way?

Friday, September 10, 2004

Russia joins the War on Terror.

President Putin, an ex-KGB officer, agrees with the conservative approach and rejects the liberal approach to dealing with terrorists. Mocking liberals and their calls for negotiation with child-murderers, Putin says, "Why don't you meet Osama bin Laden, invite him to Brussels or to the White House and engage in talks, ask him what he wants and give it to him so he leaves you in peace? Why don't you do that?" He then goes on with, "No one has a moral right to tell us to talk to childkillers."

I look forward to hearing of massive Russian military operations in Chechnya. Go get 'em, boys. Liquidate those terrorists.

Sympatheic Islamic media? Take a look at this headline: "Russian security officials say 10 of Beslan school raiders identified" I added the bold, of course.

I was flipping through my SiteMeter log of visitors and happened across a referral from Iraq Vets Against Kerry. You know, no military personnel appreciates hearing the words "Wrong War, Wrong Place, Wrong Time" from a man who wants to be POTUS. Having a presidential candidate who runs on a platform that all of the US armed forces are engaged in a needless, wrong, ill-timed war is quite crushing for morale. So, should we just stop doing what we started, Mr. Kerry? Should we just pack up and skeedaddle out of town leaving the good Iraqis to fall into the death clutches of the radical Islamists? No, Mr. Kerry, you are wrong. This is the right war, at the right place, and at exactly the right time.

Meanwhile, another commie (who I'm sure would love to see Kerry elected), gets the lowdown on hurrican Ivan from his extra super duper hi-tech national hurricane center. Wow, we should definitely elect Kerry so we can have an awesome hurricane center like commie Castro's!

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Hypocrisy, "peace," and knowledge.

In the spirit of Pirate's reading assignment, I have an assignment of my own for you. Please read this article. It's short, concise, and true. Enjoy.

While listening to the Kimmer Show on WGST 640AM streaming on the Internet out of Atlanta, I learned that the Religion of Peace is gearing up for celebrations of the September 11, 2001 attacks on America. Hooray for tolerance! Hooray for cultural relativism! Allah ackbar!

I received in the mail today:

Soviet Perceptions of the United States
Vinegar Joe's War
Victors: Eisenhower and His Boys
Democracy at Dawn
Why Terrorism Works
Soldiers in the Shadows
The Nazis: A Warning from history

All from Barnes and Nobles' warehouse sale. Great deals. I know I'll be busy reading these fine books in the next few months. I can't wait to finish up America's 30 Years War and crack open my new ones. America's 30 Years War is probably the most important book I have ever read. If you're thinking of buying a book in the future please consider picking that one up. You won't be disappointed.

Zing! Pow!

"Flooding" the streets soon...

A topic near and dear to my heart is firearms and my pre-existing right to buy, sell, and shoot firearms. There are nefarious individuals who hold offices of immense power in Washington, DC who wish to continue infringing on my right to keep and bear arms.

The "assault" weapons ban that was put into effect by way of the Federal Violent Crime Control Act of 1994 is set to expire on September 13, 2004. Now, I'm sure you ask why would anyone want to let the "assault" weapons ban expire? Well, the simple reason is that it is unconstitutional. The long reason is that many firearms, including the Colt AR-15, were banned for ridiculous reasons. These included: having a pistol grip on the stock, having "high-capacity" magazines, and a having military-styled look.

Let's see, a pistol grip on an M-16 is a very useful aspect of the rifle because it provides extra stability during firing...thus reducing the chance of hitting something you didn't intend. It's a safety feature that I used just the other week when firing an M-16. A "high capacity" magazine...well, this can mean anything to anyone. A gun-banning crazed liberal may think a magazine that holds two rounds is high; while a level-headed operator of firearms, like myself, may think a magazine with a capacity of 1000 rounds is high.

Now, let's just take a moment to ponder the final ridiculous reason of the left's bandemonium on certain firearms: a military-styled look. Folks, does the look of anything change it's properties? A Honda Accord and a Ford Focus don't look the same. But they are still cars that perform the same function. This firearm and this firearm don't look alike, but they still perform the same function. They shoot .223 caliber rounds at a semi-automatic rate...not automatic rate
like this beauty does. So, why was firearm #1 banned and firearm #2 not? The answer lies in their looks. Firearm #1, a Colt AR-15, resembles the US military's M-16 and M-14. Therefore, it must be an assault firearm right?

Yes, scream the emotion-driven, fact-oblivious liberals!

No, screams the dictionary--and level-headed firearm owners such as myself.

But what is an assault firearm? An assault firearm is any firearm that can be placed into automatic or burst firing mode. The AR-15 is not an automatic and is not able to fire in automatic mode because it has no automatic or burst mode! Automatic firearms, including firearms that can operate in burst mode, have been banned in the USA since 1934.

So why the recent liberal assault on "assault" weapons? Because, silly, they look scary! And you know we can't have frightened people, much less offended people, in the great USSA (United Socialist States of America). So, the libs are up to their do-goodering selves by "protecting" us from those scary-looking rifles the evil firearms manufacturers flood the market with.

It is my hope the gun-ban crazed libs can't hijack our Constutution again by extending the "assault" weapons ban. I will be contacting my Representative and both Senators tomorrow to make my voice heard. I hope you do the same. Then we can all get back to firing scary-looking weapons at posters of Usama bin Laden!

Out here.

Monday, September 06, 2004

What the?

Is it just me, or are all my comments gone?


Update: Looks like Haloscan's site is down currently as I cannot access their homepage. Hopefully it will be back up soon and we can all breathe a sigh of relief. Ha!

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Random hops across the world.

Wandering Mind has a very interesting post about his interview of a European about the ingrained anti-Americanism in the European society. Notice how the European says that his country was glad to get rid of the "wretched refuse" a few hundred years ago to the New World so his country could get back on track to being top dog in world affairs. Hmm, isn't that eerily similar to commies of the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, and soon Venezuela, eliminating anti-revolutionary--or suspected
anti-revolutionary--people so the communist ideology could finally stand on its own two feet and become powerful?

Hmmm, just a thought. In any case, this is Wandering Mind's first post of three on the subject of anti-Americanism in Europe. A very good read.

I'm not sure how to classify this one. It's an article about judicial bias towards men being the root problem in domestic violence. The article discusses how the feminists have hijacked the judicial system into defaulting blame towards a man. Pretty interesting.

I have been pondering this for quite a while. I have been questioning my allegiance to the Republican party for a few years now. GWB, being the leader of the Republican party, has really gone to the left on a lot of issues. Take education, for example. GWB approved the
LARGEST increase in taxpayer spending on education EVER. How about medicine? GWB spearheaded a new bill that provides prescription drugs to our seasoned citizens? That's straight out of the liberal playbook! Hey, GWB, that's MY money you're spending right and left and I don't appreciate it! Though I do think conservatives are generally united around GWB for this election. We see how far Kerry will steer this nation to the left and it scares the living hell out of us. So, I do not expect a revolt on the right this election go-round.

Remember Charles Jenkins, the Army soldier suspected of defecting to Nork Nation in the 60s? Well, the Far Eastern Economic Review got an exclusive interview with him recently. Is Jenkins telling the truth to FEER? I suspect he is, because I just can't imagine any American living in Nork Nation for over 30 years and liking it. I will be following his court martial proceedings in the near future and see what the military investigators come up with. Should be exciting.

"Our terrorist sons are an end product of our corrupted culture," Abdulrahman al-Rashed, general manager of Al-Arabiya television, wrote in his daily column published in the pan-Arab Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper. Wow. Finally, a very powerful Muslim admitting to Islamic society's systemic corruption of young minds....pinch me! But in the same article we also learn from another Muslim that the massacre of young Russian children by Muslim terrorists was not perpetrated by Muslims after all! It was
those evil Israeli Jews! Ah ha! I knew it all along.

I knew that Islam couldn't be the issue here. I knew that Muslims don't kill innocents worldwide in their global jihad. I knew that Islam isn't the root of no. It's got to be those bad Israelis trying to turn world opinion against Muslims! Along with their partner-in-crime--the USA--the Israelis are bombing schools, buses, churches, synagogues, mosques, embassies, and jets and then making it look like the Muslims did it! Pure. Evil. Genius. Why didn't I ever see this truth before? How could I be so blind?

See what I mean?? Those evil Jews are at it again.....

Friday, September 03, 2004

Kommentariat National Convention of Truth.

Last night was the first night I got to actually sit down and watch the 2004 Republican convention as it happened. It was also the first Republican convention I have ever watched. What a contrast it was to the Democrat (not the Democratic misnomer as the media says) convention! It's funny, the Demoncats today seem to like the military we had back in the late 60s and early 70s. They champion the service of Kerry during the unpopular Vietnam War. I say it's funny, because these are the same people who spat upon, physically attacked, and verbally cursed soldiers who returned to the US from their service in Vietnam. Isn't that unbelieveable?

Even today, they spit upon, physically attack, and verbally curse our soldiers returning from Afghanistan and Iraq. I guess they hope their protests and marches in favor of dictatorships will weaken White House resolve and lead to the collapse of democracy in Iraq. I mean, it worked in the Vietnam War, right? The South Vietnamese government collapsed after an American pull-out and the Communist North Vietnamese gained control over the South. This was the true result the communist-sympathizers who protested against the Vietnam War had wished for.

Could this be the same motivation for today's communists, socialists, anti-Americanists, anti-freedom, pro-Saddamists, pro-Islamists, pro-dictatorship, liberal Demonicrat war protestors? We know they wish to paralyze the moral fortitude of the American people and make us question our involvement in world affairs. They fail to realize America isn't the problem. It's part of the solution.

Sure, we're losing American--and Coalition--lives out there in the desert. Why is this so surprising to people? This is war; people die. It's truly disingenuous of liberals to suggest they are against the war because American soldiers are dying. Libs don't care about the military, they just use their fake concern for the lives of military members only when it's politically opportunistic to do so. They would totally dismantle and abolish the military if left to their own devices unchecked by conservatives.

Zell Miller completely explained the distaste of the military by Demoncats and liberals in his speech last night. Libs think the military is an evil organization that brainwashes men and women into becoming robots at the beckon and call of warhawks in Washington, DC. It's amazing they never see that the Communist Party USA is evil, or that the Korean Workers Party is evil, or that the Chinese Communist Party is evil, or that the Ba'ath Party is evil, or that the Iraqi Communist Party is evil, or that FARC of Columbia is evil, or that Hamas is evil, or that Muslim Brotherhood is evil, or that Hezbollah is evil, or even that the PLO is evil. They fail to see evil even when directly looking at it.

Thousands of Americans have died at the hands of evil, Islamic, fascist terrorists over the past 20 years. Again and again liberals dismiss these attacks on Americans as revenge by the terrorists for America meddling in Islamic/Middle East affairs. Libs are so quick to excuse away the atrocities by evil people because liberals don't understand or recognize evil. They are like colorblind people trying to see red or green....they just can't see evil no matter what it looks like. What will it take for libs to finally realize some people of the world are evil?

An Islamofascist bombing of Marines in Lebanon was not enough. Bombings of embassies in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uzbekistan was not enough. Bombing of the USS Cole was not enough. Bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 was not enough. The bombing of Khobar Towers was not enough. Bombings of Western housing complexes in Saudi Arabia was not enough. The complete destruction of the WTCs was not enough. And the attack on the Pentagon was not enough.

The mental disease of pacificity and appeasement befallen liberals renders them completely unable to recognize and confront evil in this world. That's why conservatives must always pick up the slack and take the fight for freedom to our enemies. Conservatives must always be able to summon the courage and testicular fortitude to confront the evils of the world, no matter the opinion of screeching liberals or foreign governments. If conservatives lose the will to fight the enemies of freedom, all modern civilization will be lost. Conservatives are the world's only and last hope for freedom and prosperity.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

C'mon folks, let's all just get along.

Oh the Religion of Peace sure has been busy lately! They've preached their love of all mankind here, here, here, and oh praise Allah yes, here! If only Israel could continue its creation of the security barrier between themselves and the black plague...but noooo, the Jew-hating International Court sides with the murderers and condemns the Jews to death. You're making Hitler proud you crescent-eyed gavel-holders.

Some things make me so mad. I find it amazing someone can sell out their country for money. If this guy is convicted I hope he gets death. Just as I hope all people who commit treason get death...or at minimum life without parole and a new best friend named "Bubba."

Wow, this reporter knows how to blend in with the commies, socialists, anarchists, and liberals who are spreading their lies and hate throughout New York City: he sleeps in his clothes and doesn't wash! Heh, gotta be "natural" and all to fit in with this crowd. No soap, no deoderant, and definitely no iron. If you don't have that "funk" about you, the libs will know you aren't one of're a clean, conservative, imperialist! Remember, nice-smelling hair and non-stinky pits is to libs as garlic is to vampires. Libs are also known to "find themselves" (whatever that may mean) on Mt. Paektu. Let's carpet-bomb it!

"Curses!" scream the commies, swarming like locusts in NYC. They just found out that Chrenkoff released another fine edition of Good News From Iraq.

But wait! What's this?! Could it be? Is there truth being preached by members of the locust swarms in NYC? Why yes, there is truth!

Edit on 02Sept04. I had to remove the links to pictures on For some reason Yahoo decided to put other pictures in the place of the ones I linked to. One picture was the "swarm of locusts" which were hundreds of Saddamists and pinkos filling the streets of NYC. The other picture was for the "there is truth!" statement above. The picture was a Protest Warrior holding a sign that looked like this. It was very funny.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Must stop drooling!

Oh please help me stop drooling after seeing this!

The best post I have ever read.

A total and absolute indictment of the left and its ideology of hypocrisy, racism, and appeasement has been filed by Lunaris Victoria of Open Eyes. She's researched the facts and has come to undeniable conclusions. Bravo, this has to be the blogosphere post of the month.

Ironically, I send my thanks to Willem, a lefty blogger, for posting a link to Open Eyes over on The Daily Spork's quick message box.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Travels across the web in political discourse.

You may or may not know that Bill Jenkins is not the only US soldier to live in Nork Nation after allegedly defecting. James Joseph Dresnok also defected to Nork Nation in 1962. The Beeb had sent some reporters to Nork Nation to do some films on Dresnok. Sounds interesting. Just from the quotes I have read from Dresnok it's hard to tell whther he really defected or was kidnapped. As long as he remains in Nork Nation there is no way for us to know the real truth.

Speaking of the Beeb. Just last week on my drive to work I happened to tune into some BBC book review show (yes, seriously they have book review shows on radio). They were interviewing Al Franken about his book "Liars." I got to thinking if the Beeb will have a radical left-winger on the radio touting his book...would they also put a radical right-winger like Ann Coulter on their show to tout her book, "Treason?" Pfft, fat chance. That'll happen the day I start proclaiming the decency of communism.

Today I started reading a book called "America's 30 Years War" written by Balint Vazsonyi. It's written by a Hungarian-born man who escaped the soul-crushing system of Soviet Communism in the 1950s and immigrated to the USA. His book details how the left is slowly but surely steering us towards socialism--and ultimately communism. I've only read the first 20 pages and already I can apply those pages to today's lefty movement. Balint quotes some of the commie vocabulary like "progressive" or "social justice" or "sensitivity training." Hmmm, we've never heard the lefties use those same words, now have we? If the beginning of the book is any standard of how the rest of the book will be, it could be one of the most important books I have ever read. You should be able to find this book at the various booksellers on the Internet for US$10 or less. I highly recommend it.

George W. Bush and John McCain: the axis of speech gagging? Sure sounds like it to me when they team up to launch lawsuits against groups practicing their 1st Amendment rights. Bad move, President, very, very bad move. If only we could tar and feather...I'd be the one with the barrel of tar.

"Curses!" screams John Kerry and fellow socialists/Democrats/communists/liberals at Chrenkoff's latest installment of Good News From Afghanistan.

Neal Boortz does what he does best: proclaiming the greatness of The Fair Tax Act. Wouldn't it be great not to have taxes that stifle and punish success?

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Ocean Cruise and Kill.

Welcome to the world's newest, most family-friendly ocean cruiseliner in the world! I present to you: Deep Nose, a floating oceanliner dedicated to baby-murdering. Let's all cheer for women's rights to murder their own children. Hip hip, hooray!

While you're visiting South America you may want to stop by Al-Qaeda's travel agency to get the latest tips on how to get into the US of A undetected. Then you can go about your merry ways of slitting throats, raping women, and blowing up night clubs. Allah akbar!

Our good friend, John of The Pirate's Blog, has come across bits of crazy news. Some nutjob judge in New Zealand decided a prison inmate needed compensation for hurt feelings and humiliation he experienced while being in jail for MURDER. Oh, and John also found that some wussified school systems in the Soviet Socialist Republic of California have decided that child's games are to be outlawed. Read more over at The Pirate's Blog...amazing stuff.

Say it isn't so! A peaceful Palestinian, who just happens to be a member of Hamas, was found in Virginia videotaping the Chesapeake Bridge. I'm sure he was there on a student trip for the Hamas School of Peaceful bombs, that is.

A writer explains the UK is feeling the negative effects of "diversity training." Will the US wake up and throw out this same reverse racism one day?

The snapping sound of flip-flops.

Taken from Bill Bennett's Morning in America.

August 1, 2004, John Kerry: "I will have significant, enormous reduction in the level of troops. We will probably have a continued presence of some kind, certainly in the region. If the diplomacy that I believe can be put in place can work, I think we can significantly change the deployment of troops, not just there [Iraq] but elsewhere in the world. IN THE KOREAN PENNINSULA perhaps, in Europe perhaps. There are great possibilities open to us." (This Week, with George Stephanopoulos).

August 18, 2004, John Kerry: "Why are we unilaterally withdrawing 12,000 troops from the Korean Peninsula at the very time we are negotiating with North Korea a country that really has nuclear weapons?" (Speech to Veterans of Foreign Wars.)


Monday, August 23, 2004

Where's the beef?

Gasp! Ariel Sharon....vindicated from proclaiming France as a hotbed of rising anti-Semitism?

In case you ever wanted to know what the map of the Blogosphere looks like, head on over to The Politburo Diktat. My blog would definitely be dual-located in the Vast Right Warlike Confederation and the Milguns section.

Commies preparing for war? No, say it isn't so! I thought communism was a peaceful political ideology? Like when the Soviets enslaved Eastern Europe, starved the Ukrainians, shot down Korean civilian airliners, and invaded Afghanistan. What about when the Communist North Koreans launched an invasion on South Korea? Or when North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam? Or even the world's darling commie nation, China, invaded and conquered Tibet. You know, that kind of peace, communist "peace." Can't we give communism another chance?

If you ever come to England and want to go out to eat breakfoast or lunch on a Sunday, forget it. Make other plans to provide your breakfast and lunch. This entire country closes down Sunday mornings and afternoons. Most restaurants won't open up until 5PM if at all on Sunday. It's so frustrating! Oh well, such is life here. I'll get used to it one day I am sure.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Around the news and world in a lot of links.

In case you missed it, even the Saudis have a problem with Michael Moore. Michael Moore is part of that "Zoinist" problem you had a little while ago, right Saudis? But thanks heavens you eliminated nearly half of the 26 bad Zionists in your country. Whew....Saudi Arabia is safe again!

A well-known video game designer has claimed he will create the goriest game ever made. I'm sure Tipper Gore and Joe Lieberman will be upping their prescription of Prozac and Valium just before the game is released...unless they can get it banned beforehand.

Is America great? Saido Kamara, 22, and from Sierra-Leone believes so. However, he's never been to the US....but would love to come.

Nork Nation, you know, the one that starves its 22 million citizens? The one that lines its Chinese border with spike pits to maim and murder citizens who wish to leave Nork Nation? The one that kidnaps Japanese citizens? The one that ships missles and other military technology to the Islamist nations in the Middle East? Yes, that Nork Nation. Well, it seems they're following the same footsteps that the Soviets took to finalize their demise: spending nearly half their GDP on the military.

Notice how the left always destroys things when they are protesting something? Weird, isn't it? I thought they were all for peace and happiness? Oh that's right, they're the left....the ideology of hypocrisy. Well, the Republican Party better arm themsevles with some computer geeks, for their websites are about to be "protested" against.

The Japanese gov't has turned its back on its military members. What a shame. They think that some anti-war nutcase will go into a protest frenzy by just seeing a Japanese military uniform on a Japanese soldier coming home from Iraq. So, the Japanese military can't wear their uniforms when flying back home now.

In the likely event you encounter a frothing-of-the-mouth lefty, anti-war, anti-military, anti-USA, human shield nutcase please send them to Kurdo's World so they may view exactly what they were trying to protect. Yes, that's right, they were trying to make the torture, rapes, murders, and mutilations against the Iraqi people continue. Remind the heartless, demonic lefty to sleep well after viewing the videos Kurdo has linked to. Then give them a good sucker punch.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

American choice.

"...Liberals are detached from the past and look to the international commmunity for advice and approval. Conservatives are detached from the international community and look to the past for advice and approval; to their ancestors, their natural history, their religious traditions, their cultural patrimony." -David Gelernter

I've noticed that many speeches by Kerry called to the fact that GWB's policies have caused much international flabbergast. So, I thought that quote would be pretty interesting, not only because it's 100% true, but that it's so applicable to this election.

I have heard Kerry say he'll restore the image of the USA to the world. Does he mean the image of the world's policeman because no one else has the balls to do the hard work, the image of the most economically successful and powerful nation in the world, the image of the most powerful and honorable volunteer military in the world (one that I am a proud member of), the image of unprecedented freedoms that millions of people are drawn to move here every year, the image of complete religious and political freedoms, the image of personal choice and responsibility, the image that anyone can attain the American Dream if you persevere and work hard? Is this the image of America that Kerry wants to change? Sadly, I bet it is.

You see, I don't care one bit what France, or Germany, or Cuba, or North Korea, or Chad, or even our neighbor, Canada, thinks of the USA. Just as I could care less of what my next-door neighbor, or shop-keeper down the street, or hooker on the corner of 42nd and Washington St. thinks of me. I know the USA is the best, most fairest, most caring, most giving, most open nation in the world. For some reason only conservatives can bring themselves to recognize these wonderful attributes of the USA. Liberals hate the USA, hate its success, hate its justice, and hate its economic and military might. They, the liberals I mean, can't say one good thing about the USA. Just listen to them on the campaign trail. Everything is bad, the economy is horrific, our military is full of torturers and baby-killers, the world hates us, more people are poor than ever, the justice system is unfair, guns are bad, negative, negative, negative. It's an endless barrage of negative attacks on the USA by liberals and their USA-hating buddies across the planet.

I cannot support a party, the Democrats, Greens, Communists etc., or a political ideology, liberal/left, that runs on a platform contradictory to the fundamental building blocks of American society and values. America is a positive nation. We look to the future in the way farmers looks to the rising sun at the beginning of another productive and satisfying work day. We are optimists at heart. But, just as it is in business, bad news spreads faster and father and with more force than good news. The Democrats know this and have placed their entire campaign on the bad news bandwagon hoping to pull at heartstrings and tug at emotions of the American voter. They will try to make us believe America is going down the tubes, that our situation has never been worse, that our worst fears are coming to light due to one man, GWB. I cannot even begin to believe one person has the power to pull each and every little string connected to American life...only in a dictatorship the likes of North Korea does any one man have all the strings in one hand.

I am a conservative. I am also in the US Air Force. I am suckling at the taxpayer's nipple--with one caveat: I actually provide a service to ALL American citizens in return for some of them paying me monthly through their taxes. I would much rather vote for a Libertarian for the office of US President than a Republican, but let's get real. There is no way a Libertarian has a chance to win the presidency at this point in time. It is Democrats vs. Republicans. That's just the way it is. So, in realization of that, the only way for me to vote is against the liberals who hate me and in favor of moderate-conservativists who view America and its role as I do.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Police chief in Najaf deals with attacks on his family

Police chief in Najaf deals with attacks on his family - The Washington Times : World - August 18, 2004

What a horrible story! And why are we holding off our attack on Buffoon al-Sadr and his murderers?

Lefties and their absolute stupidity.

I'm sure you all recall the spiteful ruling by the World Court that Israel's security barrier was illegal. The World Court, in its motherly love of the Palestinians, said the security barrier placed unbelievable hardships on Palestinian's daily lives--namely suicide bombings, stabbings, murderings of Jewish mothers and her kids, launching of Qassam rockets into Israel, and the smuggling of weapons into Israel. You know, normal life stuff for the peaceful Palestinians. Anyway, the European Union--the Israel hating union--is now building their own secuirty barrier! But unlike the Israeli's barrier, this one isn't to keep out bombers, murderers, and's to keep out illegal immigrants. Get this, the EU barrier is employing an Israeli company who is building the Israeli security barrier. Can you say hypocrisy?

Now let's spin the globe and come to rest in South America, specifically Venezuela. Venezuela is a very important country to the US due to its large oil reserves and great tourist spots. Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's controversial President, has just won a recall referendum, the same type Gray Davis faced and lost in California, and now wants to strengthen his control on the police, courts of justice, and the media. Hugo, a known Casto-cuddler, is an extreme leftist who subscribes to the pillars of the Communist Party. Namely he fights for "justice" for the poor and working families--just as the commies professed in the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia. I think we all know what that revolution "for the people" led to. So now that Chavez, whose political victory has been stamped with approval by the Carter Center--a supposed independent election observation group led by another Castro-snuggler: Jimmy Carter--Hugo will pull the iron curtain over the Venezuelan people. Mark my words: unless Chavez is thrown out, Venezuela will become an enemy of the US and free world just as Cuba is now. I weep for the future of the good Venezuelan people.