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8/4/04 07:52 pm
Birfness Wishes
Happy Belated Birfday to adrienne2! Happy Birthday to manynames!
*cue much throwing of confetti*
7/30/04 10:15 pm
So, Shawn's poor car is an ex-car. Poor Diana will be left without a friend for the while. But he's doing okay and he thanks everyone for their thoughts.
This is all much of the suckage but - he's okay. That's truly all that matters. We'll get by somehow. There's enough ramen in the cupboard to last us for a few years or so. And rice. We've got a whole 10 lb bag of rice.
It is time for Stargate: Atlantis now.
7/28/04 08:17 pm
Well, shit
Shawn was in a car accident today. He's okay, thank the gods, but poor Gary, his car, is not.
The day was going so well too. Fuck.
7/22/04 05:28 pm
*plays fanfare*
Happy Birthday, celli!
Also, I am tired, cranky and hungry. The apartment is a mess, my checkbook is unbalanced and Shawn needs prodded.
But Diana is offically insured and registered. Ha.
Current Mood: wiped out
7/17/04 11:48 pm
Another Moment of Angst
I knew I shouldn't have called Dad this afternoon. I just had a feeling that there would be yelling and I was right. *sighs* I know he means well. I've been trying to tell myself that. But mother of the gods, why must he persist on beating the thrice-damned dead horse into the ground and all the way up to New Zealand?
( Letter to the Pater )
That helped a little, I guess, but I still feel upset. Still, there's nothing I can do at this point except make plans to get things done. The current thought is to call off on Monday as early hours or not, I still won't get home until 4:40 and that's too late.
And speaking of work - eh. Still not fond of the drive but I'm actually doing things so that helps. I'm continuing to keep an eye out for any permanent positions. Benefits are a good thing.
Now I shall putter around until Shawn returns from LARP.
7/16/04 09:14 pm
All is lost. I have fallen to the Daniel Jackson side of the force. Help!
6/28/04 05:33 pm
State of the Sarah
So I'm starting on my second week of work. It took an hour to get home today instead of the usual hour and half, so there is cause for rejoicing. I think the 7 to 3:30 shift is a winner, even despite the fact I have to get up at the ungodly hour of 5. Not having daily panic attacks is a good thing.
I had a good weekend. It was filled with cake, Hello Kitty balloons and watching small children tickle Shawn. It's the small things (like Hello Kitty balloons) that bring me joy.
Also, apparently 'Teen Titans' is of the crack. Help!
6/9/04 02:28 pm
I have been quiet, haven't I?
Everything's going well in MA, thus far. I have had several interviews, and I have a second interview tomorrow with a big corporate company. It's a temp position, but it would be for a year and that's certainly enough time to make myself indispensible to the higher ups. We can hope anyway.
This weekend, I'm going back home with Shawn for a friend's wedding. (Note to self: buy card for friend.) If I'm lucky, I'll be able to tell everyone I have a job.
Stefanie love - I haven't forgotten you or Lona. I'm a terribly lazy git but I do want to continue the letters.
I'd forgotten how much I hated dial-up. High speed internet is of the gods.
5/24/04 11:23 pm
Insomniac Here
( Wibbling )
The job interview went well, I think. I'm still going to keep looking, as it's apparently going to be awhile before they know who they're hiring.
Tea's almost done, so I think I'm going to turn in and attempt sleep.
5/18/04 02:53 pm
I have a job interview on Thursday! Go me!
Current Mood: bouncy
5/18/04 12:37 pm
I'm here, still breathing, still learning the ins and outs of this new state I'm in. So far things have been going well, asides from the occasional nervous breakdown and getting lost at night in the midst of a thunderstorm.
No job yet, which is irksome, but I'm doing my best to find one. In lieu of a job, I have been disturbingly domestic - making the beds and doing the dishes everyday. And cooking dinner. I, who once swore I'd live on grilled cheese sandwiches all my life, am actually cooking things like pasta and chicken and potatoes. I fear the apocolypse is nigh.
4/25/04 05:18 pm
*falls over*
Am safe. Made it to MA and new apartment. Nap now.
4/10/04 09:31 pm
All Shall Love Me And Despair
In honor of the fact that fandom_bitch friended me, mhari made me this icon.
*cackles gleefully* I love her.
4/7/04 10:53 pm
Just tried the 8 minute Tae-Bo video. Just. Damn. I'm going to have to do this more often - I feel like I'm floating like a butterfly and can sting like a bee.
Current Mood: bouncy
4/7/04 10:02 pm
You know how much fun it is to schedule the entire company for a privacy policy training class in three days? It would have been less painful to staple my forehead to the desk.
To make things even more enjoyable, my manager sends me an email asking me what the status of the database documentation because it needs to be done. My first thought was 'No, really?? Thank you for pointing that out, Captain Obvious!' My second thought was 'Avada Kedavra, bitch!' Now, I know how important it is to get the db documentation done - since I'm the only person who knows the ins and outs of the database. However, when I am the only administrative type person in my department and I am expected to schedule classes, argue with people that they have to take said classes, enter attendance rosters for the various classes and one-on-one training all by my onesie, the documentation takes a slightly less priority then all this other crap.
Fortunately for what's left of my mind, my other manager was able to take some of the entering in the database stuff off my hands. Just before I left for the day, I got the good news that my team leader finally got access to the folder where the database is kept so she can lend a hand as well.
If all goes well (heh), I should be able to get most of the documentation stuff done this week.
In other news, the mater is in another one of her Moods. Now, I admit to being forgetful about things that involve her sometimes because I never know whether she's going to be nice or bitchy to me. That being said, if I mention something about coming over on Saturday, the normal thing to do is call me on Saturday if I haven't called about coming over, not to stew about it all day then call me on Sunday night. I can only hope that we'll get along better with several hundred miles between us.
4/7/04 12:47 am
Happy Birthday, malfoypatriarch!!
*throws a wild Death Eater revel just for you*
4/3/04 02:38 pm
Meme from various people
( Read more... )
4/3/04 02:23 pm
Weekends are a blessed thing. They bring sleeping until noon, the tormenting of figments and babbling at friends, on-line and off.
This weekend also brings packing and serious getting things organzied for the Move. Not that this is a bad thing - Goddess knows, I've been waiting nearly two years for this. Still, it means anxiety. I'm going to be very glad when it's all done and I'm in MA. Then I'll have a whole new set of things to worry about.
This game is entirely too addicting.
Current Mood: random
4/1/04 11:38 pm
Today was just frustrating. First a class was cancelled, then it was uncancelled and now it's being done tomorrow. I had to move another class to a different time then it was orignally scheduled for. Found out that it didn't have to be moved but of course, it was too late to move it back.
22 more days. I can do this, assuming I don't go mad from trying to ready to move first. Well. Madder.
On second thought, I think I'm a prime candidate for the loony bin as I appear to be writing a cross-dressing Death Eater drabble in which said Death Eaters are getting ready to perform 'One' from 'A Chorus Line'.
At least tomorrow is Friday. There will be work, there will be Pippin and Merry squeeage and then there will be fits of Evil!Typist plots.
And so to bed.