

Intellectual property has been on

Filed under: — chris @ 5:19 pm

Intellectual property has been on my mind for a long time. The internet is a garden of eden for people to trade anything with one another. Business sees the internet as a way to market products another way to plug people in and to create ‘brand loyalty’, interactive tv, but it has so much more potential. Much of that potential is being realized to the detriment of those would seek to control it. Most of what is great about the internet is invisible to the profiteering brigands of ‘e-commerce’. The idea of an economy based upon sharing with one another is beyond their grasp. An economy not intent on merely accumulating piles of cash. That is what the internet is becoming to the dismay of these new mandarins, the riaa’s and the mpaa’s of the world. Some interesting articles today: one about internet pirates (everyone) getting sneaky.
There was a good story about China blaming internet cafes for societal ills, but I couldn’t find it again. The concept of communication that is decentralized and which supercedes national boundaries scares many a government including our own evil empire. Incidentally, the american government is developing a domestic military presence to deal with ‘domestic’ issues.


Wow, I finally got the

Filed under: — chris @ 3:00 am

Wow, I finally got the webcam up and running again. That means that I’ve been having screwed up computer stuff for almost two months. I’ve also been building a second computer out of leftover parts. I had everything except for an extra monitor to go with it and then yesterday what should I find next to the dumpster but a 17″ monitor! The gods must have been watching over me. Computer hardware can be really annoying though too. Just tonight as I was setting up my secondary system I changed the BIOS settings and then when I rebooted the computer it halted on the screen where it detects your hard drive. To add further injury, it was then impossible to enter the cmos menu to change anything. I almost started crying. It was just too much to bear. I finally gathered myself and found some information on the web about how to reset the cmos. Evidently it’s as simple as removing the cmos battery for a few minutes. I felt stupid but I was glad it was as simple as that.

Oh, I found a guy online with access to all 39 episodes of The Mysterious Cities of Gold. He has them in VCD format, but he’s going ahead and encoding them all in divx format. So, anyone that wants them come by irc and find me. I’ll let you borrow them. wink wink. I’m actually amassing quite a collection of cartoons and television shows. Just tonight I downloaded and watched GI JOE: The Movie. It was pretty weird. I hadn’t seen in it in about 10-15 years. Burgess Meredith as Globulus!


Karen sent me a cool

Filed under: — chris @ 8:00 pm

Karen sent me a cool link especially for any Sopranos fans out there. It’s a mob name generator. You type in your name and it gives you a mob nickname. I will henceforth be known in the underworld as Chris “Dreamboat” Sivori. Not bad. I could’ve gotten something awful like, “Banananose” or “Pizzaface". You can get your own nickname here. Ouch, I typed in Karen’s name and it spat out “The Self-Toucher". Hmmmm.

I remember seeing a Wu-name generator too. It would give you a name like a member of the Wu-Tang Clan.


I’ve been having some major

Filed under: — chris @ 1:39 pm

I’ve been having some major computer problems and it’s been taking up a lot of time. On the upside I upgraded my hard drive, on the downside I lost everything on my largest hard drive. You have to be prepared for these sorts of things. Unfortunately, I lost all my sopranos episodes and the movies I had on my drive as well as a few other things that I could’ve backed up had I known what was in store for me. I think I’ll be doing something on the old Saban cartoon, The Mysterious Cities of Gold. Listen to the theme music and see if you can remember it. It’s about these kids who have adventures trying to locate the seven cities of cibola, the mysterious cities of gold. They fly around in a badass golden condor airplane of some advanced Aztec or Incan origin. It’s a neat show. I’ve been trying to locate episodes of it on IRC.

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