The Secret Handshake
The membership rolls of Masonic organizations has been on a steady decline for the past 40 years. After reading The Historical Illuminatus trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson I became interested in the Masons and did some research on them. While it does seem shrouded in mystery it didn’t seem to be worth the trouble to find out by joining. Not to mention the requirement that the male initiate has to believe in a supreme being. Since it’s a fraternity, exclusively male, I’m assuming they do not believe in a female supreme being. Also, the masons always came off as being a little right-wing which is not appealing. Anyway, there was a interesting article on freemasonry in the washington post.
A few police chiefs are standing up to the federal government in its pursuit of a police state. They are questioning the constitutionality of an order by the FBI to investigate Muslims in their jurisdictions. It’s good to know there are still some good guys left in this world.
Ever aware of the power of the media (look on the television) the US government is spending an “eye-popping” 500 million dollars to create an arab language satellite news channel to compete with Al Jazeera. Canada is looking better and better every day.