Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

August 26, 2004

Crooked Judge to Preside Over Crooked Election Monitoring

I recently reported on the group of international clowns set to sniff our ballot boxes this coming Election Day.

It gets even worse. “President” of the monitors is Alcee Hastings, a crooked U.S. federal judge who was impeached in 1988 for bribery and perjury.

In 1988, The U.S. House of Representatives voted almost unanimously (413-3) to approve 17 articles of impeachment amounting to "high crimes and misdemeanors" against Hastings, who at the time was a federal judge. While sitting on the federal bench, an FBI bribery sting caught Hastings conspiring to obtain a $150,000 bribe in exchange for granting leniency to a pair of convicted racketeers. The Senate convicted Hastings of perjury and conspiracy to take a bribe. He is one of only a handful of judges ever to be impeached in the history of the U.S.

Hasting is not only corrupt, he's a vociferous anti-Bush partisan, who as recently as April 14 regaled the Associated Press with his paranoid delusions of a coming Bush coup d'etat:

"Any way we cut it, these people [the Bush Administration] are going to try and steal this election."

But the kicker is the fact that Hastings is currently a Democratic U.S. House Representative for Broward County. Yes, you heard that right: A Democratic Congressman is going to preside over a horde of international monitors meddlers on Election Day. Talk about conflict of interest!; but—hey—that’s old hat to an impeached judge long-practiced in the arts of bribery and perjury.

Hanoi John Kerry couldn't have a better mole in the delegation of monitors if he had Jessie Jackson or that fat, disgusting butterball Michael Moore among them.

Hang on tight, friends—November's going to be wild.

(hat/tip: Newsmax)

Posted by clark smith at 04:53 PM | Comments (7) | TrackBack (1)

Dog Days of August

Prior to the month of August, I was becoming pessimistic about Pres. Bush's reelection chances in November. However, this was one wild August. November is still a long way away, but it seems as though the race dynamics have significantly shifted. For one, Kerry now has called for weekly debates. When was the last time the candidate with the upper hand wanted more debates? Now, a lot can change in 2 months, but I don't see this as a good sign for the Kerry Campaign.
Hat Tip: Instapundit

Posted by Joel at 01:42 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Bush 'Hijacks' The Olympics

First he supposedly "hijacked" the elections, and now Bush has apparently "hijacked" the Olympic trademark.

How so? Because his campaign actually uttered the word "Olympics" in a campaign ad.

"We own the rights to the Olympic name and nobody asked us," Gerhard Heiberg, head of the International Olympic Committee's Marketing Commission had said on Wednesday.

Got that folks?

If this doesn't encapsulate my arguments as to how the abuse of intellectual property laws hinder free speech, then I don't know what does.

So people who engage in the most basic form of free speech and human communication are now "thieves" and "hijackers" if we are to accept the rhetoric of the current defenders of intellectual property schemes. You intellectual property Stalinists have a lot of explaining to do...

I suppose then

Continue reading "Bush 'Hijacks' The Olympics"

Posted by Justin Levine at 01:33 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

Kerry Campaign Declares "War" on Vets

The Kerry campaign has declared "war" on the personal lives of Vietnam vets who dare to question Hanoi John Kerry.

An unnamed source in Kerry's campaign has vowed:

[W]e have the stuff [dirt] and we're [damn well] going to use it.
These guys say they know war and they know battle, well this is war. ... it will be ugly

These promises of scorched earth tactics in the ongoing politics of personal destruction sound more than vaguely familiar. Democratic operatives, after all, are not unpracticed in the use of terminology suggesting actual physical violence. I'm harkened back to Bob 'Real Bullets' Mulholland's asinine threat against Schwarzenegger in the recent California Gubernatorial Recall Election:

[T]he bullets coming at [Schwarzenegger] in this campaign are going to be real bullets ...

Hanoi John's "war" against his detractors is wretched, but inevitable.

Think about it. If Hanoi John is such a sick b'tard that in 1971 he monstrously slandered innocent vets as war criminals while many of them were rotting in the Hanoi Hilton, what depths will he not sink to in order to destroy Vietnam vets today, especially when their testimony stands between him and the White House?!

The stakes are infinitely higher for Hanoi John now than they were then. I have no doubt he'd lynch these Swift Boat Vets by their own entrails if he figured he could get away with it.

The Kerry camp has promised an “ugly” “war.” I hope these Swift Vets—the true war heroes in this controversy—continue standing proud for their honorable service to this country, and for their personal reputations.

Given what we’ve seen so far of Hanoi John’s startling lack of conscience or scruples, I hope these brave Swift Vets literally watch their backs through November 2nd.

(hat/tip: fine post at blogoSFERICS)

Posted by clark smith at 12:28 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

August 25, 2004

"Steal" This Book! (Kerry's 'New Soldier')

Despite the heading of this post, it has nothing to do with the late radical Abbie Hoffman, but rather the book that the Kerry Campaign tried to suppress (and dare I say, censor) through the abuse of this countries intellectual property laws.

I previously discussed the issue extensively here.

Other important readings can be found here.

Fortunately, you can now download Kerry's book for free on the Internet here. (Hat Tip:

Either this is a great example of

Continue reading ""Steal" This Book! (Kerry's 'New Soldier')"

Posted by Justin Levine at 11:07 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)

Hot Water and Hot Air...

Will Baude notes the hot water discussion that was floating around the Internet that Alex Tabarrok kicked off. I agree with both Prof. Tabarrok and Will about how these kind of laws are generally a bad idea. I remember when I was a college student, and one of things that one might do to save $ was to run the Hot Water, as opposed to turning on the heater. I've also known newlyweds to do the same thing. After all, you're already paying for it, might as well get the most out of it. Far more inefficient, but if you're not paying for Hot Water but are paying for electricity wacky energy consumption is encouraged. Don't let the liberals know this happens though.

Posted by Joel at 01:13 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)


On Thursday, School started back up, and yesterday, I was back in my Corporations class as we discussed Corporate Constituency Statutes. Amusingly, Prof. Bainbridge had posted on just this issue recently. Of course, he also recently discussed student participation negatively, yet I decided not to let that deter me from engaging in this class. Yet as the class began to discuss corporate constituency, the class meandered down the path that 'of course directors should have a duty to consider everyone not just their shareholders.' Of course, when the professor asked if anyone disagreed, a single hand went up...

Continue reading "Corporations..."

Posted by Joel at 09:21 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

"NorCal" retains Pro Tem Spot

As many Calblog readers are aware, Don Perata of the North/East bay recently was chosen by the Democrat Senate Caucus to become the next President pro tem. While the consensus seems to be that this is good for Northern California, I think what they should say, is that this is good for the Bay Area, which shows how little influence the Bay Area really has 1 seat at the big 4 and by a mere single vote. Northern and Central California haven't held a big 4 seat (I believe) since Ken Maddy. My own personal preference, would be to see the "powerhouses" move east. I don't doubt that sooner or later they will however. The Central Valley is growing faster than any other part of the state, and Republicans will find the greatest support there in years to come.

Posted by Joel at 08:19 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

August 24, 2004

It's Not Too Late to Vote Cheney Off the Island

The Cheney Conspiracy Files has been a long-running series here at Calblog. Now from Newmax comes an "Urgent Poll," assuring us it's not too late to vote Cheney off (or back on) the island.

Don't miss this opportunity to let your voice be heard! Many media outlets and national leaders are interested in your opinion. Hundreds of media outlets have reported on NewsMax's online polls. Your vote does count!

Yes, Dick Cheney hangs in the balance as we rush to Newsmax to vote. Hundreds of media outlets await our mouse clicks with baited breath. I suddenly feel quite powerful … the likes of Rather, Jennings, Brokaw, Couric, et al, on beck and call to report my e-whims.

NewsMax will provide the results of this poll to major media, Congress, the president [sic], and key members of the administration.

The President himself awaits our decree, suddenly as fickle as his French-looking opponent, who waits to see which way the wind blows.

There has been strong criticism of Vice President Dick Cheney.

Wow. When has an influential Republican ever been subjected to "strong criticism?" Now there's a salient reason to dump the man!

[T]here have been rumors that President Bush may make a last minute change of his vice-president at the Republican convention.

Uh huh. Bush is going to stand up at the convention and say, "Newsmax voters have spoken. I'm going to replace Vice President Cheney with ... with ... Oh wait, they never suggested a replacement. Damn! Well shoot, I guess I'll just have to go this one alone."

The fact that Newsmax doesn't even posit a question regarding Cheney's possible replacement speaks for itself. It's Cheney or nobody for Veep '04.

Posted by clark smith at 04:34 PM | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)

John Kerry's Kim Jong Il Campaign Commercial

I can see it all now ...

"Hi, I'm Bronze Star, Silver Star, and triple Purple Heart winning John Effin' Kerry.

A while back I assured Americans that I personally met with foreign leaders that told me they wanted me to beat George W. Bush in the worst way.

I've held back on divulging these endorsements, but I'm pleased now to publicly roll out the first of many such announcements of leaders whom I've secretly met with in New York restaurants.

Kim Jong Il, good and gentle statesman, and adored by his people as "Glorious Leader" and "Lodestar of the 21st Century," was one of this as yet unnamed throng who wholeheartedly endorsed me, John Effin' Kerry, for President of the United States.

Listen now to what his foreign ministry spokesman says about my opponent, who has razed Iraq in a fashion reminiscent of Genghis Kahn:

'Bush is a tyrant that puts Hitler into the shade and his group of such tyrants is a typical gang of political gangsters.'
'Bush is [...] an idiot, an ignorant, a tyrant and a man-killer.'
'[H]e is a political imbecile bereft of even elementary morality.'

Please note that these aren't my words. These are the pronouncements proceeding from a respected partner in the great community of nations; newest member of the esteemed nuclear club; and a sure to be most-trusted ally under my coming administration.

I'm John Effin' Kerry, war hero, and I approve this message."

Posted by clark smith at 02:15 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Poochigian for Attorney General

One of the best men in the California Senate appears to be running for AG in 2006. I recieved the following e-mail about Prop.66 from the Poochigian for AG campaign.

I know who I'll be supporting for AG in 2006, Poochigian for AG!

Continue reading "Poochigian for Attorney General"

Posted by Joel at 09:36 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)


It turns out that the first day of the Republican National Convention in New York City just so happens to coincide with the first day of the Burning Man festival!

Why on earth didn't the Republican Party organizers see this coming???

Talk about your scheduling conflicts....Very embarrassing....

Posted by Justin Levine at 03:13 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

August 23, 2004

Bush Wags the Breast! :-O

Aha! Janet assures us that President Bush fiendishly exploited her ample breast to distract agape Super Bowl viewers from the quagmire in Iraq.

Ah, I tell you, Bushitler will stop at nothing! What did he know (about Janet's malfunctionable wardrobe), and when did he know it? How long until uncovers the awful truth: Janet's wardrobe didn't malfunction at all, it was sabotaged!

Mark my word, somewhere—lurking behind it all—(cue the Psycho soundtrack) … Halliburton!

Posted by clark smith at 02:19 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

Of Abandonware

While normally I leave copyright issues to Justin, I should mention one issue of copyright that (seems to me at least) is woefully neglected.

Growing up in the era that I did, I grew up in the midst of computer games. Not today's computer games mind you...While my younger brother knows and plays Warcraft III. I can remember going to the mall and browsing through computer games and looking at Warcraft looking at the description, and thinking that I should take the risk and buy the game. I went to the ATM got some cash out of my savings and paid the $50. For me, a princely sum. And I felt highly rewarded. Coming across an incredibly new type of game.

In those years, I had the opportunity to purchase and play a wide variety of games. From Space Quest 4 and Lords of the Realm 2 to X-Com and Master of Orion. (And many more.) I remember dealing with the text interface and trying to come up with just the right phrasing to achieve the desired result.

One thing about these games that is somewhat disappointing, is that many of them are very difficult to find. I would love to be able to recommend these games and see them available for $5 somewhere (other than Ebay), but instead they have disappeared (at least legally). To that end, I would love to see...a website where the games are sold for $5-$10 and available for download. With enough support to patch some of the old bugs and some of the new ones. Especially the timer issues. Or at least, if the games are not going to be patched to release them into the public domain. So that more can enjoy the variety of games that existed back then.

I tend to find, that these old games are often so much better than newer ones, but fewer and fewer people have ever even heard of many of the games I grew up on...and because of ended up getting B's instead of A's. And while having purchased the games in the past, $5-$10 would probably worth the time saved not scrumaging around my old bedroom to find the games (as likely the disks wouldn't work or one would be missing.) All that being said, I would say that Rise of Nations is good, but the expansion Thrones and Patriots is amazing.

Posted by Joel at 01:06 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

Young Voters and Social Conservatism

On numerous social issues, the point is made that the Republican party and Younger voters are in substantial disagreement. As a result of this disagreement, Republicans are told time and time again, that they should adapt get with the program and chuck their socially conservative evangelical base. However, one point that often goes unremarked, is that often times, these differences will correct themselves. Many libertarian and socially progressive individuals become more socially conservative as they grow older. Now perhaps at this time in history people will not become socially conservative as they age, but it is always a big risk to say "But this time, it's different."

Posted by Joel at 12:09 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)

August 21, 2004

Newsflash: Hamas Indictments Indicative of US Support For Israel

Today's news contains an interesting article on the indictment of Mohammed Abu Marzook and two other members of Hamas, the humanitarian, oops, I mean, terrorist organization. Interestingly enough, Marzook's defense lawyers claim that US support of Israel is the political motivation behind the indictment:

"But defense lawyers and relatives of the defendants decried the indictments as politically motivated, arguing that they stem from U.S. support of Israel and are based on dated allegations that have dogged the men for years.

Indeed, many of the activities complained of in the indictment occurred before President Bill Clinton designated Hamas as a foreign terrorist group. The government's use of the racketeering law essentially allows it to reach back in time to capture those acts as part of an alleged criminal conspiracy.

Stanley Cohen, Marzook's attorney, called the charges "categorical rubbish" and said the indictment amounted to "a Republican National Committee press release"

Four details in particular should be noted from this story:

1. Hamas was designated a terrorist organization by the Clinton Administration.
(Go Bill!)
2. The article complains that many of the charges in the indictment occurred
before said designation.
3. Marzook's attorney, incredibly, is one Stanley Cohen.
4. Cohen claims that the indictment is a "Republican National Committee press

As far as I can tell, item number one seems to negate item number four, item number two is a no-brainer (there would have to be activity involved that pre-dated the terrorist designation in order for there to be grounds to make such a designation!), and item number three is just amazing to me on so many levels I can't begin to comment on it. Suffice it to say that Mr. Cohen is either one of the American Jews I referred to in this post, or he is just in it for the money. Either way, kudos to the Clinton administration for seeing through Hamas' "humanitarian" cover, and shame on the San Francisco Chronicle and Mr. Cohen for attempting to make the rest of us believe that this indictment has no merit.

Update: According to the Washington Post, Stanley Cohen has been representing Hamas since 1995. Mr. Cohen explains his position rather succinctly:

"I don't support attacks on civilians by anyone, but you know what?" Cohen says, working himself into a rant. "I think what Israel does is far more morally repugnant than what Hamas does."

Apparently, in Stanley Cohen's mind, Israel's SELF-defense isn't as important as the defense-for-profit of a murderous terrorist group.

Posted by Mark D. Firestone at 09:22 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)

August 19, 2004

0 Points For Originality

There is no doubt that this article refers to what can only be described as a tragedy of monumental proportions. My sympathies are with the bereaved families of UN members killed in that horrific attack. The article states in part: "More than 500 U.N. staff marched (sic) silently in a memorial outside U.N. headquarters, several carrying signs reading "Never Let It Happen Again -- No Security, No Deployment," "How Many More Must Die?" and "Senior Officials Must Answer." " In addition, our local CBS affiliate, KPIX in San Francisco, just aired videotape of the marchers, two of whom were carrying signs that clearly read "Never Again". In light of the UN stance on terrorism (or lack thereof) and the overbearing attitude exhibited by Kofi Anan and the majority of third world UN member states towards Israel I would like to respectfully suggest that next year these marchers get their own damn slogan.

Posted by Mark D. Firestone at 07:00 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)


The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has just ruled that certain peer-to-peer file sharing systems should not be held liable for "contributory" or "vicarious" copyright infringement.

This is an important victory in a major battle. But the larger war continues...

Quote of the day from the 9th Circuit's ruling:

"[W]e live in a quicksilver technological environment with courts ill-suited to fix the flow of internet innovation. The introduction of new technology is always disruptive to old markets, and particularly to those copyright owners whose works are sold through well established distribution mechanisms. Yet, history has shown that time and market forces often provide equilibrium in balancing interests, whether the new technology be a player piano, a copier, a tape recorder, a video recorder, a personal computer, a karaoke machine, or an MP3 player. Thus, it is prudent for courts to exercise caution before restructuring liability theories for the purpose of addressing specific market abuses, despite their apparent present magnitude."

What the court terms as market "abuses", I would actually call market "progress" - but the overall sentiment is still quite sound.

Posted by Justin Levine at 02:00 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (3)

August 16, 2004

Angels & Demons by Dan Brown

I never read The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Before I knew what it was about, I read an article in a magazine (while waiting in the doctor's office) that discussed his facts. I later saw critical pieces in Biblical Archaeology and Discover. I assumed that I would be irritated if I read it. I took my chances on Angels & Demons though, the first novel featuring the star of The Da Vinci Code, Robert Langdon. There was less meta-talk about this one, so I could come to it with an open mind.

Alas, I was irritated. Writers have to follow the rules they set out for themselves. Harry Turtledove gets to bring aliens into the Civil War because that's the sc-fi/alternate history tale he's writing. Someone writing a gritty true-life crime drama doesn't get to resolve it by bringing in those same aliens.

Dan Brown's rules of engagement are that he's taking true but little known facts about religion and history and weaving a fictional tale around them. It doesn't work for me if his true facts are not true. There were three plot points --two major ones -- that turned on misrepresentations of Catholic teaching. The first is in the setup -- that science and religion are at odds because the Catholic Church believes literally in Genesis. It doesn't. The Catholic Church does not follow Creationism, it accepts evolution, and merely (an odd word for a large concept) teaches that God's hand is behind all of it. Those schools teaching Adam & Eve and the world is 5000 years old are not being influenced by Catholics.

The second major plot point is at the center of one of the many twists at the end. I won't spoil it. If you have read the book and want to know, email me at

I know why these lapses bother me. The rest of the plot centering on the Brotherhood of the Illuminati, Galileo and a sculptor I won't name here, was interesting but given the errors in the facts I did know, the rest just seemed like fantasy and not worth the trouble.

On the other hand, if you just want a well-written mystery with complicated clues, this is your book.

[cross-posted to Blogcritics]

Posted by Justene Adamec at 08:28 PM | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)

Riddle me this

Why does Puerto Rico get its own Olympic team?

Posted by Justene Adamec at 09:30 AM | Comments (9) | TrackBack (0)

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"Steal" This Book! (Kerry's 'New Soldier')
Hot Water and Hot Air...
"NorCal" retains Pro Tem Spot
It's Not Too Late to Vote Cheney Off the Island
John Kerry's Kim Jong Il Campaign Commercial
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