Because you don’t need a life, or food, or anything like that. You must Get the Burninator!
(Via Michele.)
Because you don’t need a life, or food, or anything like that. You must Get the Burninator!
(Via Michele.)
First a place to buy manual typewriter ribbons and now this, how to fold the fitted sheet part of your bedsheet set. And to think all these years I’d been using the alternate technique known as “wadding.” I’ll probably keep doing it that way though. It’s not like I care what people think about the way my sheets look in the closet.
(Via Jim, in the comments at Primal Purge.)
There are some good book recommendations on this thread, if you are into the fantasy stuff.
Oh by the way, if I get the apartment I want, it’s but a short walk away not only to my job, two grocery stores and a farmer’s market on the corner, but to a (drool) large used book store.
Tim Blair has wasted no time and is already causing trouble at the Democratic National Dog and Pony Show. He’ll be featured as a captive guest blogger at the Reason Convention Blog during his mad rampage stay on our fair shores.
Make your own picture at this neat site. Here’s mine:
(Found via the Last Page.)
Update: I forgot to say, that’s my attempt at a self-portrait. It’s close enough, for a cartoon.
Tim Blair has entered US airspace. So that’s why I saw those F-15s heading north.
And just to crown my mood, I hear that the scum-sucking bottom-feeder-droppings beheaded another one of ours. You know, I’m with Ken on this: no more prisoners, no more Mr. Nice Soldier. This is ridiculous. I am sick of this shit.
And no fucking nice cell with halal food, daily showers, and free Korans. Shit. Are we human beings who are willing to stand up for ourselves and what we believe in? Or are we mice who think the cat will leave us alone if we pay him off in tuna? What if we run out of Danegeld? It could happen; or it could happen that Hassan will pocket the Danegeld and then grin and say, “Die, infidel suckers!” and mow us down anyway. Because that’s what it comes down to: peacenuggets and appeasers are willing to gamble your lives, my life, the lives of your children, relatives, and friends on the chance that some fanatic happened to wake up in a magnanimous mood that day.
You know, I was going to blog on something else at some point this weekend, on the blindness and complacency of a comfortable people who refused to recognize evil because it either has a civilized veneer or because it disturbs their notions of “niceness,” and that this is what we have to worry about more than all the socialists in the universe, but I’m too angry now to think straight. Maybe later, when I don’t want to swear so much.
Please everybody beg Tim Blair NOW to tell the story of Jamie Lee Curtis and the Eyeball please pretty please! We wants to hear about it Precious yes we does…
I just found out Ronald Reagan is knocking on heaven’s door. I didn’t much care for his presidency – I was all into irony and cleverness and goth fake-doom – but I have read bits and pieces of his writings in the years since and have come to appreciate the man. And of course the commies were scared shitless of him. Even in the depths of my flirtation with trendiness I never learned to like Communism or its believers.
Update: there’s a condolence page. (Via Kathy Shaidle.) Note: considering the pathetic reaction from some moonbats, I sure hope they have someone monitoring all the entries before posting them.
On to higher matters: Jeff Jarvis emailed me yesterday for a good cause. Here it is:
Link to it; contribute if you can.
Update: efforts to build up wouldn’t be complete without someone wanting to tear them down. Hey, wouldn’t want to crush Dave Whiner’s* dissent. Pass it on! Quote:
I said I don’t stand up for causes I don’t understand. I guess that’s a polite way of saying that I don’t even like what they’re doing.
Let’s see a sample of what Dave Whiner* doesn’t like – this will be from “Marines and Seabees Seek Tools For Iraqi Tradesmen” :
U.S. Marines and SeaBees are training Iraqi men as carpenters, electricians, plumbers and masons. Donated tools will be presented as gifts of friendship when they complete trade school. Your contribution will support Iraqis who are working with the Marines to improve their country
Damn, that’s terrible – helping them work their (shudder – what an awful word) trades! Things to add to my list of blessings: I don’t wake up every morning and see Dave Whiner’s* face in the mirror.
*The misspelling is deliberate – “Whiner” will be his war name from now on. I am thinking it is short for “Whines Because He Fell Down and Can’t Get Up,” or maybe “Stinking Saddle Blanket Because the Guns Went Off Or Maybe That Was Just a Car Backfiring.” (Link to the Whiney’s One’s screech via Michele.)
And uses big words like “obfuscation.” I don’t agree with every single one of Bush’s ideas here, but I’m not going to get into that now; I just put this up as a kind of gift for people who keep using the “Bush can’t talk” line and also for CurrencyLad, who alerted me to this interview.
Well whaddaya know – Blogspot has a bunch of changes, including comments. Check it out. (This is my emergency OMG-my-site-is-hosed Blogspot blog.) Now there is no excuse for everyone not having a blog if they have internet access and something to say.
I don’t know why I never thought of this before: I’ve decided that what the Sphere O’ Blogs needs is to invent a proper comment troll drinking game. Looking for “troll drinking game” on Google had amusing, but irrelevant results (a Troll2 Drinking Game, a Lord of the Rings Fan Fiction Drinking Game, etc.). I suppose, though, you could use them as templates. Anyway, help us out! (Unless you are a troll. We’re against you, not with you. Our revenge will be sweet. Just say to yourself: “Comment Troll Slash Fiction.")
…would be the one these guys are making. (Via Kathy Shaidle, whose Blogspot blog keeps going on and off like a lightbulb in Falujah.)
Tim Blair is Australia’s Finest Blogger, according to the WSJ. Far be it from me to argue with so august a newspaper.
…and saw that they were coming up with more than she had recently. Perhaps she has come down with the same malady that lately has affected notable others. In any case:
Charles plays Name That Tune. Start at April 22nd and scroll down. The Professor finds a slug in the garden and applies salt. Tim Blair applies lye, and then rinses clean.
More later, folks, if I get time.
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