Mangled Thoughts

"the growing band of reactionary dingbats, rabid villifiers and hateful hillbillies on the Gravett server" Paul Bickford


Log Jam.
Authored by ilibcc Category: at 5:04 pm

Logging protesters are so easily stressed. Must be all the work they do while they’re generating income for the economy.

Should have just run the bastards over.

No, seriously, stress?

I mean, fuck off.

There’s a first! I’m on the side of the CFMEU!

The world has, in the twinkling of a blunder been made a little more dangerous, for Taiwan, Oz, Japan, South Korea and the U.S.A.
Authored by D Category: at 12:34 pm

Peter Zhang, on has detailed, the Peking Geriatrics Buggery Club’s strategic hopes, and to re-iterate that includes Oz under their military exapnsion dream,though they have ditched North Korea having decided it’s not good at all, certainly to their aims, to support a pack of savage lunatics. He has also set out, the problem for the communist party is, increasing economic liberty requires a civilised govt and that won’t happen until the commies find they have , along with Mao’s Red Faggots Army, have been booted out, the corrupt, professional dole bludging, oppressive nobodies that they are. He has also detailed why Taiwan is an independent country, why it is highly civilised and decent, as Hong Kong was until a pack of wussy leftoids like Patton decided they could just sign away the freedoms of the Hong Kong Chinese to the mainland govt., ensuring, as it is evident enough, they would recieve non-stop oil drilling from the Peking Geriatric Buggery Club. Greg Sheridan observes, during the last 100 years, Taiwan has been independent, not part of China at all, except for a brief interregnum of 4 years.

Until now, Alexander Downer has , on the whole, conducted foreign affairs rather well. Then he had to blot his copybook and in a way with appalling implications, and with a treacherous stab in Taiwan’s back. It is outrageous and more-over, of the implications, already sets in train what ALP’s position, as conveyed by Rudd, Latham and Jones, promises, Oz would be in for a good old rogering between the buttocks by the Peking Geriatircs Buggery Club. Unbelieveable that Mr.Downer should adopt the posture the ALP would have Oz take, trousers down and bum in the air all ready and wating for the commie slimes.

Having said so much in past on it, Sheridan’s comment can supply. The one observation which is false, is his concluding remarks, makes the ALP position seem almost meritorious. No, it is the same, damn it.If Downer can manage such a vicious blunder, it requires no imagination to conceive of the havoc ALP would wreak should they win.

GREG SHERIDAN , Return of the old Downer

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India population overtaking China.
Authored by ilibcc Category: at 12:06 pm

No wonder, with all those call centres moving there.

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Fanged Chooks
Authored by D Category: at 11:35 am

Bloody annoying, producers caving into the vacuous rubbish of greenies. Walk into a supermarket: `eco-friendly bags’ - crap, they are not produced ex nihilo; `recycled packaging’, except greater quantities of chemicals and electricity have to be expended; and `free range’ chooks. Hadn’t taken much notice really, always doing my bit to ensure politically incorrect produced eggs in new boxes continues, so waste time viewing products sold by a pack of lies as advertising.

In the supermarket, yesterday evening, I, unfortunately did glimpse the offending matter and stopped to check.

Advertising on carton of one brand of p.c. eggs :

RSPCA endoresement stamp and the legend , Barnyard laid.

Bloody miracle, buy a barnyard, no need for smelly chooks, buying feed and cleaning up their shite.

No, the meaning is clear enough: somewhere in Oz, there is some lobotmised, rustic Farmer Jones who walks around in braced overalls, bare and hariy chest, scratches his bum every few seconds, with a rake in one hand and straw sticking in his hair.

The RSPCA endorsement shows, every evening, he massages each and every one his flock of 9 chooks, serenades them and, well, it’s not something one cares to dwell on.

A proper egg production factory would not simply have hens in batteries, there’d by 30 of them per cage and at night, a flogger walks the floor weilding a miniature cat’o'nine tails and gives a random bloody good flogging to, say, a couple of hundred of the cacklers, just to give them something to cackle about and keep them up to the mark: “Say, bitch, you laid only one egg today, take this you lazy cross-eyed piece of bird poo".

Another brand bears this proud boast:

Not meat fed, only pure grain fed eggs

Another bleeding miracle: must be a real slaughterhouse inside the old chook ovarium.
What one would like to find out is, feeding them meat does that mean they turn out ovular porterhouse steaks?:

How many sizes ? For example:
Great big blisters to produces prime, thick,man sized steaks: small for little chunks suited to stir fry? I’d like a couple of dozen of those chooks, save a small fortune at the butcher shop.

If there is a fanged , flesh eating breed of chook out there, I’ll train them as guard chooks, using the tried and true method, force them to watch `Harry’s Practice’, and stir them up into a snarling, forthing, beak snapping rage against the leftoid : That’s it, Fang, go Killer… and don’t forgt to use your claws.’ See the point, frustrated not being able to zap the vet, they’ll waste no time getting stuck into the real thing.

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“Arrest that man, Officer, he foiled my burg attempt.”
Authored by ilibcc Category: at 10:42 am

Now let’s see.

The 6′ burglar has broken and entered; tipped the couple’s baby on the floor; assaulted the wife; exited the house; returned with a metal bar and attacked the 5′6″ husband who has defended himself with the nearest tool.

The husband was arrested.

Silly man. Should have selected a bedpillow to ward off the metal bar. Or the tassel of his dressing gown cord. Or set his wife to attack. Or thrown the baby at him.

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Stop the world presses, Bush confuses currencies.
Authored by ilibcc Category: at 9:54 am

Big fucking deal.

At least it will push lie detectors and Scrafton off the front page.

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Teresa Heinz Kerry
Authored by Troy.N Category: at 11:50 pm

John Kerry is like 7ft tall and has a face as long as a horses.

He looks like a circus freak

Teresa Heinz Kerry

…and so does his wife.

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Mark Latham’s BIG Plan
Authored by Troy.N Category: at 11:40 pm

Steve Edwards has been on fire these last few days so go check his blog out. I don’t agree with all of what he has written and I think that he is being a tad pessimistic but it is some really thought provoking and original stuff.

One of his posts led me to this transcript from a speech by Latham at the ALP National Conference. For those of you who, like me, have an allergic reaction to Big Government the retoric in his speech should make your skin itch. The second section of his speech is titled “A Big Country”.

Delegates, the Australia I believe in is a big country. Big in size, big in spirit, big in character.

And that’s our task: to be bigger than the Howard Government.

Big enough to invest in the education and health care of our children.

Big enough to provide public housing for the poor and care for the aged and disabled.

Big enough to protect the environment and ratify the Kyoto Protocol.

Big enough to protect our great natural assets – to save the Murray Darling and the Great Barrier Reef.

Big enough to care for our regions and – once and for all – stop the full sale of Telstra.

Delegates, we can be so much bigger than the Howard Government.

Big enough to help the working poor and put some decency back into the industrial relations system.

The Tories say it’s a sin to represent working people. I say it’s a virtue.

Like you, I’m proud of where I come from. I’m proud to be Labor.

That’s why my government will abolish AWAs and restore the role of the Industrial Relations Commission.

I don’t believe in a dog-eat-dog industrial relations system.

I want cooperation and productivity in Australian workplaces.

And as we work together as a nation, we need a better balance between work and family.

I don’t want Australians having to make a choice – a false choice – between being a good parent and a good employee.

That’s why a Labor Government will introduce Paid Maternity Leave and improve the rights of working parents.

(emphaisis mine)

I must admit that I still haven’t fully sussed Latham out. When he first came along I though “great, anyone but Crean!” but now the more I see of Latham the more worried I get for the future of this country. There’s just something I dont trust about him. With Crean and Beazley it was a case of ‘better the devil you know’, but with Latham and his ‘Third Way’ crap, who knows? I fear that he has got the Australian public bamboozled an could do some serious damage if he gets in. Like I said I havent fully sussed him out yet but “The Nationalisation of the Family Unit” by Steve Edwards and “Latham’s Labor: A major disappointment II or ‘I wuz fooled!’ ” by Jason Soon, represent what I think of him so far.

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More Misleading Mummery and Malicious, as Mummery usually is.
Authored by D Category: at 3:30 pm

Scrafton has established nothing except for, he feels good, `I’ve been vindicated’, is all that his post-polygraph test amounts to. The best analogy is that found by in evidence, Mallard v The Queen, it is the same as the Roman practice of consulting entrails prior to war and battle.

James Randi has written on the fraud which is the `lie detection polygraph test’ and has linked a considerable body of damning testimony, scientific evidence against and reports of those who have suffered injury and defamation because they were required to submit to a `polygraph juice test’.

And `polygraph juice machine’ is an accurate name for that bit of charlatanism, detonating on the assertion, it yields sound scientific evidence of lying and truth telling from guaging blood pressure changes. Well, victims of that bit of underhanded fraud might well have had their blood pressure changed, skywards. has a listed of cases fought and current by those who have suffered defamation and economic damage because of the use of polygraph tests. It is govt. agencies who are the culprits. Businesses are forbidden to use the machines in the U.S. because they test nothing at all and agencies such as the FBI and the CIA use them. There is an irony in this , reflected in the evidence of a former FBI officer evidence in the appellate case named above. And another irony, a bloody one, is, the CIA’s reliance on the polyjuice machine made it easier for a KGB spy to remain in a senior position in the CIA, one consequence was the KGB killed ten CIA agents inside Russia.

Randi quotes William Safire:

Our buddy Bob Park, of the American Physical Society, has always insisted, as we have, that the polygraph — “lie detector” — is useless. Last week, noting some news on that subject, he commented that “The polygraph is . . . a highly reliable detector of orgasms. But does it detect lies? Only if you’re lying about having an orgasm.”

The New York Times columnist William Safire last week referred to “the form of torture that calls itself the lie detector.” Much to his — and to my — satisfaction, the bells-and-whistles machine that measures perspiration, heart rate, respiration, and other signs of possible psychological tension, has now been officially discredited as the judge of truth-telling. But, mark my words, that will not stop government agencies from using it, and the lobby that adores weird bits of technology will pester Federal and State officials to approve and endorse it, vigorously.

I have always insisted that the polygraph is a form of technical witchcraft, an example of wishful thinking by the tech world. The results depend entirely upon the operator and the situation as it exists at the moment the test is administered. Twice now, I myself have undergone polygraph examination — as tests of my ability to defeat the device, I will quickly add! — and I won both times. I equipped examiners with specific questions, the truthful answers to which would be embarrassing and stress inducing, so that the tests would take place under similar circumstances to those in effect when these examinations are usually done. A piece of cake, believe me.

Of course, as a magician, I am accustomed to “lying” professionally. I represent situations that are quite false, misleading, and deceptive — in order to achieve the illusionary effects I employ. That box on stage, casually shown to be empty, may not be empty; a person, who walks on stage to assist me, might have been cleverly, subtly “prompted” beforehand, without even being aware of that fact. Given that situation, it’s perhaps no wonder that I can defeat the polygraph. But criminals, spies, thieves, are also in the business of deception, though with less honourable intentions.

Experts convened by the National Research Council, an branch of the National Academy of Sciences, spent almost two years on an investigation of the polygraph, and concluded that “national security is too important to be left to such a blunt instrument,” adding that “no spy has ever been caught [by] using the polygraph.”

Safire wrote, in The New York Times, that a U.S. attorney general once told him: “Look — we know it’s often wrong, but watching that needle jump is scary, and it’s our best way for police to get confessions.” Okay, I can see that technique being used successfully, but how can we depend on law enforcement using it only that way, and what’s to prevent its use in surreptitiously “proving” points to authorities who are empowered to grant broader permission for searches, seizures, or interrogations that otherwise would not be allowed?

I’m anything but soft on crime and criminals. But I signed on, as a naturalized citizen, to a system that I expect to toe the line in following the Constitution and the many freedoms — as well as responsibilities — that it requires. I expect that system to protect me and others, while I submit to its needs in administering justice and human rights.

Safire wrote:

The Supreme Court in 1998 held, 8 to 1, that only a jury can be the lie detector: “By its very nature, polygraph evidence may diminish the jury’s role in making credibility determinations….the aura of infallibility attending polygraph evidence can lead jurors to abandon their duty to assess credibility and guilt.”
Thus defeated by the high court in criminal trials, and with businesses restrained by Congress from using the intimidating device to screen employees, the “polygraph community,” as the sweat-merchant lobby calls itself, made its last stand by claiming the ability of its testers to root out spies.
Safire then pointed out the frightening fact that major Federal agencies had embraced this pseudoscience, a fact of which, back in the 1960s, a group of us from CSICOP had tried to convince a select group from the CIA, FBI, Secret Service, and other agencies. As I’d feared, they had arrived at that conference with their decisions already made, and the polygraph was dear to them as an example of modern technology, they thought, that would serve them well. Safire continued:

The C.I.A. had been the first to fall for it. By relying on widespread polygraph tests to “flutter” its employees, the agency believed it was invulnerable to “moles.” But the Soviet penetrator Aldrich Ames breezed through two of those tests, causing our counterspies to lower their guard and ignore obvious clues to the source of espionage that cost the lives of ten U.S. agents in Russia.
Because professional spies are trained to defeat the device; because pathological liars do not cause its needles to spike; and because our counterspies relax when a potential suspect “passes” — the system breeds the opposite of security.
Safire went on to tell how in 1981 he had been told by William Casey, CIA chief, that a valium pill and certain simple physical tricks would easily enable him, Casey, to defeat the instrument. Safire recounted several examples in which the polygraph results were quite wrong and almost got innocent victims fired and/or convicted. He did not say how many were actually doomed by the system. Wrote Safire:

…polygraphing should be stopped not only at the Energy Department, which sponsored the Research Council study because it was losing scientists, but at the Defense Department, which subjects some 10,000 employees to the self-defeating display of distrust. If unfairness to truth-tellers doesn’t move you, try the hard-liner’s reason: Bureaucratic reliance on today’s fault-ridden system lets well-trained spies and terrorists penetrate our defenses.
We’ll see just how persuasive this revelation is…..

Another shocking and stark example, cited again by Randi, of the damage that can be caused by those who wield polyjuice machines is:

George W. Maschke tells us, concerning a subject we’ve often discussed here:

As you know, reliance on pseudoscience can have significant adverse effects on people’s lives. One such pseudoscience is polygraph “testing” — a technique that the National Academy of Sciences has judged to be without scientific basis, but that the U.S. Government continues to swear by. Some years ago, I applied to become an FBI special agent. All was going well until, in the space of three hours, a polygraph operator concluded that I was a spy, drug dealer, and drug user. (I am not! But how does one prove a negative?)

On, George Maeshke has furnished a detailed report of those affairs, his exhaustive evaluation of the machine, and links to other scientific papers and Senate reports, all damning the machine. Here, a few quotes are in order:

Too Hot of a Potato: A Citizen Soldier’s Encounter With the Polygraph
George W. Maschke
I am telling my story to help hasten the day that our government ends its misplaced reliance on the pseudoscience of polygraphy, a practice it has with good reason prohibited the private sector from employing.

I had held a security clearance since 1983, when I enlisted as a private in the US Army as an interrogator. After taking my fingerprints and running a National Agency Check (NAC), the Army granted me a secret clearance. After completing the interrogation course at the US Army Intelligence Center (USAIC), Fort Huachuca, Arizona, and Arabic language training at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC) at the Presidio of Monterey, California, I served for more than two years as a strategic debriefer with a Military Intelligence unit overseas.

I debriefed human intelligence sources (militarese for “people") in the Arabic language during this period and prepared Intelligence Information Reports (IIRs) based on my debriefings. The Army twice awarded me the Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM) for my intelligence work. I rose through the ranks from private (E-1) to sergeant (E-5).

After my release from active duty, I returned to the university, where I continued my studies. Then, on 26 February 1993, terrorists bombed the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, killing John DiGiovanni, Robert Kirkpatrick, Stephen Knapp, William Macko, Wilfredo Mercado, and Monica Smith, an expectant mother. Many more were injured.

Some five months later, I received a call from OCAR. An NCO there remembered me from the Gulf War, and had found my phone number from a telephone directory. She asked me to volunteer for “a mission in New York.” I agreed, and after a brief stop at OCAR’s new office in Rosslyn, Virginia and in-processing at the Pentagon, I proceeded to the FBI’s New York Field Office.

The matter at hand was indeed the World Trade Center bombing (TRADEBOMB) case…

two prosecutors from the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, which was prosecuting the case, came to the FBI’s offices and asked for help translating some Arabic documents. My Army colleagues and I gladly volunteered.

The FBI’s own people had been reluctant to work in the hot, stuffy offices of the US Attorney’s Office where the original documentary evidence from the case was stored… . The FBI employees preferred to work with copies of the documents in the Bureau’s roomy air-conditioned offices. But that was less efficient than working with the actual evidence, which was often much easier to read.

My fellow soldiers and I spent the next three months at the US Attorney’s Office cataloging, assessing, and translating documents that the FBI had failed to properly exploit for intelligence value. Most of what we translated was submitted in court as evidence in the TRADEBOMB case and is a matter of public record, and that is why I can discuss these details. I performed additional duties that I cannot discuss.

FBI Director Louis Freeh sent me a letter of appreciation for my work (view PDF), as did then Secretary of Defense Bill Perry (view PDF) and then Army Chief-of-Staff General Gordon R. Sullivan (view PDF).

The work I did in support of the TRADEBOMB case was the most important and satisfying work I had done in my life. I felt had made a difference.

My two tours of duty with the FBI so impressed me that I decided to become a special agent in the FBI. I wanted to make fighting terrorism my life’s work.

On 15 May 1995, I went to the Los Angeles Field Office for the polygraph exam that SSA Sue C. had requested for me. Special Agent (SA) Jack Trimarco greeted me at the receptionist’s desk and escorted me to a room inside.

He began by telling me that the Bureau had done extensive checking of my background and knew that I was a person of strong moral character. I was surprised by that remark, because I had only completed my Special Agent Qualifications Questionnaire (Form FD-843) and Application for Employment (Form FD-140) listing references – the starting point for a background investigation – the day before. I carried them by hand to the FBI’s offices on the day of the polygraph exam. The FBI had not had adequate time to investigate my background, and SA Trimarco had barely managed to squeeze me into his schedule a couple days earlier. I knew he had to be lying, but I kept this to myself.

We then discussed my background and why I wanted to become an FBI agent. I told him the same things I’ve described to you thus far, but in greater detail.

[After having rehearsed the questions]:

SA Trimarco then hooked me up to the machine and asked me the questions we had reviewed. About midway through, he complained that my breathing was slowing down and was too slow. As I tried to breath faster to please him, he asked the remaining questions. I think he repeated some questions.

When he was done, he informed me that I had shown signs of deception on the questions about unauthorized release of classified information and contacts with foreign intelligence agencies. I was shocked. How could he tell me I’m lying when I’m telling the truth?!

He showed me the charts and pointed to a region where he claimed I had shown deception, but I couldn’t make head or tail of it.

I told him he was absolutely mistaken, that I’ve never violated the trust my government has placed in me, and that I wanted to be re-tested. He told me that the records of my exam would be sent to Washington for an expedited review and that I might be contacted for a second test, but that it was unlikely.

I left the Bureau’s offices where I had proudly served just four years earlier in a state of shock such as I have never experienced before or since. I felt dizzy and numb all over. I fully appreciate now the meaning of the word “dumbfounded.” How could SA Trimarco think that I’m a spy when I answered all his questions truthfully?

When I got home, I called SSA Mike Hilliard, the chief of recruiting at LAFO, to protest my innocence. The man who had been warm and cordial just four days earlier was now cold and hostile. He claimed that “other” derogatory information about me had come to light. I told him that if he really thought I was a spy, that the Bureau had damned well better launch a criminal investigation against me. SSA Hilliard curtly replied that the Bureau just might do that. And that was the end of our conversation.

…. my own understanding of the term “control question” was different from that of the polygrapher who had explained the polygraph to me years before I sat for SA Trimarco’s polygraph exam. To an interrogator like myself, a “control question” is “one to which you already know the answer.” You ask it to check if the person you’re interrogating is being honest.

But in the polygrapher’s parlance, a control question is one that is not pertinent to what the polygrapher really wants to get at, but which he hopes and expects will provoke a deceptive response.

The polygrapher wants the subject to lie so that he can compare the subject’s physical responses measured while answering the “control” questions to responses measured while answering the “relevant” questions (in my case, the ones about espionage that really counted). If the responses to the “relevant” questions are stronger than those to the “control” questions, the subject must be lying. Or so the theory goes. If it seems overly simplistic to you, you’re right. As Professor Lykken notes, “…the theory and methods of polygraphic lie detection are not rocket science, indeed, they are not science at all.”

But in March, Deputy Assistant Director James A. Oppy wrote me apologizing for the delay in responding and stating:

Although your desire to become affiliated with this Bureau is appreciated, we are unable to further process your application based on the results of your polygraph examination. As you are aware, all applicants for FBI employment must successfully pass a pre-employment polygraph examination. The results of your examination were not within acceptable parameters.
This was the FBI’s polite way of telling me to go to hell. All my honorable service to my country counted for nothing, and I would not be granted any opportunity to clear my name. Because a man with a machine who had just met me the same day concluded that I am some sort of spy. No appeal.

Through the website,

IF I WERE TO DIRECT YOU to answer a question falsely, would your false answer be a lie? As absurd as such an exercise may seem, it is a game which the United States government plays with thousands of Americans to determine whether they are worthy of being trusted with America’s most sensitive secrets.

An Important Preliminary Note

First and foremost, you must understand that your polygraph “test” is actually an interrogation. Your mild-mannered polygrapher is a trained interrogator, and his main objective is to extract damaging admissions from you.

As with criminal interrogations, anything you say during a polygraph screening interrogation can and will be used against you. But unlike criminal interrogations, our government denies you the right to have legal counsel present at a polygraph screening interrogation. David Thoreson Lykken
notes in his seminal work on polygraphy, A Tremor in the Blood: Uses and Abuses of the Lie Detector (Plenum Press, 1998

And also be aware that to a polygraph examiner/interrogator, a confession is like a trophy. So the slightest sliver of anything – anything that can be construed or misconstrued as damaging – that examiner has a strong incentive to say, “I got an admission; this person was deceptive; here’s the proof."7
Some polygraph operators routinely bluff every subject

David T. Lykken A Tremor in the Blood.

innocent persons might have good cause to employ countermeasures, writing at p. 277:

…[I]f I were somehow forced to take a polygraph test in relation to some important matter, I would certainly use these proven countermeasures rather than rely on the truth and my innocence as safeguards…
It would behoove you to read Lykken’s

Like the comic book character Wonder Woman, whose magic lasso compels all held within its coils to speak nothing but the truth, the lie detector is a fantasy created and popularized by pop psychologist Dr. William Moulton Marston

What should be pointed out is, polygraph tests are not simply useful for falsely damning and convicting a-priori someone innocent of an allegation. That the `examiner’ finds the expected result is decided by their motivation, reasons of politics for example. Bias is built in, indeed, the polyjuice machine is exactly like an oracle, a useless bit of detritus which, because it has certain marks, dents, curvatures, whatever, on it, those are treated as facts confirming whatever a-priori belief or expectation is held by the `questioner’. The point to oracular consultation is the sleight of hand of appearing to gather objective evidence and a conclusion, which follows, when it is exactly the reverse. The analogy of oracular consultation is tight, for that too is interrogation, not forensic analysis, containing the contradiction because formally the claim by the boosters of the polyjuice machine is precisely, it does yield, consistently, scientific evidence, the result is not valid data, only drivel asserted by method of interrogation and a false method of interrogation. at that, as Maschke has demonstrated in detail.

Any answers to an interrogation are independent of other evidence. In a criminal case, investigators must uncover material evidence which will tie in someone accused of a crime with the act. That the requirement can be difficult to satisfy, even thought he accused be guilty of the crime, is evident in the case of Mallard v Regina, as we shall cite.

The appellate appeal case of Mallard v. Regina is famous, infamous, perhaps, to polyjuice machine operators, because of that question, does the results of polyjuice test constitute new, admissible evidence and to satisfy that count as justification for appeal, the principle, as stated in the opening remarks of the published judgement, being scientific advances now available does issue new evidence which is germane to the claim of the appellant. The appeal, however, did not rest on that count. The appeal rests on an extensive number of grounds.

Except for a few counts, there was sufficient claimed to merit appeal and that is reflected in the preamble of the judgement of Justices Parker, Wheeler, and Roberts-Smith. The Judgement is 117 pages; the reasoning is elegant and extensively exhausts considerations germane to each count of appeal. In fact, because of the appellant’s claim, the Justices indulged a rare thing, a reprisal of the trial case, since the counts challenge in detail most of the evidence which had been presented at trial.

Two major and open matters were the murder weapon and failure to find bloodstains and DNA material on Mallard and the clothing he wore. The evidence of the forensic evidence supplied by two scientists certainly raise doubts. The evidence of Mallard himself warranted testing, given during the investigation and in court. Their honours certainly were impartial, as the text of their judgement demonstrates. Excluding the matter of polyjuice machines, the conclusions to each count resolve soundly the reasonable challenges set forth by the appellant. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Mallard is guilty of having murdered Lawrence.

r view, nothing in the evidence before us relating to the likely

murder weapon alters the position as it was seen to be at trial. The more

detailed material which is before us as to the experiments of Dr Cooke,

both before and after the trial, with different implements, and the material

concerning the efforts to find an appropriate implement, go no further

than establishing that no wrench which can clearly be said to be capable

of inflicting injuries of the type seen on the deceased has been found.

Indeed, no implement capable of inflicting precisely those injuries has

been found.

106 There must at trial have been room for doubt about the murder

weapon, in part because of the evidence of Dr Cooke as to the appropriate

profile, and in part because of the evidence of Ms Raine as to the iron bar

which, if the jury accepted that she had seen the petitioner, would have

suggested an entirely different weapon. Although the evidence as to the

experiments and enquiries in relation to the murder weapon which were

conducted prior to trial should in our view have been disclosed to the

defence, the petitioner has not thereby lost a chance of acquittal

reasonably open to him. All that that evidence was capable of doing, was

giving greater weight or emphasis to evidence already before the jury

which suggested that the identity of the murder weapon could not be

established with certainty.

107 Finally, it is desirable to refer briefly to the apparent significance of

the murder weapon at trial. In some cases, it might be that even a “greater

emphasis” upon uncertainty surrounding this issue would be critical, so

that non disclosure of material touching that issue would inevitably affect

the fairness of the trial. This is not such a case, for a number of reasons.

First, as we have noted, an iron bar was an alternative weapon, on one

view. The identity of the weapon, though often referred to as a wrench

(no doubt because of the petitioner’s description) was not advanced by the

prosecution as one of the “15 things", known to the murderer, which had

been described by the petitioner. The issue about the weapon, to the

extent there was an issue, arose in the context of a trial in which it was

clear that the petitioner had at some points confessed in a manner

inconsistent with the known facts (as, for example, in the video interview

in which he described Mrs Lawrence’s purse as a “glomesh” purse).

Some, but not all, of the inconsistencies between the confessions and the

known facts were specifically referred to by the learned trial Judge in his

directions to the jury. A confession to the use of a weapon which may not

have been that actually used, would have been but one more

inconsistency. Last, we note that before us, there was evidence of a

conversation the petitioner had with an undercover police officer, in

This leaves the polyjuice business but, beforehand, there is a pathetic, Dobby like moment, which, perhaps perverse, is amusing:

He was told that detectives needed to know more about “this person", he

Asked for a break

71 On his return from that, he denied being in the shop and denied

murdering Mrs Lawrence. He said that everything he had said had been

lies and that he did not kill her. He began hitting himself on the forehead

and when Superintendent Caporn attempted to restrain him he bit

Superintendent (as he now is – so far as possible, we refer to witnesses in

the appeal by their current titles) Caporn on the leg. The interview was

then terminated.

Polygraph evidence (Ground D)

This ground is introduced with summation of the background to the testing of Mallard. It is not strange that the media mounted the campaign to have a polygraph test admitted as evidence, one reveals the great wailing and much handwringing of T.V. current affairs programmes, whining, ain’t it a shame Mr. Mallard cannot be allowed to establish his innocent be a fool proof scientific method. As paragraph 203 relates, A journalist of The Australian arranged the test. The transcript continues with a description of the polygraph machine and the test, as claimed by the boosters. The credentials of Mr. Van Aperen, a former police officer curiously enough, who conducted the polygraph interrogation of Mr. Mallard, and who is one of `only two polygraph examiners in Australia’, are listed in regular form for any expert witness. The transcript of the test is furnished, of some of which will be quoted below, in section D of the published judgement examines the claims for the validity of and admissability of polygraph tests. The justices proceed impartiality, the arguments not falsely driven by any urge to prove or disprove the merits or lack of of the machine. As the evidence furnished is laid out, however, the arguments accumulate into a damning evaluation, and some `experts’ don’t walk away altogether credibly, to the say the least.

Now, in view of all the above, and in view of what is cited below, while Mr. Scrafton might feel pleased, smug, satisfied, he has not demonstrated anything at all. A polyjuice machine is a bit of gut used as an oracle and one of the many countermeasures to defeat it is, appropriately enough, to tighten the sphinctre, as maeshke relates. No facts have been established, nor valid arguments from evidence establsihed because not the first can be yielded and, per force, no conclusions at all material to whath he has alleged can be made.

The Prime Minister Mr. Howard is absolutely correct:

Asked if he would match Mr Scrafton’s decision to take a lie detector test, Mr Howard said he was not interested in “getting into gimmicks like that".

Aperen’s expert evidence in Mallard v regina was shredded, burnt, the remnants buried. One of the reasons for that treatment of the polyjuice `evidence’ is contained in his statement;

Yesterday, Mr Scrafton submitted to a lie detector test administered by Melbourne-based Australian Polygraph Services. Its director, Steven Van Aperen, told Channel 9 Mr Scrafton showed no fear of being caught out lying.

This leaves Scrafton’s boast as at best, entirely a vacous outburst. Scrafton, no doubt is decent but that has no bearing vacuous entirely:
Mr Scrafton said he felt totally vindicated

Scrafton, no doubt is decent but that has no bearing on his allegation , and a polygraph offers no grounds for confidence that anyone’s integrity is demonstrated, as Maschke found out.

The meja’s role in this latest bit of public hand wringing and shit stirring, is a disgrace. Having led, duplicitously, the charge to press for the admission of polgraph tests as admissable evidence in court cases, only to be met with not just one decisions but, in fact, many rulings stating, polygraph machines and tests are rubbish and, if allowed, were pervert the course of justice, none-the-less insist on mounting a campaign using the tactics of nothing more than charlatans, and with the aim of attempting to damage the Prime Ministers’ reputation, and that is all that the publicity amounts too. What is worse, however, are the morons still campaigning for the admission of polygraph tests as evidence: to spell it out to the idiots, that would reduce trials and procedure to nothing more than witch sniffing affairs.

The Latest media stunt, which Scrafton is complicit in, his a disgrace, a descent into mumbo jumbo rubbish.
Scrafton, if that is his motive, could have felt `vindicated’ just as readily by staring at the dead twigs in his garden or, talking to Mystic Susie, or, better still, slaughtered a chook and examined the guts: my, I am a good guy. Fuck, what a joke. Any way, to continue;

203 In early March 2001, Ms Colleen Egan, a reporter with “The

Australian” newspaper contacted Mr William Glare on behalf of the

petitioner. We were informed that Mr Glare and Mr Van Aperen are the

only two polygraph examiners in Australia.

204 Ms Egan supplied Mr Glare with a brief of the petitioner’s trial,

which he read. On 13 March 2001 he conducted a polygraph examination

of the petitioner at Casuarina Prison. He subsequently produced an

affidavit sworn 17 December 2002 to be used in this appeal. However,

prior to the hearing he unfortunately suffered a serious illness which

incapacitated him and he was unable to testify.

205 On 3 July 2003 at the instigation of those advising or assisting the

petitioner, Mr Steven Van Aperen conducted a polygraph examination of

the petitioner at Casuarina Prison, details of which are contained in his

affidavit sworn 17 July 2003.

206 Mr Van Aperen is a certified forensic polygraph examiner. He

conducts his own business.

212 Mr Van Aperen has conducted numerous presentations on

polygraphy to various police departments and other organisations in Australia.

213 Since 1996 he has conducted 338 polygraph tests in cases including

homicide, rape, sexual assault, theft, fraud and other matters.

214 Mr Van Aperen described polygraph techniques as being derived

directly from “basic scientific principles and research in psychology and

human psychophysiology". He asserts that physiological measurement

techniques for the detection of deception have been developed and

subjected to scientific evaluation for almost 100 years.

216 According to him, the most commonly employed testing format is

the comparison question test, or control question technique ("CQT"). In

the CQT there are three categories of questions. The first category

comprises those which relate to the particular matter under investigation

(eg did you steal that $500 cheque?). These are referred to as relevant

questions. The next category is control or comparison questions. They

are asked within the same format of the test and are deliberately designed

to produce a “lying” response (such as “have your ever deliberately

harmed anyone?"). The purpose of the control or comparison question is

to provide a meaningful way to compare and interpret the relative strength

of physiological reactivity to the relevant questions. The remaining


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217 Interpretation of the test outcome is made by systematically

comparing the strength of reactions to the relevant questions against the

comparison or control questions. Negative scores (indicative of

deception) are assigned when reactions to relevant questions are stronger

than reactions to control or comparison questions. Positive scores are

assigned when the reactions to control or comparison questions are

stronger than reactions to relevant questions. The scores are subsequently

tallied for the entire test. All relevant questions combined, a total

numerical score of minus six (or a greater negative number) indicates

overall deception to the relevant questions. A total of plus six or greater

indicates overall truthfulness to the relevant questions. A total score

between minus six and plus six is deemed to be inconclusive.

218 In his affidavit and evidence Mr Van Aperen also described his

understanding of the Guilty Knowledge Test ("GKT"). This is

administered in two forms – the Known Peak of Tension test and the

Searching Peak of Tension ("SPOT") test.

219 A Known Peak of Tension test is used to determine if the examinee

has knowledge of a particular case fact in respect of a crime that is known

only to the perpetrator and the police.

220 A SPOT test is used to determine a case fact known only to the

perpetrator of the offence.

221 The assumption underlying both of these is that only the perpetrator

would have knowledge of the particular facts surrounding the crime (and

will produce an autonomous reaction when asked about such facts).

222 A polygraph examination procedure begins with a “carefully

structured” interview (the pre-test interview) in which the issues to be

tested are discussed in detail with the examinee. According to Mr Van

Aperen, the intent is that during the pre-test interview, questions

concerning the issues under investigation are constructed between the

examiner and the examinee so that they are clear, succinct and clear of

ambiguity. The examinee is instructed to answer all questions with a

simple yes or no. During each testing phase recordings are made of the

examinee’s physiological responses to each of the questions. The entire

set of questions is asked at least three times.

223 In the petitioner’s case Mr Van Aperen conducted an extensive

pre-test interview. In the course of that he informed the petitioner that no

matter what the results of the examination were, they would be provided

to the Office of the DPP. The petitioner agreed to that.

224 Mr Van Aperen utilised an Axciton computerised polygraph for the

testing. That recorded on a moving chart, relative changes of blood

pressure, rate and strength of pulse beat, electro-dermal response and

thoracic and abdominal respiratory patterns.

225 Mr Van Aperen conducted first what he described as a GKT or

SPOT test to determine whether the petitioner had knowledge of what

type of instrument was used in the murder. That test was conducted in the

following way:

“X This part of the test is about to begin. Please remain still


TESTER: No. Okay. Um. Now, my job today is to find out

whether or not you were involved in this and what I need to do

in order to do this, I want to find out exactly a little bit more

about the type of person you are. There’s - - I guess what I want

to be able to show is that you’re not the sort of person that

would do something like this but also - -

TESTER: Now, ah, the next, ah, three questions I’m going to

ask you are very important because, ah, they’re specific issues I

need you to be, you know, upfront with me in relation to these

issues. Okay.

MR MALLARD: Absolutely.

TESTER: Um. So what I’d like to ask you. These questions

are going to relate to before, ah, the death of Pamela Lawrence,

so before this incident. Okay.


TESTER: So I don’t want to have any cross-over into that

period of time. So just bear with me for a second. Now, what

I’m going to do I’m just going to write them up so just bear with



TESTER: I won’t be long - - -

TESTER: - - - won’t be long.


TESTER: Okay. On a scale of 1 to 10, how truthful would you

rate yourself, 1 being not very truthful, 10 being 100 per cent

truthful? What would you give yourself as a self-assessment?



TESTER: Ten. Okay. Are you the sort of person that would

deliberately hurt - - physically hurt people or - -


TESTER: - - intentionally hurt people?


TESTER: Okay. Um. What I am going to do now is I’m just

going to run through some questions. Now, these relate to

before this incident. Okay. So, um, forget about the incident,

I’m going to talk about before that, and there’s going to be - - the

questions are going to be quite self-explanatory. Um. Firstly,

let me ask you. Are you the sort of person that would

deliberately hurt someone?


TESTER: Okay. If I was to say to you between the ages of 15

and 30, so between the ages of 15 and 30 did you ever

deliberately hurt someone physically?


TESTER: So there was never ever any stage that through

growing up or, um school or anything you deliberately went out

to hurt someone?



MR MALLARD: In fact I was bullied at school.

TESTER: Okay. Um. Was - -

MR MALLARD: Was there a victim as I am now.

TESTER: Okay. Was there any time that - - do you have a

MR MALLARD: Any form of physical harm, a slap or a kick

or a punch or anything like - - anything to that effect.

TESTER: No problem.

MR MALLARD: I’ve just thought of an incident at school

when I was young, early age, where in retaliation of being

beaten, I punched the guy in the stomach - -

TESTER: Mm hm.

MR MALLARD: - - but that was it.

TESTER: Okay. Well - - okay. No problem.

MR MALLARD: Trying to be honest.

TESTER: Yeah, no, I appreciate that. Um. So was it just that

one time?



MR MALLARD: That was early in my school - -

TESTER: Sure. No, that’s fine.

MR MALLARD: - - that - - that was second year of high

school, I think.

TESTER: Sure. Okay. In that case, I’ll put - - I’ll actually ask

you this. Other than what you’ve told me, so it excludes that

one time - - so other than the one you told me. Between the

ages of 15 and 30, did you ever deliberately hurt someone




TESTER: Okay. The other question I’ve got for you is are you

the sort of person that would lie to someone in authority?

MR MALLARD: No. Definitely not.


MR MALLARD: Absolutely not.

TESTER: Okay. Good. In that case, I might ask you this

question. Before 1992, did you ever lie to someone in



TESTER: Okay. All right. So that could be teachers, that

could be parents, could be anything along those – nothing major


MR MALLARD: Nothing. No, nothing to the way you’re

putting it. I know what you mean. I have, um, exaggerated

and, um - -

TESTER: Nothing - -

MR MALLARD: - - nothing of a serious deception, no.

TESTER: . . . (indistinct) . . . be able to show that you’re not the

sort of person that would - -

MR MALLARD: Yeah, no.


MR MALLARD: No. I can truthfully say no.

TESTER: Okay. All right. Um. One of the other questions

I’m going to ask you is, is your first name Andrew?

MR MALLARD: Yes. My first names are Andrew Mark.

TESTER: And the other question is - - I’m going to ask is, is

there something else you’re afraid I will ask you a question

about even though I told you I would not, because I’m not going

to, but I just want to make sure that you know that I’m not going

to. So the question is: is there something else you’re afraid I

[2003] WASCA 296


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will ask you a question about even though I told you I would


MR MALLARD: No, and even if you were, I would be fine

with that - -”

232 Following this, Mr Van Aperen rehearsed the test with the petitioner

before reattaching the petitioner to the polygraph machine and then

conducted the test as follows:

“TESTER: Yeah, that’s good. Now, just before we start. Once

again, I need you to sit perfectly still during the test; no finger

movements or facial movements or feet movements or anything

like that. Just simply answer the questions yes or no. Um. And


233 According to Mr Van Aperen’s analysis of the three charts the

petitioner’s polygram showed no strong or consistent unresolved

responses to the relevant questions. The results indicated a total overall

score of plus six. It was his opinion that the petitioner was truthful in his

responses that he did not strike Pamela Lawrence on the head. He said

that on the basis of scientific research by Ansley the confidence in the

truthful outcome is approximately 96 per cent. The polyscore chart

analysis of the series 2 CQT test returned a result “strongly no deception

indicated, probability of deception is less than .01%".

234 The final portion of the polygraph examination was directed to

ascertaining whether the petitioner was being truthful in his responses that

he had never told the police that it was him rather than someone else who

struck Pamela Lawrence.

235 Once again Mr Van Aperen conducted a pre-test interview in which

he discussed the questions he was going to ask.p.75

239 Mr Van Aperen’s hand-scoring analysis of the three charts showed no

strong nor consistent unresolved responses to the relevant questions.

There was a total overall score of plus nine. He concluded that the

petitioner was truthful in his responses that he had never told the police

that it was him rather than someone else who struck Pamela Lawrence.

The Polyscore chart analysis returned the same result as that for the

Series 2 CQT tests.

240 The respective positions of the parties on the issue of the polygraph

were advanced through the evidence of Mr Van Aperen and by Professor

Charles Honts who were called by the petitioner and Professor William Iacono, Professor John Furedy and Dr Drew Richardson, who were called

by the respondent.

The above transcript makes plain, polygraphs are an exercise in nothing at all.

The Justices cited an extensive body of case law involving the admissibility of polygraph tests, noting the position of U.S. courts Federal and States, as matter of principles in addition to case law.

They begin by examination of whether scientific criteria is satisfied, without reflecting on the merits or demerits of the machine itself, observing, that a machine is new doesn’t preclude acceptance of it as a measuring instrument, though from the above, the claim of `one hundred years in of developing and perfecting the machine, begs the question: why so long if it is a valid instrument?

241 The submissions on behalf of the petitioner may briefly be

summarised in the following way.

242 The test for the admissibility of expert opinion evidence should be

taken as that articulated in Osland v The Queen (1998) 197 CLR 316 at

336 in which Gaudron and Gummow JJ said that:

“Expert evidence is admissible with respect to a relevant matter

about which ordinary persons are ‘[not] able to form a sound

judgment … without the assistance of [those] possessing special

knowledge or experience in the area and which is the subject of

a body of knowledge or experience which is sufficiently

organised or recognised as a reliable body of knowledge or


243 It was submitted that ordinary persons cannot form a sound judgment

about whether or not a witness is telling the truth and that accordingly

polygraph evidence would enable a jury to form a sound judgment about

that – the only question then being whether the requirement of

“reliability” is satisfied. This was said to have been recognised by Kirby J

in State Rail Authority of New South Wales v Earthline Construction

in State Rail Authority of New South Wales v Earthline Construction

Pty Ltd (in liq) (1999) 160 ALR 588 at 618 where at [88] Kirby J


Counsel for Appellant claimed,

“Vast literature” has developed in relation to the validity of polygraph

Examinations and that the polygraph is now generally accepted in the

Relevant scientific community as a valid test, which produces reliable

Results, or at least, (as it was put), results significantly better than chance.

Respondent claimed:

The respondent contends the evidence is simply inadmissible. It was

argued that the statements made by the petitioner to Mr Van Aperen on

3 July 2003 are self-serving hearsay, made nine years after the relevant

248 It is contended that the opinion expressed by Mr Van Aperen as to

the truthfulness of the petitioner’s answers is an inadmissible opinion

because the basis upon which he purports to state it is not a proper subject

for expert opinion. There is nothing in the material which establishes

polygraphy as the subject of a reliable body of knowledge or experience.

Furthermore, credibility is a subject within the experience of, and

uniquely the province of, a jury.

249 Further grounds of objection are that Mr Van Aperen is not an expert

in the scientific field upon which polygraphy purports to be based and

several of the conclusions he asserts about the accuracy of the results of

polygraph examinations are unsupportable even according to the evidence

of Professor Honts.

250 Finally, it is submitted that the evidence Mr Van Aperen seeks to

give is intended to do no more than bolster the credibility of the petitioner

and is therefore strictly inadmissible in any event.

251 In Australia, the starting point for the admissibility of expert

evidence is usually taken to be the judgment of Dixon CJ in Clark v Ryan

(1960) 103 CLR 486 at 491:

(Expert Evidence, Law Book Co, Vol 1 p 1890) note that in the US the

preponderance of authorities are against the admission of polygraph


256 The only reported Australian case is Murray (1981) 7 A Crim R 48,

a decision of Sinclair DCJ in the District Court of New South Wales. In

the course of the trial an accused sought to adduce evidence of the results

of a polygraph examination conducted by Mr Glare. His Honour held the

evidence to be inadmissible for the following reasons (at 49):

“(1) The sole purpose of the evidence is to bolster the credit of

the accused as a witness. However, the veracity of the

accused and the weight to be given to his evidence, and

other witnesses called in the trial, is a matter for the jury

to assess and on general principle such evidence, as

counsel seeks to adduce, is excluded.

(2) The witness seeks to express an opinion as to ultimate

facts in issue, which is peculiarly the province of the jury

to determine on facts presented to them by witnesses who

perceived them by the exercise of their physical senses.

(3) It purports to be expert evidence but the witness is not

qualified as an expert, he is merely an operator and

assessor of a polygraph. Furthermore the scientific

premise upon which his assessment is based has not been

proved in this Court or in any other court in Australia.

(4) Devoid of any proved or accepted scientific basis, the

evidence of Mr. Glare is simple hearsay, which is

inadmissible and of no probative value.”

257 Having referred to two Canadian cases (Wong (1977) 1 WWR 1(BC)

257 Having referred to two Canadian cases (Wong (1977) 1 WWR 1(BC)

and Phillion (1974) 53 DLR (3d) 319 his Honour concluded that (at 50):

“The polygraph technique purports to be a scientific diagnosis

of the testimony of a witness. Whatever may be the situation in

some States of the United States of America, this ‘evangelical

sideline’, as it was described, in passing, by Mr Glare which no

doubt holds a genuine fascination for some people, has no place

in a criminal trial in New South Wales where a machine

operator seeks to express an opinion as to the veracity of an

accused person’s denial of the substance of the charges brought

against him.”

263 At the time of the petitioner’s trial (and indeed as the law presently

stands in Australia) polygraph evidence was inadmissible. The petitioner

himself seems to have understood that a lie detector test was not

admissible in court as he specifically adverted to that in his letter to

Mr Hogan. It seems clear enough that Mr Hogan did not pursue the

matter because he too, believed such evidence would be inadmissible.

275 The party offering the novel scientific evidence has the burden of

demonstrating that it has been accepted as reliable among impartial and

disinterested experts within the scientific community (Kluck v Borland

413 NW 2d 90 (1984) at 91).

276 The courts will have regard to whether or not the proponent of novel

scientific evidence has some personal vested interest in securing its

admissibility. In People v Young 391 NW 2d 270 (1986) it was held that

the evidence of a State police detective who performed tests on evidence

at a State crime laboratory was inadmissible as failing to meet the

criterion requiring impartiality and lack of financial interest.

277 In the 1980s some United States courts moved away from the Frye

test, preferring to focus more on the relevance of the evidence and an

evaluation of its propensity to mislead or confuse. Freckleton and Selby

observe (supra, Vol 1, page 2255) that the result was a stringent standard

which focussed both upon relevance and reliability, rather than merely

upon acceptance within the relevant profession (citing United States v

Downing 753 F 2d 1224 (3rd Circ 1985).


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solely to the credibility of the petitioner, we should nevertheless accept

there is a difference between self-serving statements by an accused or a

paid “oath-helper” and an expert, impartial examiner who gives evidence

of the results of a technical examination. In support of this submission

counsel rely on the statement in Phipson on Evidence (2000, 15th ed

Sweet & Maxwell, London, [37-13]) that evidence of a polygraph

examination “… is in reality little different from a police officer giving

evidence that during an interview the accused shuffled, stammered or

sweated profusely".

290 We note, however, that the passage quoted immediately continues:

“While a jury might draw certain conclusions about the

truthfulness of a man who behaved in this way as a result of

their own intuitions about human behaviour, it is thought that

such evidence would be inadmissible, in part at least because

the conditions of a police interrogation are so different from the

ordinary circumstances of life to which the jury and the accused

are accustomed. For the same reason, we do not think that

evidence of the results of polygraph tests would be admitted in

England in their present state of development.”

291 In any event, we do not agree with the initial observation. We

consider that the learned authors misapprehend the nature of polygraph

evidence. The fundamental difference between polygraph evidence and

that of the police officer example is that the latter gives evidence only of

his or her physical observations. Such a witness is not permitted to say

that based on such observations he or she thought the accused was lying

(or telling the truth) – yet that is exactly what it is sought to have the

polygraph examiner do.

292 The Supreme Court of Canada has excluded the results of polygraph

examinations sought to be led to establish the truth of an accused’s denials

of committing the crime. In Phillion (supra), the appellant at his trial for

murder had sought to introduce evidence of a polygraph operator based on

a polygraph test he performed on the appellant to determine whether the

appellant’s denial to him of having committed the murder was true. The

evidence was offered to show that the appellant had lied to the police

when he confessed to them. The trial Judge refused to admit the evidence.

The appeal to the Ontario Court of Appeal was dismissed, as was the

appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada. All members of the Court held

the evidence was inadmissible. Richie J, with whom Martland and

Judson JJ concurred, said (at 140):

It is frequently argued that the polygraph represents

an application of modern scientific knowledge and experience

to the task of determining the veracity of human utterances. It

is said that the courts should welcome this device and not cling

to the imperfect methods of the past in such an important task.

This argument has a superficial appeal but, in my view, it

cannot prevail in the face of the realities of court procedures.

I would say at once that this view is not based on a fear of the

inaccuracies of the polygraph. On that question we were not

supplied with sufficient evidence to reach a conclusion.

However, it may be said that even the finding of a significant

percentage of error in its results would not, by itself, be

sufficient ground to exclude it as an instrument for use in the

courts. Error is inherent in human affairs, scientific or

unscientific. It exists within our established court procedures

and must always be guarded against. The compelling reason, in

my view, for the exclusion of the evidence of polygraph results

in judicial proceedings is two-fold. First, the admission of

polygraph evidence would run counter to the well-established

rules of evidence which have been referred to. Second, while

there is no reason why the rules of evidence should not be

modified where improvement will result, it is my view that the

admission of polygraph evidence will serve no purpose which is

not already served. It will disrupt proceedings, cause delays,

and lead to numerous complications which will result in no

greater degree of certainty in the process than that which

already exists.”

295 At page 417 - 418 his Honour continued:

“What would be served by the introduction of evidence of

polygraph readings into the judicial process? To begin with, it

must be remembered that however scientific it may be, its use in

court depends on the human intervention of the operator.

Whatever results are recorded by the polygraph instrument,

their nature and significance reach the trier of fact through the

mouth of the operator. Human fallibility is therefore present as

before, but now it may be said to be fortified with the mystique

of science. Then, it may be asked, what does it do? It provides

evidence on the issue of the credibility of a witness. This has

always been a collateral issue and one to be decided by the trier

of fact. Is the trier of fact assisted by hearing, firstly from

witness ‘A’ that he was not present at the scene of the crime, and

then from witness ‘B’, a polygraph operator, that ‘A’ was

probably truthful? What would the result be, one may ask, if

the polygraph operator concluded from his test that witness ‘A’

was lying? Would such evidence be admissible, could it be

excluded by witness ‘A’, could it be introduced by the Crown?

These are serious questions and they lead to others. Would it be

open to the opponent of the person relying upon the polygraph

to have a second polygraph examination taken for his purposes?

If the results differed, which would prevail, and what right

would there be for compelling the production of polygraph

evidence in the possession of a reluctant party? It is this fear of

turmoil in the courts which lead me to reject the polygraph.”

Idaho Rules of Evidence. The Court referred to one of its earlier

decisions holding that for scientific evidence to be admitted, it must be

supported by appropriate validation, establishing a standard of evidentiary

reliability, and must assist the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to

determine a fact in issue.

F.3d at 609. the polygraph results in this case do not help the

trier of fact to find facts or to understand the evidence as

required by I.R.E. 702. to admit these results is an attempt to

substitute the credibility determination appropriate for the jury,

with Dr. Honts’ interpretation of the alleged involuntary

physiological results from the polygraph examination.

Dr. Honts usurps the role of the jury as the ultimate finder of


Therefore, this Court holds Dr. Honts’ testimony as well as the

polygraph results, inadmissible and reverses the decision of the

district court” (our emphasis).

306 In addition to the affidavit and oral evidence of the expert witnesses

to which we have adverted, we have been referred to extensive articles,

journals and other publications bearing on the topic. It clear from the

evidence and the material that there has been a long running dispute

between polygraphers who argue for the use of polygraphy as evidence in

courts and certain psychologists, physiologists and others who regard

306 In addition to the affidavit and oral evidence of the expert witnesses

to which we have adverted, we have been referred to extensive articles,

journals and other publications bearing on the topic. It clear from the

evidence and the material that there has been a long running dispute

between polygraphers who argue for the use of polygraphy as evidence in

courts and certain psychologists, physiologists and others who regard

polygraphy as lacking any scientific basis and not having been shown to

be reliable and therefore oppose their evidentiary use

314 Professor William Iacono is Professor of Psychology, Psychiatry,

Law and Neuroscience and an Adjunct Professor of Child Development at

the University of Minnesota in the United States of America.

He has studied polygraph testing for

about 20 years

316 Professor Iacono maintains there is no such thing as a “lie detector

test". He says there is no pattern of physiological activity that is uniquely


Document Name: WASCACCA2003WASCA0296.doc (KC) Page 100

associated with lying or any human emotion. All that can be determined

when a polygraph procedure is administered, is whether a person responds

more strongly to one type of question than another. A polygraph cannot

be used to determine why a person responds differentially to certain


317 Professor Iacono says that the CQT is not a test, but is rather a type

of interview that is assisted by a physiological recording. He says that it

is neither objective nor standardised. Instead, each examiner formulates

questions based on his or her understanding of the facts of the case and

how the “pre-test” interview with the suspect proceeds. Two examiners

giving a CQT to the same suspect are thus likely to use different


318 He points out that the scoring of the CQT is also subjective and is

itself influenced by the examiner’s impressions of the suspect’s


319 He emphasises the importance of noting that the control question in a

CQT is not a control in the scientific sense. If it were it would be

identical to the relevant question in all respects but one, namely whether

the answer was truthful or a lie.

320 Professor Iacono posits that in the present case, a true “control” in the

scientific sense would exist if the petitioner was accused of two murders,

that of Pamela Lawrence and that of another woman murdered under

similar circumstances. Unbeknown to him, however, the second murder

would be a fiction invented by the police so that he could be asked a

question on the polygraph examination that would involve both a serious

accusation and a known truthful response. If the petitioner responded in

the same way to both questions, it could be inferred that he was telling the

truth about the real murder. If he responded more to the question about

Pamela Lawrence, it would be known he was lying.

321 Professor Iacono explained that CQT so called “control” questions

differ in many ways from true scientific controls in that it is not known for

certain if the subject is lying in response to them, nor how the accusation

they contain compares in significance to the accusation made in the

relevant questions – hence it is not known why a person might respond

more to a control than a relevant question. A control question may have

special significance to an examinee that is unknown to the examiner.

322 In terms of general acceptance, Professor Iacono testified that

scientists generally at arms length from the polygraph profession who


Document Name: WASCACCA2003WASCA0296.doc (KC) Page 101

have expressed opinions regarding the scientific basis of polygraph testing

have repeatedly found the test to have little scientific support. He

maintained this has been shown in surveys of scientists, how polygraph

test validity is dealt with in psychology text books and in independent

scientific reviews. He referred to a number of these in evidence and

several of them were provided to us.

323 One aspect of Professor Iacono’s evidence which should particularly

be mentioned is his observations about the possibility that the petitioner

may have “habituated” to relevant questions.

324 The polygraph examination conducted by Mr Van Aperen was the

second polygraph examination undergone by the petitioner. The first was

that conducted by Mr Glare.

325 Mr Van Aperen’s polygraph examination took place more than seven

years after the petitioner was convicted of the crime. The murder itself

occurred some nine years before the test. From the time of his arrest,

through his trial and incarceration, his first appeal and the first polygraph

examination, the petitioner has repeatedly discussed and answered

questions about the allegations. According to Professor Iacono, such

rehearsal and repeated questioning gives the subject an opportunity to

become emotionally prepared for questions about the crime and reduce

the likelihood that strong physiological reactions will continue to be

elicited by such queries. In psychological terms, the subject may have

habituated to the stimuli represented by the relevant questions. The

control questions, by contrast, involve new matters not previously raised

and are thus more likely to elicit a strong physiological reaction.

326 Professor Iacono was severely critical of the report by Ansley cited

by Mr Van Aperen in support of his contention that the accuracy of “real

life” polygraphy testing has been estimated at 98 per cent. The article by

Norman Ansley was published in a polygraph trade journal “Polygraph".

Professor Iacono’s evidence was that this is not a scientific journal and

Mr Ansley does not have scientific credentials. The report purports to


Comments (14)

Reasons to wish Mark a full recovery.
Authored by ilibcc Category: at 1:22 pm

1. Jenny Macklin is deputy and would be PM if Labor were to win the election and Markie were to subsequently buy the ranch.


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The Sauce of El
Authored by D Category: at 8:27 am

Extracts from Shacher and Shalim

I call on the gracious gods,
Cleavers of the sea,
Who suck the teats of the breasts of Athirat,
May pale Shapash lead them
To the grapes.

El spied two women moving up and down,
Moving up and down…
One moved down,
The other moved up;
The organ of El grew as long as the sea
was as a flood.
The organ of El did grow long as the sea
And the organ of El as the flood.
El took the women who moved up and down,
Took the two women who moved up and down
Over a basin,
He took them.
El lowered his sceptre,
with his staff in his hand he shot heavenward,
he shot a bird in the heavens…
Surely El seduced the two women….

Btw., in these p.c. times, El would be charged with rape and doing carnal things with teenagers, randy bugger that he was.

Comments (1)


Authored by Troy.N Category: at 11:35 pm

Now I’m not usualy a big fan of government telling me what to do but if there was ever a case where I might think it was appropriate it would be something like this.

The president on Turkmenistan, Saparmurat Niyazov, has issued a decree banning his people to chew nas in common places, Russia’s news agency Interfax reported on Friday. Nas or naswai is the country’s staple drug, made of tobacco, slacked lime and chicken excrement. People chew nas for its mild narcotic and stimulating qualities.

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Authored by Troy.N Category: at 7:17 pm

While Hellen Clark has declared them ‘guilty untill I say so’ this story provides some food for thought on the matter of those two Israelis who were recently convicted passport fraud in New Zealand and also accused of being Mossad agents.

Alleged Mossad agents ‘respected’ at NZ jail


Two alleged Mossad agents, currently serving six-month jail sentences for attempting to fraudulently obtain New Zealand passports, are handling their predicament “incredibly well.”

A senior New Zealand source told The Jerusalem Post that the two men - Uri Kelman, 30, and Eli Cara, 50 - are sharing a cell in Auckland’s tough Mt Eden jail.

…He also said the two Israelis mix freely within the jail and appear to enjoy a special status among fellow prisoners, who include some of the toughest Maori gang members.

The source said gang leaders are at the top of the prison hierarchy, “but they defer to the Israelis,” he said.

“I don’t know whether it’s their religion or who they are supposed to be, but the Israelis are given unbelievable respect by other prisoners.”

A brief comparison between Jews and Moaris:

Jew - plays soccer, short, scrawny, got beat up at school.
Moari - plays rugby, big burly bouncer that throws you out of night clubs.

I dont know how prison hierachy systems work but I imagine that a lot of it comes down to Law Of The Jungle. Booksmarts wont help you here. If this report is true then you have to scratch your head and wonder how the two Israelis didn’t end up on the bottom of the food chain.

Maybe they are Mossad agents and pulled some Krav Maga on the first person who looked at them sideways and now the whole prison is scared of them. Maybe the prisoners only think they are Mossad and are scared of them due to the bogey man stories their media have surely been feeding them lately. Or maybe they really were just planing on using the passports for yer everyday international crime syndicate stuff and have a very important gangland Big Boss behind them who has put the word out that they are not to be harmed.

Whatever the case this story just keeps getting more bizare by the day.

Comments (2)

Sour grapes: PM
Authored by ilibcc Category: at 4:37 pm

Never a truer word was said. Howard is spot on as usual and it his common-sense words that will resonate with ordinary Australians, not the tripe that comes out of the broadsheet op-eds, the ABC, the inveterate veteran letter-writers or the leftie blog-trollers.

Hear, hear Mr Howard.

Slam dunkin’ those lefties like the champion he continues to be.

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Police Beat.
Authored by ilibcc Category: at 4:29 pm

Crime is down in Victoria.

Except it isn’t.

All depends on how you spin the figures, innit?

If crimes like this are dropping and dragging the overall figures down, I wouldn’t be crowing too much if I was Police Minister Police Chief Christine Nixon.

(And that’s a crime? Christ almighty, that poor woman whose rapist was freed and wished well by the magistrate is a victim, not the 15 year old who had sex with the woman. I mean, it just isn’t.)

Comments (1)

Just to illustrate the nonsense of `global warming’ and `climate change’
Authored by D Category: at 2:55 pm

Aaron has posted a ripe put down of `global warming’ and `climate change ‘ due to man,on Bizarre Science, by Professor Stott:Disgraceful behaviour of British delegation to recent climate change conference in Russia

Here, we add something which doesn’t fit `global warming’ and `climate change ‘ bunk

The climate of Europe affects that of the middle East. During the late 13th century to the late 11th centuryt century, Greek and middle eastern civilisation all but collapsed. Biblical historians believed the record of destruction confirmed the `conquest’ narrated in Joshua. The ruination of cities, however, occurred over far too long a period of time and too widespread throughout the middle East to even weakly support the notion of Joshua and Israel, quite apart from other historical objections, as the sacker of many cities,as other nominees for marauding tirbes. Marxist historians asserted periodic demonstration of class warfare, that too is a pile of dung. Greek and middle eastern scholars were studying the same oddities independent of each other with no hypothesis robust enough to explain what had happened.

In the 1960’s, Rhys Carpenter put the hypothesis a climactic shift had occurred which induced a severe, general drought enduring many years, resulting in catastrophic famine. Such an event would have been sufficient to induce civil mayhem , violence and depopulation matching the archaeological record, accompanied by the destruction of cities. The obstacle to accepting the explanation was, there was insufficient evidence in the 60’s, and it was, consequently, rejected. By the 1980’s, however, things had change. Palaeontology and geology had thrown up data which pointed to what Carpenter had postulated.


1. European lakes, 1400 began to decline, reaching their lowest levels in the late 11th century to mid-10th c.

Peat bogs dried out from 1400 until the 10th century, becoming bogs again around 900.

Glaciers retreated, Swiss alps and ,Himalayas and Mt. Kenya,, 11560-mid 8th.c.

2. From pollen samples, Kashmir’s annual monsoon rainfall had fallen by 70% from 2000 to 15th 14th, and began recovering thereafter.

The reduced monsoon rains feed Lake Victoria, which feeds the Nile River.Lake Victoria’s levels began falling after 1300

3 Tigris-Euphrates river flows reduced quickly after 1300, and by very large amounts, not recovering until from the mid 10th century

The same also of the Nile, with the Pleusioi branch of the Nile also completely silted up, resulting in the abandonment of the city Per Ramses in 1070, while the lower Nubia, of the Nile, dried out completely.

4. The 12th century is the end of Hittite and Ugarit records. Claude F.A Schaeffer uncovered at Ugarit a strata of white powdery soil , evidence of a very long period of intense heat and no rain.

And evidence throughout cisjordan and transjordan is consistent with the inference, a drought of incomprhensible severity and duration.

5. Inscriptions from reigns of:

Ramses X, 1126-1108: `we are weak and hungry’

Ramses XI.,1098-70, declares this year was,
`the year of hyenas, when men starved’.

6. Enna Epic, Babylon: Enna means `scorched earth’ and relates , besides Enna, Ishun, `fiery sun’ and, Sibitti demons- `plague’.


Assyrian: dated 1090 complains of no rain and crop failures
1082 - `people are at one another’s flesh’ ( because of famine)

Hittite , King SuppiluluimasII requested from his vassal of Ugarit a shipment of grain, as they faced starvation but Ugarit did not comply, for the same reason.

8. In the late 12 century, exchange rate for grain had risen to 24x that prior tot he drought, and continued spiralling thereafter.

9. Pottery, the make of ewers changes from elegant and decorated , to coarse and of greater size, volume capacity not aesthetics is prized.

10. It is the first time water bores, cisterns, are sunk into rock.

In sum, a severe prolonged drought of 100,years duration, with the Nile and Tigress - Euphrates reduced to muddy, barely flowing streams, in stretches completely dry, with the land from Egypt to the Indus Valley, ranging from Saharan conditions to thoroughly desiccated.

11. Scrupulous riverboat crews steal cargoes of grain: pyramids and tombs plundered for gold to buy grain.


1. During the 100 years, sporadic depopulation of regions and cities due to:

death from starvation, whole family clans in villages died;
abandonment of cities and regions;

2.Other times:

civil revolts and murderous violence by citizens desperate for food.

3. Invasions by peoples to take other lands

4. Agrees with evidence for Greek and Hellenic cities : I suggest it is the motive for the Greek invasion of Troy, observing also, Hittites were in no position to aid Troy due to famine.

5. Hattuses, Troy, Miletus, Tarsus, Carchemish, Qodesh, Ugarit, and other Hittite strongholds were all destroyed., completely wiped out.

Yam, Ugarit myth texts, god ` Sea’.
Yam is a violent, usurper of the Canaanite pantheon.

`Sea People’: first used of a coalition of :
Libyans, Shardana, Shelesh, Akawasha, Lukka, Tursha:
They invaded Egypt through Libya which Mernenptahp defeated .1178

Then, of a second coalition defeated by Ramses III,1178: Libyans, Peleset, Tjerker.

1175 again defeated by Ramses III:
Coalition of Hatti, Koda (Cicilia), Carchemish Alashija, Anzawa Pleset, Tjerker ,Skelesh Denye(n), Wesesh . The invasion route was through Asia Minor , to Syria, taking the coastal route to Egypt by land and naval force, . After both coaltion forces had been defeated ,they settled along the coas plain.

Peleset are the `Philisitines’, from Caphtor

Akawasha, also called Keftiu , most likely Crete, their dress was,as depicted in cartouches, Myceanean.
OT, 2Sam8: 18, for eg, calls them Cherethites ( Cretans).

Yammu nearly succeeds in claiming and retaining the throne of the Canaanite pantheon, installed by Il ( Soutern form is, El ), but is finally overthrown, from the myth text of the Ugaarit priest mythographer.

sm .m
lyt tr tril.abk .t. pt .n hr
ik al.ysm il adbk.
lys.alt. t btk

Shapash the luminary of the gods
she lifted up her voice
Hear, I beseech you
the bull El your father will cause the table
to be set
before prince Yam,
before judge Nahar
shall the bull El your father hear you?
Indeed, he will pull up ….

thm ym blkm
adnkm tpt nhr
tn ilm dtqh
dtqynh hmlt
tn bl wnnh
bn dgn artm pzh

The message of Yam your lord,
of your sire judge Nahar (is):
Yield, gods, him whom you protect,
him whom you protect, o multitude,
Give up Baal and his lackeys,
the son of Dagan, that I may possess his gold.

dbk bl yymm ynrhm

The Bull El his father answered:
Baal is your slave, o Yam,
Baal is your slave, o Nahar,
the son of Dagan is your prisoner.

Yammu regards and treats the other gods with contempt, bows not to them, and asserts his kingship let by enfeebled El. An outraged Baal/Hadad will rise up and in fury smote Yam/Nahar.
( Hmm, the myth of Shachar and Shalim is pornographic, must post it sometime soon.)

Yammu is revered and feared, a god and a destroyer.
His earthly host is the Greek based coalitions.

The name Red Sea picks up a notebale featuere of the ancient Greeks, their hair.

Another indication is the God Ba’lu?Haddu/Adad(os) which who is the Greeks’ Zeus, and was worshipped in Syria until the mid 9th century as the head of the Pantheon, and also in the early Aramaean pantheon.

In the OT, the eitiology of Yam Sea People and Red Sea is completely detached, lost, from the name. The defeat of the Sea is a miracle performed by Yahwh, his act of rescue: hence the failure to identify the famous `Red Sea Crossing’ just on geographical detail, let alone archaeological evidence.

In conclusion, what occurred during the 13th to 10th centuries was two shifts in climate, the first being that resulting in a century long period of drought, the second ending the drought by a shift back to colder and wet climates. They cannot be explained by `man made global warming’ , they contradict outright the `hockey stick’ and `climate model’ . The physics involved is too intricate to admit of an explanation, the subject of professor Stott’s letters. All that can be gainsaid is, they are consistent with physics, `natural’ though the notions `nature’ and natural’ are nonsensical - in that case, nothing is `natural’. The consequences, for civilisation, were near catastrophic on the one hand and, on the other hand, changed history.Mass starvation and death, large scale migrations as also by attempted military conquests of lands in the quest for water and arable land, depopulations of regions, the overthrow of Hittite empire and destruction of its cities , the end of Ugarit, Greek settlements in the coastal plain, the first water bores dug down through rock, the nearly achieved conquest of Eygypt by the Greeks - a tantalsing prospect to imagince the revolutin in history had they succeeded, a topsy turvy world which has also left echoes in theistic beliefs and literature, traces which endure today, even in the middle east.

It is pertinent to point out, however, some major differences between then and now.Due to commerce, science, engineering and technology, we are not reliant on whatever `nature’ dishes out, and we are not reliant on domestic production of food . Even Within OZ, drought afflicted land is shut down while commercial production is maintained in other areas. Thus too internationally, free trade entails, no people are reliant on domestic production, and suffer famine when general, continuing drought occurs. The reasons for mass starvation in some countries today are genuinely man made as in, culprits are always savage regimes. Moreover, on the rule of comparative advantage, there is no necessary reason for reliance on domestic production. In other words, what happened in ancient history cannot occur to day, due to civilised progress.

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