ThePoorManTitle.gif The Poor Man: He's Not A Liar, He's My President!

June 30, 2004

He's Not A Liar, He's My President!

Nicholas Kristof is sick and tired of people calling the President a liar. And he's got lots of arguments about why this is a terrible thing to do:

I'm against the "liar" label for two reasons. First, it further polarizes the political cesspool, and this polarization is making America increasingly difficult to govern. Second, insults and rage impede understanding.

Indeed. It is wrong to call the President a liar, because that's a bad word. Liberals should think of a nicer way of couching their criticism. Kristoff gives an example:

In fact, of course, Mr. Bush did stretch the truth. The run-up to Iraq was all about exaggerations, but not flat-out lies. Indeed, there's some evidence that Mr. Bush carefully avoids the most blatant lies — witness his meticulous descriptions of the periods in which he did not use illegal drugs.

See? The President doesn't lie, he only exaggerates, maybe stretches the truth on occassion, possibly says things in such a way as to deliberately leave the listener with the wrong impression. Indeed, there's some evidence that Mr. Bush carefully avoids the most blatant lies - and if maybe perhaps carefully avoiding the most blatant lies isn't an adequate standard of truthfulness to hold the President to, well, I just don't know what this country is coming to.

There's the usual litany - Michael Moore is a uncritical conspiracy theorist (true), ergo the President is truthful (false); calling the President a liar is like accusing Bill Clinton of murder; Bush always says the wrong thing, so maybe everything was just a big misunderstanding; liberals are turning into what they hate the most; etc. Largely unexplored, however, is the issue of whether or not Bush is a liar. Let's explore it:

He has lied about his time in the National Guard, and lied about his criminal history. He lied about his relationship with Ken Lay, he lied about who would benefit from his tax cuts, and he lied about stem cells. He lied about his visit to Bob Jones University, he lied about why he wouldn't meet with Log Cabin Republicans, and he lied about reading the EPA report on global warming. He lied about blaming the Clinton administration for the second intifada, he lies constantly about how he pays no attention to polls, he lied about how he loves New York, and he lied about moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He lied about finding WMD in Iraq, he lied about making his decision to go to war, he lied about the CIA's dismissal of the yellowcake rumors, and he lied about the IAEA's assessment of Iraq's nuclear program. He lied about funding the fight against AIDS in Africa, he lied about when the recession started, and he lied about seeing the first plane hit the WTC. He lied about supporting the Patient Protection Act, and he lied about his deficit spending, and now my wrist hurts.

These are all lies, told by the President himself. This doesn't include any distortions, half-truths, or exaggerations, or any lies told by senior figures in the administration. These lies are big and small. Together, these lies involve trillions of dollars and at least tens of thousands of deaths, and Nicholas Kristof is terribly concerned about sharp words and Michael Moore movies. It is indeed too bad that the "political cesspool" is becoming polarized, but I don't think that the solution to this is to shoot the messenger and agonize over ever-finer definitions of falsehood. It shouldn't be this difficult to get your priorities in order.

[UPDATE: If anyone needs help prioritizing, Tim Dunlop has a handy list of what is important and what isn't.]

[UPDATE 2: If you have any Bush lies that I may have missed, or any quarrels about the lies I have listed, please let me know in the comments. I'm looking for reports from respectable, mainstream news sources which show a deliberate and knowing lie from Bush's own mouth. If there's much more, I'll try and put together a master list of lies at some point.]

Posted by The Editors at June 30, 2004 12:17 PM | TrackBack

I've always felt that as patriotic citizens it's our duty to support the president in what he chooses to lie about. All of this monday morning quarterbacking just makes it that much harder for the president and his advisers to lie effectively, weakening our national alibi. Er, resolve.

Posted by: Tweety Fish at June 30, 2004 11:07 AM

Impotence is a word that often has a negative connotation. Considering the number of times that impotence is used during the many television commercials day in and day out, it's vital that people understand what Impotence means.

Posted by: blowback at June 30, 2004 11:17 AM

First, it further polarizes the political cesspool, and this polarization is making America increasingly difficult to govern.

Generally speaking, I like the idea of polarizing cesspools, as this avoids mixing the two dirts.

Posted by: peter ramus at June 30, 2004 11:18 AM

Mr. Kristoff, as Louisa May Alcott used to say, "shove it up your fuckin' ass". We may be in a political cesspool, but it's filled with Republican shit, and that's to whom you should have addressed your little moralism, many years back. Once you're in one, there's no way to get out and remain dainty.

Posted by: Doghouse Riley at June 30, 2004 11:18 AM

Jee, what will you say next? That he lied about saying we wouldn't cut and run ?

Get right with the power, babe. The only thing between you and a Navy brig in Charleston is the benifence of our President-- who never "lies" (except he does occasionally state untruths).

Posted by: the talking dog at June 30, 2004 11:23 AM


Word Booty.

Word Booty Neal.

Posted by: Something Polish at June 30, 2004 11:35 AM

What he doesn't get, sadly, is that pointing out Bush's lies is not about thumbing our noses at opponents in some colossal game of bridge. It's about telling the truth about our government and it's about holding our government accountable. There should be no implicit "Therefore, all Republicans are bad people" on the end. It's a statement that Bush and his administration are bad people. I'd mind having a Republican President no matter who among them held the office, but it sure would be nice if s/he were someone with principles, integrity and an ability to admit mistakes and improve performance.

By being critical of the President, we do not further polarize the political cesspool - we do not refuse to partake in some sort of communal effort to improve our situation. Rather, to be able to work together in the first place, we have to point out the very flaws that need fixing.

Kristoff can eat me.

Posted by: Michael at June 30, 2004 12:29 PM

The administration lied about the President falling off his bike because of mud. Forecasts showed it hadn't rained in ten days at his ranch.

Posted by: Matt Stoller at June 30, 2004 01:08 PM

As the founder of the site, I think I can add something to this debate. I, too, have felt reluctant to use the loaded ‘L’ word, and I never know whether it’s fair to call Bush dishonest when his administration repeatedly manipulates data in government reports [;=view&id;=428 ] [;=view&id;=452 ] [;=view&id;=487 ], or accidentally makes typos that conveniently make scientific studies say the opposite of what the data does [;=view&id;=132&Itemid;=26 ] [;=view&id;=519 ], or just out an out fabricates evidence [;=view&id;=513 ].

Admittedly, whether he lied or not is a bit of an existential question. Perhaps Bush was merely ignorant when he claimed troop strength was decreasing in Afghanistan. [;=view&id;=37 ] or when he said we went to War because Hussein wouldn’t let UN inspectors in [;=view&id;=23 ]. Perhaps he made the same “misstatement” again because he doesn’t read the newspaper. [;=view&id;=361 ]. Perhaps he was simply deluded when he claimed we found the WMD [;=view&id;=3 ] and then that he never said they had any [;=view&id;=4 ]. Maybe he’s deluded now when he claims we entered Iraq because he refused to “disarm”, as he did a few days ago. [ ]

Or, maybe he knows he can always count on guys like Kristof to couch these mistakes in pretty euphemisms. When it comes down to it, I don’t really care. All I care about is the fact that the things that escape Bush’s mouth so rarely represent the truth. His well intentioned slip-ups have a majority still believing Hussein was behind 9/11. Maybe if we started holding him accountable every time he says something that isn’t true he’d start being a little more careful.

When being "fair" requires lying, Kristof does a disservice to his readers.

Posted by: Dylan Otto Krider at June 30, 2004 01:12 PM

I'd mind having a Republican President no matter who among them held the office, but it sure would be nice if s/he were someone with principles, integrity and an ability to admit mistakes and improve performance.

Why would you mind someone with principles, integrity and an ability to admit mistakes and improve performance, just because they are a Republican? Not to be all snarky, but THAT kind of prove's Kristoff's point (even if Kristoff is too ineffective to make it himself).

I personally voted for Bob Dole over Bill Clinton not because of party affiliation (I was then as now a registered Democrat), but simply because I would rather have a decent man of character and integrity who I disagree with on some things, than a man I do not regard as a man of character and integrity who nonetheless espouses more of "my agenda". Its also why I voted for Gore over the Chimp... I didn't vote for Gore's positions (man of which began to annoy me); I voted for the man-- Gore is fundamentally a decent man, and Bush is fundamentally the opposite of a decent man.

If you all can't see clear to make this distinction, then I have to award the point to Old Nick.

Posted by: the talking dog at June 30, 2004 01:13 PM

Yes, Nick Kristof, let's all be nice, polite liberals and submit meekly and civilly to the Bush dictatorship. Let's emulate the civil discourse of the fright-wingers during the Clinton administration.

Posted by: renato at June 30, 2004 01:18 PM

How does this:

It wasn't surprising when the right foamed at the mouth during the Clinton years, for conservatives have always been quick to detect evil empires.

jib with this:

Mr. Bush got us into a mess by overdosing on moral clarity and self-righteousness, and embracing conspiracy theories of like-minded zealots. How sad that many liberals now seem intent on making the same mistakes.

Posted by: eek at June 30, 2004 01:20 PM

Kristoff has some moral homework to do.

(Has anyone dug up what he wrote,if anything, about Clinton's, uh, peckerdillo?)

But seriously, Kristoff seems to toss off these "exaggerations" as though there had been no particular consequences.

This man, who has written compassionately to the point of melodrama about the exploitation of girls and women on the other side of Asia evidently overlooks the horrendous slaughter of Iraqi men, women and children resulting from those little exaggerations on the part of some idealistic American politicians.

When you exaggerate to gain power, that's bad enough. When you lie to gain license to kill, you shouldn't be walking free.

Michael Moore, who is less than perfect, god knows, has emasculated any number of figures in the media. How? By doing the job (and doing it effectively) that they should have been doing for the past three years. Kristoff is suffering from penis envy, pure and simple.

Posted by: Bean at June 30, 2004 01:23 PM

Dear Leader never lies, although sometimes the truths the espouses are too sublime and esoteric to be understood by lesser minds.

Posted by: grytpype at June 30, 2004 01:23 PM

Shorter Nick Kristof: When liberals accuse Bush of lying about Iraq, they act like conservatives who accused the Clintons of murdering Vince Foster.

Jeez... Nick has gone totally off the beam, hasn't he? It's hard to believe he gets paid a lot of money for these sorts of thoughts.

Posted by: Lisa at June 30, 2004 01:24 PM

That's Nick "I love sweatshops and Christian bigots" Kristof to you punk.

Posted by: Snarkasaurus Rex at June 30, 2004 01:26 PM

Good post. When I read Kristof today I was sad. When he focuses on issues he can be good. When he tries to write about politics it's this hopelessly naive crap. We should remember that he isn't a rabid idealogue or raving idiot like Safire, Brooks, or Dowd however. He just needs to pull his head out of his ass.

Posted by: loser at June 30, 2004 01:28 PM

Did anyone else notice that in his defense of Bush, Kristof describes the man as often "confused." That's definitely an attribute that I look for in a Prez. "Confused" indeed.

Posted by: Dan at June 30, 2004 01:35 PM

Yeah, the right controls every aspect of government. So their petty hatred of Clinton really cost them.

I think that it is interesting that liberals are so quick to dump on our own (reference to Kevin's post on F9/11, but all the outrage about Clinton, willingness to slam Dean and Kerry in public, etc.), while conservatives rally around their own, regardless of what it is.

Record deficits? Who cares? Reagan proved they don't matter!

Bush just sat there in the classroom for 14 minutes? What could he possibly have done?

Outing a CIA agent? She asked for it!

Torture? Just blowing off some steam, frat-style! And anyway, the outrage is worse than the torture!


PS -- I wouldn't have voted for Dole, even if he had better "character," 'cause of his / the Repub's POLICIES! Anti-choice, absurdly pro-business, big deficits, etc.

Posted by: MattB at June 30, 2004 01:35 PM

Aside from being regretably unclear about the time frame, exactly what has Michael Moore done wrong in "Fahrenheit 911"? I keep hearing people say he's done bad stuff but, like the Whitewater scandal, I keep hungering for something solid.

I thought the film had problems but they were more along the lines of not having enough time to really go over everything because the major news media has done such an incredibly bad job. I do think that Moore missed a major opportunity with Bush and "My Pet Goat" because he should have shown Bush sitting on his ass for over seven minutes on one side of the screen and people jumping out of the WTC in real time as it burns on the other. But that's because I'm inordinately pissed about the GOP's sorry-ass excuse that the president was "projecting calm." Fuck that shit. If we're being attacked the son of a bitch is supposed to fucking take charge. But maybe that's just me.

Posted by: Hieronymus Braintree at June 30, 2004 01:42 PM

Kristof struggles desperately to hang on to the Anthony Lewis Liberal Column, while not-so-secretly wishing to be waterboarded by Rummy. We must pity.

Posted by: Social Scientist at June 30, 2004 01:45 PM

Boy, did I get into a big email argument about the nature of Bush's lying with Somerby last year, with him taking the tack that (reminiscent of Rumsfeld's "absence of evidence..." dodge) that statements about, for example, WMD could not be called lies until someone could prove that WMD never existed. It was surreal to have this otherwise more than trustworthy voice of jounalistic integrity parsing the idea of what constitutes a lie like a Talmudic scholar.

Posted by: John at June 30, 2004 01:54 PM

>I like the idea of polarizing cesspools, as this avoids mixing the two dirts.

God I wish I had come up with that.

Note that in not only avoids mixing the two dirts, but has the capability of separating them again if that regrettable mistake does occur.

Posted by: a different chris at June 30, 2004 01:54 PM

Aw geez, there you go getting all shrill and humorless again.

Personally, I think Bush hasn't lied enough. If he'd kept his big mouth shut about Gitmo and Ali Baba prison, or whatever that place is called in Iraq, we'd never have those stupid pictures and the Supreme Court wouldn't have jacked up the presidency like they did yesterday. You people wouldn't know a good thing if it lied in your face.

Posted by: vachon at June 30, 2004 01:58 PM

When I read the column last night, I thought Kristoff was being facetious or sarcastic -- having a bit of fun with us at the expense of president dumbass.

Posted by: MildlyDisturbed at June 30, 2004 02:03 PM

After all, what did lying and exaggerating get the Republicans? I mean, apart from control of Congress, the Judiciary and the Executive Branch?

Posted by: D0n Camillo at June 30, 2004 02:03 PM

But Kristof says that it is okay to call Bush an overzealous deceptive, self-deluded ideologue, because apparently that isn't polarizing and won't impede understanding.

Posted by: Aaron at June 30, 2004 02:07 PM

Talking Dog: I'd mind 'em being Republican anyway because their party has singled me out as a convenient and utterly acceptable playing card on any social issue, a tremendously welcome scapegoat and generalized bogeyman. (I'm queer, in case that wasn't clear enough.) At least I get lip service from Dems some of the time. Regardless of who holds the office, though, a Republican President would be beholden to the same wingnut Xtian groups that wish I could be shipped off to death row for kissing my boyfriend goodbye in the morning.

Posted by: Michael at June 30, 2004 02:11 PM

Kristoff -- quit you're whining. The Republican party and its rabid supporters have built an entire political culture on lying about, smearing and destroying everyone who doesn't "seig heil" and click the heels of his or her jackboots to the Neocon view of what America is and should be. Real liars need to be called out and their lies exposed. They cost too many innocent people their lives are destroying our democracy -- what's left of it. Your late-inning concern for the tender sensibilities of this administration (and its shills in the media) stinks of hypocrisy. Where were you when you and your press cronies were trashing Al Gore in 2000? Get over yourself.

Posted by: Mr. Bugnutz at June 30, 2004 02:11 PM

To wingers, "fair and balanced" means even if what "the enemy" says is true, we get to say what we want anyway.

Posted by: at June 30, 2004 02:27 PM

yes -- i too wanted to vomit when i read kristoff's article "Calling Bush a Liar," but then later it seemed as though it may be an indirect way of calling bush a liar -- you know start up a conversation about "what kind" of a liar he was. but i could be wrong.

Posted by: x174 at June 30, 2004 02:36 PM

Hieronymous Braintree - exactly! That's the main improvement I would want to see in f-9/11, a split screen, 7-minute disaster showing or at least alluding to the sheer horror, with Bush's non-response that much more painfully accentuated.

Posted by: onceler at June 30, 2004 02:48 PM

Words of wisdom from Oingo Boingo:
Only a lad
You really can't blame him
Only a lad
Society made him
Only a lad
He's our responsibility
Only a lad
He really couldn't help it
Only a lad
He didn't want to do it
Only a lad
He's overprivileged and amused
Perhaps a little bit confused

Hey there Georgie you really don't fool me
You get away with murder
And you think it's funny
You don't give a damn if we live or if we die
Hey there Georgie boy
I hope you fry!

Posted by: HippoRider at June 30, 2004 03:21 PM

This is how the game is played. Be as mean as you want (Ann Coulter). When the other side raises its voice (even when backed by facts), denounce the other side for being mean. When it is pointed out that your side has Ann Coulter, who is also mean, just say that the other side's voice-raiser is just a counterpart to Ann Coulter, so as to marginalize that raised voice. Then, if the raised voice becomes intimidated, go back to relying on Ann Coulter to get the message out, even though you've just marginalized her. (long memory not required.)

Posted by: park at June 30, 2004 03:35 PM

Plus he lied about Saddam kicking the UN inspectors out of Iraq. But I don't have one of the PoorMan's nifty links.

Posted by: SqueakyRat at June 30, 2004 03:38 PM

I win the price for earliest.

In the 2000 debates, he took credit for the TX Patients Bill of Rights.

He vetoed the bill, he fought it tooth and nail, and when it passed with a veto proof majority the 2nd time around, he let it become law without his signature.

When he started squatting at 1600, he had the DoJ go on a Jihad against patients bills of rights.

Posted by: Matthew Saroff at June 30, 2004 03:51 PM

No wonder joon-yer had such a foul reaction to that awful Coleman woman. Imagine, your own SCL press says it isn't OK to point out your lies. How it must have chafed to talk to someone who insisted on pointing out his lies to his face.

Methinks Kristof the Clown is angling for more air-time on Fox and MSNBC...

Posted by: Blake Thompson at June 30, 2004 04:00 PM

OK, this is OT, but I thought The Good Editors would appreciate George Will's subtle reference to his ? ! post of yore.

Apparently, Mr. Will reads a surprisingly diverse range of sources.

Posted by: asdf at June 30, 2004 04:06 PM

Posted by: MildlyDisturbed at June 30, 2004 02:03 PM

After all, what did lying and exaggerating get the Republicans? I mean, apart from control of Congress, the Judiciary and the Executive Branch?

True, but let's not forget they'll be going to hell for it.

Posted by: Johnson's Dog at June 30, 2004 04:10 PM

The only difference betwee the New York Times and the Washington Times is Paul Krugman

Posted by: David Ehrenstein at June 30, 2004 04:13 PM

Kristoff is but one of the many punk-ass bitch media heads who are too scared to call a spade a spade. He should try this one on:

"The larger point is, and the fundamental question is, did Saddam Hussein have a weapons program? And the answer is, absolutely. And we gave him a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn't let them in. And, therefore, after a reasonable request, we decided to remove him from power..."

- GWB 7/14/03

"He wouldn't let them in?" What?!

Posted by: Tom at June 30, 2004 04:16 PM

Nice commentary, Poor Man.

In this post at daily Kos, I give Kristof a tiny bit more slack than many commenters here. For instance, I'm not willing to say to Kristof: "Eat me." But I know where you're coming from.

Posted by: Meteor Blades at June 30, 2004 04:26 PM

Not to forget the press conference before the invasion where GWB says Saddam "Wouldn't let the inspectors back in." No one challenged him at all. It was just like good old Teflon President himself (RR). "Oh he does that all the time."

Posted by: bulletsweetp at June 30, 2004 04:29 PM

Damn straight.

Posted by: Node of Evil at June 30, 2004 04:41 PM

park writes "This is how the game is played." and picks Coulter as the device by which the press/media became partisan. Maybe this is true, but the problem wasn't merely the partisanship but the castration of the press, no? Krugman stands out not because of his stunning economic analysis but for his testicularity.

Posted by: at June 30, 2004 04:47 PM

This is invaluble work. Calling a thing what it is is painstaking and grudging work. Kristof's effort to redefine "lie" is of a piece with the effort to redefine "torture" in a way that legally excuses anything not caught on film, and even some of that. Don't let them get away with it.

Kristof's column is also of a piece with those who work to shame into silence any who draw comparisons between this administration and McCarthyism, Vietnam, and any number of the totalitarian regimes the U.S. opposed last century, no matter how telling the blow.

The kindest view of Kristof's piece is that is part of that great mass of dreary literature begging everybody to make nice and not make waves. Democracy is not so delicate. In fact, it does not thrive well in such tepid bathwater of a climate. It requires a little rhetorical bomb throwing. The First Amendment not only protects such writing, but recognizes democracy's need for it. Tom Paine's Common Sense was written in response to such Tory make nice sentiments. It did not earn him any invitations to Tory dinner parties. Nor was it fair and balanced. But it was important work, nevertheless. Paine's words stiffened the spine of the rebellion into full blown revolution, his provocateurs words are as unknown today as their names. Martin Luther King's famous Letter From The Birmingham Jail was not written to hard core racists, nor to northern allies of the NAACP. Rather it was written to white preachers in Birmingham, who he described as men of good will, but who had nevertheless condemned his boycott and protests in Birmingham as being outside agitating and generally not making nice. King's words ring today, while theirs, along with their nice sentiments and good will are fogotten. So, taken in the kindest light, and with a long historical prospect, Kristof has placed himself with the Tories, and the establishment preachers, he is known by the company he keeps, and will be as remembered as they.

Posted by: 2fair at June 30, 2004 04:52 PM

Bonus lie:
He lied about his relationship with Chalabi ("saw him in the rope line . . .").

I know I'm forgetting some, too. It's pretty hard to keep track of all of the bullshit.

Posted by: Virginia at June 30, 2004 05:27 PM

Why would you mind someone with principles, integrity and an ability to admit mistakes and improve performance, just because they are a Republican? Not to be all snarky, but THAT kind of prove's Kristoff's point (even if Kristoff is too ineffective to make it himself).

How does this prove Kristoff's point? It's possible to be principled and wrong, have integrity and be wrong and to admit mistakes and be incompetent.

Indeed, I would mind such a figure and I suspect almost any republican would fail the test of their actual progams versus what I would prefer they be.

And therefore I would mind them being President. There was nothing wrong with the statement.

Posted by: 16 at June 30, 2004 05:28 PM

How about the lie that the Clinton folks trashed the White House offices? Or his recent interview in Ireland where he claimed that Europe backed our going into Iraq?

Posted by: sariks at June 30, 2004 05:34 PM

In fact, of course, Mr. Bush did stretch the truth. The run-up to Iraq was all about exaggerations, but not flat-out lies. Indeed, there's some evidence that Mr. Bush carefully avoids the most blatant lies — witness his meticulous descriptions of the periods in which he did not use illegal drugs.

Comedy gold! When the right brings up Bush's party days as a defense for invading Iraq you know they jumped the shark.

Posted by: Sullivan at June 30, 2004 05:38 PM

On July 14, 2003 Bush said, in the presence of an astonished Kofi Annan: 'And we gave {Saddam} a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn't let them in.'"

He repeated this lie at a joint press conference with President Kwasniewski of Poland on January 27, 2004:

"...we went to the United Nations, of course, and got an overwhelming resolution -- 1441 -- unanimous resolution, that said to Saddam, you must disclose and destroy your weapons programs, which obviously meant the world felt he had such programs. He chose defiance. It was his choice to make, and he did not let us in."

Perhaps Kristoff thinks Bush was just confused. Twice. In the presence of two world leaders whose assistance we were attempting to secure. They must have concluded either that he was lying or so confused that he could not be believed. Given the consequences of telling such untruths, how much does it really matter if he did it intentionally?

Posted by: at June 30, 2004 06:13 PM

Bonus double Bush lie:

Bush 1) lied about the actual cost of his Medicare proposal and threatened to fire his top analyst if he told the truth, then 2) lied about the actual impacts on the elderly of the same Medicare proposal in fake "news" pieces illegally funded by taxpayer dollars.

Posted by: melior at June 30, 2004 06:29 PM

Bush lied when he said that God wanted him to be president.

I have it on good authority that this is not, in fact, true.

Posted by: asdf at June 30, 2004 07:07 PM

I did this post on 6/25 that put together a collection of "Bush Lies" Resources. That such a set of resources of well documented lies exists, is in and of its self a commentary on the...blah..blah,blahblahblahblahcommacommablahblahcommablah.

All The Bush Lies

Posted by: Todd at June 30, 2004 07:15 PM


Posted by: The Editors at June 30, 2004 07:27 PM

You've left out my personal favorite Bush lie, which dates back to the first campaign: he claimed to have supported the Texas Patients' Bill of Rights, which , in fact, he worked hard to defeat, and which became law over his veto. (My first awareness of this dates to then, via Moly Ivins; there have been numerous other citations) He then lied again when he said he'd bring a similar policy to the nation; of course, he's worked against such programs

Posted by: ari180 at June 30, 2004 09:21 PM

Maybe I'm just being picky, but I think that the following campaign line is a lie:

"The President will not rest until everyone who wants a job can find one." Link here

Unemployment is an inevitable part of the modern economy. If Bush is claiming that he's advocating something like "full employment," then he's lying.

I'm sure that there are more generous ways to parse the statement, of course.

Posted by: Brett at June 30, 2004 09:23 PM

From Enemy Of The People:
Here are but two of the Deserter's many lies:

"Saddam Hussein is not disarming. This is a fact. It cannot be denied." Deserter, March 6, 2003, evening press conference

"The people of the United States and our friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder." Deserter, March 19, 2003, address to the nation announcing commencement of military operations against Iraq

The Deserter said "Hussein is not disarming." But in fact Hans Blix would report to the U.N. and the world the next day that Iraq was cooperating with the U.N. weapons inspectors in the disarmament process, that Al Samound missiles were being destroyed - a step characterized by Blix in his report as a "substantial measure of disarmament" - and that Iraq was not impeding U.N. inspections; in sum, that though it could not yet be confirmed that Iraq was disarmed, Iraq was disarming. The Bush administration had been informed that these findings would be included in Blix's report. Condoleeza Rice had previously been informed by Hans Blix, and was again so informed by telephone on March 5, 2003, the day before the Deserter's press conference, that none of the intelligence provided by the U.S. or other intelligence agencies had led the inspectors to sites that contained WMDs. Rice was further aware that the CIA had "shared the best and most likely information" with Blix regarding 100 likely WMD sites in Iraq, including more than 33 sites that the CIA deemed "high priority," and that none of these sites had in fact produced WMDs or evidence of WMDs. In that same telephone conversation Rice conceded to Blix that the U.S. did not know where WMDs could be found. It is simply not credible that the Deserter was not aware of Blix's impending report, or the fact that the CIA had provided U.N. weapons inspectors with more than 100 likely WMD hiding places and none had panned out.

Even the most charitable interpretation of the Deserter's claims regarding Iraqi WMDs and Iraqi refusals to disarm cannot avoid the conclusion that he lied. For instance, one might argue that even though the Deserter had been aware that Iraq was in the process of destroying the Al Samoud missiles, his claim that Iraq was not disarming could still be construed as true if he reasonably believed that Iraq still harbored and concealed WMDs and therefore the destruction of the Al Samouds by Iraq was a mere feint at disarmament. However, the only basis the Deserter would have had for believing that Iraq was concealing WMDs was U.S. intelligence, and by March 7, 2003 all of the U.S. intelligence on likely WMD sites had been revealed as inaccurate and unreliable; the intelligence had been provided to Blix and his inspectors and had turned up more dry holes than Arbusto Oil, the Deserter's failed '70's era oil company. And yet the Deserter assured the nation on March 19, 2003, as bombs were falling on Baghdad, that Iraq threatened the world with "weapons of mass murder."

But what if the Deserter's belief that Iraq possessed WMDs, notwithstanding the impeachment of U.S. intelligence, were genuine and sincere? What if he truly believed it even though U.N. weapons inspectors, conducting unannounced site inspections, armed with the best U.S. intelligence, and unimpeded by Iraq, had failed to discover any WMDs? What if he truly believed it, even though he knew that the only sources who claimed to have direct knowledge of the whereabouts of these WMDs were extremely dubious characters produced by the slimy Ahmed Chalabi, sources that the CIA had already deemed less than reliable?

Then he should have said he "believed" Saddam had weapons, or that we "suspected" Saddam had weapons, but instead he asserted as fact that Saddam had such weapons. He should have said that he doubted Saddam's intentions to disarm, rather than claim, contrary to the facts contained in Blix's March 7th report to the U.N., that Saddam was not in the process of disarming.

He lied, Nick. These were "flat-out lies," Nick, as you would put it. He stated as fact that Saddam had WMDs, when the only basis for such a belief - U.S. intelligence - had been thoroughly impeached by the failure to find any WMD at more than 100 sites provided to the U.N. weapons inspectors by U.S. intelligence. He stated as fact that Saddam was not disarming - "this is a fact," he claimed - even though he was aware that Blix would the next day report to the U.N. that Saddam was disarming.

My daughter understood at seven years old that if you assert as fact that which you really don't have good reason to believe, it is a lie. While it is true that my daughter, even at seven, was more intelligent and had more integrity than our Commander In Chief will ever have, that fact does not absolve the Deserter of his obligation to tell us the truth before taking us to war.

Posted by: Vincent at June 30, 2004 10:00 PM

Shorter Kristof:

If Chewbacca tells the truth on Endor, the President is not a liar.

Got it?

Posted by: Volvo Liberal at June 30, 2004 10:37 PM

"We found the weapons of mass destruction."

Posted by: at June 30, 2004 11:41 PM

Just the other day, during that painful interview with the Irish journalist, Bushit said "There is democracy in Pakistan".

Oh, and Kristof is the very definition of a gutless media whore.

Posted by: Ras_Nesta at June 30, 2004 11:57 PM

Shorter Kristof:

Please lie about Bush by not calling him a liar.

Posted by: Kai at July 1, 2004 12:12 AM

You forgot one:

He lied about why he fell off his bicycle!!


Posted by: nina at July 1, 2004 08:57 AM

I don't know if anyone's mentioned this one, but remember that when Bush went on Meet The Press earlier this year, he responded to Russert's question about whether Iraq was a "war of necessity" by saying that it was. While it all depends on what the definition of "necessity" is, a relatively uncontroversial definition would involve two possibilities for a necessary war:

(1) Someone attacked us.
(2) Someone is posing an imminent threat of attacking us.

Bush could say (accurately) that Iraq was a war of choice, and then defend that choice as a good one, the only acceptable one in the post-9/11 era, etc., but instead he said that it was a war of necessity. That probably counts as a lie.

Posted by: Haggai at July 1, 2004 09:09 AM

I forgot to mention that if one accepts the two standards I mentioned for a war of "necessity," then Bush clearly lied. He eventually admitted that there was no evidence of Saddam being involved in 9/11, and of course the administration and its defenders have been furiously spinning against anybody who says that Bush characterized the threat as "imminent" before the war.

Posted by: Haggai at July 1, 2004 09:10 AM

At least twice he has said in public, once in front of Kofi Anan, that we had to go into Iraq because Saddam did not let UN inspectors in. This isn't even a lie; it's more like a hallucination.

Posted by: john sherman at July 1, 2004 09:22 AM

My favorite is the Chalabi connection. Links to video here

Posted by: Norm Jenson at July 1, 2004 10:35 AM;=nestedℴ=0

Posted by: poor republicans at July 1, 2004 10:42 AM

Kristof's article subtitle:

"Sympathy for the Devil"

Note that the re-election(?) strategy seems to be to keep the poll numbers close and steal when necessary.

Bush lies impoverish and kill.

Posted by: Peace In at July 1, 2004 11:47 AM

Bush did work to defeat the patient's bill of rights in Texas, but I don't remember him vetoing it. I think he let it become law without his signature. But he is a liar for saying he supported it.

Posted by: Mason at July 1, 2004 12:08 PM

Problem: If I don't call Bush a liar, then I'm not being honest.

How about if I call Bush a liar, but do it in a loving way? No, that wouldn't be honest, either. That son of a bitch is evil, man.

I know--Bush is a worthless, lying bastard, but I say that in a patriotic way.

And don't trust anybody that praises Joe Leiberman.

Posted by: jimbo92107 at July 1, 2004 01:26 PM

Don't forget, he lied about Chalabi, pretending not to know him very well, except from behind the rope line, even though Chalabi was seated by Laura Bush during Bush's SOTU speech, and the fact that sources reported that he met with Chalabi when he visited Iraq over Thanksgiving!

Posted by: SusanD. at July 1, 2004 02:24 PM

Bonus lie: He lied when he said “This administration never said that the 9-11 attacks were orchestrated between Saddam and Al Qaeda,”

Posted by: pustafix at July 1, 2004 02:31 PM

He lied when he told the people of Europe that he and they have a good relationship

Click on the Carole Coleman interview.

Posted by: pustafix at July 1, 2004 02:35 PM

BTW, Editors: kudos on the Neil Diamond reference.

Posted by: Yosef at July 1, 2004 03:26 PM

I thought Clinton was a bit of a rock star who did a few songs I liked and a few I didn't, but had a lot better chops than the competition. I certainly believed he was a decent craftsman even on his worst day, although he started off needing to polish off a few skills.

I don't see how Bob Dole was more decent than Clinton. He did, after all, leave his wife back home while he fooled around in DC, then walked out on his wife and kid. Clinton never once walked away from his family, no matter what else he did.

As a husband, Clinton had his weaknesses, but I think it bothered him more than it bothers all those pious Republicans when he let his family down.

As a president, I think Clinton wanted to do the right thing for his country and the world, and I don't think he was as good at it as some people claim, but at least he was trying.

Bush isn't even trying. He doesn't care, and he doesn't know why he should.

Posted by: Avedon at July 1, 2004 03:43 PM

From The Capretbagger Report (sources linked):
1. Bush brags about spending he tried to cut
2. Powell raises new questions about what Bush knew and when

A snippet from one of my posts:

Here's more information about Bush's Texas Tort Reform:
1. Top Tort Dodgers Contributing to Bush (last chart on page)
2. Bush Bought by Phony Grassroots Groups
3. George W. Bush: Calling for Philip Morris (combines Tort Reform with Bush backing tobacco industry interest$)
5. The Myth of Bush's Tort Reform.

GWB's history and his Texas Governorship in Chapter 2 of Courting Disaster: America's Flirtation with George W. Bush.

Posted by: Sherri at July 1, 2004 04:20 PM

From Stu Savory's Blog:

"That's assuming Dubya allows you to even vote! Paranoids (and Normals) may think that Dubya's sore-eyed minions are already setting the foundations for avoiding an election by claiming there is a new terrorist attack..."

Posted by: Sherri at July 1, 2004 04:35 PM

Sounds like the basis for a good commercial for Kerry when things really heat up, as they inevitably will.

Black screen, fade in picture of George Washington. Fade in caption: "George Washington: I cannot tell a lie."

Fade out Washington and caption, fade in picture of George W. Bush. Then fade in a lie. Fade in another, then another, then more and more, clicking by faster and faster.

Fade in caption: "George W. Bush: I cannot tell the truth."

Fade out completely, then fade in "The evolution of America is complete."

Posted by: EddyBoy at July 2, 2004 01:10 AM

We Democrats must work to defeat George W. Bush, the smirking frat-boy chimpanzee drunken moron who staged 9/11 to give a pretext for a racist war for oil ('cause Israel paid him to, those fucking NeoKKKon-Jew bastards!) so Halliburton and Enron could build a pipeline in Afghanistan and distract us all from how he stole the election in 2000. Plus, he's a fucking idiot who is too stupid to tie his own shoes! We can't let this drunken moron racist defeat us with his negative campaign tactics and foul language of hate. Restore compassionate government: fuck Bush and all the fucking Rethuglicans! Vote Kerry!

Posted by: at July 3, 2004 09:33 AM

I you haven't seen it already, Rep. Henry Waxman's "Iraq On The Record" paper is invaluable. It's available in pdf format at

Posted by: Randy Kirchhof at July 5, 2004 08:31 AM

Are you guys serious. Come on really. Bush is the greatest and most honest president we have ever had. But noooo im sure you love Clinton more you silly democrats. Why dont you people look back at what happend to Bush when he took over from Clinton. Bush wasnt even in office for 100 days when 9/11 took place, but guess what you guys blame him for it instead of clinton. And 9/11 might have had something to do with the economy which actually is doing pretty good but mr flip flop kerry wouldnt like to admit that. Next time you hear someone blame bush tell them to wake up.
p.s. micheal moore is a fatty and he is the real liar, even the 9/11 commision dosent agree with him.

Posted by: cameron at July 8, 2004 01:10 AM

one more thing you silly democrats
John kerry and micheal moore are rich white dudes. If they want to act like they really care about the commmon people in america why dont they donate all their money until they are actually a common person.
p.s. micheal moore is a fat bastard

Posted by: cam at July 8, 2004 01:13 AM

Cam: those were cute attempts at satire, but you didn't hit the mark. Neither brutal nor inconsistent enough. (FWIW: 234 days)

I have to agree that 1: the right-left flame war needs to stop for the good of the country, and 2: Kristol goes too far when he equates claims of lying with claims of murder.

Clinton was a liar, GWB is currently a liar. Those are fair statements that a reasonable person should not find objectionable. If elected, Kerry may well be a liar too. But it's important to consider: do the lies endanger the country? do the lies cause people to die?

New Topic:

I swear to abolish my use of inflammatory rhetoric as soon as divided government is restored. I wish that people on all sides would join me in this pledge.

Posted by: frankie at July 8, 2004 02:33 PM

Clinton was/is a liar. GWB was misinformed. There happenes to be a huge difference. But the libs are too short sighted to see it.

Posted by: Bushman at July 19, 2004 03:31 PM

Dumb-Dub is lying when he calls what he is protecting is a "democracy."

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power"
-Benito Mussolini

Posted by: eauclaireliberal at August 14, 2004 12:42 PM

So, it's okay for the president to lie, but we can't hold him accountable?

Posted by: Cy at August 19, 2004 02:06 PM

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Posted by: Pay per click Search Engine Advertising at August 19, 2004 02:29 PM

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Posted by: Pay per click Search Engine Advertising at August 19, 2004 02:38 PM

Quoting the entry: "Indeed. It is wrong to call the President a liar, because that's a bad word. Liberals should think of a nicer way of couching their criticism. Kristoff gives an example:"

The moment we begin to say we need to be soft on our leaders, leaders who should be elected to serve the people, is the moment we have failed as citizens. It is our right, our duty, to question if leaders are doing their job adequately. There is no nice way to speak of this current abomination of a president.

Posted by: C. at August 19, 2004 10:14 PM

I would rather have been lied to by President Bill Clinton than to have George Bush tell me the truth! Bill Clinton's lies didn't hurt me, or my Country. Everything George Bush does truthfully or with a lie has hurt this Country.

Posted by: BigT at August 20, 2004 03:21 AM

I would rather have been lied to by President Bill Clinton than to have George Bush tell me the truth! Bill Clinton's lies didn't hurt me, or my Country. Everything George Bush does truthfully or with a lie has hurt this Country.

Posted by: BigT at August 20, 2004 03:21 AM

I would rather have been lied to by President Bill Clinton than to have George Bush tell me the truth! Bill Clinton's lies didn't hurt me, or my Country. Everything George Bush does truthfully or with a lie has hurt this Country.

Posted by: BigT at August 20, 2004 03:21 AM

I would rather have been lied to by President Bill Clinton than to have George Bush tell me the truth! Bill Clinton's lies didn't hurt me, or my Country. Everything George Bush does truthfully or with a lie has hurt this Country.

Posted by: BigT at August 20, 2004 03:21 AM

Please quote me. I have added only a few in over one year. Many to add. C. W. Swinney is a retired business executive and former Republican, who lives in North Carolina. He voted for Nixon, Carter, Reagan twice, and then G.W.H. Bush. He says he was "apolitical" until 1991, when he " happened on Haynes Johnson Sleepwalking Through History book in a local library." He was shocked at what he learned about Reagan, and has since become enthralled with Bill Clinton and become a historian of 1980's and 1990's. He has a video library of over 100 hours of Clinton speeches, including all his state of the union addresses, has collected over 50,000 pages from print media and has purchased over 500 books on the 1980's and 1990's. He is now considered a Political Historian of 1980’s, 1990’s and Bush Administration.
He can be contacted at
Mr. Swinney has been cataloguing the endless stream of lies of the George W. Bush administration, which is up near the 200 mark as of May 22, 2003.
Here is his list. Everybody might not agree about every last item, but anybody who thinks that this President is honest and/or trustworthy is smoking something illegal!
----------------------- BUSH & STAFF LIES -----------------------
Many to be added.
I Define a Lie—Intent To Deceive—some are not-- many are. You decide
1. I passed a Patients Bill Of Rights as Governor.
2. I am a "Reformer with Results".
3. I am a "Compassionate Conservative".
4. Action Administration.
5. The claim that "Al Gore lied re: his role in creating the Internet".
6. The claim that "Al Gore lied re: his role in Love Canal".
7. The claim that "Al Gore lied re: The Love Story movie".
8. The claim that "Al Gore lied re: his role on Farm Work".
9. Open Administration.
10. I will protect the environment.
11. I will retain regulations on CO2.
12. Dad and I will be first two Environmental presidents.
13. I will increase funding for libraries. ( cut is not an increase Mr. MBA)
14. I will Leave No Child behind. (Just the funding for their programs).
15. I will be the Education President.
16. I will restore Honor-Dignity-Integrity to the White House.
17. I will continue to balance the budget.
18. I will put Social Security in a Lock Box.
19. I will increase the Pell Grant Maximum Award.(cut is no increase)
20. My Tax Cuts will not create deficits even in a recession. How high the moon.
21. I will fully fund LIHEAP—low income energy program.
22. I will listen to sound science and “local” officials before deciding on Yucca Mountain. I do not listen to anyone I is King.
23. I will make higher education more accessible by helping students with costs.
24. My administration will have transparency.
25. I am the type of person who will not change his mind once he makes it up.
26. I have been to WAR.
27. I will provide 20 Billion for World Trade center. 5-29-03 still waiting.
28. I gave the citizens a Tax Refund. Loan not a refund. Democrats program. I am King I can take credit if I wish.
29. Iran and North Korea have been allies against us.
30. Hear me once and hear me clear. Promises made are promises kept. Sometimes-Occasionally-Now and then-Maybe

---------------------My Waffle list takes care of this very childish remark.---------------------

31. Saddam kicked inspectors out of Iraq. (He ordered USA spies to leave but stated over and over that others could stay.). Sick or dumb. You decide.
32. I knew nothing about a possible WTC type attack. .
33. We warned the FAA, Airlines and Pilots. (Pilots interviewed said they were never warned.).
34. Ashcroft: "We captured a terrorist who was planning to plant dirty bombs".
35. Presidential Air Force 1 plane was under attack.
36. "I saw the first plane hit before I went into the classroom." Well, I made it up.
37. "I will fully fund Low Income Housing Assistance. A cut is no increase.
38. "I will provide affordable prescription benefits for ”all” seniors. Key is “affordable”
39. "I will pay down a record amount of the federal debt. Call Me Mandrake the Magician.
40. The largest percentage increase in my budget is for education.
41. Education will be my number one priority (—after millionaires).
42. "I do not take cues from anyone. (Except Karl, Karen and Dick).
43. Finding to Congress to slaughter Afghans. Lied by omission. No mention of removal of Taliban.
44. "I will not engage in "Nation Building". Until second year.
45. "I do not need a Resolution from the UN." I love being a Dictator.
46. Palm Beach County was a Pat Buchanan stronghold. Jews love Pat like Hitler.
47. Clinton people did an estimated $200,000 damage to White House.
48. Clinton people robbed Air Force 1.
49. Middle East slaughter is Clinton fault (for working too hard for peace.)
50. North Korea restarting Nuke Program (Clinton fault).
51. We have the strongest Military in history. (He campaigned on it being so weak.).
52. "I will be strict on federal spending." (Except for millionaires in weapons manufacturing).
53. Alabama Duty—I was there on a temporary assignment and fulfilled my weekends.
54. Dan Bartlett—Bush spokesman : "He pulled his drills in Alabama". (Since he wasn’t flying he was doing odds and ends under different supervisors whose names he cannot recall, which may well explain (why they can’t remember him either).
55. "I was no longer flying F-102 jets because they were being replaced by a different fighter."
56. Aide : "He did not take a physical because his physician was in Houston and he was in Alabama." (Try again. Personal physicians cannot give the examination.).
57. "After I completed flight training in 1970 I kept flying with my unit for the next several years". 22 months do not constitute several years
58. Cheney lied on Halliburton transactions with Iraq.
59. "Immediately upon taking office I will transfer the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem". Not in first term (last term)
60. "I will Jawbone OPEC to open the wells." (Aw heck just free market at work.)
61. "I will have a humble foreign policy. " (What would he consider an arrogant one?)
62. "I will have a bipartisan administration." (most partisan since dinosaurs)
63. "Sharon is a Man of Peace." (slaughters =peace)
64. "I looked into Putin’s soul. " (Psychic again.)
65. Paul O’Neill: "I sold no Alcoa stock when I was CEO". (Try 627,547 shares).
66. "Iraq has a fleet of unmanned planes which could be targeted at the United States".
( It will take 1,000 refuelings to get here, if the duct tape holds up!)
67. "We have proof Al Queda has been involved with Iraq." (But we won't show it to anyone.).
68. Elliott Abrams is a convicted liar. (Right at home with this crowd.)
69. John Poindexter is a convicted liar. (He just cannot remember.)
70. Karl Rove lied on Salvation Army deal.
71. "I will put an end to permanent campaigning." (I will do only six days each week.)
72. "I will not use polls. (Just weekly.)
73. Senator Baucus does not like free trade. He is an isolationist and protectionist.
74. The president did not try to intervene in the GE-Honeywell deal in England.
(Well, maybe a little bit.).
75. Mitch Daniels—biggie on Clinton night deposits.
76. "We will stop attacking Clinton". ( when we die, maybe.).
77. U.S. air strikes in Iraq have been routine. (Pentagon disagrees.)
78. "Majority of my tax cuts goes to lower income". (15% to bottom 60%
79. "I am matching a trillion tax cut with a trillion cut in spending."
80. Harken Energy sale of sock—records show a deliberate lie.
81. Dropping top rate from 39.6% to 33% will serve as a stimulus to 9.4 million .
small business owners. (Less than 5% of businesses pay top rate now.).
84. "I will provide $100 million to preserve the Rain Forest." ( $ 87 million short. And he earned! a Business Degree form Harvard!).
85. School Choice—In state of Washington he said “I stand behind school choice”.
Next stop was Concord NC. “I want to avoid some of the so called school choice issues
such as school vouchers, for it would prompt an extended debate in congress”.
86. Iraq is updating their nuclear program for we can tell by them having aluminum pipes.Experts say you are wrong boy.
87. Cheney:: ”You never save ammunition to use before an election.” Rove and Card said Oh Yes we do.
88. He was inspired by reading the masters. (Well, Not exactly read them. We told him.).
89. "I read the EPA report.(Ari :“He did not”. When Ari contradicts you, it is trouble.).
90. Laura—“The federal records show divorce is down, weddings are up and families are coming together” (Sorry dear, you must have been looking at old Clinton records. Federal government no longer maintains such records.).
91. We did not support the Venezuelan coup.
92. Nunn-Lugar.
93. Anwar—only 2,000 acres will be disturbed.
94. Presidential records — hiding them will make them more accessible. (If you say so--Talk of twisted logic)
95. Ashcroft - We are able to respond to bio-terrorism attacks. Call 911.
96. Military — Help is on the way.
97. My daughter did not wear kahki’s to meet the Queen. (Just a Demin jacket.).
98. We have definite proof Osama Bin Laden was responsible for 9-11. I thought they were your pals from Saudi Arabia)
99. "I was never arrested.” (Police record wrong. Dad could not get it expunged fast enough).
100. We have an agreement, which will be the largest disposal of nuclear war heads in history.
( Putting 2,200 into storage is not disposing of them in other people's dictionary.).
101.I believe in being held accountable. ( Why then, when we attacked Afghan, did you say “I’m not in charge. The Pentagon is running the war”) .
103. Plants must conform to same environmental standards of regulations as in Texas.
(Voluntary "compliance" isn’t regulations.).
104. My number one priority is Osama Bin Laden- dead or alive. (for the moment).
105. You coal miners will get help from me.
106. "I got affirmative action rules in Texas. (O=Nothing.).
107. Admiral Quidly spokesman for Central Command in Afghan : “We hit our targets miles away from homes.” (Not according to eyewitnesses who saw friends homes take direct hits, Red Cross building, Vets hospital, wedding party, etc.).
109. Ashcroft—550 prisoners—“It is against the law to release their names”. (Three days later assistant attorney general Chertoff said “there is no specific law barring disclosure of names”.).Who runs this Animal Farm.
110. Gonzales—Mary Francs Berry said he lied to her over seating a commissioner on her commission.
111. Mitch Daniels - Economic slow down is due to war on terror and not tax cut.
(When he made that statement very little spending was being done to fight terrorism.).
112. Justice Department—Lied on number of arrests and convictions for terrorism. (They loaded the report with garden variety crimes with no connection to terrorism).
113. Justice said man disrupting a flight was a “domestic terrorist”.
(The judge laughed at the charge and called it “ridiculous”. He said it was an obvious case of a man being very upset at his treatment by airlines.).
114. IAEA—Harpers Review—1-14-03—claimed the group had issued a report which did not exist. This boy brain scorched?.
115. We will not become the police of the world. OK! Just judge, jury and executioner.
116. Gale Norton—“Governor Davis had a hand in approving offshore drilling”.
( Governor Davis called him a “Liar”.).
117. Cheney said Tax Cut stimulated savings and investments.
118.AL Q is operating in Kashmir section of Pakistan. ( Strong denial by Pakistan so waffled away saying well we thought they were there. We had a gut feeling.).
119.We should not execute anyone who is mentally retarded. ( He executed two with IQ under 70.).
120.Cheney—In order to meet our future electrical needs we need to build one plant per week. ( A cutback.).
121. "I got the first major energy policy in history. ( Jimmy Carter earned that distinction 25 years ago.) Jimmy went bonkers over this lie.
122. The sleepovers in the Texas State House were only family. (And they gave 2.1 million to your campaign.). Is such lying necessary? Or just pathological?
123. "I have been off alcohol since I met Billy Graham. (That video all over the internet showing you stoned at a wedding reception in 1992 was magic?) .
124. Mitch Daniels: "The 2003 budget was built on very conservative and cautious assumptions."
125. OMB: "appropriations of domestic programs are, or will be, the cause of long term budget problems".
126. OMB: "deficits will drop significantly between 2002 and 2003.".
127. OMB: in it’s mid-year review it claimed that the Senate domestic budget plan would reduce the president’s defense request for the 2003 budget. (The Senate plan included the presidents full request and OMB knew it. ).
128. Padilla— Ashcroft had to reverse his claim of capturing a terrorist who was planning bio-chemical attack on us.
129. Bush claimed Al Q was planning to attack U.S. nuclear plants. (No proof yet. Just spreading fear).
130. Photo-op in Arizona during wildfires. ”We will help”. (Arizona is still waiting.) .
131. Wolfowitz: "We found a terrorist cell in Jacksonville, Florida." (When asked for proof by Jacksonville leaders, they were told it was just my gut feeling.).
132. Photo-op in Oregon at training center. “I will help”. (A week later his budget came out cutting such training programs by 45 million.).
133. Harken Energy---records show blatant lies by George W. Bush.
134. "I will veto bio-terrorism bill; it is too expensive. (Then signed it.).
135. Told state officials it was illegal to place limits on coverage of emergency services for the poor.
(Then, put out a new policy allowing HMO’s to do just that).
136. Said his application to a Prep School was not rejected. (It was. He admitted it later.). Why does he tell such flagrant lies? Pathological?
137. Said his 2001 Tax Cut was originally designed (during the height of the Clinton boom) as a stimulus. Do not need more wind in a hurricane.
138. Dan Bartlett : "“Since he was not flying there was no need for him to take physical”. He was grounded because he refused to take a physical. Quite plain on his record. Snort snort gurgle gurgle.
139. Campaign official: "There was no special deal for him to get into the National Guard.! A lie for infamy.
140. Most small business owners pay income tax at the 39.6% rate. Boy, 5% Is not most. Why such blatant lies? Pathological?
141. Al Q and Iraq are in cahoots. Tea together each afternoon.
142. Lie to democratic caucus.
143. Discovery of cannisters is proof Iraq is not cooperating with the inspectors.
144. "I am a Uniter not a Divider. Sho! Got the world united against us.
145. Ken Lay : "First met him in 1994. Very stupid lie.
146. Ken Lay supported my opponent. Yuk! You are sick to make such blatant misstatements .
147. Am Iraqi agent met with Al Q Mohamed Atta in Prague. Phantom meeting.
148. Condi Rice : "No one ever dreamed of such a thing as a plane being used as a bomb”. How many times must they tell you Condi?
149. Ari : "There will be no social security for young people”. Well! I must have been wrong. So, what is new.
150. “I visited the Space Center in Houston while Governor”. No you did not . Why does this BOY say such things?
151. The recession began before I took office. Oh No.
152.“You can’t say one thing and do another”. “My tax cut will not cause deficits even in a recession.”.
153. Colin Powell before UN: “The tape clearly establishes a connection between Osama Bin Laden and Hussein, beyond all question.” (The tape when played in it’s entirety told a very different story.)
154. Colin showed a photo which he alleged was a plant producing chemical weapons. Baloney. Old buildings. Small bakery. Thirty reporters went to the site and said “Bunk”. It was on European TV but did you see it on American TV?
155. Ari said the evidence by the UN inspectors of a missile which could travel beyond UN limitations was a breach. Iraq said it varied in distance according to payload. Russian authority said it was reported to the UN. The extra distance was minimal. It could go 120 miles which will just about make it a Serious Security Risk for America?
156. Newsday-2-23-03-Bush and Ari lied whey they said the Blue Chip Forecast showed the economy would grow at 3.3% this year if Bush tax cut is passed. Randall Moore editor of Blue Chip denied the claim. Why do these BOYS keep making such false claims? White House personnel became almost hysterical in trying to spin it.
157. “I support After-School Programs”. In 10-2-03 letter he sent to After School Alliance. Cut the funding by 40% per E.J. Dionne in Washington Post on 3-7-03. Rep. George Miller said “Not unexpected. It was a Clinton Program. There is obviously a search-and-destroy mission against anything that was Clinton”. Nice Christian group?
158. Reuters-3-7-03-The U.S. and British lied about their proof Iraq imported Uranium. The IAEA concluded it was a false charge. Psychos? .
159. 2-28-03-Speech on Homelnd Secuirty-“I proposed 3.5B for first Responders. He proposed an increase of 1B not 3.5B as he claimed He vetoed 400 Million passed by Congress for First Responders and in 2002 he actually froze money for them.
160. Colin: ”They are hiding banned arms in mobile laboratories”. Outlook India. Com 3-6-03 “Hans Blix stated” No evidence of such activities has been found. He said his inspectors had followed U.S. leads and got nothing”.
161. January 3, 2003: “My Jobs Program(for rich) will create 2.1 million jobs and the tax cut shave been front loaded to have as much effect in the first year as possible. January 8th-White House document released showed that job creation will be about 190,000 in 2003. NY Times Edmund L. Andrews 1-9-03.
162. Ameri-Corps : "Wash. Post Dana Milbank-2-27-03-“During SOUA Bush made it a central part of his “Compassionate Conservative” program and called for it to grow to 75,000 from 50,000. Instead, It is possible enrollment will be 26,000 this year. In December of 2002 Bush said it was “expanding mightily”. The funding will be 64 million short in 2003.”.
163. Salmon Fish Story-Seattle Post Intelligence 1-16-03-Bush said “the salmon runs can be restored without building dams. The man and fish can coexist. Bush is still holding up 4 million to help them coexist.
164. Paul Krugman-NY Times-2-25-03-President Vincente Fox of Mexico felt betrayed by his good buddy Bushlite. Old Bushie (promises made-promises kept) promised to give amnesty to all illegal immigrants from Mexico. Next time Vicente watch who you trust. Be sure they are solid Christians! Remember this is White House overflowing with Dignity and Integrity. Plus convicted criminals. Plus pathological liars.
165. Wash. Post 2-26-03-“I have not made up my mind on war (slaughtering ) . John Bolton, Undersecretary of State said “We are going ahead UN or no UN. It is already final? I am a leader? I am in charge? I will make the decision?.
166. Ari said “We know they have it (WMD). A list of 25 sites were quietly provided.” Hans Blix challenged Bush and Powell to put up or shut up”. The info they provided has been junk-junk-junk said UN Inspectors.
167. Ari “Bush is willing to be patient”. The very next day Bush said “time is running out”. Who is in charge? Do these boys speak to each other?.
168.”I am willing to offer them food and energy assistance if they stop their nuke-uler program.” I say what I mean. When my mind is made up it stays made up. Do we have a scorched brain here?
169. Colin tried to paste a link between Saddam and Al Queda by saying “a sinister nexus between Iraq and the Al Queda network.” He used as proof a chemical weapons training center in an area controlled by Ansar al-Islam. Reporters visited he area and found no proof.
In fact, the group hates Saddam and Al Queda.
170. 2-3-03 White House Fact Sheet-“The budget would be in double digit deficit if there had never been a tax cut in 2001. The budget returned to deficit because of War, Recession and emergencies associated with the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11”. Whoever wrote the Fact Sheet did not look at Historical tables volume of White house budget. Page 5 read: An economic slowdown began in 2001 and was exacerbated by the terrorists attack of September 11. The “deterioration” in the performance of the economy came together “with income tax relief” provided to help offset the economic slowdown and additional spending in response to the terrorist attacks produced a drop in the surplus to 127.1 billion and a return to deficits in 2002.
171. Bush said only North Korea was to blame for crisis. Colin Powell gave “great credit” to Clinton for freezing NK plutonium enrichment program in the 1994 Framework Then. Wash Post reported a senior Bush administration official suggested the nuclear crisis was the predictable result of a flawed 1994 agreement signed by Clinton with Pyongyang that “frontloaded all the benefits and left the difficult things to the end for the next president (Clinton). Honor, Dignity, and Integrity. It got lost somehow.
A great source of Bush lies is Sam Parry article of 11-4-02 in headed “Bush’s Life of Deception”.
172. The Education as number one priority has slipped through the cracks. The 2004 Budget of Bush eliminated 45 educational programs. A total of 1.6 Billion. Major ones are Comprehensive School Reform ( $ 235 million). Rural Education ( $ 162.5 million). Smaller Learning Communities ( $ 142.2millon). Perkins Loans ( $ 100 million). Regional Educational Laboratories( $ 67.5 million). Leveraging Educational Asst. Partnerships( $ 67 million). Preparing teachers to use technology ( $ 62.5 million). Community Service of expelled students ( $ 50 million). Parental Asst. Info. Centers ( $ 40 million). Physical Education Programs ( $ 50 million). Community Technology Centers( $ 32.5 millon). Fund for the Improvement of Education was cut by( $ 361 million). Source is Report by House Budget Committee (Democratic Caucus-John Spratt Jr.) 2-4-03: "this c- student a loose in land of learning! .
173. NY Times-3-10-03—Elizsabeth Rumiller-“Antiwar Clerics wonder if Bush hears their call”. Cardinal Pio Laghi a peace emissary sent by the Pope John Paul II to meet with Bush said “he was told he could not talk to reporters in the White House driveway where microphones are routinely set up for visitors to the Oval Office. (Ari Fleischer said it was not true. Cardinal Laghi held a press conference anyway. Will you believe emissary from Pope or Ari?).
174.Harper’s magazine-Weekly Review-3-4-03: "Bush administration officials hinted Russia might have a hard time collecting it’s Iraqi debts, if it fails to support Bush war plans. (Other Security Council members were being told they would pay a “heavy price” for refusing to support Bush. Ari said, in effect, that they were all lying).
175. Consortium News-11-4-02-In the October 11 debate Bush said the Clinton-Gore administration “took 40 million acres of land out of circulation without consulting local officials. He said: “I just cited an example of the administration just unilaterally acting without any input.” (The Forest Service conducted 600 public meetings.) (Like Father like son “I will do (or say) anything to win”. GHW Bush in 1992.).
176. Bush said during the debate “Our water in Texas is cleaner now”. The Sierra Club said “The discharge of industrial toxic pollution into surface waters in Texas increased from 23.2 million pounds in 1995 to 25.2 million pounds in 1998 the last year of available data (Bush hiding it?).
177. Bush said: “I do not need polling to tell me what to think”. NBC News 10-6-00 reported Bush spent over one million dollars on polling during his campaign. It was widely reported that during first two years in the White House over one million per year was spent on polling as much as Clinton spent over first two years.
“Who cares what you think”. He must have meant it for all Americans.
Reporter-Writer Sam Parry writes “Bush’s growing record of lies, both big and small, suggest something perhaps more troubling. His personal history of heavy drinking, drug use, carousing, disappearances from military duty, repeated business failures and political hypocrisies -- combined with his ability to avoid ever paying a significant price for his deceptions - have given him a sense of his own infallibility”.
Paul Krugman-NY Times-(on wmnf-fm-tampa 2-26-03)-The Bush administration’s level of irresponsibility and dishonesty is unprecedented”. Amen! .
Washington Post Editorial on Bush Tax Cut: ”Mr. Bush must know how phony his “averages” are. Anytime a salesman has to resort to such deceptive tactics, the customer ought to be wary about what is being sold”.
Dennis Hans writes: ”I review below 23 “techniques of deception” of Bush and his foreign-policy team.”.
178. Colin before UN: “My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we are giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence.” (Powell presented now discredited presentations of bogus tales based on discredited defectors, tortured captives, photos and tape recordings that proved little or nothing. Wild speculation. A “fine British dossier built on plagiarized essays with 12 year old “revelations” and so on.).
179.WND Instead of providing proof Powell produced photos of Al-Taji ammunition storage facility. Powell claimed they are a ”signature item” for chemical bunkers. A picture of a truck and a shed by themselves reveal nothing about the content of the adjacent bunker. Swinney note: Reporters visited the site only a couple days later and found a small bakery and dilapidated buildings.
180. Powell used tapes of conversations. (The State Department’s transcript of the actual conversation makes it evident that Powell had embellished the quote to make it appear much more incriminating. Intent to deceive is LYING.).
181. Bush claimed the location of Samoud 2 Missiles was “the Tip of the Iceberg”. (He has produced nothing to back up such a claim. If he has information he is required to notify the inspectors under UN Resolution.) .
182 Powell stated there were labs in remote Kurdistan. (No proof.) .
183. Powell stated there were mobile labs with WMD. (No proof. Hans Blix’s inspectors followed all leads supplied by U.S. Intelligence and some inspectors called US Intelligence information “junk” and kept them on wild goose chases (found two mobile food kitchens). has several examples of deception.).
184. Bush said during his speech to UN Security Council on Sept 12 “Iraq has made several attempts to buy high-strength aluminum tubes used to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons." In his SOUA on Jan 28 he repeated it.
185. Bush made inference eight times to a tie between Iraq and Al Qaeda in his news conference. By citing 9/11 he tried to alchemize American anger at Al Qaeda into support for smashing Saddam. (No proof of Saddam-Al Qaeda connection.).
186. Bush said location of Samoud2 Missiles was “Tip of Iceberg”. No proof of any iceberg. If he has proof he is in violation of UN Resolution by withholding information from inspectors.
Noted Journalist Sy Hearst-“There is no real standard of integrity because the White House doesn’t have any”.
Paul Krugman-NY Times-America’s leadership has lost touch with reality. The eagerness to believe that an Iraq nuclear program does exist has led to a series of embarrassing debacles capped by the forged Niger papers. It is clear that deposing Saddam has become an obsession.”.
187. -03-13-03--AP-Niko Price-From Al-Taji, Iraq--IRAQ DRONE. Iraqi officials took journalists to the Ibn Firna State Company just north of Baghdad where the drone’s project director said Colin Powell and Bush lied. The Drone was made of Balsa wood with two small propellers attached to what looks like the engine of a weed whacker.
188. Bush II Shootout at OK Corral speech : "“Every measure was taken to avoid war”—words will live in infamy. One analyst revealed 21 lies Bush spoke in his “24 hour to leave Dodge” speech. 189. David Ensor -CNN Wash. Bureau-3-14-03-Powell referred to proof of Iraq attempting to buy uranium in his UN presentation.(Totally false. Fake documents.).
190. Wash Post-3-21-03-Glenn Kessler : "“It’s a bald face lie to claim the “coalition” is greater than the one on 1991” per Ivo H.Daalder of Brookings Institute.( The comparison is not even close.).
191. Ari said several times ”Iraq is a wealthy nation”. Los Angeles Times Warren Vieth article 4-3-03-- (The Iraq balance sheet is a Basket case. Financial shambles. Debt load. Cash flow low. Shaky currency. High unemployment. Sounds like George Bush had been in charge for past ten years!).
192.The Strait Times (Singapore) listed by Common on 10-28-03- Malaysian Prime Minister Mohamad said President Bush ”lied” when he said “I pulled him aside at the Bangkok Summit and rebuked him for his anti-Semitic remarks”. Now. Which would you believe?
193.Condi Rice and others said the administration never said ”imminent threat.--”May 7th 2003—Ari Fleischer said “absolutely” when he was asked “didn’t we go to war because we said WMD were a direct and imminent threat?” www.The
194.Bush claimed UN Inspectors were not allowed into Iraq before his slaughter. The UN weapons Inspectors were forced to leave when Bush began his slaughter. This lie was unbelievable. Does he know anything?
195 thru 207. I will not list the 12 lies by Condi Rice but you can get details at: aw heck I erased the site. Sorry. Will look for it.
208. Bush stated he first learned of POW abuses from videos like most Americans. Colin Powell Per Mark Matthews of Baltimore Sun on 5-12-04 quoted Colin Powell “I and other top officials kept the President fully informed in general terms about complaints made by the Red Cross and others on ill treatment of prisoners in American custody.” Bush was informed a year earlier than videos. A typical Bush spin will be to use “in general terms” like I did not know Planes would crash in north side of twin towers. No one told me North side. So, I is innocent.
209. Bicycle fall at Crawford. Spokeslady said “it was due to so much rain and ground was wet.” Ground was very dry. No rain in many days. I cannot comprehend why it is necessary to spin such irrelevant negatives. What is wrong with these people? Animal House, Crazy House, Nut House or what?
210 thru 213—Record—4 lies in one speech—Reuters from Des Moines, Iowa on 7-20-04 speech —“I want to be the Peace President” .Too late. Fire all of PNAC staff if you are serious—“I am a reluctant warrior”. Huh! “Cheney Saddam, we are taking him out”—“America and world are safer”. If so remove colored flags. “We are going to be attacked before election” Tell that to Palestinians and Israelis. To Spain . To Bali .

214. I am the War President”. “I am the Peace President”. Yuk! Sane?
215. “This is pro-small business administration”. --Tax breaks to largest: Pharmaceuticals—HMO—Richest—1325 Billion and 555 B to top 1% mostly big business owners and CEO’s—Defense Manufacturers (poor souls)
216. Columbia Journalism Review-7-21-04 Des Moines Speech—“You see, if you can’t raise enough by taxing the rich, guess who pays next. Yes, the not-rich. That’s all of us Poor fellow. Food Stamps.
I ask you folks! Is this a dry alcoholic or what is he? I am confused. Twenty years of alcoholism will destroy many brain cells.
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Posted by: clarence swinney at August 20, 2004 11:48 AM

Like Waffles? Biggies served in Bush Waffle House. Many to add. clarence swinney burlington nc political historianBUSH WAFFLE HOUSE
“I say what I mean and mean what I say”
“ Promises made-Promises kept”
“When I make up my mind it stays made up”
“I do not take cues from anyone”
“You can’t say one thing and do another”
“Trust me I’m a straight shooter”
“I’m the commander, I don’t need to explain, I do not need to explain why I say
1.Osama Bin Laden is my number one priority. (at least this week)
2. We need an Office of Strategic Influence (Next decade maybe)
3. I will follow the UN Resolution as long as it takes-10-27-02
10-31-02—The UN needs to act now
2-13-03—The UN needs to show courage (like I did during Vietnam.)
4. I am a strong believer in Fair Trade—(except steel and softwood lumber) (votes first)

Ed Crane—Co-Founder and President of The Cato Institute-“Everything this
administration does is political”

5, We do not need for the Homeland Security Department to be a Cabinet position.
I made up my mind on it. Boston Globe—6-9-02 “Bush Flip Flop”
6. I will get Osama Bin Laden “Dead or Alive”—(go get em cowboy)—5-13-02-(“I don’t know where he is, I have no idea and I really don’t care.) (It’s not that important. It’s not out first priority”) (“I say what I mean”). (“When I make up my mind it stays made up”).
7. I will use the bully pulpit with OPEC. (Sic em bulldog my gas now 1.65 per gallon)
Supply went down and Prices went up and (“This is just the Free Market at Work”)
8. I will never apologize to the Chinese for “stealing our plane”. Please guys! Be nice.
Return our plane. “I regret it”
9. I mean what I say—“We can expect an attack”. Each month warning. When BOY?
10. Wash. Post-2-8-03—Bush seeking a promise from IRAN (Evil) for humanitarian help
in event a slaughter is done in Afghan. (Sounds like Reagan?)
11. NYT-1-23-03—Bush (Man of steel will) “rescinding” old policy and implementing a new policy that allows managed care organizations to limit and restrict coverage of emergency services for poor people on Medicaid. This was after criticizing HMO.s for refusal to allow treatment. If this is a Devout Christian I am Jesus Christ.
12. We will not negotiate with North Korea. Wash Post 1-16-03—Bush is now willing to consider agricultural and energy aid. (Hold on! This is EVIL of axis)
13.Individual investors who borrow money to buy dividend paying stocks should be penalized.(Gosh! What did I say—I did not mean it) NYT 2-5-03
14. I mean what I say until yelling starts. Military pay increase of 2% then 4%.
Stars & Stripes-12-30-02—Bush asked Defense Dept. to lower the announced pay raise for the military from 3.7% to 2%. Finally got 4 in 2004 budget.

“I am tired of all the Lying and Deception”—Amen! Hallelulah! Then stop it Boy.

15.I mean what I say—I am the education president. Please. First budget increased by 1,5% which had averaged 7% increase per year over five years. (Sounds like Clinton was the Educated educator to me.)
16.Wash Post-12-2-02—In June 2002 Bush promised 500 Million to fight mother-child transmission of Aids . In Aug he vetoed the first transfer of the 500 million. In 111 days since his promise 222,000 babies have been infected with Aids. (I wonder if Jesus Christ is tossing in his bed)

17.“Secretary O’Neill is doing a good job. The economy is improving. I have faith in him”. (your faith lasts two weeks boy)

18.The Homeland Security Bio-Terrorism Bill is too expensive. I will veto it. An Ok is not a veto boy.
(I mean what I say” but maybe I will not this time.)

19. I do not approve of an Independent Investigation of 9-11. (“I mean what I say” but—yelling is too loud).

20.I am against international money laundering controls. (9-11—“I changed my steel mind”) They may catch daddy.

21.We will have major social security changes. Wash Post. 11-11-01—Andrew Card on Meet the Press on 11-10-02 “I am not sure we will reform it” This was a Centerpiece of his campaign..

22.-12-30-02—We will not tolerate a North Korean nuclear arsenal. (Act nice guys if you want our $$$)

23.We do not hit civilian targets(in Afghan). There is no evidence. (Red Cross building not civilian—Veterans Hospital is military—Warlord Party heading to Kabul to celebrate was armed with .22 rifles—Wedding Party was violent and firing in the air at our planes 20,000 feet above them)

24.Wash Posr-11-15-02—“If you are not happy with the administration’s policy toward Iraq at any given moment just wait a week or two. A new policy, more your liking, is bound to appear”.

A. Go it alone week
B. Let us wait for UN week
C. “regime change” is goal
D. remove wmd is goal
E. Secretary of State is nor speaking for the president
F. Attorney General is not speaking for the administration.
G. I am sick and tired of this waffling and waiting.

25.Steel Tariff—I really did not mean that much. I angered some people. Reduce it.
(When I make up my mind it stays made up)
26.Carbon Dioxide is a power plant pollutant I will control.. (Oh! It will be too costly to my energy contributors so forget it suckers—cough cough)
27.Reuters-6-26-02—‘I have confidence in the Palestinians when they understand we are saying they must make the right decisions”—“I can assure you we will not be putting money into a society which is not transparent and which is corrupt”.
(Was he referring to his administration? Sounds like it—transparent—corrupt)

28.I am against human cloning in any form. (well, not quite “any”)
29.“I knew nothing about dangers of 9-11”. Eight months later. “I knew a damn bunch (but I was too busy on Vacation and looking for more to blame on that President who stomped my dad. Darn it is tough being dumb, inarticulate and following such a brain and great success)
30.“I am in excellent physical condition.” (Darn, staying up till midnight in Paris zapped all my energy—Boy—try conditioning your mind))
31.I am on top of everything. (Why did you say twice on TV—“I am not in control the Pentagon is running the War (Afghan)—You have a White House base—same as Al Qaeda. Only more secretive)
32.I will veto bill increasing benefits for disabled military retirees (Yep!He was war hero.. 6-20-02 in Wash Post. I do not change my mind. Until 2004 Budget).
33.-6-14-02—released 23,653 of ”cherry picked” Reagan papers after refusing to do it. “When I make up my mind it stays made up” Is this BOY real ?”
34.I mean what I say—‘I will provide 100 million to help preserve the Rain Forest”
35.Budgeted funds for his dad’s Crusader cannon then demanded that Congress kill the big sucker.
36. Airline Security is very important to me. Then, why did you fight so hard to keep guns out of cockpits?
37.Barred part-time Mexican and Canadian students from U.S. schools after 9-11. Then, after howls reversed his decision. “When I make up my mind”
38.Simon (candidate for Gov. of California). “He is a breath of fresh air.”
Bush sho hated that California Smog for he avoided Simon while in his presence.
39.“I will not engage in bailing out countries.” 30 billion to Brazil just a tip?
40.NY Times-Richard Stevenson-2-14-03—“Bush eases Ban on AIDS money to pro-abortion groups abroad.. What will he tell Falwell?
41.-March 6—“We will call for a UN Security Council vote.” Geo. Bush
March 13—“There may be no vote” Colin Powell
NY TIMES-“Bush promises to adopt peace plan”. The Guardian-“Bush reversed his previous insistence that the Middle East Peace effort must wait till after Iraq SLAUGHTERAMA
42.NY TIMES--Edmund L. Andrwews-2-26-03—Less than a month after President Bush proposed a radical overhaul and expansion of individual retirement and savings account the White House has abandoned their idea. (“When I make up my mind it stays made up”) (“Promises made promises kept”) (“I say what I mean and mean what I say”)

43. NY Times-Patrick e. Tyler-5-17-03—“In reversal, plan for Iraqi self rule by June 1 put off indefinitely. “When I make up my mind(scorched?) it stays made up”? Sho!
44.BIG WAFFLE—Washington Post-8-19-03-Dana Milbank & Bradley Graham—
“Bush revises view on combat in Iraq”.---May I on USS Desertion he said-- “Combat Operations are over”.. Now—“Actually, Major military operations continue because we still have combat operations going on”. Is this boy of scorched brain or what?
45. TEACH FOR AMERICA PROGRAM ZAPPED BY BUSH. I am pissed off. Big time. In 2000 campaign Bush promised President Wendy Koop to expand it. His aides asked President Wendy Koop to quadruple it. . On July 11,2003 she got a letter “We regret to inform you your application was not selected for funding”. Gone. Zapped totally. Bush is one of sorriest not just worst in history. Read TIME—8-17-03. Joe Klein article headed “WHO KILLED TEACH FOR AMERICA”? Sorry, but I am so furious I have difficulty writing. I do not like to curse but xxxxxxx.
45.OBL not priority or is he?
A 9-13-01—“The most important thing is for us to find Osama Bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him”.
B. 9-17-01—I want justice. Wanted :Dead or alive.”
C 12-28-01—“Listen awhileago I said to the american people our objective is more than Bin Laden—Press pool in chapel on ranch
D. 3-13-02 “I am truly not that concerned about him.”The New American 4-8-02
E. 3-13-02—“I don’t know where Bin Laden is. I have no idea and I really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.” Wow!
46. Bush told bob Woodward in his book “Bush War” that “he didn’t feel that sense of urgency” about Al Qaeda prior to 9-11”. No claims had great sense of urgency.

47.Nov 2003 Bush made highly touted speech about spreading democracy in the entire Middle East. NYT reported he backed away after it was denounced by Egypt Mubarak and Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.
48. 2-2-04 Budget Director Bolton-“we will not need additional funds for 04.”
5-5-04 Bush “I am requesting that Congress establish a 25 Billion contingency reserve ”
49. 3-9-04 Press Secretary McClellan-“Condoleeza Rice will not testify before 9-11 commission it is matter of principle.” President Bush on 3-30-94 “Dr. Rice will testify.”
50. 3-19-02 Ari Fleischer-“Creating a Cabinet Office will not solve the problem.”
6-6-02 President Bush “Tonight I ask the Congress to join me in creating a single permanent department securing the homeland of America.”
51. NYT 1-29-04 “Bush resists outside investigation on WMD intelligence failure.”
2-6-04 Bush “Today, by executive order, I am creating an independent commission, to look at American intelligence capabilities.”
52. Wash Post-1-19-04-“Bush opposes extension of time for 9-11 commission.”
CNN-2-4-04---“Bush supports time extension for 9-11 commission.”
53.NYTimes 2-26-04-Bush limits testimony to one hour.”
Spokesman McClellan-3-10-04 “Bush sets no time limit for testimony.”

54.Larry King Live 2-15-00 Bush says Gay Marriage is a state issue.
2-24-04-Bush “Today I call upon the Congress to promptly pass, an amendment to our constitution defining andprot4cting marriage as a union of a man and woman as husband and wife.”
55. 3-6-03 Bush vows to have a UN vote no matter what 3-18-03-Wash Post-“Bush withdraws request for UN vote.”
56. Columbia Journalism Review—Bush vetoed Patients Bill Of Rights as Governor but boasted how he got it passed. Now, flip flop to double straddle. He touted the Texas law as super duper.
When a challenge to the Texas Law went before Supreme Court Bush joined with two HMO’s in opposing the law. Could it be because the HMO’s are Pioneers in his campaign. Doesn’t this man have any honor or integrity?

Posted by: clarence swinney at August 20, 2004 11:50 AM
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