August 23, 2004
Iraqi Soccer
The head coach of the Iraqi soccer team believes that Iraq should not be considered "free" at this time while an "occupying force" remains. He says,
You cannot speak about a team that represents freedom. We do not have freedom in Iraq, we have an occupying force. This is one of our most miserable times.
The irony is that under Saddam Hussein, any talk of this type would have been severely punished. Now, this man can speak out against his government and against the U.S. security force without fear of retribution.
Some would call that freedom...
Yahoo! News - Soccer: We're No Symbol of Freedom, Iraq Coach Says
August 21, 2004
Back From Vacation
Sorry for the long period of silence over the past week. I wasn't about to announce to the world that we'd be on vacation. We had a great time and I should be putting up some photos early next week.
August 11, 2004
Big Nasty ISP Failure
It has been a frantic day today. Our internet backbone provider informed us today that they are going out of business--immediately! A couple of hours later, our T1 line went dark and I've spent the day migrating our systems to a slower (but at least functional!) line. You may experience slow performance for a few days while we find a new ISP who won't go out of business on such short notice.
Sorry for the trouble.
Categories: Computers and Internet | General
August 10, 2004
Schwarzenegger Popular with 2/3 of Californians
Californians are loving the Governator:
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger enjoys strong popularity in California, with nearly two thirds of voters approving of his performance, according to a poll released on Tuesday.
The Democrat-dominated state legislature registered a 33 percent approval rating. The Field Poll had a plus or minus 4.1 percent margin of error.
My question is this: if the Democrat dominated legislature only has a 33% approval rating, why do Californians keep electing Democrats to the state house?
August 09, 2004
Best Of...
If you're coming to Jeff Doolittle dot com via my main page, you'll notice a new feature near the top of the right hand column. I've added this new "best of" section to highlight my more popular entries. If you're new to JDDC and want a quick introduction, these posts provide a good starting point.
Some of the posts are older and no longer accept comments. You can always drop me a line by sending me an e-mail or visiting my contact page (see the menu bar near the top of the page).
Carnival of the Capitalists
This week's Carnival of the Capitalists is up over at Polibloggers's place. Be sure to check it out.
August 05, 2004
Big Oops
This could be one of President Bush's worst gaffes yet...
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we," Bush said.
Yahoo! News - Bush Misspeak Cites U.S. Readiness to Harm U.S.
Update: Aaron thinks we need to hold John Kerry to the same standard when he misspeaks:
Anyone else tired of double standards? I think it's time that we move beyond ridiculous misspeaks, because when it comes down to it, we could pick apart the words of the President and realize that there is an element of truth in what he said. However, misspeaks aside, it's time to talk about more important issues.
I'll agree with him but with one qualification: I'm not the only one who laughs when President Bush misspeaks. The President himself makes fun of himself regarding his propensity to say humorous things. As a supporter of this President, I think it is only appropriate to laugh along with him.
More Blogroll Additions
There are so many great blogs out there, I keep finding new ones to add to my blogroll. Be sure to check out these blogs, some established, others up-and-coming.
Totem To Temple
Patriot Paradox
Leaning to the Right
Unfiltered Blog
As I Said
Mind of Mog
Broken Masterpieces
If you want to be on my blogroll, just place a link on your site to Jeff Doolittle dot com ( and then send me an e-mail with a link back to your site. If I find your blog to be of high quality, I'll put you on the list. My address is jeffdoolittle (AT) yahoo (DOT) com.