Yesterday's web chat about the Jessica Cutler WP Magazine article answered those questions inevitably left when one only has 10,000 words to tell as story. Questions such as, Why do men want to sex with an attractive girl? Truly one... [more]
Found on Craigslist, apologizing in advance:Dear Self: I am writing you in advance of this evening’s happenings; because I am convinced tomorrow I will be too hung over to apologize. And its not that I wouldn’t apologize, because I would,... [more]
• Reliable Source: Kerry likes Zeta-Jones, Marilyn Monroe, calls Charlize Theron " pretty extraordinary," advises men look for a "woman who loves being a woman. Who wears her womanhood.". . . Teresa: "I'm sure there will be stories that I've... [more]
• Bush announces troop redeployment; one-third of service members overseas to be relocated. Move could up support among military families; veterans expect strong turnout. [WP, NYT, LAT, USAT, USAT] • Veterans' memories of Kerry turn political; Harkin calls anti-Kerry ad... [more]
There was a Washington Post Sunday Magazine article about who? Some Senate aide who had sex for money!?!? When did this happen? And what could it possibly meant that someone wanted to have sex that "physically hurt"? Rather than just... [more]
• Names & Faces: Goss told Michael Moore: "I couldn't get a job with CIA today. I am not qualified. . . And I certainly don't have the technical skills, uh, as my children remind me every day: 'Dad, you... [more]
The Hit Parade ranks stories other people tuned into. Chart placement is determined by the Henry Seltzer, tips and our whim. Arrows indicate movement since last week. 1. ↓ Polls give heights to Kerry's convention "bounce." BC04 smug, but swing... [more]
• Names & Faces: Jenna, Barbara offered "multimillion-dollar" modeling contract, reports Us Weekly. Laura seeks additional information. . . Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps on Jenna attending the games: "She's going to be poolside, and she's so hot!". . . Extended... [more]
• McCain calls on Bush to condemn ad questioning Kerry's Vietnam service; DNC asks stations not to run spot. One veteran backs off claims. McClellan: "The president is calling for an immediate cessation to all the unregulated soft money activity."... [more]
There's really nothing like being chided about your reading habits by a recent j-school grad twenty-something media critic [wouldn't want to get a "fact" "wrong"] to make you want to give up on serious news forever. . . Unless it's... [more]
• A steal at $7,500: "An official White House issued 8x10 Kodak quality photo (with the original White House issued stamp on reverse) of Ronald Reagan with Teresa and John Heinz during an official White House function!! That in and of... [more]
• Convention nadir: "Teresa Heinz Kerry's paean to her own self-assertiveness, in which she was permitted to vent the delusion that hers is the candor of a feminist who had fought for her rights, rather than a billionairess who is... [more]
• Washington Whispers: Carville, Brock encourage KE04 to clamp down on press. . . Cartoonist on Kerry: "You can't draw his face too long or with too many lines. Kerry's a dream.". . . Democrats prefer Simon Cowell over Nader.... [more]
Wonkette-- They call Barack Obama the convention's equivalent of a rock star, and so it's sort of fitting that he has the convention's equivalent of a drug addiction: The Blackberry monkey on this back.... [more]
BoiFromTroy -- When we saw Washington-based blogger/intern/college student "Toby" send out a request for disgruntled interns to contact him, our first thought was that an angry intern brigade was going to exercise its Second Amendment rights and fight back from... [more]
Hey all you party people, So far the only real work being done here is by burly men lifting things. (Yum!) Everyone is basically filling out their dance cards, trying to scam invites for the hot ticket parties. Now, what's... [more]
Gentle readers, The Democratic National Convention has made Boston the city with the highest number of Blackberrys per capita in the world. And it's not like they help you get things done. They just help identify us to the locals... [more]
We got a lot mail about The Hill's expose of The Madison, a.k.a. The Future First Wives' Club. Many of these emails referenced the photo that accompanied the article. They were unkind, to say the least, though a few were... [more]
• Names & Faces: Lauren Bush: "I'm not very political. I'm not here to make some huge political stance. And neither are [Jenna, Barbara]". . . RNC solicits Dean while Kerry solicits RNC. . . Edwards on Elizabeth as recovering... [more]
• For Bush, 9/11 report is better than expected. Blame is spread; calls war on terrorism ineffective, vague; conclusion similar to Bush rhetoric. [WP, WP, WT] • Kerry: "This report carries a very simple message for all of America about... [more]
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Election Recycling: Kerry Rides the Swift Boat On TV
Gossip Roundup: Schwarzenegger's Hair Naturally Ugly
Hit Parade: Retroactive Conclusion Edition
Deal Hudson Eats Out
The Axis of Swift Boat Veterans
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