Listen to me talk about everything

Friday, August 27, 2004

And now, for something completely different...

Well, not really.

Superpatriot: War on Terror #1 $2.99

Creative Team: Robert Kirkman, E.J. Su, with colors by Dash Martin, and letters by Rus Wooton

What's it about? Simply, a day in the life of a superhero.

This issue: John (that's be the Superpatriot) takes care of some baddie while attempting to rent some movies, mourns the loss of his children, spends some "quality" time with his wife, takes care of Hitler's brain yet again. Oh, and the hilarious return of an old villian.

Why you should be reading it: Kirkman's script is great, mixing touching moments, action, and comedy without a hitch, and Su's art fits the character nicely. I've always been a huge fan of the Patriot's, but I haven't followed Savage Dragon in some time, so I occasionally miss out of what he's up to. Still, I've enjoyed these occasional mini's, especially these last two, both by Kirkman. It's standard superhero far for the most part, nothing new, but it's still good fun. So, if you're looking for something brilliant, keep looking, but for fans of things like Savage Dragon, Invincible, or Capes, give this a look.

Unfortunately that might be it for today folks, unless something catches my eye, and I just have to talk about it.


Thursday, August 26, 2004

No time for reviews Dr. Jones!

Been a long day, so I'm gonna end it with a small review of a movie I watched last night.


Director/ Writer: Greg Pritikin

Cast: Adrien Brody, Milla Jovovich, Illeana Douglas, Vera Farmiga

What's it about? Brody plays a discontented "everyman" (read: dork), Steven, who still lives at home with his parents and sister, and decides to finally pursue his dream of ventriliquism after losing his current job. Jovovich plays his best friend, Fangora, and frontman (woman?) for a band looking for fame, while Douglas plays Heidi, his sister, who also is discontent with her life, planning weedings for others while she sits on the sidelines of love. Farmiga plays Lorena, Steven's unemployment counselor, and eventual love interest.

Why you should watch it: It's a story about following your dreams, even if they might not seem logical, and no matter how many people try and hold you back, including your family. Who can't relate to that? It's brilliant in every way, which really surprised me. A film about a man with a dummy can either turn out interesting, or just creepy as hell. I loved the fact that Pritikin avoided the "best friend" angle so many love stories use these days. Steven and Fangora are believable friends, and never once does any sexual attraction appear between them, and when Lorena is introduced you know where the story is headed, but the characters are so well developed you quite happily come along for the ride. It's a feel good movie, but one that has more character and heart than any film I've seen in quite some time.I seriously could not stop smiling, and if you knew me, you'd know how rare a thing that is.

The DVD Package: I didn't get around to any of the DVD material (which leaves me with something to discuss another time!), but it includes a picture in picture ventriloquist commentary by Jeff Dunham, trailers, deleted/altered scenes, a history of ventriloquism, Dummies 101: Learning the Ventriloquism Dream, ventriloquism lessons, and the "What Type of Dummy are You?" Game.

This one's well worht your money people. Support the Dummies!

Review Type Things

First, let me say, I was skimming through my blog and found an old formula I used one time for my "reviews", so, this will be new to most of you, but it's a fun return to my old ways for me, and I added a few things to the formula as well.

WE3 #1 $2.95

Creative Team: Grant Morrison, Frank Quietly, with coloring and inking by Jamie Grant, lettering by Todd Klien

What's it about? Simply put, WE3 is the storyof three household pets (a dog, a cat, and a rabbit) that have been trained as intelligent Killing machines by the government. Unfortunately the project has just been decomissioned, and the fuzzy little animals are to be killed.

This issue: Considering this is the first issue, that's pretty much what happens. We get to see the pets in action for the first few pages, and it's a creepy-cool feeling seeing them work. We also get to see them vocally communicate, which is very creepy. When Senator Washington meets the trio for the first time he experiences something akin to what we should.

Why you should be reading it: Well, it's a Morrison/Quietly book, and if you need more reason than that, I can't help you. However, the dynamic duo inject the animals with a stunning sense of reality. They move and act like the pets we expect them too, and because of that the fact that the assassinate and primitavely communicate makes it that much creepier. Quitley manages to translate everything you need to know by way of pictures in the first few pages, and you really feel as if you're in there with these creatures. With Morrison it's always the little touches that I love. The rats building a jet engine, brilliant. This is looking to pass Seaguy with leaps and bounds, which means it will be one of the years best books.

X-Men: The End-Book 1: Dreamers and Deamons #2 $2.99

Creative Team: Chris Claremont, Sean Chen, with ink by Sandu florea, color by Ian hannin, and lettering by Dave Sharpe

What's it about? The Last Days of the X-Men.

This issue: Primarily, it deals with everyones reaction to the Phoenix's return. One interesting thing was Claremont's usage of alot of Grant Morrison's ideas, and just the fact that they were brought up shows that he doesn't want to destroy everything the man did. We get to see alot of the things Grant put in place (especially Scott and Emma) as they would be maybe fifteen years down the road, realistically. We get to see a different side to Logan, and the Stepford Cuckoos show up, along with Martha. Honestly there's so much happening in the book it's hard to tell what's going on.

Why you should be reading it: Well, this one's only for hardcore, long-time X-fans. Which i'm not. I've found it hard to follow a few things because I haven't read every x-book ever written, but, Claremont does a damn fine job overall. Gone is his overexplaination of everything, and instead we get great characters who don't speak like they're reading a novel, and who interact with eachother in a very real way. Fans of old-school Claremont should quite enjoy this, if they can follow it. So far that's been one of my only problems. Another is Sean chen's art. While it looks good, it doesn't reflect any real change in the characters, it looks as though he's drawing current versions, and not future versions. That should make sense to the uber-geeks out there, the rest of you may have to for yourself. heh.

Venom/Carnage #2 $2.99

Creative Team: Peter Milligan, Clayton Crain, with letters by Cory Petit

What's it about? Well, seems Carnage has given birth, and his "son" will be born inside of a police officer, Pat. Carnage is determined to kill the thing, and its host, while Venom is out to stop him.

This issue: Black Cat rescues Officer Pat From Carnage's wrath, and it seems Spidey has gotten his wife to the hospital without a hitch (it was a cliffhanger last issue). When Pat goes after Cat for a robbery he ends up running into Carnage (who's been tracking him, of course) and all hell breaks loose. Wich leads to a new symbiote.

Why you should be reading it: You shouldn't. I was mildly entertained by the last issue, but this issue made my head hurt. The art is weird, and the story reads like it was written by a fifteen year old. I know Milligan can do better, so this book is officially out of my reading list.

That's it for now, but I've got a few more books I'm getting to tonight, along with a movie, so look for another update late this evening.

Link Fest

I've been neglectful on my linkage lately, mostly due to having to constantly fix my blog. So, here's some interesting stuff happening around the web:

Mike Sterling had an interesting post on the 7 Deadly Harveys awhile back:

Aplogies for the long links folks, but I'm an HTML idiot.

Also, a big thank you to Mike for mentioning this blog and my review of Madbomb. Of course, he misspelled it, but hey, we've all been there.

Dorian always has a few interesting things to say, and you have to admire how blunt he is:

Current topics include New Comics Day, and Space Lincoln. Yes, Space Lincoln.

It just occurred nto me that I'm going to get some odd search hits with the word "blunt."

Check out for Tony Whitt's new Comicscape column, which includes the rest of his interview with the Elfquest team of Richard and Wendy Pini. Here's hoping their currrent union with DCdoes bring out that Elfquest movie.

Tony's also got a review of Carnet De Voyage by Blankets creator Craig Thompson. It's well worth a look.

Mr. Bacardi has an interesting pic of the uber-hot Milla Jovovich:

It's not worksafe, and has been known to cause heart attacks, so beware.

And most importantly, the Comic Book Galaxy is looking to raise a quick buck by selling of a few great items:

LOT #1: NEW X-MEN TPB VOLUMES 1-7. This is the ENTIRE GRANT MORRISON RUN in seven unread trade paperbacks, with art by Frank Quitely, Phil Jiminez, and others.
Price INCLUDING SHIPPING: $85.00 (combined cover price about $97.00)

LOT #2: SIGNED GARY PANTER'S JIMBO IN PURGATORY HC. This is the hand-signed limited edition with a tipped-in plate #159 of 400. A beautiful, gigantic oversized hardcover. Courtesy of
Fantagraphics Books.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $80.00 (cover price about $100.00).

LOT #4: SMALL FAVORS #1-3 and 5-7. Coleen Coover's delightful girly porno comic.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $12.00 (combined cover price about $20.00)

LOT #5: FANTASTIC FOUR LOT. Recent Fantastic Four issues including Ultimate Fantastic Four #1-9 (Bendis/Millar/Ellis/Kubert), Fantastic Four #503-513 (Waid, Wieringo, Porter) and Fantastic Four Unstable Molecules #1-4 (Sturm/Davis).
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $25.00 (combined cover price about $50.00)

LOT #6: WARREN ELLIS'S SCARS #1-6 PLUS. You get the SCARS PREVIEW, SCARS #1-6 (complete series) PLUS you get an extra SCARS #1 SIGNED BY ARTIST JACEN BURROWS.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING : $20.00 (combined cover price about $25.00)

LOT #7: ULTIMATE WAR LOT. You get Mark Millar's ULTIMATE WAR #1-4 (first meeting of The Ultimates and Ultimate X-Men) plus THE ULTIMATES #1 by Millar and Bryan Hitch.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $7.00 (combined cover price about $9.00).

LOT #9: DEAD @ 17 VOLUME ONE. The first collection of the horror series DEAD @ 17 by Josh Howard.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $11.00 (cover price $14.95)

LOT #10: THE FLASH BLITZ TPB. By Geoff Johns and Scott Kolins.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $11.00 (cover price $19.95).

LOT #12: IT DISAPPEARS TPB. Nate Powell's dreamy graphic novel, the latest by the creator of WALKIE TALKIE.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $8.00 (cover price $9.95).

LOT #13: THE DEATH OF SUPERMAN TPB. Come on, you know you miss the '90s. Dan Jurgens kills the Man of Steel.

LOT #15: UNTOLD TALES OF SPIDER-MAN TPB. Busiek and Oliffe's fun take on Spidey's early days.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $12.00 (cover price $16.99).

LOT #16: AQUAMAN TIME AND TIDE TPB. Peter David's acclaimed mini-series collected in TPB.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $8.00 (cover price $9.95).

LOT #17: ASTRONAUTS IN TROUBLE LIVE FROM THE MOON TPB. Larry Young, Matt Smith and Charlie Adlard's rollicking outer space adventure.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $10.00 (cover price $12.95).

LOT #19: THE LOSERS MEGA-LOT. You get the ANTE UP TPB collecting #1-6 plus issues #7-12. First year of the acclaimed action series by Diggle and Jock.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $21.00 (combined cover price about $28.00).

LOT #20: THE HULK GRAY #1-6. Loeb and Sale's neo-classic revisits the earliest days of The Hulk.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $18.00 (combined cover price about $21.00).

LOT #21: SHUCK #1-4. Rick Smith and Tania Menesse's unique, delightfully pagan alternative comic.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $10.00 (combined cover price about $12.00).

LOT #22: ULTIMATE X-MEN #15-25. Mark Millar's explosive final two story-arcs are collected in these issues.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $20.00 (combined cover price about $25.00).

LOT #24: BATTLE ROYALE VOLUMES 1-7. This is the first seven volumes of the ultra-violent, near-future manga pitting society against its teenagers.
Price INCLUDING SHIPPING: $45.00 (combined cover price about $70.00).

LOT #26: THE FIXER HARDCOVER. Joe Sacco's latest in a handsome hardcover edition.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $19.00 (cover price $24.95).

LOT #27: HULK LOT. (VG-NM, most VF) Hulk Vol. 1 #377, 380, 383, 384, 386, 393, 394, 395, 398, 407, 408, 409, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473. Hulk Smash #1-2 (complete Ennis miniseries). Hulk 2099 #7, 8, 9, 10. Thing/She-Hulk One Shot (Bryan Hitch art). Captain Marvel #2-3 (Peter David; Hulk guest stars). Dazzler #6-7 (Hulk). Marvel Super Heroes (silver age reprints of Kirby, Trimpe, Severin etc) #32, 33, 34, 36, 49, 52, 79, 81, 82, 85.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $18.00 (cover price about $56.00)

LOT #28: AVENGERS LOT. (VG-NM, MOST VF-NM) VOL. 1 #88 (Harlan Ellison story; 1971), #100 (poor, cover detached, BWS art), #126 (Englehart), #270, 278, 279, 280, 283, 284, 285, 286, 290, 305, 308, 326, 328, 349, 353, 356, 375. Vol. 2 #4 (Liefeld/Loeb). Vol. 3 (Busiek/Perez) #5, 8, 10, 11, 14, 23, 28. #500 (Bendis), Official Marvel Universe Handbook Avengers 2004.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $20.00 (cover prive about $40.00)

LOT #29: BENDIS LOT. Daredevil #32, 35, 37, 38, 39. Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #2-3 (Spidey/Hulk, Hester art, complete arc). Secret War Comm. Ed. #1, Secret War #2.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $10.00 (cover price about $21.00).

LOT #30: THE AUTHORITY LOT. STORMWATCH Vol. 2 #6, 11 (Ellis/Hitch). Authority Vol. 1 #27 (Millar/Art Adams). Authority: Kev one-shot (Ennis). Authority: Scorched Earth one-shot. Authority Vol. 2 #0, 1-6, 10-13. Ministry of Space #3 (Ellis/Weston). PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $17.00 (cover price $51.00).

LOT #31: STARLIN LOT. Infinity Crusade #1-4. Infinity War #2, 4, 6. Captain Marvel #17, 18 (David/Starlin). Warlock and the Infinity Watch #1, 2, 8, 13, 19, 20.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $13.00 (cover price about $32.00).

LOT #32: X-MEN LOT. Astonishing X-Men #1 (Whedon/Cassaday). Onslaught: Marvel Universe #1. X-Men #55 (Onslaught by Waid and Kubert). Iceman #1 (of 4). Marvel Comics Presents Weapon X #72 (first BWS Weapon X issue). Nightcrawler #4 (Cockrum). Marvel Comics Presents Wolverine #9, 95. Excalibur #27, 28, 53.
PRICE INCLUDING SHIPPING: $11.00 (cover price about $21.00).

Top Shelf Productions, TWO signed and numbered Alan Moore books: Voice of the Fire AND The Mirror of Love. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own these two great books signed by Alan Moore.

There's alot of good stuff there. I've already picked up 40 bucks worth of books, and depending on how quick I get some extra cash, and what's left, I may pick up a few more. I'd love to have the Untold Tales trade, but I already have most of the seriesin floppies, so it seemed pretty pointless. however, it's a good read, so someone should buy it!

If I were a wealthy man I'd be buying those signed Moore books. You also can't go wrong with that FF lot, damn good stuff in there. And Losers looks to be a good buy as well, everyone seems to love it. I'll get around to reading mine eventually.

So, head on over to CBG: and buy something.

Also, ADD posted a nifty little pic on his own blog:

You have to scroll down aways, but just look for the Flag. Good stuff.

I'll be back later with some reviews.


Wednesday, August 25, 2004

And since I've got some time to kill....

I love writing my blog, and finding out that people actually read it just makes it that much more exciting.

Alot of people don't know that I also write fiction, none of which gets seen by, well, anyone, so, I had an idea. I've been contemplating it for well over a week now, and I figure it's either make or break time, so why not get someones opinion on it. I'm thinking about starting a fiction blog, meaning that a few times a week I'll post small bits of whatever story I'm working on (right now, it's a western), and if people read it, fine, if not, oh well.

Still, it would be interesting to know if people actually would read it. I'm not an artist, so there'd be no illustrations, but hopefully anyone who reads my blog isn't a "no pictures?! screw this!" type.

So, thoughts?

Even More Review Type Things

I'm on a roll today.

30 Days of Night: Return to Barrow #6 $3.99

Final issue of the series. I won't spoil the somewhat surprise ending for anyone. I'll just keep saying what I've said before. It's beautifully horrifying, and one of the best books currently occupying rack space.

Caper #11 $2.95

I've enjoyed this run, despite what just about everyone else is saying. I've found it funny and adventurous. sure it's not gonna change the world, but it's not supposed to. Very entertaining.

Ultimate Fantastic Four #10 $2.25

Ellis might write the best FF I've ever seen. That's not saying alot, because I've never read a ton of FF book, but still, I enjoy his take on the main four better than anyone's, including Waid. However, his Doom leaves me lacking, and that's where Waid wins out. Not just on Doom, but on the series as a whole. He seems to have a better story going on than Ellis does here. Still, Ellis writes Ben and Johnny like no one I've ever seen. I was laughing out loud at the fantasti-jokes.

Guardians #3 $2.99

Still not sure why this is so damned expensive, because it would make a great read for kids. The story feels a bit forced in this issue, and it surprised me that they are actually going into space. The character interaction is great, but the aline dialogue feels stiff (but, perhaps it is supposed to). A solid read, and hopefully we won't see it cancelled before it actually gains an audience. If you plan on picking it up, keep in mind it is a kids book, not super hero flashy costumed stuff, and it's a bit over dramatic, because kids are over dramatic.

More to read, including: Venom/Carnage #2, X-Men: The End #2, Superpatriot: War on Terror #1, and WE3 #1. Also, I just got my comics from Lonestar in (pretty quick!), so I can now reread a few old incomplete series, including: The P.I.'s (Mike Mauser and Ms. Tree), Aztek: The Ultimate Man (great stuff here, everyone needs this book), and Troublemakers (I loved this book!). So, yeah, on top of everything else I've put off reading, like say, The Losers, I now have more.

The Madbomb

Sounds a bit like some sort of slang, doesn't it? Yo, this is the mad bomb.

Captain America and the Falcon: Madbomb collects issue #'s 193-200 in a nifty little trade, with a sweet cover by the co-creator and writer/artist of the contained issues, Jack Kirby. Oh, and John Romita is along for the ride, at least on the cover.

Now, they don't call him Jack "King" Kirby for no reason. Anyone who's ever seen Kirby's work and has an ounce of sense will tell you he's the best thing that probably ever happened to the comic book industry. He's influenced 99% (gotta love those mad up statistics, still, it's likely true) of the artist working today, and it's probably fair to say that if not for Kirby there would be no comic industry.

Still, that's an argument/discussion for another time. What I'm here to discuss is Madbomb. For a story that was published about 25 years ago, it's got echoes of today all throughout the story line. It starts with Cap and Falcon arm wrestling inside a New York apartment when suddenly the two become infuriated with one another. Fortunately the duo come to their sense and eventually discover a tiny little gadget that's driving the neighborhood insane.

Turns out it was planted by a group of people calling themselves the Royalists Forces of America, who have a plan to used a giant madbomb to drive everyone in the country insane, and then take it over, thus killing democracy for good.

Of course what they don't count on is Cap and the Falcon infiltrating their hidden base, causing a panic, forcing the Royalists hand, and in the end (hope I'm not spoiling it for anyone, seeing as how the country is still somewhat under democractic rule) save the day.

Yes, there's tons of other little side adventures that make up the TPB, all of them involving the main plot though, which doesn't strike me as a common practice back then. Probably the most interesting tale is Cap falling in love with the daughter of one of the men they're after, the creator of the Madbomb. Of course it turns out that he was all but forced into the project, and thus not really a bad guy. Still, Kirby's use of emotion is always great.

Not that there aren't any faults to be found. Cap stepping out of an apartment window dressed in his gear seems a bit stupid on his part, the fact that there seemed to be the need to tie the villian in personally to Cap dumbfounded me, and the idiotic villians and their over the top ways just remind me of old James Bond films. Still, would you have it any other way? Nope, me either.

The book really shines during the action scenes, because no one does action like Kirby. The characters feel so much larger than life, and the villians seem so vile, even if they are over the top. The double page spread on pages 98-99 where SHIELD has finally take over the secret headquarters only to discover the evil mastermind gone was as classic as Kirby can get.

We have machines galore (nodody does machines like Kirby either) along with the Falcon in action, SHIELD agents rounding up what's left of the enemy, and Cap doing his best to point out the obvious. Sure, it's not a jam packed George Perez page, but it's probably my favorite page of comic art ever, or at least in the top five. Another good double spread is on 116-117, I'd swear Cap was about to roll off the page. Oh, and don't forget the action-packed Kill Derby issue.

The great things in the book far outweigh the goofyness of it. In fact, the goofiness is part of its charm I wasn't even around when these issues saw print, but it still made me feel like a kid again. That's not even mentioning the covers, which are so frantic that you start to feel like Cap's life is hanging in the balance if you don't read the issues.

This is a great buy for anyone who enjoys comics. It's written and drawn by someone considered to be the most talented man to ever work in the industry, it features an enjoyable story that still has relevence in today's society, and it's an all around nice package. It retails for about seventeen dollars, but over at they have it for a mere eleven bucks, which makes it an absolute steal.

This is definitely one that belongs in every readers library.


Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Review Type Things

Looks like the Madbomb TPB will have to wait until tomorrow, but here's the skinny on a few fliks I've watched recently:

Revengers Tragedy

Directed by the talented Alex Cox (he wrote the screenplay for Fear & Loathing, and wrote and directed Sid & Nancy), this flik is based on a 17th century play, written by Thomas Middleton, and is a dark comedy about a character on a revenge trip. The director and/or screenwriter went the Romeo + Juliet route, updating the setting, but not the dialogue, which makes it a bit hard to follow at times. I found turning on the subtitles actually helps, seeing as how their accents make it difficult for a Yank like me to understand them. Fortunately it's filmed so brilliantly that when you don't understand the words you can still follow the story. That may sound a bit "dumb" to a few folks, but I think it's a testament to the director's ability to tell a story without dialogue. The cast is great, heded up by the wonderful Eddie Izzard and Christopher Eccleston (28 Days Later...), and the supporting players do a terrific job. All in all a truly great film, recommended to anyone who's a theatre fan, or to anyone looking for something intelligent. Just keep in mind it is a dark comedy, so it's racy.


Still haven't made my through the entire set of special features, but the commetrak proved worth a listen, just for the cast members that pop up. Cameron's comments about Alien 3 miffed me a bit, seeing as how he wasn't exactly true to the first Alien film himself. Still, the DVD is loaded with more stuff than you ever needed to know, and it's probably the best sequel of all time.

Other ramblings...

Picked up the Marvel Legends Cable action figure this week, and was pleasently surprised by how articulated it is. Haven't been able track down the Deadpool, and given how much it seems to be in demand, I doubt I will. Stupid secondary market.

Also, I'm addicted to Mario Tennis on the N64. I'm afraid this might lead to an addiction to tennis overall. I'll have to watch myself.

Oh, and Dorian had some interesting things to say about the current "buy back my childhood" 80's trend that's going on. For his words check out PostModernBarney, to the right.

Now, I do want to address a few things, seeing as how I fall into that category, mostly because I don't really fit anywhere else. I do think there's quite a few valid points made, and overall I see the frustration, and if I worked where he does I would probably loose more customers than I could ever gain.

While I love most everything cartoon and toy based from my childhood, I'm fairly certain I can appreciate them for what they were, not what I made them up to be in my mind. I also loved the A-Team and Dukes of Hazzard, but I have no qualms about pointing out their stupidity. I do think he's wrong about Star Wars, but like most things it's a personal call. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it the dumbest thing in the world. Yes it's a kids film, and yes it's not the most intelligent film ever made, but there has to be something that makes it worth watching, otherwise it never would've made the amount of money it has. I refuse to believe that there was that big of a sci-fi fanbase when the movie hit.

Like most blockbusters it just appeals to a wide audience looking for entertainment for entertainments sake. The "prequels" have justproven how horrible a writer Lucas is to begin with, and that the man couldn't direct his way out of a paper bag. He's alot like Claremont, they've taken something the didn't really even create and somehow turned into the biggest pile of dogshit you can imagine. Still, the original films have entertainment value, and that's why people like them.

Some people just take it entirely too far, something I think I could be guilty of.

Back to the subject, I think he's right, it would be annoying as hell to listen to people talk about being true to the original when it comes to crap that was never even true to itself to begin with. I can watch any series of 80's toons and point out flaws left and right, but when I do watch them I choose not to, because that prettymuch ruins the entertainment.

Maybe it's just me, and it doesn't take alot to keep me entertained. Hell, I'm a DVD junkie with over 800 of 'em, you think all of them are A+ films? Hell no. One of my favorite films of all-time is the original TMNT movie. Why? It entertains me. It's that simple. Adventures of Ford Fairlane? It bombed, and rightfully so, but I love it. The trick is to appreciate things for what they really are, if it's crap, it's crap, you don't have to like it, but don't insult me for choosing to be entertained.

Not that I was being insulted. Dorian's got some valid points, like I said, some people just take things a bit too far, and unfortuantely he's in the wrong business to avoid that. So, if you're in his shop, do him a favor, save the Darth Maul vs. Darth Vader argument for outside the store, and don't ask him what his favorite Transformer was.

Oh, and according to Cobra Commander's biography he wanted to take over the world because he was a disgruntled used car slaseman who was tired of the system. Something like that. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

I always wondered what the other half was.

El Listo

Bad Boys 1 & 2

Depending on price, this isn't a bad combo. Both are enjoyable action fliks.

Beast Wars: Transformers - The Complete 3rd Season

Still can't really warm up to this show. I've heard it gets better in the later seasons though.

Boy Meets World: The Complete First Season

Here's an interesting show, despite not really following it, I've noticed that (in the reruns I HAVE watched) it actually progresses through the years, instead of constantly trying to recapture something that may have hooked people into watching it to begin with (see: Friends "Will they or won't they" saga that ran for a decade). The characters remain pretty much the same, yet their lives actually progress past a certain point. I'm going on waaaay too long about a show that isn't that great to begin with, but, hopefully you catch my meaning.

Ella Enchanted

Among other things, I'm a sucker for fairy tale-type movies, despite the fact that they all have to do with some sort of love story. I'm looking forward to checking this one out, despite a pile of reasons I could come up with to avoid it.

Formula 51 / Snatch

Now this is a pair of films worth owning.

Futurama Volume Four

I'm not sure if I've seen any of these episodes, which will be great once I buy the set.

The Girl Next Door

This is another release I'm hoping will exceed the limitations of its concept.

Harsh Realm: The Complete Series

Never got to watch this series, but it includes never before seen episodes for those that did.

The Munsters: The Complete First Season

Never a fan, but it's here for those that were.

Night Gallery: The Complete First Season

I've heard this was a good show, before my time I believe.

The Professional / The Big Hit

Another pair of good movies, the Professional being one of my favorites.

Purple Rain (Special Edition)

For the die-hard Prince fan. Gotta love that cheesy 80's sound.

I'll be back later with a few reviews.


Blogger-12, Logan-1

Haha, a semi-victory, as I managed to restore most of the lost links, and not screw things up. There's still a few missing, including a link to email me (which I cannot rememeber how to do, so any help there would be greatly appreciated), and a few other blogs which I know I'm forgetting. Still, I did add a few new links, and I'll add more when I can rmember them.

I've got a few things to get out of my head, the least of which is this weeks DVD List, so I shall be back later.


Monday, August 23, 2004

Well, that sucked

Somehow I managed to almost loose everything, so now I have to redo the links again. Grrrrr.
Links ahoy

They're not all there, but a majority of them are back. Still having a hard time tracking a few down, as I had them saved only here, also working on getting my email address back up, and remembering which site I used as a tracker. Stupid Blogger!!!!

Sigh...looks like that review of Madbomb will be coming tomorrow, and probably late at that. Sorry folks.

Oh, and if I had you linked, or would like me to link to you, drop me a line in the comments section, I'll be glad to do so.

"I've got good news!"

No, I'm not switching to Geico, but I did win something from Joe Rybandt over at CBG. Much thanks to Joe for the free swag. I do wanna say that getting free comics feels a bit like cheating to me. You're not attached to it, it just falls in your lap, and you're free to have your way with it...but then when it's friggin' fantastic you want more of it, then before you know it's costing you more money. Bah!

Still, it's free swag, and that's just cool.

Speaking of CBG, ADD has some pics up of the Kochalka party, including some of his family. For stalkers like me, it's great to get an insiders view, cuz, I'm a lazy stalker, you know. (Ummm...that's a joke people.)

Also, finished the Madbomb TPB, and will write a review up this evening, as well as fix the damn links on the right. Stupid blogger!!!!

I also watched the newest DBZ movie last nigh, Bojack Unbound. Sounds a bit S&M-ish to me, but still a damn good flik. Well, for a DBZ fan it was damn good. Everyone else might just be confused.


Sunday, August 22, 2004

Weekends Suck

I've come to dread them, for one reason or another. So, here's, at last, an update!

Watched a few movies, and still haven't managed to finish Madbomb.

First up we have 'Against the Ropes', the latest Meg Ryan film based on the life of the most successful female boxing promoter ever. It marks Charles S. Dutton's directorial debut, and he's always been one of my favorite actors. As for the movie, it's not fantastic, typical sports cliches, but I'm a softie for sports films, so I still enjoyed it alot. Omar Epps out acts Meg Ryan in every scene, and plays the part he's given with relative ease. There are times when Ryan is screaming "I'm still sexy!!!!" with her clothing, which leads me to believe that this and her other recent film were her setting out to prove just that. Still I've seen worse, much worse. Tony Shalob and Tim Daly were good, Tony playing against type, Tim playing into it.

The other film is a classic, 'Indiscreet', with Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman. Now the two have been paired once before this film, another classic, Hitchcock's 'Notorious' (remade into M:I 2 for those who love trivia), and it's a brilliant film, with both comedy and intrigue. This, however, falls much more in the comedy/romance side of Grant's career. Not that that's bad. Cary Grant may have been the most versatile actor to ever grace the screen, and is definitely one of the most talented. For me his closest rival today would be Tom Hanks, someone who'sproven he can do just about anything. Still, I tend to shy away from the obvious films like this, meant as a "date" film, and not much else. However, a "date" film with these two is better than almost any other type of film you're likely to find. The comedy is certainly there, and Grant never shied away from making a fool of himself, which he does brilliantly in the last half of the film. Bergman is as stunning as ever (well, nothing beats her in Casablanca, but still...) even if she is well past what Hollywood considers prime. (Take notes Ms. is still Ms. Ryan, isn't it?) All in all, a wonderful film.

Next was the Alien DVD set, a.k.a. the first two discs in my Alien Quadrilogy set. Short of "freaking phenomenal" there aren't many words to describe it. Everyone should own this set just because of the extras. Not only do they give you the positive take on the movie, but you get all the negative things that went on behind the scenes, from the studios attempt to screw everyone invloved, to the actors bitchfest with the director, to the SFX guys bitchfest with the director, anything you wanted to know can likely be found here, including the work that inspired the film, paintings by H.R. Giger.

More well as the fixed links.


Friday, August 20, 2004

Missing Links?

In other news, I've lost my links....don't know how that happened. Apologies to those who were on the list, I'll have them back up by tomorrow hopefully.
In last weeks Entertainment Weekly, Stephen King wrote a few words about summer movies, and their oft times mindless nature. His feelings on the subject all-but mirror my own.

He says "I sneer at people who sneer at summer movies." Which pretty accurately sums up my feelings, but he goes on to say (basically) that reviewers hand out great, four-star review these day far too easy. Now that is something I disagree with.

Yes, I do think reviewers hand out favorable review to almost anything these days, and yes some "four-star" films are barely even two stars. The thing is, as someone who loves movies (as does King, just listen, he'll tell you), any type of movie, I can make the distinction that there are different categories of "four-star films."

Personally, I'd never go on a four-star scale, but since that is the case I'm dealing with, it's what I'll use. Is Spider-Man 2 a four-star film? In my eyes, most certainly. It has it's faults, yes, but for a comic book junkie like myself, it's almost perfect. It's fun, it's action-packed, and it's even got something resembling a plot. Now, on the other hand, there's a film classic like Casablanca. A Four-Star Movie? Oh, you bet. It's the greatest movie ever made, and in my eyes is far superior to Citizen Kane (another four-starrer, heralded as the greatest movie of all time). Yet I can clearly make the distinction between the two, spider-Man and Casablanca that is.

To me movies are like songs. There's something to be appreciated in almost every one, even the mindless bubble gum pop you are bombarded with on the radio. There are songs that make me think about the meaning of life, and then there are songs that get my toes a-tappin'. Why shouldn't I equally love both of them, yet still make the distinction that one is infinitely more important than the other.

It's a small line to walk, yes, but I think it's one that alot of people don't even attempt to cross. Which is too bad, because the view over here is wonderful.

The bottom line, King is right, far too many people look down there noses at mindless summer fare, and like him, it disgusts me. I do not want every movie I see to give me the meaning of my existence, or to make me cry, sometimes I want to forget I'm alive and just be engulfed in this blow em up action flik. Yet I can still say Die Hard is a four-star movie, as well as Shashank Redemption, and realize that one is not the other, and they are to be loved equally, even if one of them will change the world while the other just offer entertainment for entertainment's sake.


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