No to moral imperialism - and moral defeatism
by Mick Hume
Mick Hume
Brands: don't buy the hype
by James Woudhuysen
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Article27 August 2004
It's PC gone mainstream!
Michael Howard's attack on 'PC gone mad' misses the point: the Tory Party is now as politically correct as every other British institution.

by Josie Appletoninspiked-liberties

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25 August 2004
Cigarettes and youth
Does smoking when you're young mean an early grave?
Article24 August 2004
Twenty-first century Antigones?
How the grief of those who lost loved ones in Iraq is being cynically exploited.

by Brendan O'Neillinspiked-politics

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Article25 August 2004
Why the Marbles must stay
Only by visiting the British Museum will you discover why the Parthenon Marbles belong there.

by David Leeinspiked-culture

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MMR and Autism by Dr Michael Fitzpatrick
Read the interview on spiked
Buy the book from Amazon(USA) or Amazon(UK)
Article23 August 2004
Let the real Games begin
Read spiked editor Mick Hume in The Times (London), on why track-and-field is all that matters at the Olympics.

by Mick Humeinspiked-life

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Article25 August 2004
Sharing Paula's pain
Why Radcliffe's marathon breakdown won more headlines than Kelly Holmes' Olympic victory.

by David Wainwrightinspiked-life

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Wednesday 8 September 2004
Where have all the intellectuals gone?
Confronting twenty-first century philistinism
Essay25 August 2004
Brands: don't buy the hype
Both corporations and their critics are so obsessed with brands that they ignore the real worlds of work and politics.

by James Woudhuyseninspiked-essays

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Article24 August 2004
Building society
In the battle between 'iconic' and 'inclusive' architecture, both sides have ideological designs on the public.

by Penny Lewisinspiked-culture

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Article27 August 2004
Fool's gold standard
An A-level examiner on how the content, criteria and assessment methods of today's A-levels sell students short.

by Neil Davenportinspiked-culture

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ColumnRob Lyons27 August 2004
TV UK, 27 August
There have been enough August TV repeats to wear the tapes out.


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ColumnDuleep Allirajah27 August 2004
Offside, 27 August
'Bottle' is the elusive quality that separates Olympic champions from the rest.


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Article25 August 2004
Wide-angle reporting
A New York journalist looks enviously at European coverage of the Iraq war.

by George Blecherinspiked-culture

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Article25 August 2004
Emotional news in the Control Room
A British journalist thinks Al-Jazeera has more in common with Western news channels than its critics like to admit.

by Tessa Mayesinspiked-culture

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Article24 August 2004
The white knight of Darfur
Jack Straw's visit to Khartoum is good news for him, but not for the people of Sudan.

by Josie Appletoninspiked-politics

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Article24 August 2004
Reclaiming innovation
Report on the spiked-seminar.

by Jonny Thakkarinspiked-IT

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Article24 August 2004
Putting Big Brother to the test
TV theorists say BB is more than mere entertainment - so why didn't it have to conform to the strict ethical guidelines for experiments on humans, ask two pyschologists?

by Emma Lawrence and Maxine Patelinspiked-culture

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Article19 August 2004
Citius, altius, fortius
Ignore the cynics - the Olympic Games still allow us to glimpse greatness.

by Alan Hudsoninspiked-life

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Article19 August 2004
Pre-emptive policing
The UK government has no business tracking the children of criminals.

by Helene Guldberginspiked-risk

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Article19 August 2004
Weapons of Minimum Destruction
An American terror expert has a radical theory as to why nobody is using chemical and biological weapons: they aren't much use for killing masses of people.

by Brendan O'Neillinspiked-politics

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Article19 August 2004
Slices of life
New technologies that allow people to record the minutiae of their daily lives are a mixed blessing.

by Josie Appletoninspiked-IT

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Article19 August 2004
How 'diversity' breeds division
The more the authorities talk about racism, the more they racialise everyday life.

by Munira Mirzainspiked-liberties

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Article19 August 2004
Inflating the oil crisis
What's behind the hike in prices?

by Joe Kaplinskyinspiked-risk

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ColumnJennie Bristow18 August 2004
An 'A' for self-esteem
The annual row over exam results fails to address the problem.


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Article16 August 2004
Why I'm anti-intervention, but not anti-war
Read spiked editor Mick Hume in The Times (London).

by Mick Humeinspiked-politics

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Article17 August 2004
'Extreme weather? It's the norm'
From hurricanes in Florida to flash floods in Cornwall, has the weather gone mad? In fact, says expert Mark Saunders, there's always something 'freakish' happening somewhere.

by Brendan O'Neillinspiked-risk

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Article11 August 2004
A genetically modified survey
The UK government consultation on GM food took an unscientific approach to gauging public opinion.

by Scott Campbellinspiked-science

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Article3 August 2004
The Sixties myth
Tony Blair is the latest in a long line to scapegoat the 1960s for the Western elites' own problems.

by Frank Furediinspiked-politics

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Essay3 August 2004
Education - it's not for the economy, stupid!
Those who believe that education drives economic growth need some lessons in reality.

by Phil Mullaninspiked-essays

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Essay19 July 2004
The Naked Crowd
America's culture of self-revelation spells the end of privacy and the promotion of a smothering conformity

by Jeffrey Roseninspiked-essays

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Article13 July 2004
The lock-up diet
As the authorities in Derbyshire, England, threaten to remove an obese nine-year-old from her parents, Paul Campos tells the chilling tale of how an overweight toddler was taken from her family in the USA.

by Paul Camposinspiked-health

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Article7 July 2004
Punishing parents
The campaign against smacking is based on the poisonous notion that children need to be saved from their parents.

by Frank Furediinspiked-life

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Article23 June 2004
MMR, autism and politics
The MMR issue has split families and friends as they were once divided 'over Thatcher and the miners'. Dr Michael Fitzpatrick talks about his new book.

by Helene Guldberginspiked-health

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Article7 June 2004
Choking on the facts
The death of an obese toddler in a London hospital has been discussed as an open-and-shut case of death by gluttony. It was nothing of the sort, say experts.

by Brendan O'Neillinspiked-health

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Updated: 16.30 BST
26 Aug 2004
The irony of John Kerry
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