September 07, 2004
Another time when mere words are not enough
Posted by Nukevet at 01:06 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
September 06, 2004
Americana, small slice of.........
The small town Labor Day parade, as basic as it gets. Kiwana’s and Knights of Columbus, small businesses, various small town officials and their challengers up for the coming election. My wife always drags me to this yawn fest,.. cough,… I mean happy event. Pretty much the same as every year, with one exception, the large Kerry continginet in the parade this year. They out numbered the Bush marchers about 4 to 1. Meaning nothing in and of itself, it was the tone that jarring. Dead silence as they passed by, no cheers, no comments, just silence. After a bit the Bush group came up and though smaller got at least a cheerful reception, hi’s, how ya doing, good job, that kind of thing. Except for one jerk heckler in the spectaters who just had to be an asshole. Kerry’s people at least were granted the respect of silence, but no, this jerk just had to lash out. A tiny whiner among the pack.
That’s OK though,….
He tasted like chicken.
Posted by Puggs at 11:59 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
the Dissident Frogman
On the second link, read all the way down, and then click the red button. If you dare.
Posted by Nukevet at 10:16 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Oh yeah, he's a uniter
We're hearing from some more of those 'foreign leaders' Kerry spoke of a while back.
Iran's foreign ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi has bluntly rejected a nuclear disarmament plan floated by US vice presidential hopeful John Edwards, calling it "campaigning."
Under the plan, thought to have originated with US presidential hopeful John Kerry, Iran could keep its nuclear power plants if it gave up the right to retain bomb-making nuclear fuel.
I wonder if Kerry has any other diplomatic tricks up his sleeve? (yeah, right!)
So, let's see if anyone in the press corps will ask Kerry what his next step in disarming the Mullahs is? (yeah, right!)
More proof that Kerry's own worst weapon is himself.
Posted by AnalogKid at 08:53 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Not exactly 'MS Magazine'
But I'm sure the jihadis read it to their daughters before they go to bed at night.
The new online magazine Al-Khansaa is published by Al Qa'ida's Arabian Peninsula Women's Information Bureau. The first issue features articles calling on women to participate in Jihad, along with an article criticizing women in Saudi television. The following are excerpts from the articles:
"We will stand covered by our veils and wrapped in our robes, weapons in hand, our children in our laps, with the Koran and the Sunna of the Prophet of Allah directing and guiding us. The blood of our husbands and the body parts of our children are the sacrifice by means of which we draw closer to Allah, so that through us, Allah will cause the Shahada for His sake to succeed."
"Just as Our Righteous Female Jihad Warrior Ancestors Confronted Obstacles in this Path [of Jihad], so the Female Jihad Warriors of this Time Does Likewise"
As you know, I live in Seattle. At least once a day, I see a bumper sticker that says "Hate is not a Family Value" on the back of a Volvo or Subaru or Saab.
I guess that as long as it's not an American family, 'Hate' is A-OK.
Posted by AnalogKid at 08:43 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
More "Republicans = Nazis"
This time from New York Newsday.
Including directly comparing Bush to Hitler.
* Given the tone of what Republicans have been telling us at their convention about the direction George W. Bush is leading us - and the way they are delivering the message - let us not forget one other thing: Hitler was decisive, too.*
Funny thing is, Kerry’s already whining like a baby, and I think the real criticisms of his Senate record have yet to be aired. When they are, the screams of indignation will no doubt be deafening. And hilarious. Nice to see a newspaper become the print version of the Democratic Underground.
Posted by Nukevet at 06:11 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Kerry uses the nuclear option
Wow, this is stupid on Kerry’s part. To effectively call John McCain a liar, when McCain has done more than Kerry’s own campaign to defelct the criticisms of the Swift Boat Vets, seems suicidal. What possible good can come out of calling McCain a liar? Or, is Kerry planning to do the old “well, I was talking about everyone except my brother in arms. Who was in Viet Nam. With me.” ploy?
Furthermore, the list is nonsensical. It is comprised of a litany of statements that Kamp Kerry disagrees with, but doesn’t refute them or offer any kind of counterpoint. I guess we’re just supposed to accept his statements as fact because he’s John Kerry. And he was in Viet Nam. And don’t look behind the curtain.
This whole episode has gone from the sublime to the ridiculous.
The McCain bits:
Bush Has Done A Good Job With Our Allies.
10. Senator John McCain: “My friends in the Democratic Party and I’m fortunate to call many of them my friends assure us they share the conviction that winning the war against terrorism is our government’s most important obligation. I don’t doubt their sincerity. They emphasize that military action alone won’t protect us, that this war has many fronts: in courts, financial institutions, in the shadowy world of intelligence, and in diplomacy. They stress that America needs the help of her friends to combat an evil that threatens us all, that our alliances are as important to victory as are our armies. We agree. And, as we’ve been a good friend to other countries in moments of shared perils, so we have good reason to expect their solidarity with us in this struggle. That is what the President believes. And, thanks to his efforts we have received valuable assistance from many good friends around the globe, even if we have, at times, been disappointed with the reactions of some.”
11. Senator John McCain: “Our President will work with all nations willing to help us defeat this scourge that afflicts us all.”
Bush Did It Right Going to War Against Iraq.
12. Senator John McCain: “However just the cause, we should shed a tear for all that is lost when war claims its wages from us. But there is no avoiding this war. We tried that, and our reluctance cost us dearly. And while this war has many components, we can’t make victory on the battlefield harder to achieve so that our diplomacy is easier to conduct.”
13. Senator John McCain: “After years of failed diplomacy and limited military pressure to restrain Saddam Hussein, President Bush made the difficult decision to liberate Iraq. Those who criticize that decision would have us believe that the choice was between a status quo that was well enough left alone and war. But there was no status quo to be left alone. “
Like I said - no counter argument offered at all, just a statement that these are lies, distortions, half truths. I’m sure the Kerry campaign is hoping to sway a lot of “swing” voters with such thought provoking stuff.
“George Bush says the sky is blue. I say it isn’t. Vote for me - I’m John Kerry, and I was in Viet Nam” just doesn’t cut it for anyone but the base. One wonders if Kerry’s base is beginning to get some idea just how screwed they really are right about now. My guess is yes, since they now have John Glenn out as a Kerry surrogate comparing Bush to Hitler - but I guess that’s not mean or hateful or questioning his patriotism, eh?
Missed this little nugget in Zell’s “lies”.
106. Miller: “…Against the Trident missile, against, against, against. This is the man who wants to be the Commander in Chief of our U.S. Armed Forces? U.S. forces armed with what? Speeutbawlls?”[Miller Remarks, 9/1/04] (emphasis added)
What? Democrats are bigoted against people who speak with a Southern accent? Say it isn’t so. Hey, let me axe you something - what would happen if the Republicans started quoting black politicians using ebonics or da schnizzolator? I’m guessing the outcry would be, um, substantial. And making fun of the way Miller talks is supposed to convince us of what, exactly? That Kerry is serious about…anything? This sort of childish nonsense is just that, both childish and nonsense. Kamp Kerry is losing it, in a most entertaining way.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:26 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Range Report and Blastorama Invite
Lesson #1: Remain Calm
If you are doing well and producing good groups, calm down and TAKE YOUR TIME!
Otherwise, you get this:
If you click on the pic, you'll see that my first three shots with my Rem700 were all touching. I then looked through the spotting scope, saw this, and my heart rate went up and I went for the 4th shot. Half an inch off. I mellowed out and took my fifth and put it right where I wanted it.
I was going to stop there, but I got impatient for the range break and decided to make this five shot group into a ten. As you can see, that was a bad idea.
So remember, five good shots are better than ten bad ones.
Later in the day, a guy and his girlfriend took up the lane next to me on the pistol range. He had just turned twenty-one and had bought his first handgun. A used Glock in 40 S&W.; He had one of those laser sights that fits into the recoil spring guide installed on the thing and it didn't work worth a crap. When he relied on it alone, he would put it in the bullseye and the rounds would hit the ground three feet in front of the target. Since he was 'tunnel-visioning' on the bullsye while firing, he wasn't seeing where he was hitting and went through an entire mag before wondering why he hadn't hit the target. I was able to kindly talk him into stoppping usage of the laser sight and into using the iron ones. He did so and started actually hitting paper.
And then he did it. He loaded a new magazine into the pistol and hit the bottom of the mag on the tabletop of the gun booth to lock the mag in and thereby making the slide go forward.
I just about leaned over and slapped the crap out of him. Luckily, there was a guy in the lane on the otherside who was a bit more, diplomatic, we'll say.
He asked "Why do you do that?" The kid said he did it because it hurt his hands to bap the bottom of the mag to lock it in. The guy then suggested that it might not be good for the gun to do that, reminding him that Glocks are made of plastic. I leanded over and said "Or Safe."
Dude's response? "Oh Yeah!" The slapping visions again went through my head.
The man who was so diplomatic was from Australia. He is the fourth Aussie whom I have met while at the range in recent months. Later, when I thanked him for keeping me from geting kicked off the range, I asked him how he liked the US. In not so many words, other than one trip to get his stuff, he said he wasn't going back down under. He is here on a long-term business trip and been here for six months trying to get things set up for his employer in OZ to set up shop in Seattle.
Yep, he is exporting Australian jobs to America. Oh the horror.
When his boss asked for volunteers to come to America, he was the first to raise his hand. Turns out, he was a competition shooter in his home country and since the ban, he hadn't been able to shoot. He came to America, borrowed a couple firearms from business associates until he could get his ResIm card and has gone to the range at least a couple times a month since then. And it showed. He was putting up groups with a four inch Ruger Redhawk that I could only dream about with my poor wheelgun skills and my S&W; Model 14.
Speaking of the 14, here are a couple pics of the new walnut I've installed.
Sile K-TR #7's. I wouldn't recommend them for concealed carry or timed competition, but for shilouette shooting or target practice, they're mighty comfortable.
But new grips or no, I need to get some serious practice in on this gun. Hence, no targets.
Now, about the upcoming Blastorama. There will be two in Spetember. Here's why; I will most likely be getting my mom hooked up to the WWW and going to work that day. Plus, I can't figure out how do something respectful, range-wise, on September 11th. So, we'll be joining Kim du Toit's party in spirit at the range on Sunday the 12th, either at Wade's or Sam's. If you would like to go, leave a comment or send an e-mail stating your preference (Sam's will let you shoot bin Laden targets, I don't know about Wade's).
But, since some folks have their day of worship on Sunday and others have to work, we'll have another on Saturday the 18th. I haven't figured out where yet. My step-dad says that there is a new indoor range in Centralia he wants to try out, and I think that might be a good idea, but then again, maybe folks want to shoot rifle. Again, if you want to join us, just let me know your preferences.
Remember, expert or novice. Never shot before or put more rounds downrange than a Marine in training, it doesn't matter. I've got guns to loan and knowledge to share and so do most of the other Blasters who come along.
Posted by AnalogKid at 09:20 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Nails It
With a 8lb Sledgehammer.
I speak of Ralph Peter's op-ed in the NYPost.
The mass murder of children revolts the human psyche. Herod sending his henchmen to massacre the infants of Bethlehem haunts the Gospels. Nothing in our time was crueler than what the Germans did to children during the Holocaust. Slaughtering the innocents violates a universal human taboo.
Or a nearly universal one. Those Muslims who preach Jihad against the West decided years ago that killing Jewish or Christian children is not only acceptable, but pleasing to their god when done by "martyrs."
It isn't politically correct to say this, of course. We're supposed to pretend that Islam is a "religion of peace." All right, then: It's time for Muslims to stand up for the once-noble, nearly lost traditions of their faith and condemn what Arab and Chechen terrorists and blasphemers did in the Russian town of Beslan.
If Muslim religious leaders around the world will not publicly condemn the taking of children as hostages and their subsequent slaughter — if those "men of faith" will not issue a condemnation without reservations or caveats — then no one need pretend any longer that all religions are equally sound and moral.
John Henry couldn't have done better.
Posted by AnalogKid at 08:56 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
He paid the cost
To be the boss.
Guess who earned his tabs?
Thats right, Chad at Dogtulosba.
Go. Now. And. Congratulate. Him.
Posted by AnalogKid at 08:40 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Oh, Canada
Oh the wonders of socialized medicine!
Hospitals in Ontario say they're facing a shortfall of $600 million and they say that makes it almost certain there will be cuts to services, including day surgery and emergency room care.
The Ontario Hospital Association says administrators have no choice but to cut medical services because of a 2004 law that says the province's 159 hospitals must balance their books by 2005-2006, and can no longer run a deficit to maintain services.
Ah Ha! Just as I thought!
Socialized medicine isn't that wonderful!
Posted by AnalogKid at 08:29 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
So, which children
are allowed to be killed in the name of resistance?
Here’s the opening paragraph:
When is a child expendable for the sake of a political statement? Line up ten toddlers in a row and the world will disagree. Some people will say none should be targeted. Others will point to one and say a bullet in her head is not terrorism.
A beautiful essay that drives home the point - we are all at war, we are all targets, and the terrorists enabelers make it all possible. Check out the comments, and see the Corrie-esqu remarks by “Joe”.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:39 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
September 05, 2004
It's pronounced O-HI-A, Ohio, see?
Only out ot staters say o-hi-o, don’t, it’s rude. One more in the Kerry just don’t get it column. Also, it’s from my state damn it, and that makes it purty special.
My friends, John Kerry will not be coming back to Steubenville. Kerry was visibly shaken when he received boos from the audience…..
In his entire political career, Bush has been dogged with hecklers and the odd protester, he’s way past used to hostile attention so he handles it like a grown up. Kerry has surrounded himself with yesmen and asskissers, then get’s rattled when he hears the slightest hint of hostility. Kerry’s an effete snob, and he really doesn’t have the heft to punch in the super heavyweight class. He’s outclassed, outfought, and generally outmanuevered at every turn.
I’m trying hard not to laugh here, but come on, you dems picked him, live with it.
Instapundit provided the link.
Posted by Puggs at 11:11 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Yo, Vladimir
Send your apologies to:
President George W. Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC, USA
BESLAN, RUSSIA — A shaken President Putin made a rare and candid admission of Russian weakness yesterday in the face of an “all-out war” by terrorists after more than 340 people — nearly one-half of them children — were killed in a hostage-taking at a school in southern Russia. Putin went on national television to tell Russians they must mobilize against terrorism. He promised wide-ranging changes to toughen security forces and purge corruption.
“We showed weakness and weak people are beaten,” he said in a speech aimed at addressing the grief, shock and anger felt by many after a string of attacks that have killed some 450 people in the last two weeks, apparently in connection with the war in Chechnya.
Good to know that Russia finally gets it. I didn’t notice Vladimir spending a lot of time on the need for sensitivity.
Posted by Nukevet at 08:02 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Oh, yeah
Know something? I’m tired of hearing how Muslims are “worried about a backlash”. I’ve said all along that I think most Muslims in the US just want to enjoy the benefits of the strongest economy in the world, and practice their religion in peace. However, it’s not at all clear to me that this is what Muslims living outside the US want. In fact, the only Muslims I ever hear about are on the news because they just did something horrendous. 340 innocent people slaughtered, including 156 children. Reports that some of the brave “holy warriors” raped some of the older children - I guess they couldn’t wait for the 72 virgins provided to martyrs by their prophet. Yes, there has been some condemnation of the attacks by Muslim voices - but there’s been a lot more ‘ooooh, I hope this doesn’t make people hate Muslims” type of screeching. Well, guess what - you keep killing and raping children, and people are gonna hate you.
Hey, I’m hated around the world for the simple act of being American. I’ve never hurt anyone that didn’t try to hurt me first. Never blown up a school bus, never beheaded anyone - but I’m an evil American, and worthy of scorn and ridicule for that simple fact alone. But think something negative about a religion that has been responsible for every single terrorist attack since and including 9/11, and you’re some kind of xenophobic “racist” (note to the bleeding hearts out there - Islam is not a race). Well, I say to hell with that. If the moderate Muslims exist - then it’s time for them to grow a pair and step up and not only condemn these acts, but to actively be a part of the solution. Until then, they are a part of the problem. A big part - maybe even an integral part. By passively condoning these acts, they encourage the fanatics. What kind of mindset lets you look on the horror of Beslan and think “gee, I hope this doesn’t have any repercussions for me”? Sooner or later, there will be a Beslan here in the US. Some small town - Sweetwater, Texas or Andes, New York. And then what? Do the moderate Muslims in America then become outraged and say “I am an American”? Or do they say “I am a Muslim, and I hope this doesn’t make people hate my religion”. Unfortunately, I think I already know the answer to that particular question.
Well, guess what - I’m well on my way to hating a religion. That is a huge deal for me. I have been an atheist for as long as I can remember. I never made that a conscious decision, never decided that people who believe in a god are offensive or misguided or delusional. I just looked at what I considered to be the facts, and made my own choice. I have always felt that people should have freedom of and freedom from religion. But now I’m conflicted - do people get to have freedom of religion if it means killing anyone who doesn’t agree with you? Obviously a rhetorical question, but that seems like what we’re being asked to do - hey, it’s those wacky Wahabbist Muslims doing the beheadings, not us moderate types. Islam is a religion of peace. At least as long as you’re a Muslim. The moderate voice of Islam, so far confined to an inaudible whisper, better start to take tangible steps to reign in their feistier brethren. If not, what’s to stop us from hating them for the same reason they hate us - just because they believe in something different that we do. That, and the fact that they seem to find it acceptable to go around and slaughter anyone who disagrees with them. I am tired of the wanton violence. I am tired of listening to people who tacitly endorse acts of terror complain about imaginary persecution. But most of all, I’m tired of people being slaughtered for the simple reason that they are not adherents to the Religion of Peace. Best way to be sure you are not persecuted? Rational people would perhaps conclude that the first step would be for you to be sure that you do not, in fact, persecute anyone else.
Posted by Nukevet at 03:16 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Update on the Busy, Busy
Well, Comcast is holding back my mom's internet access by not having shipped her 'Startup Kit' yet. But, I got her up and running and this week, she'll be playing Solitare and using Word to write her letters.
If you are a business with a product or service she uses, you've most likely gotten a letter from her saying whether or not she likes your stuff. She's already got her first draft up for Comcast.
On a side note, I showed my new S&W; to my step-dad and now he has decided he wants a new handgun (I wouldn't say I'm a BAD influence on people).
Since he cannot really afford 'NEW' with his retirement check, he has decided to offer up one of his hunting rifles for sale to help with the purchase. This is a 30-06 Remington 740 Woodmaster.
It is well used but not abused. It has taken elk, deer and bear. And it has a 4 digit serial number. I have 3 other pics of the rifle including closeups of each side of the reciever. The scope is a 4x Bushnell. He lives in Olympia, WA and will ship to a dealer near you. If you are interested, make an offer and I'll put you in contact with him.
He also has a S&W; model 639 in 9MM, but I couldn't get pics of it (batteries died), I'm going back next week so I'll get them then.
Help a guy get a new gun. Spread the word.
On yet another note, I finally got the extractor for my Marlin bolt action 22lr.
Note the missing piece on the one on the left.
Anywhooo, I'll be at the range today and hopefully have pics to post tomorrow. If you didn't go to the range yesterday, try and get out there today.
Posted by AnalogKid at 06:59 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Conventional wisdom?
Remember after the DNC when in desparately trying to spin and explain away Kerry’s resounding thud, and complete lack of bounce, they said that Bush wouldn’t get one either? The electorate being so polarized and all. That’s what the talking heads said. Strange they all seemed to be democrats, but we won’t quibble. They did say it, and the result from the RNC? A two digit lead,… hmmm, could it be the talking heads are out of touch do ya think? Well this poll is fascinating, because it tracks trends and public feelings, in such staunchly liberal places as NY and Hollywood. It pretty much says, the liberals are peeing in their pants over the fact that finally they can see Bush’ll be reelected in November. Hat tip to Gay Patriot for the poll information, and to Professor Reynolds for the roadsign to it.
Now I’m of a mind like the president’s, we still need to work hard and take nothing for granted, it’s still two months to go yet. But jeez, the dems have mood swings like a manic depressive off his meds. If they panic this easy, why would anyone want them making grown up choices about things like war and economics? This is beyond just merely resenting the bounce Bush got when Kerry didn’t get on. It’s far too severe a swing, something is running beneath the surface. Could it be, that it’s just an outlet for the feelings many of them have that they picked the wrong man? All the subliminal doubts while chanting the party line, the silent whispers about his personality that never surfaced before?
They got conned, and now, it’s dawning on them that it’s too late to change that now. They picked a shiney trinket, that turns out to be not so shiney after all. They could have done better, far better.
Posted by Puggs at 06:24 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I don't know why I hadn't noticed it before
As I read this by JimK at Right Thoughts, I realized it was pretty damn true.
"I just looked at the top 20 or so lefty blogs and I can’t find a single story about the tragedy in Russia. Not ONE."
Let's work our way down TTLB's Ecosystem
#1 Joshua Micah Marshall can't stop blathering about the RNC. Especially about Zell.
#2 daily Kos whines about the Bush bounce 'It can't be real!'.
#3 Eschaton has big hopes for the new Kitty Kelly book on the Bush family
#4 Andrew Sullivan is also focused on the RNC and Zell. I sense a pattern here.
#5 Kevin Drum has four consecutive posts about how Bush's bounce in the polls is a lie.
#6 Talk Left is talking about the RNC and, amazingly enough, Abu Ghraib.
#7 Tom Tomorrow writes that anyone who tries to use Kerry's Winter Soldier testimony against him is perpetrating 'Revisionist History'.
#8 Pandagon frightens themselves with the Newsweek and Time poll results and continues the 'Republicans = racists' crap.
#9 Tapped insists that Iraq should follow the economy on the list of campaign issues and bitches about the Texas delegation at the RNC.
#10.1 Oliver Willis is currently down. Maybe he pulled a Sullivan and switched parties, thereby causing a million small voices in the universe to cry out in fear, collapsing his site.
We'll check back with him later. Until then....
#10.2 Orcinus is on vacation, sooooooo
#10.3 Ahhh, digby at Hullabaloo is really pissed that the Navy might be investigating Kerry's medals and goes on to try and rally the troops for Kerry after Bush's bounce.
I didn't see Juan Cole on the TTLB anywhere, but FYI, he's still talking about the 'Israeli spy' case and counting the months and the dead in Iraq.
Sadly, I cannot speak for the next 8 (or 10) leftie blogs as I just don't have the time. Once you get this far down in the blog-ecosystem, you kind of have to go through all the blogs because the left leaning ones don't really stand out.
So, what does the left have against Russian Children?
Oh wait, they don't have anything against them, just a deep, deep hatred of Bush.
It's sad, really.
PS To his credit, Jeff @ Speedkill at least posts the yahoo news headline and opening paragraph on the Russian children of Beslan. Two thumbs up for Jeff for breaking the mold.
PPS Awww, Look! We're Marauding Marsupials.
Posted by AnalogKid at 05:31 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
September 04, 2004
Something we all can understand
Fatima, mother of a killed hostage, 16-year-old Islam Khadikov, cries at her house in the town of Beslan in the province of North Ossetia near Chechnya, September 4, 2004.
I can’t find the words to say how badly I feel for the parents of Beslan. When we lost our son, there was no malice, no evil entent on anyones part, it was just the fragility of life…
And we hurt, oh God how we hurt, and that pain still lingers, always just in the shadows. Always ready to come back in an instant with a casual word, or passing thought. Fatima had her child stolen not by fate, but by savage subhumans with hate in their eyes. How much worse to have that loss compounded by an act so evil that there is no proper word for the crime.. We can only imagine the added horror, the emensity of the pain. Only when the last living person who remembers Beslan passes on, will the grieving stop.
May God be with the parents and survivors of Beslan.
We may have an ally where they hesitated before. They love their children as we do ours, and this crime won’t go unanswered by either of us. The Russians may prove to be the best friend we can have in this war, the enemy has once again proven just exactly what they are.
Posted by Puggs at 04:58 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Expressions of rage, and a question
I left a comment to this post over at SondraK’s, a post where she expresses her rage at the events that unfolded in Russia yesterday. I started out agreeing with another commenter, but then ended up with a question. The world expresses outrage at the murder of innocent children in Russia. Why don’t they do the same when it is Israeli children who are slaughtered?
Make no mistake - a similar act is coming to a school or mall or theatre near you.
I was listening to some Democratic talking head going on about how there had only been 3 terrorist attacks on US soil in 50 years. Therefore it wasn’t surprising that no new attacks had happened on Bush’s watch. He attributed it to the fact that only 1 attack should occur every 16 years, so Bush deserves no credit. As I listened to it, all I could think of was “they don’t get it”, and “a lot more people are going to have to die on US soil before they do get it”.
Posted by Nukevet at 02:05 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Would somebody please check
to see if monkeys are flying out of my butt?
300 dead. Many chldren. Many shot in the back. Many used as human shields. Half of the attackers “Arab mercenaries”.
Tell me again why we need to fight a more sensitive war against terror, Mr. Kerry?
Posted by Nukevet at 01:31 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Busy, busy
No range time for The Kid today. The Analog Mom finally decided to get a PC and I'm heading down to her place to get her hooked up.
She's decided to go with Comcast for her ISP, but as of yesterday morning, the cable modem and self install kit hadn't arrived, so I may be making a second trip next week to introduce her to the internet.
Wish me luck.
After that, I have to spend a few hours at work to fulfill my employer's grand designs for my 'me time'.
Range time will be taking place on Sunday. I will probably be at Renton F&G;, but if someone else (novice or expert) wants to go and has another suggestion, just let me know.
You know me; Have Guns, Will Travel.
I will announce plans for the next Blastorama on Monday. So be here and bring beer.
Posted by AnalogKid at 09:52 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Russian Help
While Michele @ A Small Victory may not be currently blogging, that hasn't stopped her from pointing they way.
Head on over to ASV to help out Russian terror victims.
I was listening to the radio tonight and heard a caller say something pertinent to islamofascism that I liked.
A platoon of soldiers is ambushed by an enemy platoon. They form their counterattack and they are beginning to push the enemy back. But then, for no apparent reason, half of the remaining soldiers give up and decide to make a run for it. Now, not only will the soldiers who are keeping up the counterattack be killed, but so will the ones who ran.
I think Russia is finding this out now.
I can now actually see this rumor from July actually taking place.
Posted by AnalogKid at 09:18 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I mean really, whoa!
The team, which included folks from AMD, Cisco, Microsoft Research, Newisys, and S2io, transferred 859 gigabytes of data in less than 17 minutes. It did so at a rate of 6.63 gigabits per second between the CERN facility in Geneva, Switzerland, and Caltech in Pasadena, Calif., a distance of more than 15,766 kilometers, or approximately 9,800 miles.
This record speed of 6.63Gbps is equivalent to transferring a full-length DVD movie in four seconds.
Found @ Drumwaster's
Posted by AnalogKid at 09:11 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)