NTK now with added t-shirt menaces |
2004-08-20 #342 Google boner, kick out the MD5 2004-08-06 #341 Yo Robot, Carry On Camping 2004-07-23 #340 from Odeon to Od-Iain 2004-07-09 #339 Browser Wars II - Electric Boogaloo 2004-06-04 MiniNTK #30 Not the NotCon final Schedule 2004-05-28 #338 Peek-a-boo Barney, Charles III "in charge" 2004-05-21 #337 Hey, Hey, Software Pa(tents) - slight reprise 2004-05-14 #336 A wip-woawing Widdecombe wollercoaster wide 2004-05-07 #335 A prawn sandwich and a BBC Micro 2004-04-30 #334 Eternal Sunshine of the Wireless Find 2004-04-23 #333 PayPal, piracy to "destroy society" 2004-04-16 #332 Loads more Gatesions, all-geek radio 2004-04-09 #331 Easter NotCon speaker hunt 2004-04-02 #330 The mass Onion-isation of pretty much everybody 2004-03-26 #329 LOAFs of spam, wifi settees 2004-03-19 #328 state of the "nanny state" nation 2004-03-12 #327 EU Ew-yew, pseudo- edutainment 2004-03-05 #326 SCO bandits, eBaywatch 2004-02-27 #325 Tidgy fridges, didgeridoos 2004-02-20 #324 ConConUK, Space 0.64 miles per second 2004-02-13 #323 All Tim O'Reilly, all the time 2004-02-06 #322 info on ebay scams only $10 2004-01-30 #321 the site now running on platform - well, whatever platform you like... 2004-01-23 #320 spam vs spam, Lisp to Perl 2004-01-16 #319 Name-calling, nuclear lan parties 2004-01-09 MiniNTK #24 Even more unpopular answers 2004-01-02 MiniNTK #23 Unpop quiz NTK 2003 NTK 2002 NTK 2001 NTK 2000 NTK 1999 NTK 1998 NTK 1997 |
_ _ _____ _ __ <*the* week^H^H^H^Hfortnightly tech update for the uk> | \ | |_ _| |/ / _ __ __2004-08-20_ o join! sign up at | \| | | | | ' / | '_ \ / _ \ \ /\ / / o http://lists.ntk.net/ | |\ | | | | . \ | | | | (_) \ v v / o website (+ archive) lives at: |_| \_| |_| |_|\_\|_| |_|\___/ \_/\_/ o http://www.ntk.net/ Tips, news & gossip to tips@spesh.com - with NTK in subject line, cheers. "I remember playing Doom while my teenage son watched over my shoulder and my wife sat quietly reading and drinking tea. A rocket exploding in my face caused both my son and I to simultaneously jump and scream which in turn resulted in the launching of my wife's tea! She is now my ex wife but happily both my son and I still play Doom I and II..." - content-sharing agreement between somethingawful.com and BBC News Online bears its first sinister fruit http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/3558248.stm >> HARD NEWS << market debuts GOOGLE is left feeling slightly unlucky (for values of unlucky greater than 1.6 billion dollars). Secure hashes aren't (but don't be too insecure, say the cryptographers, frantically looking around for a new algorithm). Just what is going on? We were assuming all that last-minute fumbling at Mountain View was just the clever Google maths eggheads (etc) carefully manipulating their price to make exactly 4,285,199,774 dooooooollars. Surely there's easier ways to make some spare change? There's this June's "$10,000 for the first MD5 hash collision" prize by CertainKey that still looks unclaimed - even though they're turfing them out every five minutes in China. Why not send them a copy of the paper, and pick up your cheque? While you're at it, might it be worth getting a bunch of CA certificates signed by Verisign for sites like "wwv.paypan.com" - you know, just in case you can bitflip it to something a little more lucrative when the Chinese publish their results. It's an investment in the future! http://www.rtfm.com/movabletype/archives/2004_08.html - the hash market crash explained gently http://www.certainkey.com/md5challenge/ - what do you mean, "not in the scientific spirit of the competition"? https://www.eff.com/ - oho! MD5 signed certificate! Maybe we can turn it into egg.com! http://www.xcom2002.com/doh/index.php?s=04081615pic - Google boner! And on the subject of last-minute changes: Wikipedia founder JIMMY WALES is coming to the UK next Tuesday (2004-08-31), and would like to speak to any audience who'll have him in London that evening. Venue details are a little scarce at the moment because the "organisers" are actively still looking for one, though we're entirely confident that something will happen because they have, of course, already set up a wiki. http://www.minty.org/cgi-bin/wp/wiki.pl?HomePage - considered using Quicktopic, but just didn't seem right somehow >> ANTI-NEWS << berating the obvious will none of the comments stand up for the poor beleaguered music biz? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/3547788.stm#views - until you get to "Mat Morrisroe", who seems to share the same name as this guy: http://www.uksponsorship.com/music.htm ... all your favourites this week at http://dohthehumanity.com/ (Odeon Cheltenham introduces special "student surcharge" of 40p), culminating in a coldly commercial Google ad on this quite heartbreaking Falco: http://xcom2002.com/doh/?s=04081919apt ... Guardian Online decodes "PDC" in context of digital TV http://www.guardian.co.uk/online/story/0,3605,1285533,00.html as "Primary Domain Controller" ("Programme Delivery Control" not in their acronym dictionary?)... http://www.rejesus.org/ logo vs http://www.alliance-leicester.co.uk/ - by any chance related?... obvious "rollercoaster"-based designs, #252: http://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=7425 vs http://rctfi.tycoonplanet.com/svenska/rct2.htm ... >> EVENT QUEUE << GOTOs considered non-harmful "One to watch", "The coolest thing in the world at the moment", and "Like a bunch of crazed robots from Westworld invading your house and getting into your record collection, then fucking". No, these aren't reviews of skeptic, tech writer and folksinger WENDY GROSSMAN (playing this Sun, 2004- 08-22, Twickenham Folk Club, Cabbage Patch pub, 67 London Road, Twickenham TW1 3SZ, UKP7?), but of Bristol's pioneering circuit bender KID CARPET, currently embarking on a nationwide tour (see site for dates and venues) to promote his upcoming "Shit Dope" EP of electronic "toytronica" - and supporting multimedia whimsy-merchants The Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players, with their quirky accompaniments to found photographs they discovered at jumble sales. http://www.slowgraffiti.com/ - or elect-*wrong*-ica, as he's also been described http://obsess.com/blog/000291.html - hit of the Fringe (we said Ben Moor *above* slide show) http://www.pelicancrossing.net/folk.htm - venue site reassuringly horrendous http://www.burningman.com/ - mail burning@gooby.org to meet other NTKers at Burning Man http://www.lonix.org.uk/cgi-bin/Lonix?CODE=searchMeeting&CURRENT=YES - London Linux install fest in Acton next Saturday >> TRACKING << sufficiently advanced technology : the gathering Last time we mentioned a utility for speedily searching through your mail backlog, the whole company got bought by Microsoft the week after. Not sure that will happen with MAIRIX, given that it's for dirty unshaven mboxen, Maildir, and MH folders. MAIRIX is damn faster than grep with the searches, pretty flexible on what it can look for (words, dates, not regexps), and incrementally adds new messages as they arrive. It's got no external dependencies, and is as Unixy as they come, which should keep it away from Microsoft's mittens. Then again, did Microsoft know when they bought Lookout they were just getting a wrapper around Apache's open source Lucene text search engine? http://www.cookcomputing.com/blog/archives/000386.html - it would appear so http://www.rc0.org.uk/mairix/ - someone should do a Squirrelmail plugin and take on GMail >> MEMEPOOL << contains a source of http://snackspot.org/ one for the International UseCrimes Tribunal - "Relive the emotion of previous Games by selecting a date or host city below": http://www.olympic.org/uk/games/index_uk.asp (bottom of page) - except the "year" and "city" timelines whizz past at different speeds, out of synchronisation, and occasionally in different directions... the return of "not that I'm bitter": http://www.v-2.org/displayArticle.php?article_num=790 ... photoshop cover horror of the week (like being held at gunpoint by MC Escher): http://www.infernalaffairs.co.uk/ ... surfing http://mirrors.playboy.com "for the articles"... so far, no "Wanton Violence", "Impudence" or "Offense to God" categories: http://interglacial.com/rss/capalert_movies.rss ... by juxtaposing HP Lovecraft with the mundanity of everyday life, your expectations will be confounded; hilarity ensues: http://www.arthurwyatt.co.uk/comics/hplwct1.html ... >> GEEK MEDIA << get out less TV>> it's "ageing thieves try to pull off one last job" week, with David Mamet directing Danny DeVito in HEIST (9pm, next Fri, C5) and Ed Norton's terrible "disabled" routine being the most heinous crime in THE SCORE (9.05pm, Sat, C4)... Kim Newman borrows the title of an old Ian Livingstone book for UK D&D commemoration DICING WITH DRAGONS (3.30pm, Sat, Radio4) - vs http://www.npr.org/features/feature.php?wfId=3858560 ... and backwoods horror JEEPERS CREEPERS (9pm, Sun, C4) appears only loosely based on the 1938 Harry Warren/ Johnny Mercer song of the same name... it's a shame they never made a "Not Safe For Work" sequel to Stephen Dorff slacker flop SFW (3.20am, Mon, C4)... 40 years on, C4 predicts we'll be futuristically referring to the planet Earth as TERRA 2050 (7.55pm, Mon-Fri, C4)... while favourable-exchange-rate- fuelled New York-London romance NY-LON (10pm, Tue, C4) raises the possibility of future episodes involving lovers from Marseilles in France (Mar-Lon), Pyatigorsk in Russia (Py-Lon), or a complex menage-a-quatre involving residents of Seville, Miami and Copenhagen (SeMi-CoLon)... FILM>> the whole red/ yellow colour scheme seems to be a thinly-designed metaphor for the US Homeland Security threat level indicator, though that's not the only "surprise!" twist in the latest semi-scary M Night Shyamalan ding-dong THE VILLAGE ( http://www.capalert.com/capreports/village_the.htm : mischievous invasion of privacy; explosive startles, three; "Those we don't speak of", meaning the creatures in the forbidden forest, would be more correctly stated "Those of which we don't speak")... and the XBox tie-in first-person- shooter has a few cheesy moments, but nothing like the rambling planet-hopping tedium of next week's fantastic- looking CGI fest THE CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK (imdb: sequel/ prison-planet/ dagger/ fight/ gunfight/ leader/ planet/ spaceship/ space/ sunglasses/ sun)... BONERS: CORRECTIONS, CLARIFICATIONS, AND "INCORRECTLY REGARDED AS GOOFS">> thanks to everyone who wrote in alerting us to this new-fangled musical trend of "sampling", with KASS SCHMITT, DAVE HAYDEN, MATT PETTY - and many, many more - pointing out that NTK 2004-07-23's "It's better to regret something you have done than to regret something that you haven't" quote from Orbital's "Satan" (as an ad for "Soltan") is actually "a sample from Sweat Loaf by the Butthole Surfers" - a fact we were dimly aware of, or assumed that they'd both sampled the same film or something. Disappointingly, no-one felt the need to comment on what terrible advice it is, given the wide range of viable counterexamples (ie, sticking your face in a fan)... still, to our credit, JUSTIN CORMACK seemed even more out of touch than we are, claiming The Orb "ripped off" the tune of "Little Fluffy Clouds" (as heard on the Shape yoghurt ad, ibid.) from Steve Reich's "Electric Counterpoint", musing "perhaps Danone is playing the original". In summary, Justin: it's just a sample of the guitar part and, no, that didn't seem to be what Danone were doing... DAVE HEMMING was amused to discover that NTK 2004-08-06's sophisticated web CV generator "works on fictional people, too", listing antichrist Damien Thorn as Head of Thorn Corporation and "Trusted Advisor To the President": http://qwer.org/DamienThornCV.html ... while IAN DOUGLAS possibly drew a line under the whole cinema listings controversy (for the moment), with the news that NTK 2004-04-30 double-URLtendre the Labia Cinema "was named after some Princess Labia (from Latvia or wherever) who officially opened the place", adding that he gets "a lot of hits" on his page http://www.moviesite.co.za/ "from people searching for labia, since I carry their schedules on my site"... >> SMALL PRINT << Need to Know is a useful and interesting UK digest of things that happened last week or might happen next week. You can read it on Friday afternoon or print it out then take it home if you have nothing better to do. It is compiled by NTK from stuff they get sent. Registered at the Post Office as "You know, just 'thanks for the t-shirt royalties' would have sufficed" http://www.antics.org.uk/ NEED TO KNOW THEY STOLE OUR REVOLUTION. NOW WE'RE STEALING IT BACK. Archive - http://www.ntk.net/ Unsubscribe or subscribe at http://lists.ntk.net/ NTK now is supported by UNFORTU.NET, and by you: http://www.ntkmart.com/ (K) 2004 Special Projects. Copying is fine, but include URL: http://www.ntk.net/ Full license at: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/1.0 Tips, news and gossip to tips@spesh.com - with NTK in the subject, cheers. All communication is for publication, unless you beg. Remember: Your work email may be monitored if sending sensitive material. Sending >500KB attachments is forbidden by the Geneva Convention. Your country may be at risk if you fail to comply. |