Washington Golf Monthly

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Washington Golf Monthly is a world class magazine - everything about it exudes quality. It feels like it has been around forever and has become the bar by which others are measured.
- Arthur Hills, nationally renowned course architect

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Cannon Ridge, August 21st
Stonewall, August 14th

Renditions, August 7th

Tour-Style Net and Gross Saturday events. 
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Decision regarding Royal New Kent Event

World-record event for Children's Hospital.  180 holes in one day. More Info

Ryder Cup -style event. Bulle Rock, Sept. 10-11.
Results of Philadelphia and Washington Qualifiers

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The First 10 Years
From what I could glean from the first couple minutes of a one-sided conversation, the guy on the other end was going to start a golf magazine and he was looking for help. MORE>>>

The Last
David R. Sands brings the aftermath of hurricane Isabelle a little closer to home... MORE>>>

Working On It
If you watch golf on TV you can't avoid advertisements for a plethora of items designed specifically to take the work out of working. It's “swing magic,” or a “perfect club,” or an “inside approach,” MORE>>>