July 2004


Remainders: I'd Like to Stay and Drink Some More Champagne Edition

BoiFromTroy -- • Be afraid! Be very afraid! Of non-descript, unconfirmed threats somewhere between Texas and the Pacific Ocean. [Blogging.LA] • After risking alienation of House of Saud, Kerry to expand on Energy Plan [CalEnergyBlog] • Democrats can be starfuckers;... [more]

Paul Simon, Reporting for Duty!

BoiFromTroy -- Blowing Nikki Finke's theory that John Kerry is actually hip, an alert Wonkette reader points out an eery similarity between a passage in John Kerry's speech: Home, where my public life began and those who made it possible... [more]

Wonk'd: Wonkette gets Wonk'd in Boston

BoiFromTroy -- Things have wrapped up in Boston, so Wonk'd will return to its regular programming of bringing you sightings of famous-for-Washington people, in Washington, sent in by our readers. The final round of Beantown sightings include MatthewFuckingYglesias, Sen. Tom... [more]

Baghdad celebrates Governator's 57th Birthday

BoiFromTroy -- Iraqis paid special California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger as he turns 57 today not by celebrating the democratic process which made him Governor of the Golden State but rather with a body-building competition. We hear it was stiff. [REUTERS/Chris... [more]

Baghdad Fashion Report: Earth Tones are In

BoiFromTroy -- The rah-rah partiotism that dominated the fashion reports from Boston is nowhere to be found in Baghdad's Green Zone. The State Department's Mark Shapiro reports on the stylings of Civilian Geeks and Bremer Chic in his Baghdad Diary.... [more]

Gossip from Boston: The Party is really, really over

BoiFromTroy -- While Henry the Intern has diligently been chasing down stories on our behalf, Gawker Intern Neel has been partying it up this week in Boston with delegates and guests at the Democratic National Convention. Sadly, he reports, all... [more]

Commerce Department Deletes Recession From Record

BoiFromTroy -- Conspiracy theorists may now add this one to the books: Months before the November election the Bush Administration covered up the 2001 Recession. That's right. Never happened. Didn't start under Clinton. Did not exist under Bush. Recession? We... [more]

Gay Blogger "satisfied with the positions" Kerry/Edwards took in Boston

BoiFromTroy -- Gay blogger Byron LaMasters of the Burnt Orange Report, whose attentions we've been trying to get since Monday, spoke with your guest editor this morning via Instant Messenger. Bottom line: even though "gay" was never mentioned, the gays... [more]

Media covers itself in absence of news at Democratoc Convention

BoiFromTroy -- Did anyone notice that the press seemed to spend almost as much time talking about itself as it did talking about the actual Democratic Convention this week? Like the John Kerry biopic that skipped over his service as... [more]

Kerry bemoans dangers of "Hair Pollution"

BoiFromTroy -- It is easy to write off some things you think John Kerry says as attributable to his Boston accent. But by the same token, you could say that many "Bushisms"--including his pronunciation of NEW-KLEE-ERR--come on account of his... [more]

Hollywood Pans Kerry DNC Speech from Skyboxes

BoiFromTroy -- We can only assume that, in this picture, Leonardo DiCaprio is giving the ubiquitous Ben Affleck his take on John Kerry's acceptance speech at Boston's Democratic National Convention. [REUTERS/Marc Serota]... [more]

Terrorism's July Surprise in Uzbekistan?

BoiFromTroy -- Were today's attacks in Central Asia Al Qaeda's July surprise? Was Osama trying to divert media attention from the Kerry bounce coverage? While American mourns the apparent loss of its public servants' lives, the AP stunned us with... [more]

Gossip Roundup: Media Maven Catfights Edition

BoiFromTroy -- • Names: Buscemi: "Look, I support Bush. I even went to see that movie he starred in -- 'Fahrenheit 9/11.'" [BG] • Reliable Source: Kimberly Guilfoyle Newsom blocked from stairs at party. . . Lewis Black: "My focus... [more]

Election Recycling: Turn out the Lights, the Party's Over Edition

BoiFromTroy -- • Kerry accepts nomination: "We have it in our power to change the world again, but only if we're true to our ideals - and that starts by telling the truth to the American people. That is my... [more]

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