"This is a great book...there’s a lot of ammunition in there to go after your liberal friends."
- Sean Hannity
Challenging the Media's Double Standard
Ex-Bush campaign counsel Ben Ginsberg fought back against media bias on ABC's
Nightline on Wednesday. Ginsberg noted how before the Swift Boat story broke the media did not care that a number of Democratic lawyers were advising independent 527 groups, although Ginsberg's dual role as an advisor to the Swift Vets was hyped as a serious transgression. Near the end of the contentious interview, in which anchor Chris Bury pounded away about how the Bush campaign left its "dirty work" to the anti-Kerry veterans, Ginsberg rebuked him: "I think that's a double standard involved in this, and frankly the questions in this interview are indicative of that double standard." Read more about this in
Friday's CyberAlert.
Media Reality Check
TV: Take the Fair and Balanced Challenge
A thorough review by MRC news analysts of prime-time Democratic convention coverage on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, PBS — and for contrast, FNC — demonstrates that if fairness and balance are the goal, the networks will need great restraint in covering the Republicans in New York.
Previous Edition:
TV Focuses on Kerry’s Spin, Not Kerry’s History
Worst Of The Week
First Ignore, Then Destroy
After the Swift Vote Veterans for Truth outlined their charges against John Kerry at a news conference in May, the three broadcast networks did their best to ignore the group. But when Kerry himself began attacking his fellow vets last Thursday, the liberal media dutifully switched gears and started their own campaign to undermine the Swift Vets' credibility.
Previous Edition:
NBC Skews Tax Cut Facts
Bozell's News Column
John Kerry’s Soldier-Smearing
It’s late August and someone in America decided it’s time to scrutinize John Kerry’s life story on television. For a week in Boston, John F. Kerry wrapped himself around a war effort he had spent decades denouncing, and Dan, Peter, and Tom sat around and nodded.
Entertainment Column:
The GOP vs. Off-Broadway |
Notable Quotables
The Media — John Kerry's Base
The New York Times revealed that journalists overwhelmingly favor John Kerry's election just as the media elite cheered Kerry's convention speech: "A very deft critique of policy," CBS's Bob Schieffer approved. "I have never seen the man speak so well," seconded
Time's Joe Klein. Reporters also applauded John Edwards, Teresa Heinz Kerry and Barack
Obama, but sneered at a group of decorated Vietnam veterans who doubt Kerry's fitness for office. "This is one of the sleaziest lies I've ever seen in politics," denounced the
Wall Street Journal's Al Hunt.
Previous Edition:
Partying with Liberal Rock Stars
Special Project: The 2004 Conventions
The Democratic "Rock Star" Convention
The networks donated hour after hour of positive TV coverage to the Democrats during their convention in Boston, spending more time hyping liberal "rock stars" like the Clintons, Barack Obama and John Edwards than skeptically analyzing how the Democratic Party's liberal record is at odds with their suddenly centrist rhetoric. MRC analysts tracked the coverage around the clock, and we'll do the same during the GOP convention at the end of August.
CyberAlert: Exposing Media Bias Daily
Friday, August 27 Edition:
• CBS: Kerry Offers “Impassioned” Retort, Bush Message “Undercut”
• NBC’s Falsehood: “Increasing Number of Americans Live with Less”
• Jennings: Judge Denounces Partial-Birth Abortion as “Barbaric”
• Ben Ginsberg Fights Back, Confronts ABC’s Bury With His Bias
• FNC Examines Circumstances for Kerry’s First Purple Heart
• “Top Ten Ways NY City is Preparing for Republican Convention”
Thursday Edition:
• Nets Jump on Cleland Stunt, Hype Ginsburg Overlap with Swifties
• CNN and AP Promote Flimsy Evidence O’Neill “Lied” About Cambodia
• “Top Ten Questions on the Osama Bin Laden Driver Application”
Wednesday Edition:
• ABC Champions Cheney Noting Gay Daughter, Disagreement with Bush
• ABC: Kerry Made Vietnam “Central Pillar,” NBC Gives Swiftie Case
• O’Neill Finally Gets on Morning Show, Challenged by CBS’s Smith
• USA Today Resurrects Bush Guard Service, Presses for His Records
• Derogatory Matthews Continues to Distort Exchange with Malkin
• Schneider: Kerry a “Military Hero” Who Is Victim of a “Smear”...and more!
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Democratic National
Convention Coverage
By 12-to-1 DC Reporters Prefer Kerry Over Bush
Brokaw Complains About
MRC, with video
Rather to Kerry: Angry at Attacks from Vietnam-Avoiding Bush?
Polls Prove Journalists More Liberal Than Public
Chided Cheney in 2000, Applauded Edwards in 2004
The Media Versus Ronald Reagan
2004 MRC DisHonors
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