August 24, 2004


Tired of the Swift Boat controversy? Sick of Looking for someone to blame for all of the 527 organizations cropping up all over the place and issuing more charges and countercharges than people are able to keep track of?

Then look no further.

Posted by Pejman Yousefzadeh at August 24, 2004 08:59 PM | TrackBack

Even though I lean right and Bush has been on the receiving end of the 527 onslaught, I have a hard time reconciling ones right to free speech and the Federal efforts at "reform" which place restrictions on free speech.

I believe that as long as government's reach is so broad that it's actions pick financial winners and losers, individuals will have a great stake in any outcome. Money will flow. If only smaller government was an option.

The only real reform should be disclose, disclose, disclose. Who gave the money and how much. And let's eliminate the contribution limits as well. No one can buy their way into office, right Mr. Forbes?

Posted by: Gary B at August 24, 2004 11:24 PM

I also wonder how effective some the more outlandish adds will be. I don't watch a lot of television (not even PBS unless it's about black holes), just a lot of movies, so I have been spared the pleasure of seeing these efforts. If they are anything like the early DNC efforts after the election of Bush regarding arsinic in the drinking water, these guys should save their money. They just look foolish and the public will tune them out.

Posted by: Gary B at August 25, 2004 07:27 PM

Gary, the second SBVT ad is literally irrefutable and gut-wrenching. Script of the ad here.

Posted by: Robin Roberts at August 25, 2004 10:22 PM
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