Flying for Fallujah

Read why here  hat tip: Dana

Recommended Reading

August 23, 2004
0 Blogging Brothers (and Sisters)
 - Dan LeRoy
August 20, 2004
0 When Will Russia Say 'Sorry'?
 - Mart Laar
August 17, 2004
0 Confirmed: Environmental Laws Killed Columbia Crew
August 09, 2004
0 The greatest human rights tragedy of our time
 - Mike S. Adams
0 Liberals can't level
 - Thomas Sowell
0 Taking the microphone
 - Rich Tucker
0 In Vietnam today
 - Jeff Jacoby
August 07, 2004
0 The Black Vote
August 04, 2004
0 Kerry's lost chance.
 - David Broder
0 Why Bush is going to win.
 - Zev Chafets
August 02, 2004
0 Interview With Chris Muir
 - Bernard Chapin
0 Enlisting in wartime
 - Michael A. Lindenberger
July 31, 2004
1 See Y'All in New York
 - Zell Miller
0 Marines give Kerry the cold shoulder
 - Blogs for Bush

Recent entries

August 26, 2004
What Is The New Yorkese Word For Chad?
Kerry '71
Two-Letter Words
August 25, 2004
August 24, 2004
Ant(e)i Meme, Ante(i) Meme!
August 23, 2004
Over The BrainBow
August 22, 2004
More Kerry Questions
August 21, 2004
Do your worst
August 20, 2004
Press Wrinkled
August 19, 2004
Eye of the storm!
Howdy, Neighbor!
August 18, 2004
Fraturnus Pro Causa
August 17, 2004
Media Bias Exposed
August 15, 2004
Sign The 180, Senator!

Recent comments

Richard: I posted at 5:37pm to thi
Richard: David, anyone that the le
David LaBedz: LOL, thank you for the in
credit cards uk: credit cards uk are cool
Patton: Via a circuitous route (w
Chris: That the Swift Boat vets
Chris: Don't bother deleting the
Timothy102: I respect you for standin
Chris: Interesting observation -
Thebastidge: I had to think for a minu
Chris: My power to harness vague
Richard: Chris, you might find thi
Steve: Thanks for the comments G
George: I think you misunderstood

Recent trackbacks

GOP Running Racist James Hart For Congress
The Bush Blogosphere Reacts To Kerry's Speech
Zell Miller on Why He Skipped Boston
The Bush Blogosphere Reacts To Kerry's Speech
NAACP backlash
Having Yellowcake and Eating It Too
On behalf of all of us, 'You're welcome.'
Of Course We Are
Live Fisking
Reagan Tributes Worth Reading
Reagan Tributes Worth Reading


Entertainment and Sports
Foreign Affairs
Internet and Blogging
Law and Ethics
Liberty and Democracy
Lies, Corruption and Scandals
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Recommended Reading
War and Terrorism

Day By DayŠ by Chris Muir.
"With malice toward none..."

August 26, 2004

What Is The New Yorkese Word For Chad?

I am reminded of the old Firesign Theatre lyrical question; "how can you be in two places at once, when you're really nowhere at all?"

Of the 46,000 registered in both states, 68% are Democrats, 12% are Republicans and 16% didn't claim a party.

Posted in Law and Ethics by Richard at 07:42 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Two-Letter Words


The following comment was left by M Simon at the above linked site.

"There is a big difference between William Calley and John Kerry. William Calley is a proven war criminal. For John Kerry we only have his word as an officer and a gentleman."

August 25, 2004


The stranger seated next to me at the lunch counter shared an interesting rumor. Seems that he has heard that during the Republican Convention, Bush will call for a flat tax. The restaurant owner scoffed, saying that the accountants would go out of business. Actually, (If I were feeling ambitious I would supply a link here, but what good are rumors supported by references?), the CPAs have supposedly endorsed a flat tax, seems they believe they can make more money doing financial planning.

I can not tell you where I heard that SUVs are secretly planning a counter protest against the anti-RNC protestors in NYC. Word is that the owners of the environment destroying, people hating vehicles are not, I repeat, are not aware of the plans being hatched by their own transportation devices. The owners are none the less responsible for whatever actions are taken by the SUVs, chain of command, you know. The bu(i)ck doesn't stop where the rubber meets the road! Of course the SUVs have the potential to wipe out the entire population of NYC if they are not restrained. The omni-directional emission of deadly gaseous toxins will do untold damage to non-combatants even if the SUVs are sober enough to target only their intended foe with their main weapon, which the manufacturer calls a bumper. It will be hell to pay for bumper, thumper and the gentle as a rabbit peace protestors if this plan goes forward.

Posted in Politics by Richard at 08:14 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

August 24, 2004

Ant(e)i Meme, Ante(i) Meme!

You assert that I have learned that the Iraq war Was wrong by something called "induction" and that this explains, or justifies, or something, how your conclusion can differ without creating any problems. In reality I have done no such thing (from what, exactly, do you think I "induced" the wrongevity of the Iraq war?); the notion of "induction" and all that it connotes is simply unrecognizable as anything remotely approximating or even resembling the thought processes by which I have learned the Truth that the Iraq was war WROGN!.

A parody site based solely on one joke, the left does not reason, can't possibly have staying power; can it?

Or is it a parody at all, they seem sincere when they say, (taken from his "About I" page. Btw this use of parentheses is one of the signature characteristics of this site, along with bad speling and badgrammer, and improper use of capital letters. At leest, that is wat i beleave, and donut tri to talk (resun) ) meo ut fo that postion).

At 11:27 PM, Anonymous said... A parody? Only the hating mind of a Repulblican could come up with that! Is it beyond your moral calcuas that the WAR was RONG! Everything else is secondary! Even breathing. Especially breathing!

I can't imagine that I will visit this site often, but it is good to know that somebody is chronicling these all too familiar earmarks of the internet active looney left. If it gets around that this site is a parody expect it to be hit by a hacker who will replace the "Proprietor's" screed with what the left really believes; but then how will we know that a change in message has occurred?

One final note, Steve and Chris once conspired to create a site like TIWWWB, but found that they could not write like the LLLs without losing the ability to think and had the sense to abandon the project before permanent damage set in.

hat tip: On The Third Hand

August 23, 2004

Over The BrainBow

The strawman, it isn't just for debates anymore.

Posted in Politics by Richard at 07:18 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

August 22, 2004

More Kerry Questions

Since John Kerry refuses, until he wins (pardon me while I stifle my laughter).........., (back), to tell us his plans for Iraq, the economy, Homeland Security, and all of the other real-time issues; we are left to examine only his record. Now, then with regard to his Senate record, his self proclaimed accomplishments are.........(searching)...............(they must be here somewhere)............(still searching).............,(enough), apparently he is not claiming his Senate career achievements among his qualifications for President. Let's try his accomplishments in the private sector,........(searching).............(married rich woman, divorced, married an even richer woman)............(continuing search for pertinent claimed achievement).............(nevermind), it seems he has not established a record worthy of bragging about in the private sector. Well, he has talked about his military career; but somehow he has failed to mention that while still in the service he also protested against our country, including Senate testimony that disgraced our soldiers, and his secret meetings with our enemy!

I wonder why he hasn't made more mention of this in his resume? I wonder why we haven't been granted access to his military records (sign the 180, Senator), or been given a transcript of his private meeting with the communist North Vietnamese government officials while we were at war with them?

What else are you hiding, Senator, your Irish heritage? Tell us please, other than your four months service in Vietnam (35 years ago, and with disputed significance anyway), why should we elect you President? What have you done since VN that makes you worth consideration? What plans for our future do you have, (in detail, Senator)? Give us one reason, (other than, you are not Bush, that one only works for the Bushaters) why you should, even could, be President? And, while you are finally intorducing yourself, why shouldn't we consider you AWOL form the reserve duty, why shouldn't we consider you to have given comfort and aid to the enemy, why should we believe anything you say?

August 21, 2004

Do your worst

Some may have noticed that I had re-enabled comments after I came back from Charleyville, hoping that perhaps the spammers had found a life and moved on. Of course they hadn't.

But I've found a neat plug-in for MT that we're going to try using to work around the problem. If you see any comment spam or trackback spam, please be patient while I play with the plug-in and try to excise it. If you get an error while you're using the comments and you can't figure out why (or you think your comment is legit), please let me know.

UPDATE: We got hit with our first attack, and the plug-in is very easy to use. Better yet, I was able to configure it to filter out this "bob" craphead who's been doing most of the spamming. Buh-bye bob!

August 20, 2004

Press Wrinkled

Someday, some way; how sweet it would be. Meanwhile, the MSM monopoly is challenged to keep pace with bloggers.

August 19, 2004

Eye of the storm!

As Chris has stated, our little corner of the world was slapped around pretty good last Friday afternoon (the 13th no less!). Chris, Rick, and I all survived relatively unscathed, with Chris getting the worst of it. Unfortunately, not everyone was as lucky as we were. As bad as the pictures look, the reality is even worse. Those images are 2D and flat, and you cannot smell the rotting food and sea water, and you definitely cannot feel the heat and humidity. And what no one can imagine is how utterly cut-off people feel... no phone, no TV, no power, no toilets, no drinking water.

Going to the beach is a favorite pastime around here... but it's not so good when the beach comes to you! Reality TV is fun to watch, but not everyone wants to be a contestant on Survivor! But that is exactly what people are dealing with.

I know this is an election year and we have often urged you all to contribute to the GWB reelection efforts, but the people affected by Hurricane Charley could really use any help that anyone can provide. And if you cannot afford to donate, that's OK... prayers can be given for free and will be greatly appriciated!

Posted in History by Steve at 11:01 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Howdy, Neighbor!

I regret that I've been unable to post anything recently, but I'm proud to say my homework was eaten by something slightly bigger than my puppydog. The absence, of course, was caused by the recent visit of everyone's favorite party-crasher, Hurricane Charley. At first, we were without power, but since Sunday my main complaint has been the lack of an Internet connection. Now that this has been rectified, I'm glad to finally have the opportunity to pop up from my hiding place and report that I've met someone with even more hot air than yours truly.

While Charley himself left a trail of devastation in his wake, he did give some of us the excuse to finally say a few words to and get to know our neighbors. And while we had power but no 'net, my daughter whittled away some time by digitally weaving a montage of pictures of our post-cyclone homestead, with an appropriate musical accompaniment. (Broadband recommended for download, since it's around 4 MB.)

Posted in Science by Chris at 02:32 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

August 18, 2004

Fraturnus Pro Causa

With that headline, thus is revealed my, fractured, self taught, attempt at Latin. Intending to mean something close to, cousins with shared motives. We are glad that they are being recognized.

August 17, 2004

Media Bias Exposed

Are you old enough to remember what the news media was like when they employed reporters where they now employ partisan shills? Read to the comparison reporting on this page for a taste of non-partisan reporting.

"Today the Washington Post prints one of those articles that drive conservatives like me crazy. The article, a front-page news analysis titled Kerry Put On Defensive About Iraq, just drips with sympathy for Kerry. But I don't find any clear misstatements of fact in the piece. The bias is in the way it's worded, starting with the very first paragraph:"

And, note, I said "non" partisan, not bi-partisan. Once we expected our papers to not take sides, or at least when they did, they had the honesty to place their bias in the opinion section. Now they report their opinion as news.

Posted in Politics by Richard at 10:35 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

August 15, 2004

Sign The 180, Senator!

Curiouser and curiouser.

Did the Rev. David Alston, a man who spoke about his experiences aboard Kerry's craft during Vietnam, even serve with Kerry?

The only problem with the above statements is they are deceiving and can be shown to be false. Evidence shows David Alston could not have been a crew member under Sen. Kerry, nor could he have participated in combat operations with Sen. Kerry because they were assigned to two different boats. From December 14, 1968 to January 29, 1969 Sen. Kerry commanded the PCF-44 while David Alston was the Gunner onboard the PCF-94 under Lt.(jg) Peck. On January 29, 1969 both Peck and Alston were wounded and hospitalized. We know Alston was wounded on this date because his casualty report was made available briefly by the Kerry Campaign before it was curiously removed.
(Official Navy Casualty Report for David Alston)

This story is also being covered extensively at Captain's Quarters. There are still questions to be answered, but the evidence in hand makes this one look very shaky for Kerry. Capt. Ed provides evidence that the Kerry campaign has already taken credit for action which Kerry did not participate in, because he had not taken command of the boat at that time, and he was actually serving on a different boat on those dates.

Expect the Demoncats to decry the timing of these patriots noticing these falsehoods only after the Kerry campaign made the claims, and not before. Will they also add claims of racism because of Alston's color? Will they claim that the Navy was racist because Alston was the only, supposed, crew member of the 1/29/69 action not to receive commendation for his, supposed, action on that date? Did you even know that Kerry had served in Vietnam? And why did Haliburton convince the first JFK to enter Vietnam, there has been no oil discovered there?

Sign The Petition For Senator Kerry to open up and fork over his Medical and Service records

Posted in Politics by Richard at 08:25 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

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