Lovely LJ Ladies' Journal
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Below are the 18 most recent journal entries recorded in Lovely LJ Ladies' LiveJournal:

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    Saturday, October 23rd, 2004
    10:24 pm
    Song lyrics
    The lyrics really have nothing to do with anything, but the song just has a sad sound to it.

    Special by Garbage

    I'm living without you
    I know all about you
    I have run you down into the ground
    Spread disease about you over town
    I used to adore you
    I couldn't control you
    There was nothing that I wouldn't do
    To keep myself around and close to you
    Do you have an opinoin?
    A mind of your own?
    I thought you were special
    I thought you should know
    But I've run out of patience
    I couldn't care less
    Do you have an opinoin?
    A mind of your own?
    I thought you were special
    I thought you should know
    I used amuse you
    I knew that I'd lose you
    Now you're here and beggin for a chance
    But there's no way in hell I'd take you back
    Do you have an opinoin?
    A mind of your own
    I thought you were special
    I thought you should know
    But I've run out of patience
    I've run out of comments
    I'm tired of the violence
    I couldn't care less
    I'm lookin for a new
    I'm lookin for a new
    I'm lookin for a new
    I'm lookin for a new
    We were the talk of the town
    We were the talk of the town
    We were the talk of the town
    We were the talk of the town
    I thought you were special
    I thought you were special
    I thought you were special
    I thought you were specail

    Current Mood: sad
    Current Music: Special by Garbage

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    Thursday, October 21st, 2004
    6:14 pm
    Vote Kerry
    You preferred Bush's statements 22% of the time
    You preferred Kerry's statements 78% of the time

    Voting purely on the issues you should vote Kerry

    Who would you vote for if you voted on the issues?

    Find out now!

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    6:35 pm
    Hey :-)
    Hey guys! my names Teresa n I need some friends on LJ. add me, I always add ya right back! i'll put some info about me under the cut, but if you want to see some pics of me go to or

    Read more... )

    Current Mood: hopeful

    (8 thoughts | share your thoughts)

    6:35 pm
    Hey :-)
    Hey guys! my names Teresa n I need some friends on LJ. add me, I always add ya right back! i'll put some info about me under the cut, but if you want to see some pics of me go to or

    Read more... )

    Current Mood: hopeful

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    Tuesday, October 19th, 2004
    6:09 pm
    Hey I saw this community and I decided to join on a whim. Why not, right? Right! Well, my name is Jenilee, I'm 17, from Illinois. I really don't have much to say right now because I have to work on some things for college (oh how exciting), but I'd really just like to talk to some other people so just drop me a line anytime. I'll write more later. Adios

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Let's Get Retarded by Black Eyed Peas

    (2 thoughts | share your thoughts)

    3:43 pm
    Hey gals!!!

    I just found this community and decided to join. So I thought a little introduction was in order.

    My name is Julie, I'm 25 years old, Brazilian and currently single because my lame ass ex-bf is a coward immature bastard! I'm sure I'm not the first girl to wake up one morning and find out that her bf has been possessed by some creepy demon.... and sadly I know I won't be the last!

    Well, any of you want to friend my LJ, feel free. If you want to comment here and help me rage against these boys who think they're all manly, I'll love that too!!! If you're curious to know the details about that... I'll tell you... I just don't want to spam the community!

    I'm just looking forward to making new friends!


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    Sunday, October 10th, 2004
    12:55 am
    [Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<ljcomm=goodlookin123>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

    Are you Hot and sexy? well i bet we will agree too.

    Join <ljcomm=goodlookin123>

    JOIN TODAY! first 10 to join will get a automatic membership.

    (1 thought | share your thoughts)

    Sunday, October 3rd, 2004
    8:38 pm

    October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!!

    PLEASE take a moment of your time to click HERE!

    Together we can make a difference!!

    I am posting this in this community because I consider it to be relevant or maybe even only semi-relevant. If you have a problem with that, please contact me and be respectful. Tell me why I should delete it. Angry notes only make you seem bitchy and insensitive and have absolutely no effect on me. Let's all get along, okay? If I overlook some rule that bans this kind of post, it wasn't intentional. One more thing, although I think this is pretty obvious, this is cross posted.

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    Tuesday, September 21st, 2004
    5:57 pm
    Join today!!! <3

    Come join one of the best rating communities out there! <3


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    Friday, September 17th, 2004
    4:06 pm
    A new community to check out and be one of the first to join...

    This community is for anyone interested in keeping up with the latest trends and fashions before most…

    Consists of the top runway outfit of the season, monthly make-up styles, list of styles, trendy decorations, book, purse, gossip, shoes, jewelry, holiday items, “the look for less,” outfit selections to veer to while shopping, recipe, fragrances, top name brands, cosmetics/spa/beauty supplies…..

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    Thursday, September 16th, 2004
    10:14 pm
    hey everyone i'm a 21 female from boston massachusetts i love all sorts of music mostly punk and rock i like to sing anything else u want to know is most likely on myinfo page so read it and add me if u like

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: artificial red-mad season

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    Tuesday, September 7th, 2004
    11:41 pm
    Autumn May
    Just whoring around and wanted to invite some new LJ pals.

    Add me - I always add ya back. <3

    Current Mood: accomplished

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    Thursday, September 2nd, 2004
    12:56 am
    im new
    hey.. im 17, born in california but now i live in the type of girl who puts my friends frist above all.. umm ive had a rough year with an ex boyfriend and a family death. i think thats it for now. i update my journal alot, so if u add me and comment on mine, i will deifnitly comment on urs. bye!

    Current Mood: moody
    Current Music: My Chemical Romance-It's Not Okay(I Promise)

    (3 thoughts | share your thoughts)

    Tuesday, August 31st, 2004
    8:30 pm
    I Love Being an LJ Slut
    My name is Melissa and I'm 21...I am a junior at Southeast Missouri State majoring in Psychology. I am from St. Louis, and love it there! I have an apartment with my best friend of 11 years, Jen. I also have a boyfriend, DJ, who goes to college in St. Louis.

    I have a pretty interesting life...there's hardly ever a dull moment.

    I like: drinking, my boyfriend, hanging out with friends, listening to music, going to the casino, movies.....

    I dislike: Homophobics, racists....I basically don't have tolerance for intolerance.........

    So, to sum up, ADD ME!

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    Monday, August 30th, 2004
    11:39 am
    and then there were the tramps...

    "Girls may be called 'sluts' for any number of reasons, including being outsiders, early developers, victims of rape, targets of others' revenge. Often the label has nothing to do with sex -- the girls simply do not fit in."

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    7:58 am
    [info]female_friends - add me community for females (guys may join as well if they want more female friends)

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    Friday, August 20th, 2004
    2:08 am
    random facts about me,

    my name is Bre
    I am 16
    I live in IL
    I need friends
    i have had a broken heart
    i will comment
    read my journal, if u like it add me, either comment on there or on here and i will add you right back. i will comment on your journal as well :D
    comment whatever u want on my journal, i want honest opinons.
    <33 Bre

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    Wednesday, August 18th, 2004
    9:50 pm
    Join puhlease.. <3

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