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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in juubou's LiveJournal:

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    Sunday, March 21st, 2004
    1:22 pm
    Fick mich, du miserabler Hurensohn
    du miserabler Hurenson
    Fick mich, du miserabler hurensohn

    Streck ihn aus
    Streck aus deinen heißen gelockten

    Streck ihn aus
    Streck aus deinen heißen gelockten
    Streck ihn aus
    Streck aus deinen heißen gelockten Schwanz


    Mach es sehr schnell
    Rein und raus
    Magisches Schwein
    Mach es sehr schnell
    Rein und raus
    Magisches Schwein

    Bis es spritzt, spritzt, spritzt Feuer!
    Bis es spritzt, spritzt, spritzt Feuer!

    Aber beklecker nicht das Sofa, Sofa!
    Aber beklecker nicht das Sofa, Sofa!
    Aber beklecker nicht das Sofa, Sofa!
    Aber beklecker nicht das Sofa, Sofa!
    Tuesday, January 20th, 2004
    9:17 am
    Sign the petition at: http://webstew.com/nonafta/join.php or visit http://webstew.com/nonafta/.

    Dear lawmakers,

    Of the people, by the people and for the people!

    Those words have very little meaning to our congress and president. They were once the foundation of our system of government. They were the vision of our founding fathers and the reality of this great land for three centuries. But the dream of the founding fathers is now a fading memory and those basic principles of government have been replaced by a new system of government: OF THE CORPORATIONS, BY THE CORPORATIONS AND FOR THE CORPORATIONS!

    We the people of the United States of America are here to remind you that you are the employees of the American people. You have been hired to perform a job. That job is to represent us, the American people; not the corporations who finance your campaigns. At this time there is little evidence that you are performing the job you are being paid to do. Therefore we have no choice but to terminate your employment on the eve of the next election. Unless you redeem yourselves in the eyes of the American people, you will not be back for another term. You will be voted out of office. All attempts to manipulate the minds of Americans by corporate control of the media propaganda machine will fail. The corporations who call the shots have overlooked one important thing: we are Americans. We are the descendants of the patriots who forged the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of independence. How shallow of the greedy corporations for them to think that they can control us. We don't need the propaganda of the corporate media and we don't need the politicians that have become nothing more than "agents" of the corporations. We will ignore the sanitized infotainment that is pawned off on us as news and we will vote all corporate agents out of office.

    Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness! Those are the "rights" of every American. They are not privileges; they are RIGHTS!.

    Life has been taken away from many to fight unjust and unjustified wars. This is a violation of the constitution and the principles that this great country was founded on. THE IRAQ WAR IS AN INSULT TO GOD! It is an abomination brought forth by the agents of the corporations who allowed a misguided president to deceive a country.

    Liberty is being taken away from us in the form of The Patriot Act and yet we are no safer now than we were on Sept. 10, 2001. In fact we are in even greater danger. Our Army which is supposed to defend us is scattered to the four corners of the globe, our borders are wide open to terrorists and the whole world despises us. Those countries that once pledged to help us in the fight against terrorism now disdain us and will no longer cooperate with us.

    The pursuit of happiness has been taken away from us! Is there a more basic right than the right to feed, house and clothe our families? The right to be able to find the means to support our families has been stripped away from us by the insane, anti-American trade agreements.

    I the undersigned hereby request that you sponsor and support legislation to achieve the following goals:

    1.Sponsor, promote, encourage and support legislation that will ensure that the United States of America maintains an independent identity and that we are not assimilated into any international alliance of nations.

    2.Complete and total withdrawal from NAFTA, WTO, GATT, GATS.

    3.Elimination of temporary work visas, such as the H1B visas.

    4.Enforce and increase import tariffs on hard goods.

    5.Implement and enforce new tariffs on electronic imports of soft goods and services.

    6.Implement tax incentives for businesses that produce goods and services inside the United States

    7.Sponsor, promote, encourage and support legislation to strengthen the "Made in USA" label.

    8.Bring our troops home so that they can do what it was intended that they do, that is, defend the United States of America.

    9.Vow never again to engage in any war unless we are attacked or if war is declared on us or if we must defend ourselves.

    10.Treat our military with the respect they deserve, that is, INCREASE rather than decrease their benefits and pay and above all, increase their disability benefits after they have sacrificed so much.

    11.Impose strict rules on media monopolization. Repeal the June 2003, anti-American act that enabled and encouraged the propaganda disease to borough deeper into the soul of America.

    12.Protect and secure our borders from illegal immigration and possible smuggling by terrorists.

    Tuesday, November 25th, 2003
    10:18 am
    Should your mental health records be available to the "Church" of Scientology?
    NY/NJ/CT residents who have health insurance through Oxford Health Plans, you should be aware of the following facts:

    Oxford Health Plans has released your private psychiatric information to the Church of Scientology.

    At some point before 27 Sep 2003, Oxford Health Plans (NYSE: OHP) hired an outside firm, known as "Audit Review Services" to conduct an audit of insurance claims submitted by psychiatric doctors in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut[1]. Audit Review Services (ARS) has claimed that many claims submitted by these psychiatrists have violated standards for acceptable documentation, and through Oxford, have submitted bills requesting reimbursement from these medical practices, accusing them of fradulently submitting claims.

    Oxford requested that psychiatrists then submit all available patient information including therapy notes and more, in order for the psychiatry practice to avoid "owing" Oxford for these charges. When psychiatrists requested copies of signed patient release forms authorizing the release of this information, Oxford refused to provide them, claiming that the insured's enrollment form authorized Oxford to receive this information.

    When at least one psychiatrist refused to turn over additional information, Oxford filed a complaint with the New York State Department of Health Office of Professional Medical Conduct, with chief medical officer Alan Muney telling Psychiatric News "Providers who fail to provide us copies of patient medical records could be penalized for misconduct under New York state's education law."[2] The state Department of Health later clarified this in a memo to managed care companies stating that turning over this information without patient consent is a violation of state law.

    Now, this all just sounds like a typical HMO extortion racket, doesn't it?

    But let's look a little deeper. Who is "Audit Review Services"?

    David Morse & Assosciates (YYUTWOUSBD)
       2705 Media Centre Dr
       Los Angles, CA 90065
       Domain Name: AUDITREVIEW.COM
       Administrative Contact:
          David Morse & Assosciates  (NHRCXTDSTO)		dmara@davidmorse.com
          2705 Media Centre Dr
          Los Angles, CA 90065
          323 342 6800
       Technical Contact:
          Network Solutions, Inc.  (HOST-ORG)		customerservice@networksolutions.com
          21355 Ridgetop Circle
          Dulles, VA 20166
          1-888-642-9675 fax: 571-434-4620
       Record expires on 21-May-2005.
       Record created on 21-May-2002.
       Database last updated on 19-Nov-2003 12:44:52 EST.
       Domain servers in listed order:

    See also: Google: audit review services david morse

    Audit Review Services is David Morse and Associates.

    David Morse and Associates is Duke Snider and Henning Heldt.

    Snider, Morse, Heldt - all involved in Operation Snow White

    NOW YOU KNOW. Audit Review Services is a Scientology front illicitly gaining access to mental health records and attempting to extort money from psychiatrists, a profession they are not very fond of in the first place, believing instead mental disorders may be handled through Scientology courses. This is an absolute conflict of interest, horribly unethical, and likely criminal.

    Ref: New York Times 27 Sep 2003 "Insurer Seeks Return of Fees for Therapy"

    [1] Psychiatric News "Insurer Alleges Billing Improprieties, Demands Repayment From Psychiatrists" names Audit Review Services
    [2] Psychiatric News "State Limits Insurer Access to Psychiatry Records"
    Monday, August 4th, 2003
    7:46 pm
    Texas Straight Talk: "Neo-conned", By Congressman Ron Paul, MD

    The modern-day, limited-government movement has been co-opted. The
    conservatives have failed in their effort to shrink the size of
    government. There has not been, nor will there soon be, a conservative
    revolution in Washington. Political party control of the federal
    government has changed, but the inexorable growth in the size and scope
    of government has continued unabated. The liberal arguments for limited
    government in personal affairs and foreign military adventurism were
    never seriously considered as part of this revolution.

    Since the change of the political party in charge has not made a
    difference, who's really in charge? If the particular party in power
    makes little difference, whose policy is it that permits expanded
    government programs, increased spending, huge deficits, nation building
    and the pervasive invasion of our privacy, with fewer Fourth Amendment
    protections than ever before?

    Someone is responsible, and it's important that those of us who love
    liberty, and resent big-brother government, identify the philosophic
    supporters who have the most to say about the direction our country is
    going. If they're wrong-and I believe they are-we need to show it, alert
    the American people, and offer a more positive approach to government.
    However, this depends on whether the American people desire to live in a
    free society and reject the dangerous notion that we need a strong
    central government to take care of us from the cradle to the grave. Do
    the American people really believe it's the government's responsibility
    to make us morally better and economically equal? Do we have a
    responsibility to police the world, while imposing our vision of good
    government on everyone else in the world with some form of utopian
    nation building? If not, and the enemies of liberty are exposed and
    rejected, then it behooves us to present an alternative philosophy that
    is morally superior and economically sound and provides a guide to world
    affairs to enhance peace and commerce.
    Read more... )
    Tuesday, July 22nd, 2003
    3:00 pm
    Please feel free to send the Stratfor Weekly to a friend or colleague.

    21 July 2003

    by Dr. George Friedman

    U.S. Strategy: Perception vs. Deception


    The Bush administration's continued unwillingness to enunciate a coherent picture of the strategy behind the war against al Qaeda -- which explains the war in Iraq -- could produce a dangerous domino effect. Lurking in the shadows is the not fully articulated perception that the Iraq war not only began in deception but that planning for the Iraq war was incompetent -- a perception driven by the realization that the United States is engaged in a long-term occupation and guerrilla war in Iraq, and the belief that the United States neither expected nor was prepared for this. Ultimately, this perception could erode Bush's support base, cost him the presidency and, most seriously, lead to defeat in the war against al Qaeda.

    Read more... )
    Tuesday, July 15th, 2003
    2:32 pm
    Why not? Uncle Al will just have more printed.

    Man Burns Money to Protest Interest Rates / Associated Press

    HONG KONG - A man decided he literally had money to burn and angrily set fire to thousands of dollars in cash because his savings had earned virtually no bank interest.
    Newspapers and officials said Tuesday that Chan Pak-yu, 63, burned 22,000 Hong Kong dollars (US$2,800) to protest interest rates that have fallen to near zero.
    He was outraged when he realized his nest egg of HK$346,580.05 (US$44,400) had generated only HK$17.50 (US$2.24) at the Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp. over the past six months, the South China Morning Post reported.
    On Monday Chan withdrew all but 5 Hong Kong cents (0.6 U.S. cents) and started burning the cash, according to the Oriental Daily News.
    Read more... )
    Wednesday, July 2nd, 2003
    5:24 pm
    The Honorable Joseph Lieberman on the Dietary Supplement Safety Act
    I wrote to Senator Lieberman a few months ago, expressing my opposition to the Dietary Supplement Safety Act and the possibilities it opens to further reduce our choices when it comes to our medical decisions. Here is his response. I am not particularly concerned about ephedra (though its indication as a bronchodilator has been useful to me in the past), but the part that bothers me is granting the FDA authority to have products pulled from the market solely on the basis of ephemeral "adverse health effects", a reason which has proven to be of little concern when it comes to mercury-laden childhood vaccinations or anything else that could negatively impact the big pharmaceutical companies, who I should note are some of Senator Lieberman's largest campaign contributors. Sure, it's all about protecting humans, so long as humans is limited to "Senator Lieberman's heavy contributing big pharma special interest groups".

    His response follows.

    Read more... )
    10:09 am
    What went wrong? What can we do about it? A rant.

    All branches of the United States government have lost their way. Instead of serving the people and the states, the government has become a massive, self-reinforcing hydra of bureaucracy, incompetence, and malfeasance.

    Every self-serving speech by a Gephardt announcing his intent to overthrow the Supreme Court by Presidential fiat if elected, every misleading statement from a Bush or Lieberman about the "grave threat" posed to us by Iraq, every hysterical "protect the children" campaign to limit the free speech and free association rights of adults to those expressions sanitized and mass-produced by the Waltons and Disneys of the country...

    Each of these is one more sign of what has gone wrong. We serve no god but the next quarterly profit numbers, or the next election, or the next special interest PAC group, or the next shrill busybody trying to tell us what we should and shouldn't do, say, think, hear, feel, smoke, drink or eat.

    Our government is a gargantuan leech nestled snugly to our carotid, secure in knowing that they have the power to kill us, lock us up, tax us into poverty, force-medicate us, or just provide a steady diet of fossil fuels, "reality" television shows, mortgage death-grip wage-slavery and perpetual victimhood, never to wake up and realize that every one of us is truly free and can tear off the suckers at any point.

    We redefine and create words, to expand their scope and increase the reactive sense of anxiety in those who hear them without considering the source: terrorist, eco-terrorist, treason, traitor, patriot, decency, drugs, militia.

    Of course, if we keep the people numb from medications and alcohol they won't notice. Ritalin for the kids that don't sit and endure their "diversity" brainwashing (another end in itself), Medicare taxes for the young and middle-aged to pay for the expensive drugs the seniors may need. Drugs that are so expensive solely because of the massive marketing campaigns, lobbying money, and the simple fact that the government will make sure the drug companies get all the money they want, even if it comes from the paychecks of those who don't use their products.

    Let's also make it illegal to go to Canada and get the same drugs there for less than half the cost, that must be forbidden. We must support America! By outsourcing all of our technical jobs to India for $5/day, giving those jobs we can't outsource to H1-B slaves at half the market cost, by sending all of our manufacturing to Mexico where we don't have to deal with pesky environmental laws.

    Then they wonder why we don't spend. Then the Federal Reserve begins to suggest a tax on savings, as if their debasement of the money supply over the last seventy years hasn't already been enough of a tax on savers. This is the extra-governmental Federal Reserve, of course, that same one that has illegally usurped Congressional authority to coin money only of gold and silver, and replaced it with fiat debt currency and fractional reserve accounting and treasury bonds and any number of ridiculous shenanigans intended purely to distract, confuse, and deflect from the fact that our economy is a house of cards atop a pile of debt large enough to collapse inward into a black hole of deflation while the indebted "consumers" that have freely given up their status as "citizens" are ground into soylent green beneath the boots of JP Morgan, Chase Manhattan, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and Alan Greenspan.

    But the cure for every ill is another government program, another socialist scheme to give a meager existence to the impoverished masses in order to buy their votes as they seethe with rage against the "haves" that are a fictional construct of the Republican/Democrat reality-tunnel, created to engender just that sense of competition and jealousy that distracts us from the criminal looting of our wealth, rights, freedom, civil liberties and quality of life. Earned Income Tax Credits, $300 "rebate" checks that you should "go out and spend" instead of putting in the bank at 0.9% interest while the bank then uses the 10% reserve rule to turn that $300 into $3000 of arbitrarily created debt money which they then loan out at usurious rates to anyone fool enough to ask, which must then be paid for only with further debt money.

    This is the essence of wage-slavery. This is why people are working 60 hour weeks with no overtime, why employees are settling for "exempt" status when they are clearly not, simply because they need that next paycheck so that they can keep treading water on their debtberg.

    They do it because they can. We are mindless sheep to them, naught but consumers and human resources to be exploited, conned and connived into buying their poorly made, overpriced junk, made in Taiwan at 1/100th of the price, just to keep the system going.

    Don't think you can hide - the government wants to know if you are moving any large amounts of money around. After all, if you are a good subject, you would be spending that money, therefore you must be a terrorist and through Know Your Customer laws and no-knock warrants and the PATRIOT Act they will find you and get you. You will be rehabilitated, at a taxpayer-supported private prison (thus completing the loop by making sure that somebody in The Game is still making money from your noncompliance), surrounded by dangerous potheads in for decades, squirming away from the new fish rapists that will be gone in three to eight.

    No, you can't buy a house and get off the grid either, you've got property tax and stormwater runoff tax and car tax and sales tax and everything else. They want to make sure that you keep playing their game and can't withdraw.

    No, you can't send your kids to college in hopes they will find a better life later, they're too white, you're not poor enough, colleges are here to promote diversity and self-esteem, not raise a generation capable of critical thinking that will see the manipulators behind the curtain. Just go to the lot and buy a new SUV instead -- no money down, no credit check even necessary. That and a case of beer and there will be woman hanging all over you, at least that's what the commercials being drilled into our eyes 24 hours a day keep saying. Consume, and be happy!

    I don't want to believe in conspiracies, but as I witness the systematic destruction of everything America was, at the hands of those who are allegedly "our elected representatives", how can there be another explanation? They are the self-perpetuating ruling class and cannot be expected to support or hasten the demise of this temporary situation.

    They have no power other than that which we give them by our compliance, acceptance and laziness. Voting can't change a thing, because we've already given the vote to anybody capable of making a little mark on a piece of paper, and if they can't figure out how to make the mark, that's okay too, because we will divine the intent of the voter to make sure that the system remains.

    If this is the country you want, you can have it. I don't want it.
    Saturday, June 28th, 2003
    10:38 am
    Howard Dean is our only hope to end the reign of Bush II next November.

    Admit it.
    Thursday, June 19th, 2003
    10:39 am
    It's the economy, asshat
    So the company I work for laid off about 80 people today, including some very good friends of mine. We're swirling further and further down the tubes while our worthless fucking government is spending their time keeping track of the books I get from the library, finding ways for the RIAA to destroy people's PCs, and lying their way into offensive wars.

    Fuck you, Bush. Fuck you to hell.

    Fuck you Greenspan, you debasing shit.

    Fuck you Lieberman, for serving Israel before Connecticut with your lies about Iraq.

    Fuck you Rowland and the broke shithole you're turning this state into.

    Fuck you, Rothberg, for having no fucking idea how to run a company.

    Friday, June 13th, 2003
    11:46 am
    This is why the US will never win a real war (because we're asshats)

    Californian Hacks Al-Jazeera Web Site
    Man Uses Pilfered Password, Redirects Surfers To Patriotic Home Page

    POSTED: 1:02 p.m. EDT June 12, 2003
    UPDATED: 1:11 p.m. EDT June 12, 2003
    LOS ANGELES -- You may not like it, but you're not allowed to hack it.

    A lot of Americans have problems with the Al-Jazeera Arab satellite television network, including senior members of the Bush administration.

    Still, U.S. officials maintain that hacking the network's Web site is illegal. Federal prosecutors charge that Southern California Web designer John William Racine broke into the site by using a pilfered password.

    Racine is accused of intercepting e-mail for Al-Jazeera.net for two days and rerouting Web surfers to a patriotic home page he designed. Racine is expected to plead guilty to federal charges of unlawful interception of an electronic communication and wire fraud.

    Copyright 2003 by The Associated Press.
    Wednesday, May 28th, 2003
    8:59 pm
    Tuesday, May 27th, 2003
    1:10 pm
    Be afraid, Connecticut, be very afraid
    Oh frabjous day, caloo, callay! I've been summoned for jury duty!

    Jurors should acquit, even against the judge's instruction... if exercising their judgement with discretion and honesty they have a clear conviction the charge of the court is wrong. -- Alexander Hamilton, 1804

    It is not only the juror's right, but his duty to find the verdict according to his own best understanding, judgement and conscience, though in direct opposition to the instruction of the court. --John Adams, 1771

    I consider trial by jury as the only anchor yet imagined by man by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution. -- Thomas Jefferson, 1789
    Thursday, May 22nd, 2003
    11:23 am
    I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night,
    Alive as you or me
    Says I, "But Joe, you're ten years dead,"
    "I never died," says he
    "I never died," says he

    "In Salt Lake, Joe" says I to him,
    Him standing by my bed,
    "They framed you on a murder charge,"
    Says Joe, "But I ain't dead,"
    Says Joe, "But I ain't dead."

    "The copper bosses killed you, Joe,
    They shot you, Joe," says I.
    "Takes more than guns to kill a man,"
    Says Joe, "I didn't die,"
    Says Joe, "I didn't die."

    And standing there as big as life
    And smiling with his eyes
    Joe says, "What they forgot to kill
    Went on to organize,
    Went on to organize."

    "Joe Hill ain't dead," he says to me,
    "Joe Hill ain't never died.
    Where working men are out on strike
    Joe Hill is at their side,
    Joe Hill is at their side."

    "From San Diego up to Maine,
    In every mine and mill,
    Where workers strike and organize,"
    Says he, "You'll find Joe Hill,"
    Says he, "You'll find Joe Hill."

    I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night,
    Alive as you or me
    Says I, "But Joe, you're ten years dead,"
    "I never died," says he
    "I never died," says he
    Thursday, May 1st, 2003
    7:26 pm
    Wednesday, April 23rd, 2003
    7:08 pm
    Bank runs in Philadelphia, and New York City.

    Latest SARS numbers - 251 dead of 4288 cases, 2032 recovered for a traditional mortality rate of 5.85%, or a deaths/(deaths+recoveries) mortality rate of 11%. Mutations reported in HK moving to the intestinal tract, hitting healthy 20-35 year olds.

    Bird flu jumping to humans in Holland and Belgium, also appearing in pigs.

    More oddities:

    If you haven't gotten the point yet, IT HAS BEGUN.
    Sunday, April 13th, 2003
    1:15 am
    just follow the link
    Thursday, April 10th, 2003
    8:47 am
    However, on religious issures there can be little or no compromise. There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or God, or Allah, or whatever one calls this supreme being. But like any powerful weapon, the use of God's name on one's behalf should be used sparingly. The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom. They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent. If you disagree with these religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both. I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in "A," "B," "C," and "D." Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of "conservatism."

    - Senator Barry Goldwater, from the Congressional Record, September 16, 1981
    Monday, March 24th, 2003
    2:43 pm
    File under "this is sucks": going through slrn scorefile to make it more efficient and do cleanups, and removing entries for those who have since died.

    I don't have the heart yet to do the same to ~/.mail_aliases or AIM buddy lists. Grah.
    9:54 am
    Seeing as the US Congress never declared war on Iraq, doesn't that make any American POWs over there "unlawful combatants" and therefore not subject to Geneva Convention protections?
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